Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-03-22 06:37:02 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Off to Get What's Needed-Redwall Log

An Hour after this log:

In the Woods and Bye The River
Oz-Badger Mother of Redwall

Tassel-an Otter

Anatole-An Otter

Mariposa-Squirrelmaid from the sea

Zolomon-Archer hare Of Mossflower Defenders

spoofed sale beast


Oz followed the two otters outside and keep on a long hooded cloak and had his staff”The beast who sells the tea should be close, also the mint ”

Zolomon was alert as he looked around “I say it was jolly good to get outside. Any vermin that show their faces shall get an arrow as a reply”

Tassel nods in agreement “Well me and Tassel is going to go ahead to the river, you and..Oz was it? Can get that tea you mentioned”

Anatole nods, besides he rather face trouble with fewer beasts around as to not endanger anyone.

Mariposa was out and about and saw the gathering below and just watched quietly as she adjusted her cloak.

Oz soon found the sale beast and smiles as he walked over and started talking. There was a lot of tea and Oz picked out 5 and one other that he knew Benar was looking for for a while and nods his thanks as he gives the needed coins and then motions for Zolomon to follow “Now the clearing for some mint”

Zololmon nods and follows Oz, so far so good.

Meanwhile Anatole had found some shrimp and was gathering some “Thar be lots of them dear, loads in fact the abbot can make a large pot of hot root”

Tassel smiles “And I found some watercress also. “

Oz finds and picks the mint, leaving some for later on “Alright lets meet back up with those otters”

Mariposa just stays where she is, its hard to make friends it seems.

Anatole looks at the list “Ok we have....oh!” He says as the list blows away into a tree across from the squirrel

Tassel frowns and glares at Anatole “Nice going”

Mariposa sees the paper and goes to get it...she jumps and seems to fly, rather glide to the other tree and lands, she then jumps down and lands on the road...she is a rare flying squirrel as she adjust the cloak again, not wings but large flaps of skin..still its cool

Zolomon walks in at this time and his jaw drops “Umm....Ozzzy did ya see wot I saw...oh yeah duhhh...that's so cool!” He walks over and grins at the squirrel maid.

Oz just blinks and shakes his head “We need to get back....lets go”He frowns as a bell sounds “If we are late for dinner....others will worry”

Tassel mutters a thanks to the squirrel and then nods “Yeah lets get back to the abbey!”

Anatole just stares and then snaps back to the here and now, “Oh yeah..dinner!” He leads the way to the abbey.

Mariposa just nods and follows, she is hungry and dislikes the night...or least for now till she is use to theses lands.

Zolomon makes sure all gets back and inside safe, he makes sure no one is missing and then gets dinner...a little late but that's ok

Oz has a novice put stuff away then gets a report the dibbuns were good and he is happy. Dinner, then a meeting and then tea time with the abbot...a good day.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-03-24 02:26:32 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Off to Get What's Needed-Redwall Log

I love flying squirrels!  They're cute and pretty and awesome! big_smile


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