Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2017-02-06 02:44:19 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

Friends Forever

Zolomon speaks to Xander

RW Abbey:Open Ground
The Open Ground is a place for feasts, good times and just general social meetings.  The wide-open space allows a large group of beasts to gather upon the plush grass and chat.  But it also allows access to many places of the abbey, towards the walls of the abbey is the Bell Tower.  Notable abbey defenders graves alongside the plot of land the massive structure takes up.  A staircase shrouded by a case of stone allows one to make their way to the busy infirmary.  The large brass lined doors to the lower dormitory are also evident from this position.
The earth is worn slightly bare in some patches here.  The area for conversing in the heat is used often by small children by the size of the dry spots.  The summer is in full blast now, trees from the orchards near-by tempting one to seek shelter under it's shade.

Xander had went on a walk, one to Ferravale and back and for now sitting on the steps leading to the wall top and reading over a paper he has and fiddling with a key.   

Zolomon loved walking in the snow, and fresh snow always let one make prints but seeing the badger he decides to forget the snow and jogs over to his friend "Hey Xandy, thought you were going to Ferravale, or wait did you not yet...can I tag along? It’s a bit boring right now"   

Xander looks up and shakes his head "I...went, I will need to go back sometime, but it can wait.....for however long" He mutters as he grows quiet, “This or whatever it is tiring and starting to wonder if it's even worth it. I been going back and forth places and even went as far as the Western Shore and back..whats next?" He sighs as he looks skywards and frowns.   

Zolomon sits down beside him, if there is room or least in front of him, "Well ya get to find the blade gramps had....right?" He tilts his head "So you found another clue, I know you were to see Blisa...that’s the chieftain right?" He is not always good with names, "If ya did then who is next...a beast...a place maybe? And if it was back in or near Ferravale why did you not stay and do that first?"   

Xander blinks and shrugs "I...know where to go next and who to talk to...ok" He sounds unsure of weather he wants to go or not anytime soon. "And yeah she is the chieftain there and I talked to her, got the next clue and will go....well, where I need to bit later just not ready to yet" He frowns "Least other beasts...places were not so bad" He mutters quietly just above a whisper.   

Zolomon listens and catches the last part " Bad? Wot ya mean by that Xandy, who ya have to find? Sure they aren’t hard to find...were others hard to find?" He is curious "You can tell me of some of the ones from before right? I mean you just can’t have help with ones looking for"   

Xander nods "Well first I was to talk to Abbot Benar and I thought well maybe Uncle Zee left the blade with, A clue he had led to Uncle Oz...then Brother Leon...then had to find Patch and his clue had a map where had it find a buried chest that said to find Corporal Flint and he was all the way on the Western Shore...then I had to go all the way back here to find you, then talked to Chieftain Blisa of Ferravale and now I have my latest clue on whom to talk to next."   

Zolomon nods "Exercise that’s fer sure, hee who do you go to next?"   

Xander takes a deep breath and exhales...."Nightbreath....need to talk to him next and I already know where he is...or maybe he will just know and look for me...or...well..I don’t know" He frowns " I don’t know if I--WANT- to find him, he is sort of...welll" Gee whats the word.." Creepy....."   

Zolomon arches an eyebrow “Don’t think I ever meet the chap..why is he creepy? His name sounds sort of creepy though...wot does he do, walk around at night?"   

Xander shrugs "I don't know, I don’t think any beast would brother him at night, he is a seer and I have seen him before, from like a distance and he was in the tavern once at Ferravale when me and Uncle Zee was there. He is an alley of Redwall so he is on our side....just...why a seer, why do I have to go to the seer for?"   

Zolomon says, "Your Uncle wanted ya to...have some excitement and not get bored maybe?"
Xander groans and covers his face with his paws staying that way for a little while before lowering his paws" I have no clue why....find courage maybe, for sure been trying to have Patience with all this. I had to figure out a couple sort of riddles with the chest buried in the woods or least solve one or two to find its location and I did"   

Zolomon watches his friend and nods "Well both are good like warrior skills....right?"   

Xander says, "I...guess. But other things are also like being alert and staying in shape, trying to not get hurt." He frowns "Controlling with the fox a couple weeks ago, I let anger cloud my mind and almost died cause of it, Marek said if that fox had stabbed me just a little in any other direction I would of been dead....if you hadn’t fired the arrow to kill the fox when you did...I would be dead....if Brother Leon and Takeo were not BOTH there and WHEN they were...well I would of died..I got very very lucky."   

Zolomon nods and goes to hug the badger, if he is allowed " I am glad I was jolly well thar, your me bestest friend and if you had died...I would of been sad and never of forgiven me self for not acting sooner to save ya...I was afraid you were going to die even after I took down that foul wasn't a good thing ta see, that vermin’s blade was...."He decides to shake his head to clear his mind of the memory.   

Xander says, "I know" The badger answers "I just don’t remember much of it and maybe that’s a good thing"   

Xander does allow the hug as well and returns one of his own and gives the hare a smile "I am glad we are friends and hope to stay friends forever"   

Zolomon smiles "Yes jolly well right friends forever!"


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