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#1 2018-04-20 07:59:30 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Do NOT Attack The Traveling Circus-Black Rose Log

In Log:

Melantha- Leader of the Black Rose

Stormfang- Warrior in Black Rose

Kakarauri- archer and Assassin in Black Rose

Slash- Spoofed Fox

Mysterious cloaked main baddie- Spoofed..who is he, what is he even...time will tell!

Melantha adjusted her cloak as she was ready to go out, she turned to the others “Now let's greet the traveling circus shall we?”

Stormfang grins “I am all for this master, it shall be enjoyable yes?”

Kakarauri has finished sharping her knifes and smirks, “Yes they need a welcoming party, just not one they are expecting”

Another beast to join the group is a fox, he simply goes by the name Slash.

“Is that so?” Said a voice as a figure walked into the base, he eyed the cat”An outing you have planed and didn't think to mention something like this to me?” His voice has a chill to it.

Melantha quickly is kneeling “My Lord!” She is slightly nervous as this was truly an unexpected visit. “Yes...some slaves sir”

Stormfang nods “Some deaths maybe even.”

Kakarauri also bows “ forgive us.” This was not her idea, blame the cat.

Slash kneels also and looks like he is listening, or maybe he is just studying an ant on the floor.

The figure narrows his eyes as he speaks “There will be no greeting of the circus group. This will only draw attention to you and soon me! You will stay away from it as the last thing we need is a search party because a traveling circus did not make it to the abbey for their Spring Feast. To know of missing beast and to find dead ones leads to panic and soon  searching. I will not have it!” He is...yes angry.”I will NOT be discovered so soon!”

Melantha gulps slightly and nods “ lord...I am sorry. The Black Rose does need slaves s..sir. A couple died, a couple mice.” Proerpally from over work or some accident.

Stormfang decides, yeah he better kneel also as the main boss means business. He is alert and listens closely.

Kakarauri frowns “An..idea my lord my Master...maybe catch others, others not..missed perhaps?” She knows not all beasts traveling is part of some planed visit, some would not be looked for and missed if done correctly...right?

The figure snorts as he seems to calm “Yes..slaves are needed but we do not attack this...traveling circus, not on its way to the abbey...maybe on the way back when no one would think to look for missing beasts,  we have more time to hide any...death, any trace of attack. If an attack happen on their way to the abbey they would be looked for, found sooner and then there is trouble...for us. Yes we should be feared by that time is not now..not yet. We must plan and be careful..strike when and only when the time is right. It is bad enough we seem to have a...Mossflower Defender member as a slave, but it also seems perhaps searching for him has slowed...maybe stoped “He smirks”Its been too long, but also it could prove good time and with some chats, maybe he can give us some info.”

Melantha nods “Yes sir...what should we do then sir?”

Slash has been quiet, mainly as he checks to see if he has a dagger still...yep he does.

Stormfang frowns and asks “Breakfast?” What he is hungry and he can't enslave on an empty stomach, or even do much else, he needs food for energy and thinking clearly.

Kakarauri glares at Stormfang “Are you some long eared hare now?”

“QUIET!” is all that is said as the figure before them speaks in a commanding tone. “We will look for beasts out alone on the road, maybe 1-2 together and go after them. Trust me some travel alone...maybe a group with dibbuns, but I only want the parents...kill the young ones as they of no use to me. I had an idea once of rasieing a badger cub...if I had it now I would just drown it in the river or better yet feed it to Crayson, I have no time to train a beast, I sooner gather more already skilled it vermin species or perhaps the rare woodlander who dislikes woodlander ways.” He starts to walk off and stops “One more thing....try and learn some of Marek Redthorn.”

Melantha blinks but nods, she dislikes the tavern but will go...besides maybe a shop of good faith as she does still need to pay for tavern damages and in doing so it would look as if she is not a threat.

Slash then speaks, and has bad timing most likely “Why don't you go get info on Marek ya self?”

Stormfang frowns, breakfast is can wait. He also steps away from the fox.

Kakarauri just looks at the fox in shock, did he just say that?!

The fox is doomed and quickly as a paw grabs his throat and toss the fox across the room”CRAYSON!!”

And the your worse nightmare comes into the room. A monitor lizard and one very large one as he kneels and awaits a command.

The fox Slash slams into the wall and groans, he then sees the monitor and frowns.

Melantha gasps but stays quiet, she doesn't dare say a word.

Stormfang whimpers but stays where he is.

Kakarauri watches, she holds in an evil chuckle in fact.

The figure smiles coldly “Breakfast time.”He points to the fox Slash.

The fox stands no chance at all, he has no time to scream as he indeed becomes breakfast for all to watch.

Melantha looks away quickly

Stormfang faints...ok yeah he is a vermin warrior but that was just a little too much...and he no longer is in the mood for breakfast after this.

Kakarauri just watches and grins, she seems to enjoy the chaos and this punishment. Ok she is a little bit insane ok and she loves it!

The figure then asks “So..anyone else have a suggestion like that?” He looks around as he smirks, “Good....I will decide when Marek learns of me being in Mossflower..I will choice the time, the place and the day and me alone. No one else will choice it for me or suggest it for me. Info is easily gotten without me. He is not to know I am around...I do hope that's understood now excuse me I need some brunch and I shall let the rest of you get brunch as well. Then maybe later you can catch some slaves that are not part of a circus, as I said...beasts traveling alone...or be helpful and trick one or two beasts into thinking you know a way to the abbey or another place if they are..lost. Now excuse me...i am hungry”He then walks off.

Melantha just stands and motions Kakarauri to follow them, she wakes up Stormfang with a bucket of water and they head to find lunch, the tavern of Ferravale may have a good lunch maybe.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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