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#1 2018-08-08 12:37:19 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

I Didn't Really Want To Unlock The Training Yard-Fate of Marek TP LOG


Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Sinway- Fighter in the Mossflower Defenders

Matilda - Abbey Champion of Redwall


RW Abbey: Second Orchard
Verdant green has swept across the orchard, taking over from the icy hand of winter, long since passed. Blooms and leaves have sprouted on the mature trees that dot the orchard and give it its name. Trees mostly of the apple variety dot this area of the immense orchard, though others of almonds, peaches, oranges, apricots, walnuts and others are spattered throughout. Why in the minority? /Their/ area of the orchard is a little ways closer to the pond. Grass sprouts as if on a mad quest to cover anything and everything with its pleasant, gentle emerald spreads across the ground. Soft to the footpaw and not so tall as so you have to wade through it, it's one of those plants that's taken for granted, even beneath the shade of the leafy orchard trees. Sunlight lances down through the translucent leaves and patterns arrive on those blades of grass that let little specks of sunlight through, though the whole air of the forest is cool and green, a vision in jade. Against that jade, little specks of color of flours and fruit can be had whilst wildflowers can be seen scattered about the orchard floor along with the soft, springy carpet of grass. A shady/sunny portion of the abbey that's farmed and sat under, lunched and played under and an integral part of the abbeybeast's lives.

Benar has been checking the orchards and speaking with anyone from a refugee to an order beast, there has been a few minor problems and has sat down under one of the apple trees and ended up falling asleep

Sinway is doing what he has found him self doing the last couple of days, wondering around and thinking, his wondering has led him to the second orchard today the otter walking around not really paying attention to his surroundings till he spots Benar, at first he thinks something wrong starting to rush over to the abbot, but soon realizes the silly abbot simple fell asleep "Now father, what will everyone thing if they see ye sleepin' away the mornin'?"

Benar opens his eyes to see Sinway and yawns "It's been busy with all the new guests we have and sadly there may end up more guests. It's upsetting at times."

Sinway nods sitting down next to the abbot sighing his normally cheerfulness is absent today, the otter has been less and less cheerful lately "I be stuck up in the infirmary the last few days, guess the stress and lack of sleep caught up to me and i got sick." He sighs again "Hope Karth was able to handle things."

Benar frowns "Try not to be stressed and lack of sleep is not good for any one." He glaces up at the tree house briefly before speaking again "I am sure Karth has done well."He sighs "I got news from Ferravale yesterday afternoon"

Sinway shakes his head "More news..........what happen this time friend?" Its clear all of this is taking its toll on the otter

Benar frowns "It's under the control of those Blackrose beasts and that..horde."

Sinway ohs and nods "I figured as much when Rigel came back with Flicktail's wife injured he said something about a large group heading to Ferravale, I figured it be only a matter of time."

Benar blinks, "Flicktail's..wife was here?" He sighs as he leans back against the tree "I do wish beasts would update me on things, I suppose the important things are given to me, not all visitors are it seems. I do hope she is alright its been, as I said, fairly busy. And last night another issue came up that neither me or Oz, or Brother Rick could figure out how to help with the matter "

Sinway shakes his head "She came to warn us that the horde be after yer head, and hired her to do it. I know  I made sure to tell some beast to inform you of this, guess with all the chaos of refugees, any ways she only stayed fer a day then left, guess the horde found out about her not doin' the job sooner then we both thought and got attacked, Rigel saved her. Not sure if she still be here, after hearing the news about Kirk, I ordered no beast be allowed to leave." He then turns to Benar asking "what problem?"

Benar sighs "I..figured I was most likely a target." He looks up at the tree house" Kenya...I did not see her at breakfast earlier and I know she missed dinner last night. She was in the tree house and may well still be up there."

Sinway nods sighing as well "I knew ye be a target, I met the leader of the Blackrose, on the road back to the abbey from Ferravale before the base was destroyed, she believes if she takes down the leaders the rest will follow." He sighs hearing about Kenya looking over at the tree house "She most likely still asleep, I'll go get her when I'm sure she has woken up."

Benar nods "Just a warning, she may not let you. She wasn't in too good a mood last night and refused to come down, someone brought her dinner but she refused to eat anything. It concerns me. I got to talking with one of our refugees on finding a place for any Ferravale beasts with all the families here already and I think talk of family upset Kenya"

Sinway nods looking back to the tree house "She will let me......." He stops talking for a little bit just looking at the tree house " I be knowin' what she be goin' through father, I  lost me family in a very similar way after all." He looks away from the tree house and back to Benar "If we be accepting any of Ferravale into the abbey we needs be sure we can trust them, with how easy Flicktail's wife got in.........sorry just being overly cautious."

Benar nods "I agree and finding a place to put them as well. I know some will fear any vermin in the walls of Redwall. Hopefully one of the Ferravale beast that is know will also be among them and can help out." He frowns "I also fear since it seems Ferravale has fallen...the horde beasts may well come here next"

Sinway nods "I agree father, that's why I wanted to ask if we can see if any be willin' to fight and ask if we have yer permission to train them......nothing serious, just some self defense and the proper way to use a sling, I know I be askin' a lot, but they could show up at our doors tomorrow let alone wait fer Xander to get back."

Benar sighs as he closes his eyes and then opens them again"There may be beasts whom know how to fight among the refugees that will be willing to help defend when needed and some have even said they could watch the wall tops and be ready if..."He frowns" If they would get inside. I know Oz was concerned for me being seen, but I can not hide because vermin are out there."

Sinway shakes his head "I can't stop ye if ye don't want to take cover with the elders and dibbuns should the unthinkable happen, but I'm with Oz on this and think it be best if ye did hide." He sighs again, he has been doing that a lot lately "We need more beast then just those few who know how to fight, even if they have no trainin' there might be some brave souls among our guest who would take up arms, even if we didn't ask them to, I'm just askin to help teach them a thing or two so they can take up arms and defend the abbey properly."

Benar says, "As I told Oz it would not be good for morale if the abbot is hiding. I can be on the steps or in the Great Hall if needed. As for...teaching beasts self defense..I am unsure as the abbey is not a place that teaches such a thing and I rather it not become one. Some guests have stated they are willing to help, perhaps others will volunteer as well, I do not know, nor where some beasts will even go if a threat comes to our very gates. We already lack room in the Great Hall as it is with all the cots laid out""

Sinway shakes his head once again he understands how John feels "I know the abbey ain't be a place that teaches these be a place of peace, but if we aren't ready to defend it......if we aren't prepared to defend it properly, then it will become a place of slavery and cruelty.....and I couldn't bare to see that happen."

Benar frowns, and is quiet for a long while before replying " it you plan to do Sinway? Ask guests..maybe may get some saying no...some may say Yes I do not know. I don't want the abbey to fall either, no beast does."

Sinway stretches a little feeling stiff "All I want to do is ask, see who is willing who isn't, plus if the abbey does attack, there be less chaos if all knew who was going to go defend, and who wasn' fer training, I just want to make sure they wont hurt them self slingin' stones, make sure they stand a chance should the beast get inside, I don' wanna train a horde, just make sure we can hold our own."

Benar frowns" Slings are still dangerous as there is no safe place to....." He sighs and slowly stands and quietly heads to the entry.

Champions Cottage: Main Room
The living room is small and modest. The four-walled room contains a quaint fireplace set into the wall on one side of the room, built from dark grey stones and mortar. An extra supply of wood is always stacked next to the fireplace. Also standing near the fireplace are a pair of wing-backed chairs, one maroon and new, the other a faded, threadbare green. A table sits in one corner with two chairs tucked under it, and a wooden bench with a back sits along the last bare wall, feather-stuffed cushions covering the long seat. Two doors are set into the back wall.

Benar knocks on the door and steps back waiting

Matilda answers the door and nods " something wrong? I am sorry if I am sleeping in a little late I was on the wall tops late last night but I seen no signs of trouble, a couple foxes but they were not too close to the abbey."

Benar replies "It is fine, if you need rest get rest please. We do not need you of all beasts lacking sleep if ..."He frowns "Ferravale has fallen and I am sure the abbey is their next target just.......when is the question"

Sinway frowns and follows the abbot to the champions cottage, allowing the two beast to talk for now

Matilda frowns "Ferravale has......that's not a good thing, do we know whom all managed to escape, if anyone?" She nods a hello to Sinway.

Benar shakes his head "Not yet and though I know some of them, its very few of them I do so we need to be careful whom to let in and whom not too." He sighs again, the next issue being hard but he draws out a spare key he has "There other key I didn't give you Matilda. The area was made and used a short while but then once more closed as it wasn't needed and I ,..disliked it but maybe its.."He seems to think and speaks "Needed. A safer place away from the others in the abbey."He goes to unlock a door that leads to the back."Both of you can follow me"

Champion's Cottage: Guard Training Yard
This small fenced in yard has been set up for the use
of the Abbey Champion, his guards and designated trainees.
The fence is made from very thick wooden planks over 12 feet
tall so that no one outside can see in. The fence has also
been coated with a layer of spikes and grease near the top to
make it very difficult to climb over. The only way into or
out of this yard is through the large locked door into the
champion's cottage.
The yard itself is split into different sections for the
various activities the champion and the abbey guards perform
There is a small covered area that contains practice weapons
on racks and the storage bins for armour.
There is also a locked room that contains the real weapons.
Both visitor weapons and guard weapons are stored here. The Sword
of Martin the Warrior is kept elsewhere.
There is also a small area set aside for the repair and
maintenance of weapons though there is no forge here for there
making weapons. But there is a whetstone for keeping blades
sharp and facilities for minor repairs.
The main part of the yard is a simple stone courtyard for
sparring. There are practice dummies for archery and sword and
quarterstaff drill. It isn't very big but it is enough for two
or three beasts to practice in at any one time.


Sinway just follows saying nothing till they are back outside "Tis small, but tis out of the way and a safe place to train." The otter walks over to one of the dummies looking at it

The abbot leads them to a sort of training area, there may be some minor clean up needed as he looks to the two beasts"This..hasn't been used for 4-5 seasons I believe...I..dislike it being here and it was locked up for a while, even MagrAmba didn't use it...but"He sighs "Yes...but also I do not want just any beast here, the abbey is still not ground for fighting beasts. I refuse to have fighters trained...but self defense, if one wants to learn...could be...wise. There is staffs and a place for slings to be practiced"

Matilda looks around " Well hopefully this...horde will not be an issue too long and no..I do agree the abbey is not some training grounds for an army but learning to use a staff or sling could be fine and only if a beast wants to as I know a lot are peaceful beasts here, some of the beats here cause of the vermin problems outside are peaceful as well but some...some may have fighting skills, we could ask"

Sinway goes into a attack stance jabbing his fist a couple times at the dummy before spinning around on one foot raising the other up as he does into a roundhouse kick stopping short of just hitting the dummy's head holding his leg up like that for a few seconds speaking "Even some of the peaceful beast from outside are gonna want to defend the abbey, and rid there home of this evil, so it be best if they knew how to." He lowers his foot back down to the ground "I truly hope they never get inside, so trainin' with sling and stone be best, maybe bow and arrows if there are any, but some trainin with a staff could help defend should the unthinkable happen." He turns back to Benar "I don't want a army, I just want to be able to hold out till Xander gets back with the real army."

Benar nods slowly " I only hope Xander gets back in time, its a long trip to and from Salamandastron .I have gotten no news of anything happening to them, nor do I think we will get any news good or bad of their trip...we will only know when they return if they managed to bring help or not. If the black rose beasts are after leaders they could well of sent someone after Xander as well" He sits down on a bench and frowns "I did not want this area unlocked but...if its needed. But beats can not just go into here when they please and can't have just anyone teaching some self defense skills. Also no blades..staffs, slings..maybe archers but I do not think there is any here, that I know of and the abbey doesn't have much in the way of weapons,only what other beasts have with them. We do have staffs and slings here in the training area."

Matilda frowns and speaks "I can make sure beast don't just walk into here. Just ones who want to learn the staff or sling, maybe me and some others could do ....some training, but not much not to worry but I could use the training grounds also, get myself more use to Martins blade, though I don't feel like I would need much as it already feels as it I have had the blade even before I became Champion"

Sinway looks over to Matilda then Benar "All trainin' would be over seen by me, I'm not sure about Karth or you Matilda, but I might very well have seen more fightin' then every one else here, maybe john has seen more." He looks back at Matilda "like I said, defenders not warriors, and if ye need a sparrin' partner Matilda. I  be happy to help."

Benar says, "Karth may still be recovering from his injuries and would need the healers ok first to help with any training. I know he has been on the wall tops a couple times with a chair...I dislike that, I do not care if one can fire off an arrow while sitting...can they as well? What if he needed to get out of the way quickly as I am sure the horde has archers as well""

Matilda smiles "A sparring partner would be nice..."She glaces over at Benar and frowns "That's not wise of him and it could well get dangerous on the walls if..or rather when now, that the horde beasts attack as now its not if, its when"

Sinway shakes his head "I can't control well i could.......but well, my methods wouldn't be approved." He chuckles a little "It be better if he spent that time down here sittin' and explainin' how to use a sling, he can do that sittin', be better then him up on the wall" He then nods to Matilda "Since we both be up on the walls during the night, if ye like we could do daily sparrin' after we wake up, tis a good way to start the day, no matter what time ye start yer day." He then frowns over at Benar "Once we have this whole Blackrose deal takin' care of we can relock that door."

Benar nods, "And I know ....I can advise order beasts and novice what to do and sometimes they don't listen or open doors sometimes when its better not to..."He takes a deep breath and nods" Alright...any beasts who want to...only..can be back here and only when Sinway, Matilda and maybe Dorarose can help as well, if she wants to but she is the gatekeeper and will not have a lot of time to help back here. I do hope the Black Rose is dealed with soon but I fear it may get worse and I rather not see more deaths its why I rather Karth not be on the wall tops right now."

Matilda nods to Sinway and listens to the abbot "It could well get worse before it gets better, any other news we have heard from outside the gates?"

Sinway nods "Trust me father, I agree with ye, but try tellin' that to Karth.........more stubborn then a shrew." He then sighs and nods to Matilda "Aye, vermin horde like these don't just go away and even if they did, then what they just go and harm some other beast, sadly with beast like them, tis best to deal with truly saddens me to have to say that, but it be the truth."

Benar says, "I rather not lecture Karth, already gave someone a lecture a couple days ago." He stands and dusts off his robes." I need to tend to some things, excuse me" He then heads towards the exit."

Matilda nods "Yes Abbot Benar, talk later maybe"

Sinway nods waving goodbye to the abbot "Take care friend."

Matilda waves and looks around again "I do not think it will take too much to clean up, who ever was here last keep it nice and clean...well may need some dusting but other than that"
Sinway nods looking around "Ya, just make sure things be out of the way so no one trips while trainin, doesn' have to look new after all." He sighs sitting down up against the cottage "I wish I could put this all behind me, but tis seem battle be still in me future."

Matilda frowns as she walks over " I don't like fighting either, I want peace to return. I want beasts to not be scared anymore . Some are scared but wont admit it, there may still be beasts outside that refuse to leave their homes cause of fear or just wanting to not lose their homes"

Sinway nods standing back up after a few minutes "I'm going to go get somethin' to eat, I'm sure the abbot will call a meeting here in a couple of days so we can ask for volunteers, might get some more sleep, got sick because of the stress and lack of sleep."

The abbey champion nods and waves as she over the training grounds and decides to do  a little training with the training dummy here, then she will get some lunch.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-08-16 02:47:32 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: I Didn't Really Want To Unlock The Training Yard-Fate of Marek TP LOG

DoraRose will absolutely help train whoever wants to learn on how to use the staff and the sling, whenever she has time.  She knows how to use them pretty much expertly.  She will also spar with Matilda and any other Warriors there are in the Abbey who want it -- she has a bastard sword, a battleaxe, a war hammer, and the ability to fight with a staff.  She she can provide a challenge for some of them xD

Also, she and Matilda and the (few) actual guards and whatever other resident Warriors there are in the Abbey need to be able to train and keep up their skills and muscle tone, so I think it'd be wise to, after this TP is over, keep the training yard open only to the people within the Abbey who are fighters.  I mean, realistically, they would have to.  You can't just sit around doing nothing and keep all your skills and muscle tone; literally everyone who, like me, was a part of some sport (or, unlike me, being a fighter in the SCA or some other medieval research-and-reenactment group) can tell you that.  So keeping the training yard open to just the fighters but not letting them train those who don't already have fighting skills without explicit permission from the Abbot would probably be the best and most logical course of action after this TP is over.

OOC info: And D. R. has been training LilyMoore with the bastard sword and has no shame or regret about that.  Lily wants to be a Warrior, and her momma isn't gonna tell her no.


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