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#1 2018-06-15 10:51:40 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

What Was Your 2nd Choice-Mossflower Defenders LoG

***A funny role play with some seriousness in it...a little..anyways I spoof a monitor and no I will not spoil the name, just read smile *****

===Somewhere not too deep into Mossflower woods, the rat Patch has gotten himself in trouble...yep ===
Patch-Spy, Troublemaker,Tavern Worker

Chestnut- Scout in Mossflower Defenders

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Karth-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Some spoofed rats and a large monitor lizard

Patch was not a stranger to getting himself in trouble and today was no different it seemed as he was tied to a small oak tree.

The campsite was full of about 4-5 black furred rats. Their leader though was not a rat at all, but a large furious looking monitor lizard with spikes on his shoulder pads, with spikes on his elbow pads, no other armor just a criss cross of two black leather stripes full of daggers. His claws were long and sharp, as was his teeth. He had a black eye patch over one eye and the other was all rertile  like.

“Zzzzzzo little rrrat....vhat zzzzzhould we eat you with?” The lizard smirked as his band of rats laughed.

“Wouldn't that be sort of...cannibalistic you know....fer de rats?” Patch asked, yes there was a bit of fear in his voice, this was a monitor in his face after all.

The monitor laughed “They carrrrrrre not. Zzzzzoooon I zzzzhall zzzztrike fear in de heartzzzzz...when Sparklefur comes to the abbey to eat their abbot in front of em'!!!”

Another captive was a hare, one who had the misfortune of choosing this so called shortcut to get somewhere, he now whimpered in fear.

Patch suddenly started laughing insanely, he coughed a little and laughed again “ chest hurts now...oh...heeeee”

The monitor turned and showed his fangs “zzzzhat...I demand an anzzzzwer now!”

Chestnut whimpered and his ears that were drooped stood up a little and he blinked, this was no time to laugh was the tied up rat insane?

Patch took a breath and grinned “I am...excuse so...sorry....” Another laugh and a cough to control it “ Your name*chuckle*..Sparklefur?!”

The monitor, yep his name was Sparklefur “Yes.” He sounded so proud “It shall strike fear in the heart of all beasts, when I capture and eat Redwall's abbot in front of them they shall fear my name from sea to sea!”

Chestnut ears drooped now and he looked from the monitor to Patch and back again. He was also tied up to tree, another small oak  a few feet away from the one Patch was tied to.

In the bushes nearby someone had found the camp and scanned the size, who was there and how many. With him he had his longbow and arrows, he spoke to another beast”Orders sir?”

Xander frowned, “Its a monitor...they can be dangerous, the rats not so much....4..maybe 5 of the rats, just fire when you think you have an opening I will try and get to Chestnut and untie him first and then get to Patch. Ok Karth?”

Patch meanwhile just laughed at the monitor's name “Really?..Tha's...that's...what was your 2nd” He snorted and shook his head.

Sparklefur hissed and lifted the rat's chin with a claw “zzzzhut up or I kill you first.” He walked over to Chestnut and grinned “Hello lunch or zzzzzhould I wait?” One rat is beside the tree. The other 4 in the middle of camp.

Karth arched an eyebrow, did he hear the lizard's name correctly....what ever as he aimed his now notched arrow and pulled back to wait.

Xander quickly slipped behind  the one rat, a quick stab  and the rat dies, he then is behind Chestnut and cut the ropes as he whispered “Run....” He keep the blade at his side as he watched the monitor for sudden movements.

Patch coudln't help it, he burst out laughing again “I..sssorry again I can;t...just picturing this in all...trying anyways..seriousness, you at the abbey gates..that's if you get so lucky to get him captive that is, not like the abbot of Redwall goes on daily nature hikes alone....”He clears his throat and tries to be serious “Abbey beasts I have your abbot in my claws now watch * snorted laugh* eat the great, the powerful...*snort..laugh..chuckle* SPARKLEFUR!!” And its a full on laugh he can't stop.

Chestnut takes no time if the monitor gets distracted he is gone! He slides sideways and bolts for his life!

Karth holds back his own laugh, barely and a deep breath and again focus on this, this is serious even with that name.

Sparklefur hisses and moves away from the hare, he hisses more when the hare bolts off and stormed over to Patch “Your now....lunch little rat” The other 4 rats just look at one another, one holds back a giggle.

Xander sighs in relief as Chestnut bolts and then the name, he lets a small chuckle escape and quickly covers his mouth.

Patch shrugs “Well...guess that's fine, tis better to die with a name like Patch than a..stupid name like Sparklefur.” He smirks, yeah facing death and he is smirking in the face of a monitor.

Karth rolls his eyes and keeps himself focused.

Sparklefur hisses and looked ready to slice the rat to bits when he see's Xander, and the hare as it bolts “Zzzzzripedog..”He hisses and suddenly charges towards the badger at full speed dagger in each clawed paw and each  dagger let loose and tossed. The 4 rats see the badger, one runs and the other three just stand there unsure of what to do yet. Yeah and one rat is dead so.

Xander gasps as he is caught off guard and one dagger clanks off his blade and the other sinks into his other arm near the elbow as he tenses a little.

Patch eyes go wide, “Ummm speaking of bad names....” He watches the fight.

Karth fires an arrow at the monitor to slow it, and quickly notches two other arrows to also fire right away.

Sparklefur goes to try and grab the badger by the throat and throw him into a tall ceder tree on the other side of the camp. He may have a stupid name but he is still a monitor. The one arrow hits his lower leg, the other two hit one rat each that decided to be brave and go attack the badger also, there is now one live rat who is smart and ….he drops what ever weapon he has and runs!

Xander goes to swing his blade at the monitor that is now a bit to close, his blade then falls from his paw as he tries to pry the monitor's clawed paw from his throat as he can't breath, he then feels himself fly across the camp and the last thing he feels is pain in his shoulder and then fuzzy darkness as he is knocked almost out, barely conscious he groans and blinks several times.

Patch Frowns “ not good....STRIPY!!!”He looks around wondering where the arrows are coming from.

Karth narrows his eyes and steps into camp and pulls out another arrow and aims it at the monitor's back, he aims slightly higher and fires it straight and true.

Sparklefur looks at the badger and grins, he picks up the badger's own blade and uses a clawed paw to raise his chin up enough to get to his neck and then brings the blade back and forward....but just before the blade touches Xander's throat the monitor tenses up and starts coughing up blood and staggers backwards in shock. An arrow clearly growing out of his throat. He turns and in a rage his eyes focus on the otter and after another stagger he charges the otter, the badger's blade in his paw and meaning to slay a otter!

Patch screams and tries to get loose best he can, the monitor is still alive! What the! “Someone untie me..untie me!!” He looks over at Xander “Stripy!! Wake up and do something!”

Xander groans, his shoulder is slightly dislocated, his throat has bruises and some claw, lucky not deep , on his shoulder blades, a dagger in his left arm just below the elbow and that hurts badly and he is still dazed and seeing double now as his vision slowly comes back, he also feels like...too late he threw up and coughs a little. He will be fine as no head injury just the not so fun thrill ride he just had across the camp.

Karth remains oddly calm and just fires off his arrow. He is skilled with his archer skills and shows no fear, he rarely misses and this target is right in front o him and getting closer instead of further away.

Sparklefur gets a few feet from Karth and then stops, the arrow buries it's self into his chest, into his heart and he falls forwards and the blade slides away from him a couple feet. The monitor is clearly dead, as well as 3 out of 5 rats, the other two somewhere deep in the woods by now since they ran, yeah they were smart and wanted to live.

Patch just watches and gulps a little as he lets loose a chuckle “So...Sparklefur..dead?”

Xander blinks a few times and tries to stand, then just decides on kneeling for now, “K..Karth?..Patch?” He  looks around not seeing Chestnut and frowns hoping the hare is ok.

Karth unties Patch and says in a serious obey or else tone “No sound from you and stay seated.” He then quickly goes to Xander “Sir?” He is not a healer but he knows some simple stuff, like keep the dagger in as could be worse  coming out, he frowns at the claw marks “Are you ok, can you stand?”

Patch just nods, sure quiet and seated as he rubs his wrists from where they were tied, he does show worry for the badger.

Xander manages a nod and weak smile “I...yeah, thanks Karth...”He stands slowly and gets the blade with his good arm and places it back on his back and takes a deep breath as moving the shoulder hurts.

Karth speaks “Chestnut should be ok sir think he headed to the base or the abbey, abbey is closer.”He looks at Patch “Just follow us....quiet”

Patch glared, he would not follow orders from some stupid otter but then again this otter seemed to mean business so he slowly followed them back to the abbey.

Xander pace was slow but they made it to the abbey. He let the healers on duty tend to the claw marks, get the dagger out and with help from so strong arms, whomever could even if it ment finding someone or more than one someone, to get the shoulder back in place. He would rest for a few hours.

Karth stayed close, he would help if needed.

Patch just sat down, armed crossed and likely explained what happen, also most likely letting some laughs escape..what, Sparklefur is one funny laughable name and for a monitor at that, lucky or not so lucky Patch was throw out if the abbey gates after a short time and decided to not go back, least for a few days...unless it was important...besides he needed to meet up with ...Markalaway and he seemed to clearly not care if he took his time getting there....he rather face that monitor again than....yeah and worse Markalaway lived at the end of a creepy path, in a creepy a creepy graveyard!

Last edited by oz (2018-06-16 09:02:35 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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