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#1 2017-02-26 08:18:08 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

First We Find The Dibbuns, Then The Blade

**a short log with Patch…..who runs into Xander and a rabbit named Rupert.**

==Inside Ferravale Tavern==
Rupert was in the tavern having lunch, a couple large books beside him and he purposely was off to one side by himself and so far most have left the rabbit alone. Beside him was a simple cup of tea and half a cucumber sandwich.
Xander stepped into the tavern, he looks around for someone else but upon seeing the rabbit he walks over and studies him "Wait..I have seen you were at the abbey once!"   

Rupert looks up and arches an eyebrow, "Oh Xander, yes I am an acquaintance of your Uncle Zee Winters. I am sorry to have heard of his passing" He adjusts his glasses, "my guess is you are now an inhabitant of his hut, he had left it to you in the will after all"   

Xander sits across from the rabbit "Umm..yeah I guess, I am almost done with my quest to find the blade, and he left a note" He digs around and finds the note and smiles as he reads it " 1. To retrieve the missing it really missing though as I know where it is, but you  don’t yet. Read through my words, you have gone north and back south, you have gone west and back east and even up and down...some twists and turns, all part of the plan, now go find the blade back where you began....." He thinks "I am guessing it means the first beast who had a chest....unless it means who gave me the note and that...would be you, you gave me the first note on where to start looking"   

Rupert listens and takes a long drink of tea and a small bite of his sandwich as he clears his throat "I do not have a chest for you, or a note, or key I am sorry young sir if this is not wot one wants to hear."   

Xander frowns and puts the note away "I was...sorry, it was just in case...I just been on this quest thing a while is all"   

Rupert nods "Well the primary beast is most likely also the final beast to speak to in this quest Mr. Winters had, and I am sure it has taught you a lot you have gathered knowledge you perhaps didn’t have before"   

Patch makes his way into the tavern looking sore and tried, he blinks when he sees Xander and hurries over "Stripy! Oh am I glad to see you, you wouldn't believe the time I have had lately and I can't even leave till the boss of this village says’s horrible I tell you"   

Xander shrugs and then he sees Patch and frowns "Sorry Patch, I have not had the best past couple days...creepy beasts and then my adopted sister and some other dibbuns are missing cause they were dibbun napped by some ferrets and weasels or something and I am trying to find my blade still as it be handy in this sort of time"   

Rupert shakes his head at the rat "You sir are inconsiderate" But upon hearing about the dibbuns "How diabolic can one be, makes ones traveling unstable   

Patch looks between the two and sits down, he glares slightly at the rabbit and speaks to the badger" Missing dibbuns?" He sighs "See I could SO help with that, like try and find the hideout and spy or something, but Nooooooo.....I have to stay here and work for Mr. Creepy the undertaker for the next season or two....two seasons most likely and I hope I can leave some before that, I mean......its torture"   

Xander says, "I meet the undertaker , he is creepy and so is his house and the path going to it."   

Rupert pushes his glasses up and gathers his books " I have things to do in a less stressful place, adios" He then heads off elsewhere.   

Patch blinks and waits till the rabbit is gone "That hare is...strange and whats with the thick books and all and what does Adios mean?"   

"He is a rabbit not a hare and I think it means goodbye." Xander manages a small smile "I do have good news in all the bad and speaking with the rabbit it just confirms who I need to speak to, well soon as I find him that is but it most likely needs to wait till the dibbuns are safe"   

Patch grins "Good news is always the best what is it and why ya needa talk to some beast for?"   

Xander clears his throat" Marek as he has the final chest and possibly The Blade Of The Northwind Storms.....or least a clue to where it is. I am going to show him the note and tell him I believe its him and he will tell me if I am right or not, but as I said...after the dibbuns are safe as I know Marek will get the defenders together and I am one of them, as is Dorarose, and Zolomon, Thunderwing and a couple others"
Patch nods and  says, "I do want to help but maybe I can help in other ways if not trying to find this camp or whatever"   

Xander says, "I am sure you can help somehow or other"
Patch says, "So...sure ya wanna wait till the dibbuns are saved to get ya sword....I mean sounds like could be a better sword than wot ya have now"   

Xander nods "Yes and I have a blade if needed, and the dibbuns are more important right now"   

Patch shrugs "If ya say so stripy"
Xander says, "I do say so, it can wait. Once the dibbuns are ok, I will bring it up ok"

Patch nods again "Anyways....I need some sleep and I am allowed to sleep in a room upstairs or supposed to be able ta later and good luck and all that "   

Xander nods "I will let you know how it goes later"

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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