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#1 2017-02-14 10:33:48 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Your Loyal To Me Now Part 1

=Rayen comes upon a wagon of merchants being robbed and attacked, but soon finds things don't always end well, and sometimes one's day can be full of surprises and leave one with many things to think about=

Somewhere within Mossflower woods  and a small part of the Dirt Road a short distance from the abbey

A cloaked figure led a group of rats and weasels to rob the group of travelers who had a cart of fine cloths and spices, "Attack" The voice was muffled by a bit of cloth and metal over the face, the only thing visible was the eyes. The vermin quickly surrounded the wagon and its small group of 4 mice and a couple hedgehogs.
The main leader, one of the hedgehog frowned "Please, its only spices and rare cloths, we are but merchants let us pass" The mice huddle together and one starts to cry, one that is a dibbun. One of the weasels just laughed “Boss said attack so we attack" The cloaked beast with the muffled voice raises a paw and closes a fist and the rats and weasels pull out weapons and start the attack!   

Rayen was traveling along the woods, over her shoulder was a wood Pidgeon she had just killed with an arrow and she was about to find a good clearing for a campfire when sounds of fighting reaches her ears, she strains to hear and tries to detect the direction, going the wrong way at first and finally coming onto the scene before her as she selects an arrow and fires it at one of the weasels.   

By the time the fox had come, the only one still alive was a mouse maid hiding under the over turned wagon and a hedgehog, who was badly hurt with a gash to his arm and side, the weasel attacking him is hit with the arrow and falls dead. A couple other rats and weasels the hedgehog managed to kill is also on the road lifeless, the cloaked beast..the leader of this vermin band glares through his hooded cloak "Attack the visitor!"   

Rayen frowns and quickly ducks behind a tree and selects another arrow and fires it quickly hitting a rat, she gets another arrow into her longbow and gets ready to draw the bow back again.   

The hedgehog is just glad help is here, he doesn’t know it’s a vixen though as he pants and manages to slay a rat, but not before it slices into his arm and he tumbles backwards and beside the mouse maid, he frowns as he coughs up blood "Run Ruth....get to that abbey" The mouse maid seems to scared to run. Meanwhile the cloaked leader of the vermin group has gone to the trees and finds Rayen thanks to the bare trees in winter and jumps down slicing at her back.   

Rayen hears the crunch of snow and spins around in time to avoid a serious wound, she still gets a slice to the upper arm and sends a kick to the cloaked beast's chest as hard as she can   

The cloaked beast gets sent backwards and groans, his helpers have surrounded the hedgehog and finished him off, the mouse maid stays somewhat hidden as the wagon is emptied of spices, cloths, and some ales. The cloaked figure slowly sits up.   

Rayen ears flatten as she goes to attempt to flip the hood of the cloak off the leader of this group.   

The cloaked beast gasps as his hood falls to his shoulders and its clear who it is, he glares daggers at the vixen and quickly yells out a command that signals the others to surround the vixen as he quickly places the hood back and adjusts it and the flap of metal and cloth that covers his mouth and so muffles his voice "Well well....Rayen of Redwall, what to do with you...kill you maybe, or maybe something else"   

Rayen eyes widen "Y..You?!" She seems surprised "But your one of the good guys...why would you..."She is surrounded and snarls as she kicks out only to be knocked down and disarmed of the longbow and arms behind her back by a couple strong weasels.   

The cloaked beast smirks "The abbey and Ferravale only think I am a friend...the fools, so are the Defenders...why I joined that stoats group I have no clue...oh yeah to put out false hope so it can be broken down more" He is distracted when the mouse maid that was hiding starts bolting down the road “Kill her!" He barks an order to a ferret who quickly catches up to the mouse maid and after a shirt struggle the mouse maid falls dead in the snow. He turns back to the fox "So...let’s see...I have an offer...join me or die"   

Rayen gasps as she sees the mouse maid fall and looks back to the once more cloaked beast "I can keep quiet about this...just let me go, I have my two dibbuns and my mate and...and killing me will only cause you unneeded trouble, someone would find out who you can’t pretend around beasts forever and fake being on their side, your slip like you did today"   

The cloaked beast thinks "I could but I know to be more careful, its rare I am truly distracted and you have a point but so do well are you at keeping a promise, hmms....I say your part of my horde now and one day I WILL make you prove your loyalty to me and if you fail that test, you die and they never find your body and oh yes I can make THAT happen rather easily and just say well she left Mossflower which would STILL be true seeing as you would be in another forest, the dark forest and zero trace of you here, there are me there are ways" He chuckles coldly.   

Rayen frowns, she then frowns "Fine..I will join your horde but you can trust me and what do you mean prove"   

The cloaked beast smiles coldly "That’s for me to know and you to find out, I am sure the right moment will come up and when it does....we see what happens and weather you choose your life ending or your life extending for however long" He snaps his finger and a weasel goes to tend to Rayen and his wounds as he speaks "Take the supplies to the hideout, burn the wagon...make sure the mice and hedgehogs are not found....oh and one more thing" He motions for one of the tall weasels to come forwards.   

Rayen frowns, she allows herself to be tended to and the bandage to be placed, least this group knows some healing "I..I can help with any healing needed"
"Wonderful" The cloaked beast says as he stands and looks to the weasel "Umm yes boss?" The weasel says as he is stabbed threw the heart, he lets the weasel fall and looks to the others "Now...head back to base and do remember, there is still a bounty on some beast head"   

Rayen frowns "Who are you wanting to kill...I..I don’t want to be a part of....I will not kill any friends, someone else can"   

"Quade Bracktor" The cloaked beast says with a smirk as he walks over to Rayen "And we will see on this I won’t kill friends quote or not, your do as I say or suffer a painful reminder why you should" The small group stands at attention and are dismissed as the cloaked beast turns to Rayen "You were attacked by a random group of beasts...of course you were hurt and a healer helped you, who attacked you well you don’t know....they are gone now thanks to your helper" And truth be told he did kill the one who caused the vixens main injury, "You are dismissed Rayen and remember, your part of this horde now, your loyal to me oh and one more want wood Pidgeon, maybe nice things...I can get those"   

Rayen ears perk "What...I...well wood Pidgeon is" Ok its good "And I am a..a...Redwall beast"   

The cloaked figure speaks "You are?" He grins and throws a small coin purse to her and offers her a couple gold bracelets, and motions for her to sit after a short walk "Lunch? Wood Pidgeon and wild greens and some fine ale not that October Ale at the abbey, sides you should rest a couple hours after your...injury"   

Rayen eyes widen, why did she follow him..she reaches out and takes the meat and bites into it, her eyes light up and she eats the wood Pidgeon as well as the greens, she tastes the Ale and blinks "Wow...this is..this is good!" She smiles as gets a 2nd glass and seems relaxed by the camp fire "I haven’t had wood Pidgeon in so so long, and Ferravale doesn’t have it any more and they only have fish at the abbey...I miss wood Pidgeon, use to eat it all the time before I lived at the abbey"   

The cloaked beast nods "You can have it more often with this group, and protection when you’re out and about, my friends here won’t harm you now and will help you when needed....I know some woodlanders dislike foxes, any fox as it matters not to them"   

Rayen nods as he gets some more wood Pidgeon and smiles "Yes that’s true, very true...."She rubs her arm "My arm should heal in a few days enough to....well if did want to find you...well this you, then where?"   

"I will find you Rayen and can always tell you to meet me at a chosen place, but do heal up a few days, we can talk some at the abbey" So he can make sure she remembers the deal "Sides...I wouldn’t want you to...slip and tell what was seen today and trust me I would know if you did....let’s just say death doesn’t always come right after wards, nor is it always seen in time to stop...keep that in mind Rayen, keep that in mind" He then stands and disappears into other trees leaving the vixen by the campfire   

Rayen frowns as she watches him go, she finishes her meal and makes sure the campfire is out 100% and then heads back slowly to the abbey.

Last edited by oz (2017-02-15 10:36:23 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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