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#1 2018-06-28 05:49:03 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Old Scrolls and Recordings-Redwall Log


Gorvenalus- Redwall Abbey Recorder

Lilymoore- Redwall Abbey Bell Ringer

Benar-Redwall Abbey Abbot


**A room downstairs of the Gatehouse **\

LilyMoore has been at her lessons, which include the fine art of exercise and taking care of the bells. She now opens the door to the Gatehouse, a couple of robins following her inside, chirping. "What? No, I don't think that's a good idea. Hey," she says, turning to a usually closed door that is set into one of the walls near the front door. "Hello? Is anybeast in there?" She asks, closing the front door and resting her paw on the handle of the other door. The robins have quieted down and are perched on her shoulder and head, but she doesn't seem to notice.

Gorvenalus is inside the smallish room. It's clearly not used much and maybe he should come and dust in here and clean up. He is on a ladder and reaches for a box, he brushes his paw on it "Almost...have you...darn it....aha!" He has the box, it has like 2 seasons worth of logs and then a yelp as he falls backwards and lands on an old forgotten chair that was already broken, well least there is the cushion on the chair, its dusty but..cozy as he coughs roughly and rubs his side as that hurt. Scrolls and a box lay beside him as he sighs, a couple cuts on his side now as he sits up from being on his back and groans, he looks at the scrolls and the box and sighs, two seasons are a little mixed up, but its fine he can fix it and reorder it again as there is dates at least.

LilyMoore looks in the room just as her friend is sitting up from his fall. "Oh my goodness, Gorvenalus!" The robins flutter over to perch on the fireplace mantle of the main room as the mouse maid rushes over to her friend. "Are you okay? Why didn't you find Mom or me to help you? Ohmigoodness!" Her brow wrinkled with concern, and she goes to gently brush some dust off of the beaver's back.

Gorvenalus coughs and offers a smile "I am fine..." He stands and looks at his side, well best he can there is a small bit of blood and the chair..."Sadly the chair is not ok, it seems it was old...maybe older than me"He chuckles a little and looks at the scrolls 'I was looking up some old info on that Black Rose group."

LilyMoore's eyes widen slightly, but she just nods. "Well, if you're sure you're okay.....I thought all the records and stuff that were here in the Gatehouse had been taken to the Library." She peers into the box the beaver is holding. "Did you find what you're looking for?"

Gorvenalus says, "It seems not all of them and I believe Benar has, very very old ones that may likely crumble if touched lightly" He looks at one scroll and hmmms "Well...that's interesting, then again I did hear him mention it.""

LilyMoore tries to peer at the scroll. "What, what's interesting? Who mentioned what? May I help you? I wanna help, but I'm not allowed to leave the Abbey. Can I help?"

Gorvenalus smiles "Well we can careful see if Black Rose is mentioned or anything on a this one post of Blackfur...a pure black feline was on the road, threatening to take over Mossflower. He was throw into the ditch and seemly slain was not checked as the beast he fought limped back to the abbey with a rather nasty gash in their shoulder blade....lets see....they did recover but no one found the cat in the ditch its though he may still be alive..."

LilyMoore frowns. "So this Blackfur may be the one running the Black Rose right now? How dangerous was he? Did he have any children?" She brings in 2 chairs for them to sit on, and the robins follow her into the little room. They perch on a shelf and chirp. The mouse maid glances up at them. "Well, can you read our language?" More chirps. "Then you can't help us too much, although maybe you'll have some good ideas. Sorry." She pulls some seeds out of her apron pocket and puts them on the shelf by the birds, who start pecking at the food.

Gorvenalus says, "No Blackfur was killed by ...can't read the name..Tyree...maybe? And it doesn't mention a child, if he did he/ she would of been an infant ."He hmmmms "Maybe Oz knows.""

LilyMoore nods as she sits in a chair. "Are there any other mentions of Blackfur or the Black Rose in that box? I can read them." She holds out a paw. "Should we go talk to Oz now? And Tyree? I wonder who that was..."

Gorvenalus nods "I do find it interesting who fought Blackfur on the road it explains why he was later poisoned this cat wanted revenge and if the latest one in charge of the Black rose is a daughter....then they may well also try revenge to get even with a beast that comes across their path, my advise to any one be careful

LilyMoore's brow furrows. "Who was it who fought Blackfur and later got poisoned? If Blackfur's daughter is running the Black Rose now, she may try to hurt this beast to get even with them for hurting her father." One of the robins chirps something, and the mouse maid nods. "You're right, they do sound like the way vermin are usually depicted in stories. And didn't Marek say that Ormaz has control of the slaver group?"

Gorvenalus frowns, "That....could be bad."Well that is something to think of as he looks threw another couple scrolls and finds one "Yes...Blackfur later found out he lived...not a good thing then he rarely leaves the abbey,,,"He frowns "Sorry rambling...and I do not know...Ormaz?" Ok he didn't hear that name, then he wasn't there and may of missed the meeting, he just knew the gates are sealed cause of a threat.

LilyMoore cringes. ", uh, Ormaz? Yeah, he's just, um, Marek's crazy evil brother who may or may not be wanting to take over the world, kill Marek, murder everyone who is important to him, and in general destroy all that is good and lovely and pure and beautiful in the world." Smile! She kind of expanded a bit on what her stoat friend had said, but, hey. With what Quade did to her, do you really blame her? The robins give worried chirps; what their mouse friend just said has them worried now.

Gorvenalus frowns "Something to write down and an answer to who fought was Oz"

LilyMoore's eyes widen. "Oh, no......should we need to tell anybeast? Here, lemme get something to takes notes in..." she leaves, then comes back a few moments later with a few sheets of paper, some ink, and a quill pen. Sitting back down, she starts scribbling notes down on the top paper, getting ink all over her paw.

Gorvenalus smiles "Careful Lilymoore and there is a lot to take note on, mainly important things...such as Black rose....oh"He chuckles a little "It seems one Autumn season someone dyed Abbot Lorimis PJs pink, it took weeks to get them normal again, so that for example is not important for the now, but it is something funny to brighten the mood some"

LilyMoore takes a deep breath and slows down with her scribbling. She's making less of a mess, but is still getting ink on her paw. At least she's not smearing the words. "Wait, pink?" She giggles. "I bet he looked cute in them," she adds, laughing. "I wish I had pink PJs." She doesn't take note of it on her paper.

Gorvenalus smiles "Who knows."He looks through some other logs as he tries to organize them again. "There was a leader before Blackfur, a Quickclaw but those scrolls are likely..someone else was Abbot then, not Lorimis"

LilyMoore writes down this information, leaving a blank space for the name of the Abbot during the time of Quickclaw. "So here soon we need to look in the library and see if there are any records there that can help us."

Gorvenalus says, "There may be some older ones there...or here, I know some copies were left here if they were important. Sadly a hare that seen a lot of Blackfur's base has died, he use to be a head guard here at one time, when that rank was around now it is not""

LilyMoore frowns. "Who was that hare? Should I make a note of them on here?" One of the robins chirps, and they flutter out the door and out the open window. "They said they need to get back to their babies, and that they're happy to have met you," she translates for the beaver.

Gorvenalus nods "A..Jake....yeah not reading that long name, what is with hares and long names, it's silly to have like....7 parts of a name, most have 2 at most"

LilyMoore scowls. "Yeah, I have no idea why hares have such long names. Jake, you say?" They are in a small room off to the side of the main Gatehouse room. The Bellringer is sitting on one of 2 chairs in here, taking notes on paper and, even though she's trying to be careful and is doing everything right, is still somehow getting ink on her paw. But none of the words are smeared, so that's good.

Gorvenalus nods and shrugs "Hares like long names I guess." He sets down the scroll and looks up at the boxes to find some more "Need...further back than..Blackfur, then he was the most recent and his..father think was..maybe, some seasons before that." He is careful to not slip on the latter again.

There is a knock on the door to the cottage, a firm thump, thump, thump and then silence as whoever is outside waits for an answer.

Gorvenalus looks at the door and clears his throat "Go ahead and enter please" Hopefully he didn't just invite someone not so good into the room, yeah that wouldn't be fun.

LilyMoore hears the knock and, after putting down the quill and paper, walks to the door and opens the door that leads outside. "Hello?" Well, if it's someone bad, she can scream REALLY loudly and bring her mother, who is on guard duty right now, dashing to her rescue with her ax of death.

It is just the Abbot, carrying a tea tray laden with scones and cream and butter and a large tea pot, "Hello there Lily, is Gorvenalus still out here going through the old archives?" He lifts up the tray, "I have a snack for everyone."

Gorvenalus is here, once he hears the abbot he gives a "Just a...."And that top step needs seriously fixed as he ooofs, least he doesn't fall but a couple scrolls do as he sighs and slowly comes down "That top couple steps needs repaired on this ladder..."

LilyMoore smiles and opens the door, stepping out of the Abbot's way. "Hey, Benar. Yeah he's in the--" she is looking in the room just as the beaver sort of falls again. "Omigoodniss!" She rushes in to check on him. "Stop climbing up there, you're gonna break your neck!"

Benar stares at the ladder and then sets the tray down, "Here let me," He wanders over to the ladder and starts to pull things out of his habit sleeves. He must have pockets in them... not that he would ever admit to it. He pulls out a paint brush, then a screwdriver, "Now then let me examine this and see what I can do, you have some tea"

Gorvenalus blinks and smiles "Thanks but as Lilymoore said do be careful Benar, I am sure you don't want to go in the infirm . We already have other things we are dealing with"

"Yeah, please don't fall and die." Lily sits and nibbles on a scone. She's rather melodramatic at times, don't mind her. "We're trying to find stuff about the Black Rose and Blackfur and all those things."

Benar says, "Don't worry," He chuckles, "But the one thing I am good at is practically things, woodcraft, pottery and such," He hums to himself, fiddling with the stepladder, "I will admit I am not very good at research myself, or being a warrior but fixing things I can do," He gestures, "Now tea, both of you and a snack you have been working for rhours."

Gorvenalus nods "I have been in here or the library a long while and have found somethings, not too much but some useful things and maybe whom to speak to on any things they remember or was told maybe"

LilyMoore looks at her inky paw, which is also the one holding her scone. "Well, I was at my studies, then I rang the bells for lunch, then I learned more about how to take care of the bells....oh, I forgot to eat lunch. Oops." She smears some butter and jam on her scone, then snarfs it. Delicious!

Benar says, "Yes I thought you hadn't had lunch," He looks over his glasses at Lily, "But I am glad you have been learning about how to look after our bells. They do need some care and attention, most people thing they will just hang up there forever."

Gorvenalus smiles as he looks over a scroll that had fallen open, he takes a sip of tea and a nibble of a scone"Hmmms...interesting. Where ever this newest Black Rose is, must be elsewhere than before as the old building was burnt down it says...and a few vermin did flee, of them had Blackfur's daughter, as its what I heard that she is in charge of the Black Rose now and its been confirmed there is a cat...also Black Rose have these....tattoos...Kishiko mentioned tattoos"

Benar asks, "Hmm tattoos, do they always have them in the same place? arm, back of the hand something like that? Would make it easier for the guards to check people""

LilyMoore smiles. "Well, I'm the Bellringer, and Momma thinks that means I need to take care of the bells and the Belltower, as well as ring them." She listens, then stands. "I'll go ask Butterclaw to fly to Ferravale. I think Blisa said something about getting a description of the tattoo and of the Black Rose leader. I'll see ya later!" She grabs a few more scones, a cup of tea, and then heads out the door on her mission. Hopefully she'll actually be able to find one of her sparrow friends.....

Gorvenalus looks over the scroll and frowns "It..doesn't say. Maybe someone knows it does say....its a Black Rose with thorns. And I know also they tend to drop a Black Rose as some..calling card when they" He frowns "Kill a beast...."

Benar asks, "Well hopefully Blisa has found out," He settles down in a chair and refills Gorvenalus' tea cup and then pours some for himself, "Kill a beast? What do you mean?"

Gorvenalus frowns, "There was, no one from the abbey lucky. But a beast was killed in the woods and a black rose flower was on the ...body. " He sighs and then speaks "It may have been one of the Mossflower Defendes found..dead.Its getting...dangerous, yet other beasts have said there is no issues on the road when they travel and didn't wish to stay at the abbey, wanted to go on to where ever they were going. Also seems to happen more at like dusk or nighttime, makes you wonder if its ok to go even to the market. The abbey seems good on supplies, we are low on a couple things we don't use too much of, dandelion ale was one and onions we are low on now"

Benar drums his fingers on the arm of his chair, "They probably know or have heard what my orders are by now. They might be trying to make me look like I was worrying about nothing by not doing anything and then suddenly just as everyone relaxes attack"

Gorvenalus nods "I for one am not venturing out, no worries. What should we do as we can't look scared and worried, but at the same time also stay careful."He frowns "There is another serious issue also a lot worries on, even me"

Benar flicks his tail from side to side, "What other matter Gorvenalus? Something no one has told me about?"

Gorvenalus looks serious"You have to of noticed.....where is our Champion?"

Benar leans back in his chair, "I have been asking the same questions Gorvenalus, as has the council..." He looks into the fire then back at the beaver, "Have faith, Martin will reveal to me where his Sword is meant to be when the time is right."

Gorvenalus nods "I do hope so Benar, I do hope so. This is a time we need Martin the most."

Benar stands up and smiles, "Have faith Gorvenalus, Martin has never steered us wrong."

Gorvenalus nods and watches as Benar heads out, he looks over the scroll that fell and sighs as he cleans up a little , organizes the one box and another he decides he will look at later, he neds some fresh air.

Last edited by oz (2018-06-28 08:23:17 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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