Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-03-29 03:55:04 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Almost home! (Willowbark TP log)

SCENE:  On a boat somewhere on the River Moss....

CHARACTERS:  LilyMoore, a female mouse.  Xander, a male badger.

Xander had been up early and even ate breakfast before the others as he now stood on the deck and watched trees go by. The trip had been good so far and to this he was glad as he wanted to get home soon.

LilyMoore comes around from the other side of the bell, admiring it.  She pulls out a handkercheif from her tunic pocket, breathes on the bell, and polishes the spot, smiling.

Xander looks over and is quiet before he speaks "I wonder what they will think of the bell, think they will like it?"

LilyMoore jumps slightly, but then smiles and nods.  "Oh, yes, I think they will.  I'm positive Blisa will like it."  She raps it gently with her knuckles, grinning at its sound.  "I bet it'll be really pretty when they ring it the first time."

Xander nods "Its not as big as the ones at Redwall but that's ok."  He manages a small chuckle  "Guess Blisa will need a bell ringer now or well once that Bell Tower is done"

LilyMoore nods. "Yeah, the Bellringer wouldn't build up their muscles as much as the Abbey Bellringer does." She flexes her arm muscles, which she has carefully kept exercised during the trip to make sure she would still be in shape to ring the bells when they got back home. She then stuffs her hankie back into her pocket and walks over to the badger's side. "Hey, are you okay?" She asks, looking up into his face with concern.

Xander tries to not frown, but he does "I...could be better. Guess just concerned for Krisha...I feel like jumping off the boat and getting to Ferravale or the abbey ahead of everybeast but that wouldn't be right. I made a promise to get everyone back safe and sound...yes a couple stayed but they are safe"

LilyMoore nods and watches the trees on the bank go by. "I understand. I wish I could help." She looks down at the water as it ripples by, lost for anything helpful to say.   

Xander says, "I plan to check with Ferro...after I get beasts back to the abbey."

LilyMoore nods again.  "Yeah, and I'm sure Nana and Dad checked on her when she arrived at the Abbey.  I'm sure she's just fine.  Maybe you guys can talk when you find her, too."  Little does she know what all is awaiting them when they arrive at the Abbey in a week....

Xander nods as he smiles "Yeah, they would make sure she was ok and if she was hurt tend to that and anything else needed"

"Oh yes, she's in good paws," Lily declares decisively, putting a paw over her heart.  "They shall not rest until their patients are well, even if they must pluck them from the claws of Death itself!"  She grins up at the badger.  "Krisha couldn't be sick if she tried around them, am I right?"

Xander chuckles "She is fine...and beasts will be glad to see us, it will be a good day"

LilyMoore smiles.  She succeeded in cheering up the badger.  Victory!  "It'll be wonderful!  I've missed my family so much, and all my little bird friends.  It'll be great to see them all again, and to give them the gifts I got for them!"

~*Thanks for reading! big_smile *~


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