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#1 2018-06-30 02:58:56 PM

From: Somewhere by the Mountains
Registered: 2018-05-25
Posts: 416

A meeting in the Woods (Blackrose TP)

Zolomon, a Hare
John, a Squirrel

A clearing in Mossflower:

Zolomon has spent a lot of time in the woods. He has his longbow beside him as he stays very alert. He slept once and just got lucky no one showed up. Right now he is busy making a couple new arrows from Yew branches.
Up a bit and a little to the left in the branches of a large oak a squirrel lands, rearpaw sliding as he loses his grip. John catches himself with a muttered curse, shifting for better balance. And then he sees the beast - his paw reaches for the slung crossbow, but, as he lifts it up, starting to put a bolt in, he notices the ears. And tail. A hare. The bolt still is loaded in, but John moves over to a branch closer to the clearing. "Don't suppose you work for a lot of murdering slavers, do you?" He calls down, almost seeming to expect a affirmation with the way he's holding the crossbow.

Zolomon glaces up and at the squirrel "I jolly well would hope not chap, if anything I would stick an arrow in one of em' There hurt me best friend  and he's in the infirmary now."

John nods. "Well, I think they killed a few more of them - been finding a lot of blood around." Lowering his weapon, the starts climbing down, but, as he reaches the lower trunk, he slips again - and falls. He role as he lands, so as to not be a complete disaster, and stands up, waving a paw. "That - That was inte- Eh, who am I kidding," he says with a groan and a stretch of his back, "Gotten a bit rusty in the past few seasons!"After a moment of rearranging his gear, he looks over the hare. "And the bodies I found - they had the same badge and cloaks..." He leans back against the trunk, sighing. "I suppose you're part of the defenders, eh?"

Zolomon nods as he holds out a paw " Zolomon Arturo Garrick Anderson ya service, Archer in de jolly Mossflower Defenders."He does frown "I...heard a couple in our group was saddly slain, but I say we try and make some of the rotters who did it dead instead."

"John MacGarrran, at your's." The squirrel shakes the offered paw, adding, "Well, the Blackrose don't seem all that intent with secrecy and hiding and all that. They seem to like giving a show - probably mean it as a warning." He lets out a grim laugh. "Pack of idiots, it would seem..." He pauses, laughing more genuinely,"So the bird actually made it back to the abbey! Didn't think they would!" John taps his sword, nodding in agreement. "Aye, I say we make use of their blunder soon. Only problem," he adds, with a shrug, "Is that with just the two of us - well, even if I were the greatest warrior and you the greatest archer, I wouldn't like our odds. From what I can tell, the group who did the killing - who are certainly not all of the slavers - had more than four beasts. And if they can spare those numbers, well, it would seem we're in for a fight."

Zolomon frowns "True, and no blooming clue where de base is either, least yet. We know they have tattos on thier arm but thats de only clue so far to ID 'em."

Another chuckle from the squirrel. "Well - might be able to help you in that regard!" John says, nodding to the northeast. "Know how I mentioned they don't seem to care about hiding? Well," he sits now, rummaging in one of his bags, "it makes them pretty easy to follow - for the most part." He seems to have found what he was looking for, pulling out a small map. "Nicked this from the ol' abbey library! Don't know how accurate exactly it is, but it works." He points to River Moss. "Followed the trail here - though I lost it in some marshy" He points to another point along the river, more north than before.

Zolomon looksat the map, "So..close to the river..maybe it seems. We should be careful as the closer we bally well get the more dangerous it becomes."

John says, "Aye. Exactly my thoughts." He rolls up the map. "Before doing anything - we need more able bodied beasts." He stands, looking around. "Don't suppose you know any? We could get some hired help from the town - but we should be careful in who we talk to."

Zolomon asks, "Ferravale? I don't know the only place I go thar is the tavern at times. Would need to be careful whom to ask though and saddly dont know many woodlanders around. The abbey don't have fighting beasts and never did. Thar may be some wandering beasts or maybe a few otters from Camp Willow be willing to help."

John looks up at the last group mentioned. "Camp Willow. Forgot about them!" He looks to the side again, thinking, as he leans back against the trunk. "How are they doing? Weren't they attacked and run out..?" Shaking his head, he says, "As for Ferravale, I know. I used to have some, well, mates back there who helped me in the past - but I don't know what ended up happening to them..."

Zolomon says, "I know Camp Willow was slowly rebuilding after a Viking attack, I have not been thar meself tens to stay by the abbey or training in the training groups at the Defender Base."

"You lot have a base?" John says, with a raised eyebrow. "Is there anyone there who'd help?"
Zolomon nods "South of Ferravale and off a clearing. Thar is always someone thar... Karth may be as he is sort of temparyly in charge, least till Xandy recovers fully."

Tail twitching, John asks, in a slightly irritated tone, "Can you give me some solid numbers? We should do this quickly - before anyone else gets injured, or worse, killed. And if we have too few, we'll be the ones dead."

Zolomon frowns as he tries to think and count off in his head "Umm...we are not a jolly well large group of beasts so I dont have for sure numbers. Oh A small few are helping with guarding the wall tops at the abbey as well."

John asks, "Do you think the abbey could spare them?" He starts to pack up kit, arranging it so as to not get in the way of climbing. "I think I might just stop by Ferravale - see who wants to earn some coin." The squirrel looks at the hare, nodding to him. "I suppose I can meet you at your base - with the help or not- and plan what's next. It'll be safer talking there than here, randomly in the woods, eh?"

Zolomon nods. "Jolly well true thar sir squirrel." He frowns as his stomach growls "And its been a couple hours since I jolly well ate, can't look for and fight vermin on an empty stomach and Ferravale IS some chow!" He covers his mouth and looks around, luckly no one is around to hear him.

"Though the abbey probably has better - and more." John says, stretching. "You think you could go to the abbey, get some food - and those defenders there?" Rolling his shoulders, he continues, "I'll go over to the town and se what can be done - I have a fair bit of coins. Split up to be quicker, you know?"

Zolomon nods. "Sure can, may take a little while but we can jolly well me at the base." He gives quiet directions and heads to the abbey.

Watching the hare leave, John looks up to the sky. "We really do need all the help we can get..." He mutters to himself, "We can't- /can't/ - have anymore deaths on our paws..."


After some time, he shakes his head with a sigh, then straightens up, making his way over to a tree. The squirrel soon climbs up, disappearing north west into the treetops.

I play Atticus, John, Lossow, Terrence, and Spruce
The Long Patrol Landing Page!
Usually on the MUCK Saturdays + Monday & Wednesday evenings if I have the time
Fastest way to reach me is via my Discord: Luke_SkyOtter#1438


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