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#1 2018-04-07 01:08:08 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Gorvenalus Meets A Newt- Redwall Abbey Recorder Log

Those in Log:
Gorvenalus-Recorder of Redwall Abbey


Chestnut-Cook for Mossflower Defenders


RW Abbey: Great Hall
The Great Hall of Redwall Abbey. Countless paw falls have echoed from these stones, and untold numbers of feasts and merry gatherings have been held here.  A table, not nearly so grand or large as its predecessors, but quite functional for mealtimes, rests near the center of the hall. Chairs exist here aplenty, and they are all of a matching set. High above, the stain glass windows give the Great Hall a beautiful appearance.  The glasswork is exceptionally done, crafted by a skilled artist.  The floor is clean and swept. A fire is kept burning in the fireplace at almost all times of the day and night, and there are several more comfortable chairs and cushions set up here, of varying sizes. One looks large enough to easily accommodate a badger.
The Tapestry hangs proud and tall, and while the rest of Redwall may still bear the scars of natural disaster, this most famous of Redwall's relics remains unharmed by beast, time, or the elements. The figure of Martin the Warrior seems to be watching over his own with an unchanging, kindly gaze.
Soft light is slowly beginning to filter in through the stained glass windows high above your head.

Gorvenalus watches a dibbun heads off and looks back to the newt, he sighs...well it is just a plate, like one plate after all and the abbey has lots of the same looking plate so most likely wouldn't miss one plate. He is silent a little while as he does want to try and talk to her still."Does...Insk" He hmmms softly but he does keep his distance from her.

Shiska glances briefly at the disappearing weasel but most of her attention is mostly on Gorvenalus now. She frowns as he speaks but after a pause replies "Insk, no" Points for the beaver, he figured out a word, the healers barely got that far even with several weeks of her stuck in the infirmary yelling at them. She narrows her eye on him again and lifts up the plate "Shiska degika" she thinks for a moment then snatches the plate from her own hand with her other hand "Degika" She does it a couple of times, snatching the plate back and forth from one hand to the other and repeating "Degika" Before she suddenly points at the beaver "Inisa" She pauses, pointing more firmly at him "Inisa. Inisa degika" She lifts the plate up again, points at plate "Gurk". She beats a fist against her chest and straightens up "Issi Shiska"

Gorvenalus listens and watches her. He is trying yes. is she saying it's her plate now? He frowns slightly. He seems to walk away to the kitchens, maybe he is leaving her alone, but he returns with a plate of scones and a couple mugs of green tea, what he did miss breakfast, and he sits down taking a scone and nibbles it, and a sip from one of the mugs of tea.

Shiska frowns again when he walked away "Issi!" She yells after him before she snorts in irritation and mutters "Rugk gurp". The moment he's gone she also tosses the plate back on the table, she doesn't even seem to actually want it. She resumes her hunt for food in the remnants of breakfast. By the time Gorvenalus returns she's sniffing at a roll but she disregards it, tossing it back down the table. She pauses to eye him again but after a moment continues she search, putting an apple or two in to the satchel.

Gorvenalus watches her and scoots the plate of scones closer to her, and leans back as he watches her and sips his green tea."Its..good" He says quietly, nibbles his own scone "Food."

Shiska's eye fixes on him once more and she glares at him for a second before snatching one of the scones to sniff at. She licks it, takes a small bit to taste and then wrinkles her nose at it and drops the scone back on the plate "Bad"

Gorvenalus nods, he hmmms again softly as there is not too much right now she might like to eat.

Chestnut walks in and right away stops as he sees the newt, well least it isn't a monitor lizard as he frowns "Who doesn't like abbey scones, that is sad."He speaks softly and nods to the beaver "Hello there...Gorvenalus wasn't it? Heard the group was back...well and seen Xander and Karth so that confirmed it as well"

Shiska pauses long enough to make sure her word was understood before she searches the table again. Bread or baked goods she seems to avoid in her search but thinks that haven't been cooked like nuts and fruit she does pick up. She stops the moment there's a new voice and her eye fixes on the hare now. She listens and her eye narrows but he's speaking to the beavers so she doesn't respond so far.

Gorvenalus watches the newt as he speaks "We all have different tastes in food......and how it's made or not made..I wander....Chestnut see if there is any fish left, but not cooked and any fruit maybe, seeds or nuts ok?"

Chestnut blinks "Umm...ok..."He walks into the kitchen and is away maybe 15 minutes before he returns with some sunflower seeds, a couple pears and like 3 small fish no one has cut up yet, maybe left over from some stew that was being made soon and walks over to the beaver"I did find this, but why did you want it not cooked yet, making something for...ummm"He points to the newt."Who ever she is?"

Shiska seems content to do her own thing around the table but does glance over when Chestnut goes away and then again when he comes back. She pays more attention when he comes back with the assortment of food though and her eye flicks between the fish and them, trying to work out what's going on.

Gorvenalus frowns "Her name is Shiska and she is....seems to be here for now" He moves slow and stands to move the plate of fish, some walnuts and pears to the newt and then sits back down in his chair giving her space "Just keep your distance as she may be scared...she may not of seen many creatures like us before. I have meet creatures whom are unused to others, seals and sea lions for example are unused to beasts that don't stay in water most of the time and they have their own language as well that I never really learned, I tried to though and it seems some friends of mine did learn to speak to them and even taught the leader common tongue."

Chestnut does indeed keep his distance only cause he is unsure of the newt, he nods slowly "Didn't plan to get jolly well closer sir." He speaks quiet and just stays where he is, but he does get a scone to eat.

Shiska's eye fixes on Gorvenalus when her name is mentioned but she's got the general idea, the food is for her. She doesn't exactly seem overly scared, she looks more cross than anything but despite the frown she wears she does wait until the beaver has left the plate of food alone for a few seconds before she goes to see what they've brought her. She seems satisfied, most of it she starts putting in her satchel, saving things for later, but whatever left she starts eating, including the fish which she pulls apart and eats raw. She nods once between bites "Good food"

Gorvenalus smiles, its a start of understanding her a little, as for food she put in her pack he seems to not say anything of it right now. He simply nods and looks to Chestnut "It is good to be home, I had a chance to stay but ....this is my home now and my friends are in good paws as my son Minsc is there with them as their knight or as you would call it champion"

Chestnut makes a face as she eats...raw fish and seems glad to focus his attention on the beaver "Oh..I meet Minsc a couple times, he always seemed down and didn't speak to me much. I am guessing he is better off...ummm..where ever it is you all went to"

Shiska listens as they talk and she eats but she doesn't get many of the words. She seems happy enough with her food and to just sit out the way and listen.

Gorvenalus smiles "He is yes. He is happy again and full of light once more. I will miss him but he will be fine where he is and who knows maybe he will visit one day"

Chestnut watches the newt before he turns back to Gorvenalus "Well that's all well and good then. You did not miss too much here really, and what you did miss you were updated on"

Gorvenalus nods "Yes Brother Leon's passing. In fact I decided to help in the infirm so Angela has some time with family during this time, and Brother Rafael is Master Healer now and he will be up there"

Chestnut nods "Yes I seen not that I stay here too often I do have a room in the Mossflower Defenders base after all and I am their main cook there"

Gorvenalus says, "I am sure your a good cook and you can even get ideas from here maybe on what to make for meals or snacks"

Chestnut smiles "I have...somewhat but I chance it slightly to make it my own creation of sorts. Like strawberries are now growing so there will be something made soon with those"

Gorvenalus nods, he looks over at the newt a moment and nods to the hare "Yes always good."

Chestnut says, "The base will have to have some spring cleaning soon and some supplies gotten now that some are back home""

Shiska has practically finished her food already. She eats fast like she's used to the food disappearing if she doesn't. She had almost stopped listening, she just doesn't understand the words but as she's finishing ripping apart the last bit of fish she looks back at them again, her eye going from one to the other. After a few minutes, experimentally she picks up the empty plate and wiggles it at Chestnut looking curious.

Gorvenalus chuckles slightly "I am sure all can help with spring cleaning, all beasts help here best they can"He then notices the Newt looking at them and the plate "I think she may want a little more but I am not sure what to give her if that was all of the fish or least uncooked fish"

Chestnut nods, he then frowns at the newt "It..was, I mean there is some cooked fish I could try that or show her where the pond is since most of it is clear of ice..."He will try to offer her some cooked fish he gets from the kitchen fist, it's only a little bit of fish, but it is fish still its just cooked fish.

Shiska pauses for a few seconds to see what happens but then she just shakes her head after a minute and pushes the empty plate to the side.

Gorvenalus just watches and frowns, he speaks "There is no more fish...raw anyways." He looks at Chestnut "Perhaps you or I..or both could try and catch a fish at the pond or teach her how to maybe?"

Chestnut shrugs "I don't know...maybe. But fish tend to like it a little later in the day, though in the early morning and eve they do move less as its still slightly cold during that time, least for now"

Shiska looks from one to the other, her eye following the conversation as they speak. She frowns, a little frustrated "Fish" she finally says.

Gorvenalus looks over as Shiska speaks and smiles "Fish....yes" He smiles again and seems willing to even try and get her some"I can get one or two maybe from the pond and I don

Chestnut reaches out a paw "Wait..." He looks at the newt and sighs, great leave him here as he stares at her unsure of what to say. "Umm...hello." Maybe he can teach her a couple other words, he can try as he points to the plate "Plate...." Ok what is next as he looks around, besides he needs distracted as its clear he speaks to beasts not to often. He lays a paw on a chair"Chair..." He then just sits down and keeps an eye on her.

Shiska watches the beaver go before her eye fixes firmly back on Chestnut. Her eye narrows at the greeting before she follows his pointing to the plate. She quickly pulls the plate towards her but after a pause when he's not trying to take it she repeats slowly "...Plate?" and then she follows his movements "...Chair...". She decides to do the same and points at the plate "Gurk" then the table "Fkiz"

Chestnut nods, ok this is going well as he looks at the entry hoping the beaver returns soon, he frowns at first when she calls the items something else but then gets the idea" your words for things words...ok." Not that he is very good at this sort of thing, he is not the teacher type really and rather others help with that.

Gorvenalus returns, slightly wet but he did catch a couple fish that he lays on a plate for her..."Fish" He says as he smiles and steps back. He nods to Chestnut"I am back see."

Shiska stares at Chestnut to make sure he got the idea but is distracted as Gorvenalus returns and has fish. He says fish again and she seems to understand what the word fish is now "Ahhh, fish" she points at the fish. The takes them, though one goes in her satchel while she quickly starts eating the other.

Chestnut just backs away, he has other things to do "I..should go, have a good day lots to do spring cleaning lunch oh yes lunch will be expected at the base!" He then hurries off.

Gorvenalus nods as he sits down after getting a towel and dries off a little. He watches the hare go and shakes his head a little as he sits in a chair.

Shiska eats the fish in a matter of minutes, stripping it right down to the bones. She's satisfied, she's full. It's a strange feeling for her. She gets up again and heads for the doors outside, she's going to find a sunny spot to rest in.

Gorvenalus watches as she heads off, he doesn't follow her and in fact heads off to check on some things in the library, he is the Abbey Recorder after all.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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