Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-02-19 09:29:15 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

She Lied About Where She Went

Mossflower Woods: Pathway
------------------------- Mossflower Woods -------------------------
The long path that forks off the broad dirt road descends
down a gentle sloping hill that evens out as the woodlands
swallow it up with grass and trees. The trees here are sparser
and more spread out.  Allowing for thick vegetation to cover the
ground instead.  It is easy to stray from the path, but then again
quite easy to find your way back.  The dirt is packed down
tight with paws and wagon treads that lead into the path of

Rayen needed some fresh air and a walk, a long walk and even let the guards know she would return the next day, she was going to Ferravale if anyone asked and then she left. Only….that was a lie she was going nowhere near Ferravale and was heading south of the abbey instead to hunt wood Pidgeon and to find some eggs they had laid and left, as not all eggs have chicks inside, most don’t. With her was her longbow and a couple daggers.

Bolt was close by and was watching the vixen closely as she walked through the woodlands. He also had a longbow and quiver of arrows with him, and some bolas as he slipped down slowly from his tree perch.

Also in the area was Aira, flying around and exploring the woods, she found this land interesting as her home didn’t have much woods to it, not like this anyways.

Rayen found some eggs in a nest and placed them in a pouch and listened for any sounds of wood Pidgeon, but also any other sounds that mean possible danger.

Bolt rolled his eyes, he was bored…oh look a bird! He grins and starts to take aim at the seagull.

Xander was close by with Zolomon at about the same time, he sighed as he tried to help the hare and at the same time figure out where Aira went off to ”Maybe we should head back Zolomon, I mean is it THAT important to find this poplar wood for arrows?”

Zolomon nodded “Yes it’s a very good wood for arrows lad and I need more for practice and in case any vermin show up. Also I will need some arrow tips usually simple metal or very sharp stone and not just any stone either”

Aira had no clue a couple foxes were nearby but she did see the hare and badger and started to circle and go to fly down to them.

Rayen hides behind a tree when she hears voices and frowns as she looks around. She then sees Bolt and her ears flatten, they relax a little when she sees he is not aiming at the hare and badger but at what….her eyes follow the line of sight and gasps as she goes to quickly slip behind the other fox and  knock him flat on his face if she can.

Bolt grins and pulls back only to get shoved and his eyes widen as he  drops the longbow and falls forwards face first into the snow, luckily he didn’t break his longbow, the arrow however is history as he spins around and glares at the vixen. ”Whats the idea!”

Xander sighs “Wot ever…”He hears the shout and draws the longsword he has with him and looks around, it may not be his family blade but it can still use it.

Zolomon is also on alert “We bally well have company Xandy, be on alert….yo bird ya best stay by us”

Aira puffs out “Bird…bird…I have a name it is Aira ya long eared fuzz ball” She hmmphs and scans the area, it’s not the best idea to go to the sky, you know just in case.

Rayen glares right back “Sea gulls are not food, well that one isn’t. You kill that one or it disappears you would have a couple badgers and who know who else looking for it. Or if it was just for target practice find someone else…wood Pidgeon are in this area.”

Bolt snorts “You would be friends of woodlanders huh” He shakes his head “Boss mentioned that, he also said to keep an eye on you and so I do.” He smiles , sort of, “You have vermin in ya still it seems, the woodlanders they didn’t destroy it all….did they?”

Xander looks around “Maybe we should…head back, you got enough of that poplar wood right?”

Zolomon nods “Yeah sure….come on and you too Aira, whoever it was left and we should too.” He then leads the way back to the abbey.

Aira happily follows them.

Rayen catches sight of the hare and badger “See…they would of noticed the sea gull dead as you went to make sure it was dead, they of seen you and who said to follow me?” She growls slightly.

Bolt answers “Calm ya pretty self…you know who, my boss and your boss to or have you forgotten your part of the horde now.” He stays calm “And as for target practice moving ones are best and birds are around for food…any bird, heck hare is a rather good meat too ever try it?”

Rayen shakes her head “No….and not about to either…its…it would be wrong” She frowns, maybe she had once when she was a dibbun but her birth family would eat one or two sometimes and a lot of wood Pidgeon, she shakes her head to clear it “Anyways I dislike being followed.”

“Then why are you in the woods and not the cozy..warm..abbey” Bolt smirks.

Rayen answers “Cause, I needed a break like yesterday I am trying to relax and a couple novice keep bugging me to teach them some sort of first aid, how to tie a bandage right and they keep messing up so I told them to just go to some beast else. Also the fact I have to go elsewhere to have wood Pidgeon, which I been craving a lot..cause I would sneak it when I was with dibbun and…well missed the taste  so need to go and get it and now it’s only at the Black Gull or if I am lucky I can find one in the woods, then I have to eat it in the woods and that means making a camp fire, cooking and eating it and making sure it’s not on my breath so there is mint tea to wash it away and a quick clean off in a stream. Also I don’t always like chores some reason lately..rather nap and that’s not always easy in the abbey and some woodlanders there still keep their distance from me, very few but some still or they rather have another healer help them that’s…well more woodlander , and don’t get me started on the once in a while random woodlander on the road that will attack and ask questions later, one reason I avoid the main road…I don’t attack back and usually run off and then had one time a hare call me a coward and I so SO wanted to go back and knock him out but I didn’t.”

Bolt listens “SO you avoid fights cause you can’t…or won’t maybe, attack woodlanders? I mean if one attacks you out right its self-defense and be their own fault if they end up dead”

Rayen ears go back “I am a Redwall beast and killing another is instant banishment”

Bolt makes a face “Your like in their order as a Sister or Brother…Novice whatever”

“No..just live there, order beasts don’t believe in fighting and very few even know how anyways, half know to use a staff and I think the Master Healer can use daggers and a sling…most would just run if was in danger.” Rayen replies.

Bolt walks closer “Then you should be able to fight off someone if needed not avoid them and I look at it this way, you kill them..their fault and dead beast can’t tell on ya…can they?”

Rayen frowns “Well…suppose not, but I would feel bad about it”

Bolt shakes his head and then blinks as he sees a wood Pidgeon close by and grins “Well….is that bird food?”

Rayen sees it also and aims her longbow and selects an arrow, she fires the arrow and hits the bird in the throat, It does get to make a sound, she walks over and picks it up “Yes, we can have eggs and wood Pidgeon…I told the guards I would be away till sometime tomorrow and I would be at Ferravale so that’s where they think I am and they trust me to….well not lie”

Bolt grins “But you lied…and you just killed a wood Pidgeon and you seemed to care less about either just now” He smiles at the idea of a good dinner ”I  have a campsite nearby, we can go there for the night….I also have some watercress that would be good with eggs and wood Pidgeon”

Rayen thinks on his words and shrugs. She then follows him “Well wood Pidgeon is food and….a lie sometimes is good when one wants left alone and not found “

Bolt chuckles, ”Very vermin like, there is hope for ya yet Vixen…boss would be pleased” Now if he could only get her to further dislike woodlanders and maybe even ones she calls….friends, well time would tell on that.

Rayen replies “Its Rayen…not vixen or did your boss not mention a name”

“Bolt” He replies “Nice to Meet you ….Rayen”

Rayen  is quiet the rest of the evening as she has dinner and then lays down, she looks up at the stars thinking quietly before she slips into sleep.

Last edited by oz (2017-02-19 09:32:23 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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