Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-08-02 07:31:39 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

You Failed Your Mission- Fate of Marek TP


Rayen- Archer, Mercenary  for hire

Rigel- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Ironbark- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Kirk- Former Mossflower Defender, now sadly dead..

Assassin Ferret-Spoofed


Rayen right away seen the danger and quickly went along the path, she had to tell the abbey of this.

Rigel was close, on patrol which likely saved his life as he slows and frowns at what he sees, a large group of horde beasts “Not being good day seems.”

The vixen was seen, she was followed by a ferret archer. He waited then fired a cross bolt at the vixen!

Rayen gasped and her eyes closed in pain as she stumbled and then fell forwards. A cross bolt in her upper leg as she gritted her teeth.

Rigel stayed hidden and watched, then edged closer to the vixen and ferret.

The ferret grinned, he was dressed in all black and  dashed forwards twin blades out and rushes towards the vixen, “You have not done your mission....Ormaz will now have your head!”

Rayen rolls out of the way just in time and flicks a couple daggers at the ferret and stands on her injured leg, two more daggers in her paws.

Rigel tilts his head and gets an arrow ready to fire at the ferret, and waits.

The ferret sneers as a dagger misses, the other gets his arm. He chuckles “Death comes for us all....yours comes now.” He goes to slice at her leg again, and one blade at her throat.

Rayen leans back and the blade cuts her chin some and the other her already injured leg as she falls onto her back and gasps in pain.

Rigel fires of the arrow “Rule harming a lass...Rule two..keep eye on backside.” The arrow heads to the ferret.

The ferret grins and raises both blades for the killing blow, then spins around and gets an arrow to his chest, he looks like he is in shock and falls backwards dead as a door nail.

Rayen pants and is in clear pain as she looks at the other fox and snarls as she scoots back leaving a small trail of blood.

Rigel walks over and chuckles “Spunk you have, tis good....come now Rigel will help you to the abbey?” He will left her up if he can.

Rayen looks ready to bite him and then groans and passes out from blood loss.

Rigel speeds up his dash to the abbey, the vixen in his arms. He looks at the gates and frowns “Open de gates...Hello?HELLO!”

Ironbark is here and is carring a very limp Kirk, he narrows his eyes at the foxes and looks uneasy.

Rayen is unconscious, she needs a healer.

Rigel backs up a little “Hello..I am being friend, so is she on de side of the abbey of the Red wall...”He frowns when he sees Kirk..”Kirk....”

Ironbark is to the point “He's dead” No keeping it a secret at all or hiding a fact needed to be know “May want to get inside before she dies too”

The guards let the group inside quickly and then re lock the doors.

Rigel nods his thanks and frowns “Poor...Kirk...death should not been for him, he was my small little friend.” He looks at Rayen and then carries her to the infirm”Healer..oh healer!! Come do the duty of your skill!!”

Healers rush around and tend to Rayen, she will be fine and will have her leg cleaned, sewed up, bandaged and will have an infirm bed to lay in. She will wake up and know where she is.

Ironbark just goes to sit in a chair in another room.

Rigel frowns “Where is being the Abbot of the Red Wall?”

Ironbark shrugs “Sorry just got here...”

A novice enters “Abbot Benar is busy, you can see him when he is not.”

Rigel sighs and sits down “Must be telling someone of Kirk....and fact Ferravale may well be in grave danger....maybe not standing long many horde beast headed its way”

The novice frowns and then goes back upstairs, maybe the abbot will get the notice and maybe he will not, its hard to tell.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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