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#1 2017-02-27 09:07:04 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Plans Are Disscussed-Redwall Log

Oz-papa oz and caretaker of the dibbuns of Redwall
Benar-Abbot of Redwall
Flicktail- fox and used to be Champion of Redwall
Rayen-Flicktail's mate
Xander-Badger and Warrior in training, Defenders member
Zolomon-Archer hare and Defenders member
-spoodfed dibbuns and badger twin dibbuns

--------------------------- Mossflower - Dirt Road -----------------------
On the east side of the road rises the main gate of Redwall Abbey, a massive, ancient structure of red sandstone that nearly obstructs the entirety of the eastern horizon. Here the road has been noticeably better cared for--ruts and potholes are few and far between, and the surface is smoothed and kept free of cropping weeds. Despite this, there is the sense of a thousand pawtreads beneath your feet, taken by beasts long forgotten. Only the Abbey seems a constant, unchanging sentinel--worn and battered by the elements, but still standing tall.

Xander is on his way back to the abbey, to check on his Uncle Oz as he heard he was back at the abbey thanks to Marek

Takeo comes walking from the woods, in his arms is the still form of a sea gull and his fur is wet under his eyes.

Zolomon is with him and upon seeing Xander he jogs over “Xandy! Ya should not be alone right now”

Thunderwing lands and caws in agreement “Xander friend needed stay safe…danger is around. Thundering carefully look for wee ones, find them yes will”

Xander nods “I know….Dad?” He rushes over and frowns “What happen to Aira is she..alright?”

Takeo shakes his head sadly ”My friend, my friend since childhood is dead,  friend…advisor and messenger is gone forever” Tears start down his face again.

Zolomon walks over “We shall find the rotter who did this, trust me we will”

Xander nods “We…we need to get to the abbey and tell Benar, then he already knows I am sure”

RW:Abbey Entry
You stand on a grassy sward between two cottages.  To the south you see a small, calm pond.  To the north lies an open space where the Abbey has its feasts in the warmer seasons. To the east is the Great Hall, a massive structure that rises far above the abbey walls and is completed with large towers that pierce upwards into the sky.  The main building is completed with a large, iron banded door that would allow one into the Great Hall.
Coolness has swept into the air now, bringing with it the autumn leaves of the orchards.  Coating the trails that lace and move through the dying grass and flowers.  Regardless of the death of plants, the area is beautiful in its gold and orange season.  The abbey is sporting the colors in full pride.

Zolomon looks around as he walks into the abbey and makes sure the others are following him " I say this can't be good news but who would do it?"
Takeo walks in slowly carrying the sea gull as if it was made of fine china " not know, but we need to find out"   

Xander nods "Yes. I know the defenders are gonna look..maybe Aira saw the dibbuns and that’s why...."He frowns.   

Takeo frowns, " Well your brother and sister are with Zinnia, they are too young to have gone out on the little outing to which I am glad of"   

Zolomon listens as the two badgers talk " Well who ever bally well is involved will be stopped, found and hunted down...missing beasts saved and evil defeated"   

Xander frowns, "They have Tanya and I plan to help find them"   

Takeo shakes his head "Now...son, it could be dangerous, you should let more experienced fighters find the missing dibbuns, what....what if you get killed, I can't lose two beasts I care about in a short period of time"   

Xander slightly glares "I will be fine and they need found, they were a couple rats and some weasels and some fox and it happen close to the clearing"   

Zolomon looks between them "Now calm ya self...and Xandy won’t be by himself sir he will have me, Marek, Quade and Dorarose and maybe a couple others to jolly well help"   

Takeo frowns "You were there when they were....were you hurt?"   

Xander frowns "No Uncle Oz was there, Quade and Rayen and the vermin hurt Uncle Oz and knocked him out, he was in the Ferravale infirm but Marek got him back here"   

Zolomon listens "Then they have ideas maybe where the vermin went....was Quade or Rayen knocked out?"   

Xander shrugs "I don’t know...I know Rayen was making sure Uncle Oz was ok and Quade found like 4 of the dibbun and got them to the abbey but like 10 still missing"   

Takeo nods as he listens" Then we see what they remember"   

Zolomon says, "Sounds like a jolly good plan"   

Xander sighs as he goes to head further inside "I..have some things to do and don’t worry I won’t go out alone"   

Takeo looks to the hare, “You will make sure he doesn’t go off by himself, correct?"
Zolomon watches Xander walk off before turning back to the badger and nods "Course, Xandy is my best friend I don’t want anything bad to happen to him. I will follow him not to worry and he knows to not go alone on any quest...well most quests"   

Takeo nods "Good….Wait....some quests?"   

Zolomon says, "He been on a quest to find his family blade and may be close to jolly well finding it, well once we find the missing dibbuns that is"
Takeo says, "I heard about that and yes finding the dibbuns is more important and I will tag along and help"   

Zolomon grins "Cool two badgers helping"   

Takeo tilts his head at the word cool and shrugs, he looks down at the sea gull Aira and frowns, then gets determined " These vermin are believe are the ones who killed Aira...they need found and punished"   

Zolomon nods and agrees "Yes totally agree but if they were found by Aira its possible they left the area and went elsewhere gotta jolly well keep that in mind"   

Takeo asks, "What does this Quade and Rayen know? And where are they? Are they  out looking?"
Zolomon says, "Possible chap" He shrugs.

Takeo sighs “I…need to  tend to my fallen friend and let Zinnia know.”

The hare nods in understanding and excuses himself to find a snack cause, well rescue planning makes one hungry.

RW:Abbey Breezeway
A covered, narrow walkway connecting both the smaller building of the kitchens and the large, dwarfing building of the Great Hall.  It is a walkway for the kitchen's servers for easy access to the Hall during mealtimes and Feasts. Because it is covered, it is mostly protected from the weather but outside so that more easy access to it is afforded.  At almost all times, beasts can be seen scurrying across its surface -- despite their destination and the weather going on around them.  Life must go on!
New growth sprouts up around the edges of the walkway but anything that managed to take root in the walkway and breezeway itself finds itself trampled -- and quite not worth the energy of rooting there.  Brisk, slightly chilly spring breezes find their way into the breezeway, stirring the puddles of the many rainstorms that always manage to dump water onto the little, narrow walkway -- despite the coverings and shelter.

Xander walks along the walkway, paws in his pockets and muttering to himself as if having a bad day.   

Flicktail dusts off the board "That’s an interesting view Father Abbot " Showing off a nicely carved acorn in the wood in bas relief he hears the muttering "Good day Xander pleased to see you”
Benar shakes his head and looks at the board, "it is nice, though Acorns ah... the stalk at the top it is a   bit long," He looks over, "Xander whatever is the matter?"   

Flicktail considers the stem on the Acorn and nods "That’s a good eye. But then I expect squirrels to know acorns" He smiles "I have some bees wax to rub the wood and put a finish on it  will help preserve the wood too”
Xander stops and looks over at Benar and frowns, he walks over "I thought someone told you by now..." Yes lets fire that guard or messenger or whoever, "When they were having a class in the clearing to have a lesson on like trees and plants in the woods a small group of vermin showed up and some dibbuns got captured and are missing, Rayen and Quade were there but only manage to find some of the dibbuns and some others are still missing and the bad guys had knocked out Uncle Oz and he was in the infirm in Ferravale but Marek helped him back here earlier today and I am worried they have my sister Tanya, the beaver dibbun mom adopted"   

Benar frowns, "What was Oz doing taking Dibbuns out of the abbey in the first place! We have trees inside the walls," He starts toward the door, "Flicktail sorry but this is somewhat going to derail our discussion," He tugs on Xander's arm, "Inside, why does no one ever tell me these things. Have anyone told Magramba?"   

Flicktail listens, a pang of regret and guilt in his heart as he is no longer the one to solve these problems though he still hopes to help "It is ok Father Abbot just remember you have a verminous fox beast that can be a spy in their camp if it is needed. I am not THAT old yet”   

Xander frowns backing off "A bird was supposed to give him a message too. Maybe he is out looking and I am not sure, I know the clearing is not too far away and he was with Rayen and Quade, maybe ask them"   

Benar turns his head to look at Flicktail, "Flicky, my dear chap, you have bright white fur and are the most famous fox in Mossflower woods. I am afraid the chances or you sneaking un-recognized into a vermin camp is somewhat unlikely. I thank you for the thought though," He turns back to Xander and taps a foot, "Well I know Magramba is out, maybe he is hunting, but this does not bode well! I mean really... Dibbuns kidnapped! What was Oz thinking taking them out of the abbey, in winter!"   

Xander frowns "I don’t know, it wasn’t totally his idea and I am sure he is upset too."   

Benar sighs and nods his head, "Of course, it doesn’t do to get upset... it was still a  stupid thing to do. We have an entire orchard full of trees after all, but the thing to focus on now is finding those dibbuns. If Magramba is aware and out hunting for them then that is a start."   

Rayen walks into the breezeway smoothing out her fur some, it’s clear she has been outside, she slows when she hears the others and stays off to the side.   

Flicktail Is taken aback by Father Abbots description of him especially as famous "Well there are disguises" He says, but very softly more as if convincing himself He sees Rayen and moves to his mate "Good day Luv' He says wanting the comfort of her arms as his heart worries.
Xander nods, he notices Rayen and points her out "She was there when it happen"   

Benar looks around, "Rayen, any news? What happened? It sounds like you have been through a terrible ordeal," he then looks back at Flicktail, "No sneaking off to infiltrate vermin camps! Or I'll have Rayen here lock you in your room."
Rayen moves away from Flicktail and looks at Benar "I..I am fine" She sounds a little nervous" And news...oh umm none, sorry. And it was a lesson on some oak and maple trees a little ways into the know get out a little. I am sure they will be found soon"   

Takeo has been walking around trying to find beasts, seeing the group he walks over.
Xander frowns at Rayen "Didn't you look for anything, clues or something?"
Benar reaches out a paw and squeezes her arm, "it is ok Rayen, these things happen we will find them and get everyone back safe and sound soon. It's just been so quiet lately I never thought this would happen.   

Rayen nods "Well....guess we misjudged the woods being ok even that close to the abbey." She frowns and does add "I would suggest no birds...bad idea" She leaves it at that putting her paws behind her back" Sorry I was there and...things happen" Her ears flatten some.   

Flicktail gently keeps Rayen in his embrace "it is ok Luv there were nothing wrong in wot any beast did. The woods are for all and it would be wrong to seal ourselves away and think we are protecting everyone. Our very oath states abbey beasts go out and aid others”
Takeo steps forward" I agree my friend Aira may of found where the wee ones are....but sadly whoever is involved injured her"   

Xander says, "I am helping to find them, and so is Zolomon and the other defenders."   

Takeo seems to tense up "’re not I don't care"   

Flicktail looks at Takeo "Have we met sir?”
Rayen just seems to listen, she frowns when the sea gull is mentioned but is quiet for the most part.
Xander looks at Takeo and folds his arms over his chest " not a child...I can go, it’s not like I am the only one going. Zolomon is and Marek has the Defenders and I AM part of that..and..."Ok it comes out before he can stop it "You’re not my dad so you can't tell me what I can and can’t do only Uncle Oz or mom can!" He then cups a paw over his mouth.   

Benar says, "Well then we must all do our best to help find them," He frowns, "I am sorry for your friend being harmed Takeo  and this is all most unsettling. I do hope we can find them quickly"

Takeo stares at Xander and takes a deep breath and snorts, he looks at Flicktail "I am Zinnia's mate....and" He looks at Xander "Well someone is above Oz and Zinnia in that...son...abbot tell him to stay!"

Flicktail says, "If I may, Um Takeo...I have found in my own youth  that it is better to guide the lad along then to have him act rashly. I think it be a good idea that young Xander go but not alone go with a group"   

Rayen blinks at the outburst and looks at the beasts around, "I...think I will go...try and find out somethings...later "And she leaves before anyone has a chance to follow her to where ever she is going   

Xander jaw drops, Takeo didn’t just...he looks over at Benar for a reaction.   

Takeo glares at the fox and looks to Benar for an answer.   

Benar blinks at all the sudden outburst and shouting and Rayen hurrying away, "Xander is more than old enough to go if he should and the Champion, DoraRose and the others who lead my guards will take him along with them." He shakes his head, "And Secondly he is also not mine to command, I advise caution and sensibility, such as helping the search in the company of other more experienced beasts" He frowns at the larger badger, "But this is Redwall Abbey, not a military camp or some verminous horde where I can bark orders and have people obey them because they must."
Xander nods "I am responsible and know to avoid trouble. I am a lot more grown up than I should be probably and I know how to use a sword, can't say my first teacher was the best teacher or some of the things I learned were good things."   

Takeo takes a deep breath and exhales slowly, he looks to Xander "I know...a wildcat named Jedrick had you as a slave...and you got away from them, and that your still learning to be a thing to know is don’t let temper get in the way or....a need to get revenge as it ends badly for most" He sighs "You can go but your listen to the more seasoned warriors as I am not going to bring bad news to your mother if your killed...some other beast can"   

Flicktail smiles and gives a wink to Takeo   

Xander looks down "Sorry for the yelling...and I know, I know be careful, alert and all that and even that’s its ok to run from a fight. I learned a little stuff from Uncle Zee and...well maybe some think my current teacher is a bad idea but he is a good mentor and teacher and that’s Marek...he been helping me train"
Takeo says, "Leader of the Defenders...other than that I don’t know much about him...except he is a stoat...then again there is a fox in your abbey that seems trustworthy"

Flicktail says, "aye I can tell you that there is no fox more trustworthy them me mate Rayen"   

Benar says, "Marek... I would rather you take lessons from Magramba, Marek... is not the sort of stoat who I would like to see train anyone... but forget that for now."

Flicktail says, "You know I used to be a fair paw with a blade myself. I can help beasts train and would do me good to keep me from looking like me friend...Bandit"   

Xander says, "Marek is good, he is not evil...well anymore I know he was once"   

Takeo nods "And Rayen the vixen that was here.....I am unsure she seemed to be nervous earlier and if she was with the dibbuns and them why didn’t she manage to help better or find clues or news?"   

Takeo says, "And as I told a hare earlier I am helping in this search as well and I trust beast once they prove to me they are trustworthy"   

Flicktail says, "That be Unfair Takeo, every beasts makes mistakes. I just heard you apologize to this fine  Badger Lord  for yelling...would it be fair to ask why you did not show more restraint? Rayen feels bad because she did not want any beast harmed, especially dibbuns"   

Xander says, "I am not a badger Lord Flicktail...there is only one of them Lord Ciocan and he is like...super super tall and would flatten bad beast with his war hammer which is like...well  really really big"   

Benar shakes his head, "Rayen and Flicktail have my full trust Takeo. I have known Flicktail here since I was a child. He was our champion until last year when he retired and Magramba took up the sword at Martin's request."   

Flicktail nods to Xander, his eyes getting wide with a look of awe at the description of the Lord "um..If I ever meet him. I hope your around" He says quietly..."Father Abbot can tell you, I have been rather...frightened of Badgers...but I won't turn tail to no beast    “

Takeo chuckles at Xander and manages a smile, he looks to the fox and back to Benar " I will...have to see, had a bad experience with a fox before so.....hard to forget"   

Xander nods "Well he doesn’t like vermin from what I know...but he would most likely not come this far unless something major happen and he be easy to see and avoid "Ok may this is over saying it as the badger is over 6 foot tall not ...      "He is 10 foot tall or more"
Benar says, "Yes it took me seasons to get over that too. Try being sold to the monitor lizards of Sampetra by a fox and see how that sours your opinion of them"
Takeo arches an eyebrow "Then how do you get along with the dibbun caretaker or Xander.....avoid them? And I will not harm any beast unless they give me reason to"   

Xander says, "Uncle Oz would also not hurt anyone....but he does have a staff and he is like awesome with it...he could kick vermin’s butts probably....umm if he wanted to."

Flicktail nods to  Takeo "I  get along with them because, like you,  they showed me their friendship and I  learned  I could trust them. Xander here is in the abbey. If he be here then he has Father Abbots trust to do no harm.”
Takeo nods "Well if they feel you are a friend then......" He puts out a paw "I am your friend as well sir Flicktail"   

Flicktail offers Takeo a warm 2 pawed shake "I am honored Sir to have friends such as you”
Flicktail says, "and if you ever want some training...I wielded a sword for many seasons"   

Benar says, "Well I must get back inside and talk to the elders, But please do all continue to chat, if you will all excuse me." He bobs his head and sets off.   

Xander waves to Benar. He seems to remember something but decides it can wait for now
Flicktail looks up at the 2 large Badgers "oh my there was a time I would have been terrified o ye“

Takeo says, "I am fine with training, I may not be perfect with a blade but I am strong and quick....important when you are in charge of an small island...which I will need to get back to once its spring"

Xander isn’t to tall...yet, but is Flicktail’s height and will grow taller, he frowns at Takeo "You and mom are leaving in the spring?"   

Flicktail says, "aye well do not rule out your claws and fangs...Remember Badger Mum Constance took out many a vermin that way"   

Takeo nods "Yes us and the twins....but we can stay in contact I am sure. And it will be up to Tanya if she goes or not"   

Xander says, "Uncle Oz is very protective of the dibbuns...he may be blind but it doesn’t mean he won’t fight off vermin who try and harm the dibbuns or even try and harm a friend"   

Takeo says, "I am sure he is very protective of them, it’s not wise to get near a badger if you mean an innocent in their care harm"   

Flicktail gathers up some wood planks and heads off leaving the two to talk

Xander nods “Yeah” He waves to Flicktail as the fox leaves.

Oz  walks slowly to the two, “Xander…Takeo is everything alright” He has with him a couple mice and couple squirrel dibbuns and in his arms the two badger twins Zork and Northstar”

Takeo smiles and goes to take one of the dibbun badgers “Yes all is well….or will be, the missing dibbuns will be found soon Oz no worries. I promise” He goes to also get the other badger dibbun “Me and Zinnia need to mourn the loss of Aira, I will see you both at dinner” And he exits.

Oz nods and sighs sadly as he sits down.

Xander goes to hug Oz “Love you Uncle Oz and please try not to be sad, things will be ok.”

Oz frowns “Am I a good caretaker still?”

Xander answers “Of course you are, this is not your fault it’s the bad beasts fault….want to go sneak a pie?” Yeah he just said that.

Oz blinks “Sneak a pie?” The two mice and two otter dibbuns giggle as Oz manages a chuckle, “Sure why not.” Hey he can be mischief like sometimes. “Let’s go” The 4 dibbun cheer, ya pie!

The lone apple pie in the kitchen is doomed!

Last edited by oz (2017-02-28 06:26:57 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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