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#1 2018-04-26 10:47:39 AM

Registered: 2018-03-21
Posts: 102

Finally, A New Guest-Black Rose Log


Kakarauri- Assassin and Archer in Black Rose

Stormfang- Warrior in Black Rose

Ace- Slave in Black Rose

Mariposa- A newly caught  Slave in Black Rose

Where: The woods then Black Rose Base

Why: Because....

When: Late moring time maybe...


Kakarauri  has watched varies beasts walk by and even helped a small group of mice fix their wagon wheel, what she has plans to grab them later as they would expect it less.

Stormfang yawns “We have yet to grab more slaves and that circus thing already went past. It was colorful and pretty”

Kakarauri  rolls her eyes “I will colorful and pretty your face.”

Mariposa was exploring the woodlands, and enjoying some time in the trees as she glides down from one and smiles.

Stormfang catches site of her “What about the squirrel...she is alone can we grab her?”

Kakarauri  grins, finally they can come back and not be empty handed as she smirks “This will be watch the attack, we just draw her towards the maple tree.”

Stormfang nods “Ok..your in charge Kakarauri . But why the tree?”

Mariposa didn't see the two vermin and even if she did she was not concerned with them, but she did stay away from Ferravale as it made her nervous, this Mossflower place was still new to her as she started to head back to the road.

Kakarauri  went to leap in front of her and grins, an evil smile on her face. “Hello woodlander care to play a game?”

Stormfang steps out as well, blocking another path to the road.

Mariposa gasps and backs away “W..who” She was nervous now and jumpy as she scanned for a way to get away from them. “ to go...get...somewhere” She then choose a path and ran towards a maple tree she planed to climb.

That tree happens to be the one where a hidden net lies under some leaves and dirt, hidden very well indeed and some light rocks also lay on it, set in a way anything else..even if it was a broke branch, would make it snap and go upwards trapping what ever was entangled in it and leave them hanging in a net trap from a middle of the tree limb.

Stormfang chuckles and  goes to grab her tail.

Mariposa ends up losing a little tuff of her tail and just as she is to get to the trunk she screams as she is suddenly airborne and in a net. She panics which only makes her get tangled more in the net.

Kakarauri  grins “You lose....we win and the prize is you but no worries you get a prize as well” She smiles coldly “Slavery”

Stormfang just laughs “ like surrender or else.” He goes to grab her to tie her up.

Mariposa eyes widen and she says something on strange language and then leans forwards to bite the rat's paw!

Kakarauri  is smart and gets out a blow dart and uses it to blow a sleeping dart at the squirrel maid, she uses 2 just in case and if nothing else she will just sleep a little longer. She looks at Stormfang “Idiot...”

Stormfang is rewarded with a bit paw, in fact two fingers now pour blood as he holds his paw and yelps.”It bit me!”

Mariposa chatters something and then whimpers as the first dart hits her arm and then the second her foot paw as her eyes drift shut she tries to fight it and fails badly as she passes out.

Kakarauri cuts the squirrel lose and untangles her. Any weapons, anything useful is pocketed and the squirrel maid will wake up with things missing.”Ya deserved that Stormfang...come on let's get her to the base.”She decides to move the trap also to a slightly different location she will check later for any other possible slaves...or maybe a bird for a meal even, either would work. She makes a quick check to make sure no signs of trouble were left and then heads off down a path “Come on ya idiot”

“I am not idiot...we should let Crayson eat her” Stormfang says as he looks at his bleeding paw.

Mariposa is passed out and won't wake anytime too soon.

“Your bleeding all over yourself. Get that tended to...”Kakarauri  then adds “Dummy”

Some time passes and by now the squirrel maid is in the slave cell. Not chained as  the cell is clearly windowless and the one door in and out is sealed off good. A guard paces outside at all times.

Ace is here and he has stayed close to the squirrel maid and watches her with a frown.

Kakarauri  is close to the doorway so she is listening.

Mariposa wakes up and after a faint look around she seems to turn on panic mode and gasps. She  rushes around about bumping into a couple other slaves in the cell, there is a couple other cells also and some are out doing work. She doesn't have her pouch or her staff and she  finally backs into a corner..a windowless room is just..its odd as she always had at least a sort of sky hole as she called it to view the sky and a couple ways out of a cave.

Ace frowns and finally “Come yourself lass it will only make it worse ta panic your hurt yourself”

“Yes don't hurt yourself your less valuable that way and we need slaves in working condition” Its Kakarauri  as she peeks inside the cell “Welcome to the Black me your be marked soon”

“M..Marked?” Mariposa whimpers and looks at Ace “I..where is sky...the light...this place” She shivers clearly afraid and backs further into the corner or least tries to as tears go down her face.

Ace glares at the marten and tries to come the squirrel maid down “Tis ok lass....and ...well your find out, let's just say they make sure others know your a slave here and lets you clearly remember it too” He looks at the rose tattoo on his arm...its a simple sort of outline, unlike the Black Rose members who have Large, black colored fancy looking rose tattoos with thorns and curling vines and leaves, and some have a rank symbol under the rose if they are important.

Kakarauri  just laughs, she makes sure none escape when lunch is brought. Today its day old bread with some vegetable broth and a small pawful of walnuts with a glass of water, well could be worse.

Ace offers Mariposa her plate “Here lass try ta eat something. It will do you some good lass and not to worry I have friends who know I am missing friends I am sure will not give up till they find me” Least he hopes they have not given up on him.

Mariposa shakes her head and just lays down till she is somewhat comfortable and sniffs, she lets sleep overtake her as she has tried herself out, also stress is not that great a thing and can easily wear one out also.

Ace sighs, he will make sure she etas her food later then as he sits beside the newly caught slave. He quietly looks to the door and speaks “ Kakarauri ..I do hope my friends come and kick your behind soon.”He leaves it at that and then is quiet.

Kakarauri  just chuckles “Good luck with that...slave. The only way your ever be free is when you die.” She smirks and leaves him alone, she will make sure he has double work later after she is off of guard duty.


#2 2018-04-26 03:42:42 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Finally, A New Guest-Black Rose Log

"Be our guest," Black Rose style yikes

This TP is getting interesting! big_smile


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