Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-08-15 11:09:03 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

It's Not Safe to Leave The Abbey-Fate Of Marek TP

**My room doesn't always go on logger, but did get the log still, here it is...will also explain why Oz is a little...grumpy today ***


Oz- Papa Oz, Badger Mother of Redwall

Khisiko-Novice of Redwall or...former Novice

Blev- Old Grandma shrew to Kishiko-spoofed


Oz had taken the morning off to chat with the shrew, and so sat in a chair and waited.

Kishiko came walking in with a frown, beside a much older shrew with a hatefull  look on her face “ I demand answers right now and was told your in charge of the young ones.” The younger shrew frowned “Granny Blev...please don;t...” “I can yell if I must young lady!” The shrew just frowned, this was supposed to be happy finding her grandma among some beasts brought in to have safety, but this was ending up far from happy so far.

Oz arches an eyebrow “And you are? I am sorry I was simply told it was urgent and a meeting in my room was best, answers for what then, there has been a lot going on and with all the extra guests”

The older shrew studied the badger and shook her head “How does a blind caretaker even watch young ones. I am Kishiko grandmother and I was told a large bird could of well attacked her, why was she allowed outside if dangerous birds were around!”

Kishiko sighed “Grandma..Papa Oz isn't in charge of novices, I am a novice now and can well be on my own....”

“Then who is?!”

Oz sighs “Please calm down, I heard of the large bird and both Kishiko and Atvi was given a lecture, even though as she said another could of well spoken to her but it was I who was chosen to speak to both as both needed to hear the same words and I assure you I may be blind but I am fully capable of watching and caring for the dibbuns and sometimes I have taken on a couple novice whom are just starting but their care is usually passed onto another, yes I do have a couple that are 6 seasons and not yet  ready for novice training, other wise its 5 seasons and younger in my care”

The older shrew just folds her arms “And you have no right to give Kishiko a all and it seems this place is not safe and me and her are leaving”

Kishiko frowns “But grandma its dangerous outside the abbey”

Oz speaks “Your granddaughter is right  and as of right now no one is allowed to leave without written permission of the abbot”

The older shrew slams her paws onto the small round table and glares, not that he can see that and Kishiko frowns, “Oh is the abbey a slave compound now?”

Oz takes a deep breath “No” Ok he is getting just a little angry now “We are not it's for beasts safety”

Kishiko frowns more as her grandma says “Well your Abbot needs his head checked that's call slavery and I wont stand for it..Kishiko we are leaving NOW” and she storms off. Kisihiko whimpers and follows her grandma out to the open grounds and to the gates where the shrew argues with a couple guards as Kishiko watches.

Oz follows and snorts “I would advise you stay in the abbey for your safety”

“Shut up stripe dog!” The older shrew says as Kishiko gasps, that's like the worse insult ever.

Oz makes a fist and takes a couple deep breaths, turns and just storms off before he says something he rather not.

Kishiko frowns “ That was mean Grandma...” “ Sooo....well release us or do I have to slap someone!”

The guard backs away as he is a little scared of the shrew now and too worried to go fetch the gatekeeper, so it looks like the two shrews are free to head off elsewhere

Which they do, against the abbeys better judgment the two shrews head down the road towards the church.

Oz meanwhile has decided to get his staff and go slam it into some training dummies,  it is after all better to hit the training dummies, plus he needs to burn off some anger and...well it has been a little while since he really did some staff training so...yeah he has taken the rest of the morning off, maybe the afternoon....yeah just leave Oz alone unless its important.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-08-16 04:10:50 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380


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