Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-04-05 06:54:41 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Quick Chat- Redwall Log

Oz- Badger Mother,aka Papa Oz

Xander-Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Zolomon-Archer in Mossflower Defenders


RW Abbey: Badger Mother's Room
The room you enter is rather neat and almost spartanly furnished, quite a visual contrast if you entered from the cluttered Dibbun's room adjacent.  The warm red of the sandstone walls is the primary motif, broken in only a few places.  There's a small leaded glass window for light, a bed (rather massive, which might give one a hint at it's occupant) with a coverlet of brightly dyed and woven cloth and a small table with a chair; this is holding a small pile of books and papers, a candle in it's holder and a couple odd Dibbun toys that ended up there somehow.  The only real ornament in the room is a middle sized, carefully framed parchment: a charcoal and ink drawing of some group or family of badgers. 

Oz sat quietly in his room. It had been a long day when a couple dibbuns were found...well repeating unfavorable words. He was glad to hear Dorarose, as well as Lilymoore was back, this was good news.

A knock at the door is heard but not any voice to say who is back, it's silent for now.

Oz turns to the doorway, “Who is there?” Very rarely does he truly need to ask as he knows voices and foot paws, but he had just had a nap and done some thinking, he was distracted a little.

Xander walks in “Its me Uncle Oz” He walks over and gives the older badger a hug “I hear Lilymoore is safe, that's good. I needed to check on the Defender Base and Uncle Zee's old hut to make sure things were ok”

Oz smiles and returns the hug “And are they, and it's your hut know this. I am glad you got back safe and sound”

Xander nods slowly “I am glad as's sad to hear about Brother Leon and I did meet Brother Brother Rafael....a couple moments, seen him before I guess just...”He shrugs. “Least there is no other bad news”

Zolomon had heard voices and yeah he just had to say that last part as the hare peeked inside the room, “Hey...Welcome back..”

Oz nods a hello to the hare, he does frown briefly, not much had gone on no but he knew one beast was still missing.

Xander notices the hare is not all hugging and over happy, “Zolomon...what else happen, tell me now? If it's Brother Leon I know already and Lilymoore is safe now”

Zolomon takes a deep breath “Ace is missing, been missing a few days. There is also an otter maid that was hurt, and speaking of otters we have two new members who are otters. Anatole and Tassel, the one named Misu is a sea otter and recovering, she...she sort of seen Ace get taken away, she fought the beasts but was hurt bad. Ace still not been found.”

Xander listens and frowns “Ace is...missing?” Great, a member of the Defenders is missing, he is curious of the newer members mentioned as he looks back to Oz “I...need to check on something Uncle Oz...” He looks at Zolomon “Zolomon...let's have a meeting of the Mossflower the fire pit area close to the pond...can you have who ever can meet there?”

Oz listens as they talk”I can see if Lacota can make some tea or have some scones ready, maybe soup even”

Zolomon nods “Right away Xandy I will do me best” And he is off, he is quick on the foot paws and won't take too long.

Xander nods “Thanks Uncle Oz...does Abbot Benar know Lillymoore is back home?”

Oz speaks “Yes its one beast that was told right away, I don't know if he knows of Ace being missing but I can let you decide if you tell him or not or you can wait and see if anything is found out or planed, But need to be careful you only just got back, it is spring now so the abbey is busy with crops now,...also you have your wife and child to not worry....if you can please”

Xander nods “I know Uncle Oz and I will be careful.” He then heads off to have the meeting.

Oz sighs, he then goes to try and get some tea, scones and maybe some soup for the group meeting at the fire pit. Then he plans to take the rest of the day off, someone else can do story time tonight and the first half of tomorrow he will have off....he has a lecture for a certain sea otter, one named Karth....

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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