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#1 2018-04-14 02:15:01 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Catching up with the Blacksmith and the Spy (FV log)

FV:Blacksmith Shop:Main Room
The blacksmith's shop is open-air, more of a covered porch than an actual room. It connects on one side to the small one room building where the smithy spends his off time. There is a back wall, where many completed weapons, tools, some armor, and basic things such as nails and hinges are displayed. There is a table up against the side wall that serves as a resting place for various hammers, tongs, and other metalworking tools. The dominant feature is, of course, the large forge in the center of the room, where the smithy makes all the things he sells. It is keep clean in any and all weather.
Exits: (Out), (B)ack (R)oom

CHARACTERS:  Ferro, a male monitor lizard.  Patch, a male rat.  Blisa, a female cat; Ferdinand, a male ferret; Clarissa, a female rat.

Ferro is busy checking a couple things in his shop, making sure the forge is cleaned out, that sort of thing. Nearby by the wall, on a blanket is the badger cub who has decided today be great for practicing some crawling.

Patch peeks into the shop and wanders in. He frowns as he shrugs and then sees the cub, not anyone else as he wahts slowly over to it and kneels down "What this a little strip doing here?"

A hissing sound comes from the back room "SSSSSStand back from her...or feel pain." He is covered in some soot from cleaning the forge earlier, he also looks moody, and seeing it's Patch of all beasts doesn't help as he gets closer. In his paw is one of those things used to fan the forge fire with, a billows it's called, as he has yet to really relight the forge fire.

Blisa has decided to visit the Blacksmith. Having heard about a break-in and that Krisha is now in charge of a baby badger, she thought it might be good for her to check on the lizard. She arrives with Ferdinand and Clarissa in tow and takes in the situation in a glance. "Patch, what are you doing here?"

Patch backs up and trips over his own tail as he falls onto his bottom and yipes a little "I...I wasn't gonna do anything!" He quickly stands as he sees the chieftain "Just to see if no fur here would make me a dagger." He points to the badger "Isn't THAT just a wee bit out of place?!"

Ferro glares (at Patch) and picks up the badger cub looking very protective of it. The cub just coos a little and seems just fine with the monitor as she slaps at his arm a little.  "My name is Ferro....and sssssssshe is my granddaughter"

Blisa looks at the ceiling and sighs as she enters the shop.  Ferdinand and Clarissa follow, with the rat smiling and waving at the baby.  "Patch, please call him by his name.  And since his adopted daughter is a badger, I don't see an infant badger being in his care as out of place or strange.  Actually," the cat pauses, scratching an ear.  "I think she's probably safer here than anywhere else in Ferravale."  She smiles at the monitor, then turns her green-eyed gaze back to the rat.  "I heard you were doing some scouting on these possible slavers.  Did you discover anything useful?"  She didn't come here to interrogate the rat, but since he's here, why not?

Patch gulps a little "So...dagger?" He looks over at Blisa "Slavers?...Well thar was some issues close to the bridge, and the Black Gull but hey...some vermin are not like ones in Ferravale...heck some here are not what they seem and some just like to drink a lot and pass out."

Ferro snorts at the word slavers "If they come here.....they die" Its simple really. He will sit the badger cub back down on its blanket, not that it will stay. He looks at the rat  "What ssssssort of dagger and why?"

Clarissa kneels down beside the blanket, not trying touch the badger cub, just talking softly to her.  She'll make sure the baby doesn't get a hold of any of her knives.  Ferdinand just watches, ready to intervene of the Blacksmith thinks his granddaughter is in danger.  Blisa's upper eyelids lower slightly.  She is not amused by the male rat.  "Vojin informed me on Thursday that he had asked you to check some things out.  What sort of issue happened by the bridge and in the Black Gull?  If it is a group of slavers, we need to have as much information as possible so we and Redwall can hopefully stop them."  Glancing at the lizard, she tells him, "And I imagine they would.  I pity whatever creature breaks into your shop or harms those you love.  I heard that happened the other day?"

Patch rolls his eyes "Self defense...duhhhhhh..." He is then smart and gets closer to the chieftain as he speaks to her. "The...oh the river yeah...some monitor in furs, had this tattoo on his upper arm, large tattoo also all fancy like . Other than that a cat and some weasels, not much at the Gull...well was this fox that when he took his shirt off to fight this other fox had the same sort of fancy tattoo on his upper arm....not odd, beasts have tattoos and beasts fight."   

Ferro looks ready to slap the rat. The cub however looks at the guards with Blisa and blinks slowly. She doesn't do much really but she tries, and fails, to make the same sounds as the words she hears and lets out a sort of giggle and moves a little only to roll onto her back and decide her paw so interesting. Ferro looks over briefly at the cub, he trusts Blisa and her guards, the rat....well sorry not so much.

Clarissa sits down and watches the baby, a smile teasing the corners of her mouth. Ferdinand smiles, too, and goes to watch the door of the shop, just in case somebody decides to be stupid and try to attack the Chieftain while she's in here. Blisa cocks an eyebrow at the rat. "Tattoos? What did they look like?" And out comes her sketchbook and a charcoal pencil. Sitting on the floor, she opens to a blank page and waits expectantly for the rat to begin describing them.

Patch nods "Well the monitors was like...this large black rose with thorns and like green vines...thorns looked like long and most likely sharp , like fancy like vines, like see on a rose flower"

Ferro says, "They best stay away from here...trussssssst me"

Ferdinand smiles.  "Oh, don't worry, we don't doubt you.  Anybeatht that breakth in here ith obviouthly a complete idiot."  Blisa glances up at the male rat.  "And the others?"  She's busily drawing as he describes these things, and she only pauses when he does.

~*To be continued.....*~


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