Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-07-19 01:43:56 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Mission Not Totally Successful-Fate of Marek TP

Kakarauri- Archer and Assassin in Black Rose

Junefur- Otter Slave

Oz Winters- Badger Mother of Redwall

Brother Rafael-Master Healer of Redwall(Spoofed by Oz)

Assorted slaves,vermin and guards


**Near the river not very far from the bridge and some ways into the woods...****

It was another hot day and so the guards were slightly lazy, what ever really happen anyways as the slaves feared  their captors. But one slave, an otter maid was going to take a chance, a chance to freedom as she edged closer, ever so closer to the river where they were being forced to gather fish and water to take back to the slave base not too far down a hidden trail. No she would not head down that trail, that  half a mile trail into the tall woods, full of weeds,thorns and who knew what else but it hid the trail after one went a short ways. She gulped and looked left and right.

Kakarauri  didn't seem to care about the summer heat, she seemed to just blame the slaves for it, “Hurry up and get the water into those barrels and you...”She points to a hare “Get those two barrels back...move it!” The hare noded in fear and a fox made sure he indeed took the barrels back.

A couple otters had a pile of fish, fish they could not eat it was for the horde beast. The female otter frowned and started to dive into the water, some otters were...5 in total with her, to get fish..they may just think she is doing that and so she dives!

Tassel is here panting in the heat and falls to her knees as she shivers..she dares and does so, a few sips of life giving water and coughs it down. She is clearly with child and not doing so well at all.

Falk is nearby, he dives to get his own fish and then is up in a tree as he watches and then rips apart the fish eating it.

Kakarauri  notices Tassel right away and goes over to her shoving her to the side”You DARE steal water from your masters!”She goes to drag her to the river “You want water so!” She throws her into the water, knowing full well the shape Tassel is in.

The female otter already in the water surfaces and gasps, she has come to know the otter maid as a friend as  when your a slave you tend to grow close to other slaves “Tassel!”

Falk notices but its lunch time so he is eating, sorry all.

Tassel kicks out at the marten and then feels herself fly and then sink into the swift river current. She is an otter yes, but she is with child and ill right now from being a slave.

Kakarauri  growls and points to the other otter “Get her, let the one with dibbun drown, the other recapture her now!” A couple ferrets and a rat jump in after the otter maid.

The otter maid dives and then resurfaces with Tassel and makes a bee line for the shore and gasps, sometimes dangers are not always vermin, they sometimes lie in wait in the water and that is a large Pike as she screams and swims faster.

The pike grabs her leg and tries to make the otter sink, along with the other otter she currently holds on to.

Falk notices the stired up water and tilts his head, he puffs out when he notices the large pike!

Kakarauri  just grins “Yes!!!!! Punishment for escapeing1”The other slaves on the shore gasp as the marten grins “Watch that is an order” She says to 4 other otters, a couple hares and a vole.” This is what happens when one thinks they can escape us..they are punished!”

Tassel whimpers as she sinks and coughs as she resurfaces and looks at her fellow otter  maid.“..Junefur....”She then passes out, not to good a think with a Pike in the water.

The otter maid, Junefur, yells out as the pike sinks its teeth into her leg but she manages to get free and somehow barely to shore. A large gash, pouring blood down her leg as she shivers and collapse. But she forces herself to get up and try her best to get Tassel elsewhere, anywhere but here.

The pike meanwhile..sees the ferrets and rat, they are closer and so his interests goes to them and he opens his mouth and goes to try and claim a different lunch.

The lone rat scrams as the pike bites down and then shallows him, the two ferrets look at each other and then start a race of whom can get to shore faster, one makes it, the other is dragged to the river bottom to be desert for he pike.

Kakarauri  snorts, “They are escaping! Idiots!” The ferret frowns and goes to help.

Tassel leans on her friend and stirs a little in a semi awake state..”Junepaw....your bleeding.....”

Karth happen to be not too far from this location as he is on patrol, and trying to look for clues, on a tip, as to where some Black Rose beasts may be. He has his longbow with him and scans the area as he frowns at the noise not far from the bridge, but then he comes across the two otters and his eyes widen as he hurries to their sides.

Junefur smiles weakly at her friend “I..I am...”She is not ok as being a slave and beat with whips was bad enough, now she is losing blood quickly, her vision already dimming when she sees Karth.

Tassel whimpers, she is sore, weak herself but lucky not injured, she sees Karth and weakly reaches for him as she starts to lose consciousness.

Kakarauri  catches up and glares at the 3 otters and smirks “End of the line and look a NEW slave to add to our...collection”

Karth has no choice but to put his longbow  on his back and scoop the otter maid up in his arms, he looks at Junefur and frowns. From the woods comes a squirrel who is also in Defenders and gasps in shock”Get her..lets go run!” The squirrel gets Junefur and asks no questions, when a patrol leader says run you don't ask why, you obey and run following him wherever.

Junefur is slipping away fast and barely holding on to life, the one thing keeping her from dying is where the wound is, there is some pressure being applied from the tight grip of the squirrel as they run to hopefully safety.

Falk scans the woodlands and calls out “Otters and squirrel go south, headed to Redwall...caw”

Kakarauri  nods and her and the ferret give chase”They wont make it if I have anything to do with it”

Karth just runs and looks at Elm “Just keep running the abbey is close lad”

Elm nods “Yes..I know, the one otter is badly hurt she will need a healer sir”

The insane Martin has caught up and smirks “I hate woodlanders.....they need a gift, a gift of death!”

Tassel is barely awake now as she is carried down the road.

Junefur is semi awake and just stareing into space pretty much, not there really.

Karth nods and smiles “Redwall Abbey...we made it Elm, now we get to the gate and inside lad!”

Kakarauri was NOT having it, noo..slaves and a possible slave escaping, these stupid Defenders needed to like..well...DIE!!!!! She fires off another arrow, she carries not who it hits, hey moving targets are fun.

****Redwall Abbey Gates***

Karth grunts as trying to carry someone and run was not always good, and then he turns at a gurgled gagging  sound only to see Elm, the squirrel with an arrow in his throat, he slides to a stop and quickly is at Elm's side "Elm!" He takes a pulse,none, but the other otter maid, Junefur...he lifts and carrys her, being slowed down is bad and he knows it but the abbey is a few footpaws away as he yells out a call for help and hopefully they open those darn gates!

Tassel whimpers slightly when they stop a very short while and then shivers a little, a slight wave of pain floods her..she passes out fully now.

Junefur feels herself fall only to be lifted up again as she mutters to the otter..."Kenya.....tell her....sooo sorry...mommy...loves...."And she goes limp.

Oz is not usually at the gates, but right now he is and helps a couple beasts quickly open the doors and makes sure the fleeing beasts get inside, the ferret that's with the marten is slammed into the chest with his staff. He may be blind but he can hear footpaws and voices.

Kakarauri snarls as she will not be made a fool, they think they can so easily escape. She cackles "Its a stripedog..."She studies him and grins "Its blind..more fun to slay"As she goes to use one blade, in her mind she only needs one blade. The ferret is knocked backwards and groans, he then yips when he sees the badger , yeah he wont be much help to the marten..cause yeah badgers scare him.

Karth rushes in and collapse in the entry..deep breaths as he was carring two otters...Tassel and Junefur those last few steps. He coughs as a few beasts come to his aid and get the two female otters to the infirm as he shakes a little "Elm....elm out there....road..."

Tassel is picked up and taken to the infirm as voices she can hear before she falls deeper into unconsciousness "She..she is with child" "She needs a healer right away.." "What of the other one...oh no..."

Junefur is sadly dead, her wounds her weaken state too much for her. She is laid aside a bit out of the way as a healer also checks on Karth and a couple door guards frown,"Gate needs close.".. "But Oz is still out there..."

Oz stays very alert and listens, notes where paw steps are and manages to avoid the long blade, it does cut his cheek a little. The staff goes to slam into the martens paw.

Karth pants and allows the help "I am..fine...the otter maid tend to her...."He stands a little shakie and starts to go help Oz only to fall flat on his face...yeah Karth may not be the best aid right now.

Kakarauri is cackling insanely, yes kill the...she then screams in pain and shock as the staff slams into her paw and she drops her blade. The pain is intense as she growls in pain..well she has her other paw she can get a blade with, then a couple arrows fall at her, one misses and one hits her in the ear as she howls, battle fire alive in her eyes "Your a dead beast!!! next time I SEE YOU!!!!" She snorts and goes to gran the stupid ferret, failed help and bolts up the road, the only other thing she took time to grab with her seriously now swelling paw was her blade.

***Redwall Abbey Entry****

And perfect or not so perfect timing Kenya is in the entry, she sees Junefur and goes to rush to her only to be held back by a Brother Josh, a rabbit ."No let me go..mommy!!!!"

Oz quickly gets back inside and makes sure the door is shut and locked again. Hearing Kenya he frowns, he walks over to the order Brother and whispers to him and if he can will carry Kenya to the infirm, and get something for his now bleeding cheek.

Karth stands and shoos away offered help and groans as he asks "Elm?" One of the wall guards did get the lifeless squirrel inside as the otter sighs and walks to follow Oz.."The other female otter...she was the child's mother?"

Kenya screams, she kicks at Oz and screams some more and struggles to get loose and then just sobs into his robes finally and only stops when she has cried herself to sleep in his arms.

**Redwall Abbey Infirmary ****

Oz just sits down and doesn't answer right away, he just holds Kenya and says calming words over and over again till he feels her quiet and go to sleep. He then lays her on a cot and sits back down, finally answering the sea otter "It..would appear"

Brother Rapael frowns as he tends to all this, and gets a rag to clean Oz's cheek "I say what in the seasons happen? Do I want to know...likely not is my best guess"

Tassel stirs a little and groans.""She is a little out of it, and oh yeah by the way clearly with dibbun.

Karth frowns "Slavers....the two lasses somehow broke free. Me and Elm came to their aid and the crazy marten gave chase. She killed Elm...there was also that ferret with her."

Oz nods, the cheek wound is not to bad and easily tended too. He sighs softly"We can...bury Elm and the otter maid, seems her name was the graveyard."

Brother Rafael sighs and checks on Tassel, only to frown"She is with dibbun, this is not good...doesn't appear to be due..too soon...still I am unsure..clearly not good and the other otter maid was Kenya's..mother?" He frowns.

Tassel mutters in her semi-conscious state, she also has a slight fever from her enslavement and the dibbun she carries is likely due in a few weeks.

Karth frowns,and feeling a little more clear headed he looks at the badger "How did you manage to not be more seriously injuries by that insane beast?"

Oz shrugs "Extreme luck? I don't know but I have a feeling she will be back, I injured her paw. I know the staff connected with it fairly hard, she may of tried to attack again but the wall guards fired arrows I believe and she choose the wiser path of leaving."

Brother Rafael just blinks "You mean you could of been more seriously hurt?!" He sighs and just seems happy he wasn't as he nods. He checks on Tassel again and frowns "Well I am were not seriously hurt Oz. I rather not deal with more..and should you be walking around? He looks right at Karth.

Karth answers "I am fine..chain mail under the tunic, I am only tried, you try and carry two beasts and see how you feel"

Oz raises a paw "Calm down....both of you."The cut on his cheek still bleeds a little "Karth you should for Junefur and Elm....I can speak to Elmef or Benar on how to handle that"

Brother Rapael just sighs and sits down"Of course..sorry."He frowns "2 dead least the otter maid is alive but she is weak, ill from the time she was enslaved clearly and she is with dibbun...has any one found Anatole ?"

Karth nods "I can let Anatole know of Tassel...."

Oz nods as he stays where he is"And this could of ended worse...yes, but it didn't. As for the insane marten...we can keep an eye out for her."

Karth sighs as he stands"I am going to tell Anatole his mate is in the infirm..some beasts needs some good news today" He walks off quietly, he most likely is gonna take a well needed nap after giving the news.

Last edited by Karth Riverbark (2018-07-19 02:39:46 PM)

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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