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#1 2017-02-23 02:17:36 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Lesson Plans Interrupted!- Redwall Log

This starts at the Redwall gates and ends up in the woods

Oz-Papa Oz  and dibbun caretaker
Rayen-fox and mate of Flicktail
Quade-warrior and member of the Mossflower Defenders
Tanya-Beaver Dibbun
Bolt-Fox and an archer
Spoofed-Sister Ginny, dibbuns, some varies vermin badies

Rayen sighed but was ready as she spoke with Sister Ginny “I will help Oz and you can take a break for once, I will also have Quade with me and maybe a couple guards” Course the guard part was a lie, but whatever sounded good she was going for.  The hedgehog  didn’t answer right away and then smiled “Ok fine a day off would be wonderful for a change, go ahead and get out for a fun afternoon I am sure the dibbuns would love a day in the woods and it is starting to get a little warmer so not as cold now, maybe they will get to see some flower trying to break through the snow.”

Tanya peeks over at the fox and waves, yes she is nosy dibbun “Dibbuns going outsides soon?”

Oz walks into the entry with his staff “ I suppose a day outside in the woods, close by, won’t hurt and the dibbuns have been rather restless, but what would we do for an hour or two because that is all I am willing to be outside the abbey for”

Rayen  turns and shrugs, she isn’t sure “Well,  could see if wildflowers are trying to pop up or stems of leaves, and we wouldn’t go that far just a little past that clearing north of the abbey?”

The group of dibbuns with Oz seem to like the idea of a walk in the woods and eagerly await the badgers decision “Fine, but others come as well”

Quade walks over “I was told to help around and I can help keep the little ones from harms way while we maybe sit and have a small lunch, a story maybe as I could tell of my time in my former village, I know a grand tale of a strange beast called a firefly, small glowing bugs that may be around here even once Spring comes, we can also ID some trees found only in the woods, what better way than to see some in person rather than just some pictures in books”

Rayen nods “Yes, see some trees such as oak, maple and maybe some birch trees, all have different bark on them and we could maybe see if moss really does grow on the north side of a tree or not”

Oz is silent and then nods, much to a cheer from the dibbuns “ Alright but let’s go and get back before lunch, and Rayen and Quade can give today’s lesson since they seem to have volunteered” He grins and lets the fox and squirrel led the way to the clearing area.

Quade hides a smirk as he heads out and sure it starts out as a good lesson when they see some oaks and birth trees and even a lone maple tree, he pats it “This tree is good for maple syrup once the trees start thawing to be ready for Spring”

Rayen  looks around as she normally would anyways and frowns, she is just glad Oz is blind so he can’t see the frown and she stays quiet to hide any stress, plus does a good job staying calm as they walk.

Oz stays close to the dibbuns, a group of 15 as some younger ones, like his niece and nephew, stayed at the abbey.

Tanya has tagged along and skips along humming a tune, she giggles “Snow out here is funnier, its funnier its funnier!”

Quade adjusts his sword on his back as they venture a little further “Almost to the clearing, there is a really tall oak tree there.” And once there he goes ahead and starts to climb it to get a better look of the surroundings.

Rayen slows and his ears flatten some, she looks at the dibbuns and motions them to come close to where she is, and…perfect she sees some lily shoots coming through the snow “Hey dibbuns come look…these will be a flower called a lily once it gets taller and sprout yellow and maybe some white flowers.”

Oz stays close “Not too far Rayen, please…seems too quiet in the woods right now”

Tanya looks at the flower starting to grow and then giggles as she sees another shoot of green a little further away, “Pretty flowers soon ya!”

Rayen frowns but answers calmly “Its fine Oz, no one is around and Quade is keeping watch” But she has no idea where Quade went off to.

Oz frowns “Your voice seems uneasy, why?”

Meanwhile a couple weasels and rats watch the dibbuns from behind some trees as they wait for a signal to be given. A cloaked figure nods, that’s the single to surround them, he motions to a fox nearby and points to Oz.

Tanya digs around in the snow, seems she is trying to help the flowers grow better maybe.

Rayen catches a glimpse of a rat “Just dislike all the snow, wishing it gets out of here very soon”

Oz nods in agreement “Yes I do agree on that, winter can be annoying but also sometimes has its enjoyable moments as well”

Meanwhile the vermin group suddenly swarmed into the clearing, a  couple weasels grabbed any nearby dibbuns, while others  cornered others and just caused some to be afraid, but all the while did the best to block off any escape attempts.

Bolt aimed the knockout arrow at the badger, took aim and fired it at him!

Rayen ears go back and she starts to aim her arrow at a rat and then just lowers her arm and steps away from the 5 dibbuns she was in front of, they are easily grabbed as the vixen then fires at a rat and gets one in the neck with a growl before she is shoved down by a weasel and ends up slipping on ice on purpose but makes it look like an accident.

Tanya screams and bolts away before she can be grabbed but she trips over some roots hidden in the snow and hurts her ankle and starts to cry loudly.

Oz already has his staff and manages to knock out two rats before he feels the arrow sink into his shoulder and growls as he goes to rip it out and about falls backwards, he shakes his head and snorts as if to clear the dizziness coming on and forces himself to fight off the urge to pass out and slams his staff into a weasel that gets too close “Rayen…Quade…get the dibbuns outta here”

Quade is nowhere to be seen, but there is a masked and cloaked beast that seems in charge of this vermin band, who nods and motions for the vermin to get this done and over with and get whatever dibbuns they have to the base that’s not too far away. Other vermin make sure paths are sweep over and oh course one could always  make fake trails or a few go by tree tops.

Rayen frowns, she does fight off a rat but most she avoids fighting.

Tanya crawls into a hollow log and curls up to hide, silent tears go down her face from fear and pain in her ankle.

Bolt jumps from his tree and grins, “This may be fun to fight a badger” He has out a dagger but also his fist. “Feeling sleepy? Let me help you go night night!” He sends a rough kick at Oz’s chest deciding that’s more fun.

Oz growls at the fox and goes to swing his staff and misses as a wave of overpowering dizziness hits him and the fox’s kick knocks the wind from him and he tumbles into a tree with a groan.

Rayen frowns as most of the dibbuns are hiding, unseen and luckily not able to hear Rayen as she growls at Bolt and goes to check Oz “He said just to knock him out not harm him!”

Bolt smirked “He swung his staff at my head, self-defense….sides most of the knockout stuff is what go him…well and the tree”

Tanya goes to try and run after getting from the log but her ankle hurts too much and she yelps in pain

A masked and cloaked beast steps in front of her and watches her “There there small one…..take her as well” He says to a weasel who nods and he looks over at the two foxes and walks over “Time to be found…or to leave your choice.”

Tanya gasps and quickly backs away

Rayen looks at the cloaked beast and glares as she goes to check on Oz, she is not as good at this healer stuff as say Leon or others but well enough and she remembers his words of some may think one dead since the knock out stuff lowers the pulse and breathing by a bit, she stands ”If he dies….I swear”

Oz is deeply unconcious and does show signs of breathing being a little slower than it should be.

Bolt walks over and gets into the path of Tanya and goes to pick her up ”Hello…need a ride?” It’s not said in a friendly way either.

Tayna screams and squirms to get loose, and then starts sobbing uncontrolled

Rayen aims an arrow at Bolt, both to look the part of being on Redwall’s side and the fact he is starting to peeve her off. ”Let her go.”

Bolt grins “Nope” He keeps a dagger at the beavers throat and then walks away” I worry more bout de old stripe dog than me lass”

The cloaked figure slips away, he needs to make sure all is well before the squirrel Quade walks back over to the vixen and badger. “Well…..a planned lesson turned rather bad and oh my 11 out of 15 dibbuns were caught what ever shall we do?” Yes lets fake the worry, he found 3 mice and a mole dibbun hiding, well some had to be left alone right?

Rayen’s ears go back and she checks on Oz again seemly worried, and she is worried .
Oz doesn’t even groan, he is very deep in an unconcious state and looks to be for a while yet.

Quade simplyly watches and looks to the 4 dibbuns “Alright you lot sit, your safe as the vermins were chased off and soon we will get help for Papa Oz”

Rayen sighs “Get the others to the abbey before anything else happens Quade and…I will tend to Oz and if you can please send some help, that or I guess I can just wait till the knock out stuff wears off.” She hopes that’s all, she already knows it can make one ill and Oz is older than Xander by a lot, could have different effect on him.

Quade nods and leds the 4 dibbuns back to the abbey, “We talk later” He says knowing she knows what he means and then he is gone.

Rayen sighs and sits by Oz, she is not sure what to do but…well wait and see what happens or if anyone shows up, this could be a long after noon.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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