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#1 2018-04-21 04:18:35 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

One Doesn't Learn To Be A Good Father Overnight-Redwall Log

Happens in Cavern Hole At Redwall


Oz-Badger Mother

Benar-Abbot of Redwall

Xander-Leader of the Mossflower Defenders and recently a father to an orphaned badger cub

Mariposa-Flying Squirrel from over seas

Northstar-Badger cub spooofed


Xander is doing his best, but he seems to be failing to calm a very fuzzy baby badger down as she wails loudly. He sighs and has even gone to the corner of the room to help her calm and just sighs again.

Oz enters the room and walks over "Let me see her for a little while Xander" He talks calmly as he walks closer and stops in beside him.

Xander nods as he gently hands her to Oz and steps back with a frown, yes she still is crying as he mutters "She doesn't like me...guess not so great with....this father stuff"

Oz takes the cub and gently rocks her "It takes practice, a cub could be upset for a number of reasons and do not worry your be a good father, I was worried myself when...."He is quiet and then speaks "When I was first a father." Yeah it's been a while and now he is like the dibbun expert around here, well he is the dibbun caretaker, aka Papa oz, aka badger mother...well badger father .

Xander listens "You...were? But you tend to a lot of dibbuns every day and you only have maybe 1-2 beats to help you

The badger cub slowly calms, even lets out a loud burp and snuggles into Oz's robe as she starts to fall asleep.

Oz smiles and sits down in a chair he has in here "Yes..same feelings and thoughts as you..would I be a good father or not. You will be and not overnight but you will be as time goes on.....and I know your already very protective of her. You also have help if needed to care for her. Your do fine Xander, not to worry."

Xander nods "Yeah....hope"

Oz sighs and pats Xander on the shoulder and takes Northstar with him for a couple hours.

Xander had spent some time in Ferravale and then made his way back to the abbey. Earlier he had his new adopted daughter but was not doing so well with that, or so it seemed to him as he seemed to lack the skill to calm her where others could calm her fairly well. Right now he sits in the cavern hole, his adopted daughter with the dibbun caretaker. He swirls a half filled mug of tea before sitting it back on the table.

Benar walks in from outside, robes swirling around his ankles. He pauses when he sees Xander and moves over toward the badger, "So you've finally come home Xander," He smiles warmly and reaches out to place a paw on his shoulder, "It is good to see you again"

Xander smiles a little "Yeah...I am home. Just getting use to being back and trying to figure out, guess new challenges if call it that"

Benar smiles, "Children are always a challenge, but a fun one at that," He sits down in a chair and grins, "How are you getting along with that?"

Xander frowns"Failing. She cries..a lot and I try to calm her and maybe it works for a short while. Uncle Oz takes her and she is calmed in a few moments and asleep. I....well he has her with him for now. Maybe I am not the father type..I..I don't know"

Benar reaches out to grip Xander's hand and squeezes "It takes time, it also doesn't help to be nervous. They will be able to sense that, nerves and worry. You need to be confident and calm"

Xander says, "How can one be calm though, when you don't know what is wrong....if you know they already ate and they should be tried they they stay awake. I want to be helpful but I don't seem it."He sighs "And I though being a leader of a group was hard...this seems harder, this being a parent"

Benar chuckles quietly, "It is the greatest challenge of all Xander, you'll get there, you just have to take some time and step by step, you know everyone will help if they can"

Xander nods "I know and I know I will protect her if ever need be. Guess its something all new parents face, right?"

Benar says, "Indeed it is, and sometimes they have wind so that is why they are crying just after they have eaten."

Xander hmms "She did...burp before she went to sleep." He sighs but manages a smile "Guess just believe in myself more, sort of when I wasn't sure of leading the Defenders and..well I seem to be doing well with that...fairly well anyways. No one got hurt or anything on the trip and we got back safe. A couple beasts did stay behind to live elsewhere but they will be fine."

Benar says, "Yes, it was quite the trip and I am glad no one came to injury," He smiles, "I wouldn't mind being told before a group of you scamper off like that again. I was worried sick."

Xander frowns "I...guess I should of made sure you knew...I am sorry Abbot Benar I wont let it happen again. We would of been back sooner was not known that some beasts had survived what almost destroyed their home."

Benar says, "That was indeed happy news, the Recorder told me the other day," He grins, "But you have much more important things to worry about like your baby."

Mariposa makes her way into the room slowly, but she does keep her distance from the others as she has yet to get use to this place and has only been here like...twice

Xander nods "That's true..."He looks over at the other squirrel and nods a hello, and looks to Benar again "I am sure I better as time goes on and it will still be a little while before she does much"

Benar looks around at the sound of footsteps and smiles, "Mariposa, good afternoon dear, how are you doing?" He waves her over then looks at Xander, "And you will be fine Xander, it takes time but you'll get there"

Mariposa blinks " Usually outside and not inside, not use do the...inside, there was no buildings at home." She nods to the badger"You made your home, this is good."

Xander nods to the squirrel maid "Yeah I made it back. A couple stayed like Minsc he stayed at Willowbark."

Benar says, "Well Mariposa buildings can be fun and interesting too," He gestures up at the stairs, "There are many places to climb and explorer and see here in the Abbey."

Mariposa says, "I am use to...the sea coast and...caves..coves, that's where me and...mother was with the seals and sea lions "She doesn't remember much besides that."We translate for them but...mother say explore and see other I am here then""

Xander smiles "Redwall and Mossflower is nice, lot more trees here...not so much willow trees then guess that was closer to Willowbark...yeah you and..."He forgot the older squirrel maid name...oh well, "Well you stayed with the seal tribe didn't you?"

Benar says, "The shore is, i remember the shore up north..." He smiles fondly, "Ice and snow and eternal crashing waves, or the sea shores of Sampetra, endless sunshine and warmth forever more."

Mariposa nods and looks at Benar "The clan was ok, sometimes cold in winter but more snow was here. And I climbed a tree and the long eared beast was...surprised at how I got down so quick."

Xander raises an eye brow "Long eared one?"He tries to think he only knows a couple hares and a rabbit  "Rupert or most likely Zolomon"

Benar asks, "Now sure I know who you mean Mariposa, a rabbit or a hare?"

Mariposa says, "Think hare...yes, has a longbow. The other one is a rabbit"Yes she remembers the rabbit's dislike of being called a hare."

Xander nods "Zolomon then......yeah Rupert  is a rabbit. He lives in Ferravale so he isn't here."

Benar says, "Ah Rupert, not seen him in ages, not since the last feast we threw, which reminds me, both o you our Spring feast... well late spring, early summer feast is next week! Hope you both will be "

Mariposa says, "I will think on it yes....though some seem to....stare as I am different from others "Her outfit for sure is...almost like a gawtribe with a hooded sleeveless cloak ." We...will see, I may stay in in the trees and...glide some"

Xander tilts his head, he knows she is a bit different but "Glide?" Ok this he is curious of.

Benar quirks his ears, "Gliding squirrels, ok that's a new one, I can't say I know... much about your ah tribe Mariposa, but please do be careful if you are going to jump out of any trees. Squirrels climb them we don't tend to glide"

Mariposa looks between them, unsure...there is a reason for the sleeveless cloak and how her outfit is made, as she extends her arms to show flaps of skin, sort of like a bat but not the same and more fuzzy. She then adjusts her cloak "The hare said it seemed is not flying like a bird. I can only go so far on the wind....and would not in a and mother are one of the few left of our kind from another island close to where...Willowbark is, but we choose to stay with the seals and sea lions and live in the cove, near tall rocks with vines."

Xander listens and smiles "That's sort of neat. As for the feast I know I will be around as well as Krisha....ummmm, not sure of Ferro as...well"

Benar looks at Mariposa and his ears perk up, "Gosh, that... is new, I've never met a squirrel like you before Mariposa, I will have to ask you to show me how you glide sometime." He smiles at her then looks at Xander, "Well whoever can make it is more then welcome"

Mariposa says, "Perhaps but noot a skill...others can do"

Xander nods " a monitor lizard so he might make beasts edgy here its one reason he was only here once and left like within a very short while"

Benar quirks an ear, "Uhm I've never known anyone to feel on edge about a monitor, my adopted son is one, I raised him. You really should invite him back and if anyone caused him grief tell me who and I will have a long word with them. No one us unwelcome in Redwall if they come in peace"

Mariposa just listens, she most likely not meet a monitor before.

Xander says, "Maybe cause some were unsure...don't know Benar. I can invite him back as the weather is warmer now"

Benar says, "Please do Xander, he is most welcome," he smiles at Mariposa, "All beasts are welcome here, from gliding squirrels, to monitor lizards.""

Mariposa smiles" I am sure....feasts here are most interesting."

Xander says, "Yes they are and sometimes traveling performers come and there is music and dance, lots of good food and a season is named""

Benar says, "Oh yes if we are lucky my friend the GOUSIM minstrel will be visiting us for the feast. He is always such good fun to have around""

Mariposa says, "Music is important most places I think"

Xander nods "Krisha sings....I don't know if she will at the feast or not and that's in a few days time. I do hope things are ready and if anything is needed, maybe I could get it or find it"

Benar says, "Well if you want to help Xander pop down and ask the Friar," He grins, "He will put you to work on something I am sure. Me I am staying out of the Kitchens in case he tries to put me to work."

Mariposa says, "I may come...I will know that day. This lands is different from what use to"

Xander says, "I can make cookies...that is good here. cooking is relaxing and so is working with pottery and that's something I have not done in a while"

Benar says, "Well you should come on by the kiln soon Xander, I'll be in there all day tomorrow making something new for the feast," He nods to Mariposa, "Well if you feel comfortable joining us you will be most welcome""

Mariposa says, "I said think on it"

Xander says, "I might, I did enjoy working with clay and it could be relaxing"

Oz has manage to slip away from the dibbuns, well most of them, for his short break during the day as he has tea usually during that time and then its back to dibbun duties. Today a couple managed to come along with him.

Mariposa decides to slip away, maybe the orchards or pond is nice right now and its not raining right now.

Benar waves as Mariposa leaves then stands up as Oz comes in and moves toward him, sandles clacking on the stones, he takes his arm and guides him toward the chairs he is sitting in with Xander, "Afternoon Oz, come sit with us."

Xander nods "Hello Uncle Oz" He speaks quietly, he does note the couple dibbuns but that is not odd to see him with dibbuns after all.

Oz nods, he does allow the help as it does seem a novice moved a chair, and yes he does have a couple dibbuns one a very bouncy mouse of maybe 2 seasons as they want to see ...the badger cub, yes he still has Northstar who is semi awake. "Hello Xander. I do hope your feeling better from earlier"

Benar sends someone for tea and settles down in a chair next to the others, "You never can put the dibbuns down can you Oz, no over doing it now Oz"

Oz chuckles"I do not think I over do it. One may skin their knee and so needs a small bandage from the infirm, or maybe a thunderstorm scares them and they need a comforting word or a hug. Sometimes I may have some aid from another or a helping paw." The dibbun mouse climbed into a chair and smiles. "And other times others can hold them also."He nods to Xander. Oz though could likely use a day off as it has been a long while since he truly had a day off.

Xander seems unsure, last time he failed but he does go ahead and gently take the badger cub to hold her as he sits down again. He is relaxed...almost, as he holds her carefully in his arms, so far she is far.

Benar turns as Brother Thomas comes up and whisper in his ear. Benar looks surprised for a moment then stands up, "Sorry if you'll excuse me, something has come up. I'll see you both later my friends."

Oz nods "Later then Benar at dinner maybe"

Xander nods also as he looks at the badger cub and smiles a little as he rocks her."She is...doing ok seems...all quiet and happy not like earlier"

Oz smiles as he gets some tea and sips it" Babes are fussy at times Xander...each dibbun is different and at this age she could be teething or just fussiness all babes have at this age,"

Xander just nods and then seems to get worried when the badger cub wakes up.

Northstar wiggles and whimpers a little bit before snuggling closer to Xander.

Oz listens “Talk calmly and rock her.”

Xander nods and takes a deep breath to relax as he hummmms softly, and speaks calmly “Its ok...little Northstar....daddy is here...yes daddy is here and will never let anything bad harm you or happen to you”

Northstar is calmed as she looks up at Xander and makes a small whimper, then after a while a cooing sort of notice and reaches up to his face.

Oz is close by as he listens, he yawns and the dibbun mouse in his lap is already asleep.

Xander looks concerned at Oz, great time to nap...not really as he smiles at Northstar and lets her grab his finger if she wants to.

Northstar little paw grabs the finger and....she smiles! Her first smile, least for him and manages the smallest little giggle coo.

Oz is...yep asleep.

Xander grins and chuckles, “Uncle Oz she smiled she....”Then he notices he is asleep and so he carefully stands and finds a blanket to cover Oz to his chest and smiles as he will let his uncle sleep, maybe see if Benar can give Oz a day off, he is sure some others can help with the dibbuns as he smiles at his daughter, at Northstar and says “Daddy has you, yes he does...lets find your mama,ok Northstar”

Northstar clings onto him as he gets up and walks around with her and wide eyes a moment, then calms and coos softly as she tries to make some new sounds, no words just yet but another smile as she snuggles close to her father again.

Xander just smiles, yes this father thing he can do this! He WILL do this and he will do great after all!

Last edited by oz (2018-04-23 06:08:40 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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