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#1 2017-02-25 08:44:50 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

I Forgive You

FV:Infirm:Main Room
This is the infirm. The far walls are lined with simple cots with clean sheets and pillows. The sheets and pillows are mainly white and blue. The room is keep clean and well sweeped. Cabnets are agaist one wall full of healing supplies and herbs,each marked in its own jar. A examineing table is seen and a wash basin.   

Oz is awake and still on a nearby cot. But he is listening to sounds around him and frowns. He sighs once and tries to slowly sit up but still feeling a bit ill he lays back down.   

A vary sleepy looking marten picks himself up off the floor. The white marten, who was apparently sleeping on the floor, dust himself off a little bit, and looks around.   

Oz hears the martin and speaks "Who is there?"   

The marten turns to the resting badger "I’m sorry," he says "Did I wake you?"   

Oz shakes his head, "No..just, then again there is very few here I know as I am more use to the abbey than here...which can tell is the infirmary and hopefully I can get home soon as others must be worried."
"Ok." Says the marten not quite understanding the comment. "I am Martin O' Malley de Marten. Who are you?"   

Oz nods "Oz Winters...dibbun caretaker of Redwall...."He frowns "And some of my dibbuns are missing taken by some rats and weasels...and I believe a fox, I am not sure I was knocked out and only known a small few was able to hid and get to the abbey safely, but not all the dibbuns were able to"   

The Marten   smiles and says "I know, I was hoping to save them."   

Oz nods "Well any help is good to have, I need to get back to the abbey soon as the other dibbuns must be worried for me...yes there is Sister Jenny but not many others can tend to the dibbuns as well"   

"Where were dey captured?" inquires the young marten.   

Oz answers "Not too far from a clearing north of the abbey I do know it was a little from it as I had wished to stay in the clearing but ended up a little away from it...I dislike being too far from the abbey as being here I feel helpless and can’t do much or even get around. I have learned my way around the abbey and woods close to I may as well be lost"   

The marten named Martin shakes his head, which is pointless because he is talking to a blind beast "I cannot help with that, I'm a stranger here me self."   

Oz slowly stands and starts to figure out whats around him, he nods as he starts to learn his way around the room "Well perhaps you can find a home here in Ferravale....and even get a job of some sort...."He mutters something when he bumps into a chair and snorts, he gets back to figuring out the layout of the room even taking mental notes of steps to and from where the cot he was on is.   

FV:Town Center
The gravelly path through the village gets wider the further into the village it travels until at the center of the village it splits off into four around a large firepit just waiting for any excuse for a feast or celebration and still showing the bones and a few broken mugs from the last one around the edges. A large longhouse for meetings has been built on one side of the road, standing important, decorated with carved wood, shields, weapons, furs and a large skull over the door with the large similarly fearsomely decorated house of the chief sitting proudly beside it.
Meek in comparison across the road a smaller wooden building bares a misspelled sign over the door naming it the 'Infermery'. A few trees dot the edges of the clearing but buildings take over in most directions, only the north showing some vegetation within the village walls. To the west houses seem to spring up and take over the land while noise and masses of beasts take over the south around the market and shops. Down the eastern trail the village gates can just be seen with the tavern close by.

Oz has found the door that leads outside, well this could be good or bad as he seems to debate on going further or not, he does have his staff if needed, and he is not one to stay in the infirm when he is feeling better, well his chest hurts still but he can put up with that. He manages to go a fair distance and not bump into anyone, then a couple beast just go around him.
Watching the badger is a weasel who seems to find it extremely funny that the badger is moving slowly and seemingly having some trouble, he smirks and walks over to him thinking easy target for some fun, "Hello...don’t see many woodlanders...for sur stripedogs and in a place like this."   

Oz pauses where he is and mutters something under his breath, this is not the day to upset him, he finally speaks "It would be wise to move along or point me in the direction of somewhere else." He stays calm, for now.   

The weasel just grins and studies him closer, "Well this is a new thing...ya old and ya blind, and you’re in a vermin have an injury seems..well" A blade is drawn "This should be fun. “I mean the chieftain and guards are busy elsewhere, and guards can't be everywhere so why not and fights happen a good deal in the village.   

Oz raises his staff and looks ready to slam it into the weasel's chest if needed "Ever hear the don’t judge a book by its cover.....I may be blind but I can hear fairly well"   

The weasel smirks, ok he will just have to be quiet won't he. He moves slowly and stops before making as if he is just going away and down this alley, he is gone a few moments and ends up behind the badger and grins as he goes to raise his blade to strike, only he suddenly has a blade under his own throat as he errks loudly and drops his own blade out of fear.   

Oz shakes his head as he hears the weasel leave and lowers his staff, he then jumps slightly at the sudden yelp and has his staff griped in his paw again ready for some unseen attack as he spins around and backs up a little bumping into a barrel, that luckily doesn’t tip over.   
The weasel whimpers as someone behind him speaks "Be a good beast and go elsewhere or do I need to call the chieftain...." A quick no is muttered from the weasel and the blade is lowered "Good move now get out of my  my sight!" And the weasel bolts as if his life depended on it and maybe it did, the owner of the voice looks at the badger as he puts the blade away " I say Mr. Oz...perhaps it is best to go to the tavern, not the best place to walk around the village, least till you learn your away around and the tavern is having lunch now, then perhaps I can escort you to the abbey or least the gates of the abbey"   

Oz snorts, well least its someone he knows "Greetings Marek, and...fine" He is still unsure of his feelings for the stoat but he decides to trust him as he allows him to led him to the tavern.   

Outside a sign swings on a rusty creaking frame above the doorway of the tavern depicting a faded painting of what appears to be three rather rich looking skeletons slumped over a table around a black chalice, perhaps such a thing could be taken as a warning but it doesn't appear to work on the locals. The noise within on a normal day is usually heard before the door is even opened and only rises in volume when one actually steps inside.
There are the typical qualities of a tavern within, from the bar to the chairs and booths and the odd drunk who never seems to move it's the little details which encourage a patron to pay his tab if he likes his fingers. One look at some of the staff or customers might give the impression but the room is decorated to the fiercer tastes with bones, mostly skulls cropping up here and there to fill a gap on a shelf or decorating the walls above the doorways, fireplace and bar, a pair of axes joining the one over the fire with some signs that they've been yanked off to join in a fight a couple of times. Some of the comfier chairs are lined with fur and very rarely one might be found with a few pointed bits of bone to decorate the back. Despite the looks there is entertainment and fun to be had, some form of music usually played on a small stage in the corner and at least one bouncer usually tries to keep the peace while beasts gamble, drink and be merry.
A small door behind the bar leads out the back to the kitchen and cellars while one wall has been opened up in a wide arch to increase the space off into the next room where what seems to be a wooden fence with gates on either end has been set up as a fighting pit as further entertainment and something to bet over.

Marek leads the badger to the tavern and finds him a place to sit, " It would be a bad idea to have the abbeys dibbun caretaker get more injured...or worse." He gets some veggie soup and tea, and a couple rolls for the badger "And no need for pay for the meal." He sits down by the badger "After I escort you to the abbey I plan to get the Defenders together and hunt down the beast who decided to take the dibbuns and to get the dibbuns back, other members of the defenders can get the dibbuns back to the abbey"   

Oz nods as he listens and eats a little of the soup and sips his tea" Help would be great...thank you, and for helping me just now as well." He sips his tea" And help back to the abbey is good as well I...I will be a lot better at the abbey where I know my way around and not feel so...lost and helpless" He sighs" I want the dibbuns found soon, they...I just hope they are ok"
Marek listens as he gets an ale, "I try and help beasts now, not that some abbey beasts seem to know that, some still do not trust me"   

Oz sips his tea slowly and eats his soup not saying anything right away. It’s a quiet few moments before he finally clears his throat and speaks " I ...been thinking a lot, and...well I know some beasts don't try you but some have forgiven you, yes not all but it’s a start and..." He is quiet as if a final check on his own thoughts before adding " I...forgive you, so you have one elder of the abbey counsel forgiveness"   

Marek tilts his head as he listens and seems surprised "You?..You of all beasts forgive me for what happen?" He just seems in shock "I..I killed your son" Yeah that was a long long time ago but not something one forgets easily.   

Oz nods "Yes, you were a much different beast then than you are now. You have changed a lot...grown in ways away from evilness. You are helpful and from what I heard...even kind to others now. A lot more trust and respect you than they used to. You run a tavern and you are leader of a group and that takes a lot of time and energy and respect as well, and you have gained my respect as well."   

Marek smiles at this and wipes a tear from his eye, he is quiet before he utters a "Thank you"   

Oz nods 'Your welcome" He finishes and then stands "So is the offer of helping me to the abbey still there?"   

Marek nods "Yes yes of course..."He stands and looks to Zaram "Zaram I will be back later this are in charge of the tavern" He gets a nod and then goes to led Oz to the abbey "Let us  go Mr. Oz and get you home"   

Oz follows Marek on back to the abbey knowing the walk there should go well.   

Marek gets the badger safely to the abbey and then heads back to Ferravale, but he doesn't go to the tavern right away he goes to the Mossflower Defenders base first, and once he gathers those he can he will close the tavern the rest of the evening, it is time for a group meeting.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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