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#1 2018-12-04 05:11:06 PM

Registered: 2018-10-28
Posts: 56

What a Nerd...A Case Study in Awkward (Halyard Market RP) 12/3/18

Location: The Halyard Marketplace

Characters: Monty (LP Private, male hare), Marriana (potential LP recruit, female hare)

Setting: Having traveled to the Halyard Market to pick up some gardening supplies, Monty runs into new friend Marriana, and proceeds to make a fool of himself as per usual as they discuss the LP and old scars. big_smile

With the departure date quickly approaching for Private Montgomery and Corporal Adrian's all-too-important mission, it was up to Monty to make sure that any loose ends involving his work in the garden were tied up and taken care of to the best of his ability. The buck had spent quite a bit of time and effort working in the garden, and it showed, for things seemed to be running quite smoothly there since he started. And so, Monty finds himself in the Halyard Market, slowly strolling down the aisles as he paruses the various goods for sale. His attention is focused particularly on the vendors selling plants and seeds; any new varieties to add to the garden would be a good bonus. He is clad in his casual outfit, the uniform left back at the mountain so as not to draw any extra unwanted attention.

The bell of the doorrings with a light tinkle as the door opens once more, letting another customer inside. Striding into the market is Marriana, one notched ear tilted up as she decides to peruse the wares. Obviously, she can't live on solely whiskey. A doe needs more than just alcohol! She hums lightly as she makes her way down one of the aisles, her mouth twisted in an inquisitive manner as she looks through a selection of sweets that catch her eye.

Monty has stopped, and is having what appears to be a rather serious conversation with one of the vendors. "How c'n ya be tryin' t'hawk this t'innocent customers, sah? Y'do know that, despite th'pretty lookin' flowers, yer pretty much tryin' t'sell what amounts t'basically weeds? Someone plants this in their garden, an' not too long after they're gonna have a lot more work t'do than necessary!" The young hare shakes his head as he holds up an odd looking plant. "Shame, sah, shame! Y'call yerself a botanist! A pox t'you an' yer family!" Setting it back down with a disappointed shake of his head, Monty makes his way further down the aisle. Happening to spot Marriana an aisle over, Monty smiles and lifts a paw in a wave. "Hey there again! Y'do know that that stuff'll rot yer teeth, aye?" he jokes, with a wink.

Marriana blinks as she hears a familiar voice, raised above the soft din of the other market-goers. Raising her head to where she can see above the aisle just a little, she sees Monty pronouncing his disgust with the fact that the shopkeeper is selling weeds. She ducks behind the aisle to hide a giggle before Monty arrives and sees her. Offering a waggle of her fingers in his direction, she retorts by saying, "Oh, but of course, sah! It's either rot me teeth or buy some weeds, wot wot! And I think sweets are far bloomin tastier!"

Monty's cheeks and eartip flushes red, as he gives the doe a sheepish grin as he fidgets. "So, heh, y'heard that eh? C'n y'believe th'nerve of some o'these vendors! Tryin' t'sell honest hardworkin' folks th'same stuff they're usually tryin' t'get OUT of their gardens..." he gives a glare back at the plant vendor, who had disappeared at this point. "Yeah, y'better hide, pallo." With a shrug, he turns back to face Marriana, giving a chuckle at her comment. "Well then, y'never tried a properly brewed dandelion cordial, have ya? That's some good stuff right there, an' it won't make ya pass out after havin' a few mugs of it!" He waggles an ear, whiskers twitching as he grins.

Marriana nods a little before she says, "I know whatcha mean, Monty. They'll do anything t' swindle ya out of a coin or two." She shrugs, however. "Ah, well. Eventually, they'll get their commupance." At the mention of this new beverage, however, she perks her ears up. Being very fond of what her mother always referred to as simply "the drink", any sort of alcohol that she hasn't tried, she wants to give it a try. "Ooooh! Hmm...wonder if they sell that here..."

Monty gives a roll of his eyes as he gestures with a paw. "Hmmph. Especially aroun' here. Good ol' Halyard, if yer not gettin' illegally mugged by someone yer gettin' legally robbed by another. Like this, see?" He holds up a relatively pretty looking flower. "This is WAY too much fer this plant. We got tons of em growin' in th'mountain garden, an' they're easy t'grow. Huh. M'thinkin' of jus' gettin' a booth here someday an' drivin' all these thieves an' gluttons outta business." The buck shakes his head, before realizing how silly he likely sounds. He pokes at the ground with a foot, before smiling again. "Oh, er, scuse me, miss, I kinda tend t'get carried away sometimes when it comes t'this. I work in th'garden in Sala, an' I also grew up on a farm,'s kinda ingrained a little..." he smiles, with a shrug. "And hmm, I dunno if they sell any here, but I know we've got some at the Mountain! Top hole stuff, y'know."

Marriana looks at the rather lovely-looking flower with a grin, then listens politely to the buck going on about how he's tired of the crooked prices and things. As he apologizes, she shakes her head and nods with a smile. "Not t' worry, laddy-buck. I understand. Y' see, I grew up on a farm, too, and I know all 'bout the whole swindlin' goin' on. It is quite troublesome, but eh, wot can ya do, eh wot?" Her scratches one ear and says, "Funny you should say somethin' 'bout gettin' mugged, though. Had one happen just 'bout an hour ago. Amateurs at best, wot."

Monty gives a heavy, dramatic sigh. "Yeah, wot can y'do? I jus' kinda feel bad fer all th'hardworkin' goodbeasts gettin' their hard-earned money basically stolen from em." He visibly brightens up as Marriana mentions working on a farm, the topic definitely catching his interest as he slowly continues down the aisle, still casually browing yet most of his attention focused on the conversation. "So, a fellow farmhare, eh? Wherebouts, if y'don't mind me pryin?" He frowns a little though at the mention of a mugging, concern showing upon his features. "Oh? Are y'alright, then? I mean, yer obviously HERE, so, I'm guessin' so, but...still...t's never a fun experience. I got mugged on m'first patrol in Halyard. Tried t'take m'uniform fer wotever reason. Beat th'hell out of em, but got a pretty nasty slice t'the chest, I did. My first Patrol injury..." he grins, obviously proud of this.

Marriana laughs aloud. "Never a fun experience? Ha! That was th' best bunch o' jolly-good fun I've had since I left home!" She guffaws and slaps her knee as she says, "You should've seen they're bloomin' faces!" Taking a sigh to recover from her laughter, she straightens herself up to relax herself from the good session. "Oh, my mother and father worked on their farm near River Moss. Just a quick little trot and we were on the river, wot." The doe does raise an eyebrow in interest, though, at the mention of the injury and grins, presenting her arms and legs, which are covered in small scars. "Like these? Heheh. Of course, most o' these were from sparrin' with me dad."

Monty grins at Marriana's reaction to the attempted mugging, the buck raising his eyebrows, obviously impressed. "Yeah? Well, from th'sounds of it, lass, yer gonna make a bloomin' EXCELLENT Patrol recruit. That's th'kinda attitude we're needin' pretty badly right now, so it'll be a refreshin' change o'pace t'have ya about. I'll talk t'the Major as soon as I can t'see about gettin' ya over there, we DEFINITELY could use ya right now!" The buck gives a nod as the location of her farm is mentioned. "Ah, gotcha. Yeah, I was a little further away from th'river, but not too's a useful thing t'keep th'crops watered an' such." The grin returns as scars are revealed, and he takes a moment to tug down his shirt collar, where a very obvious pink scar cuts a diagonal line down from his shoulder to the other side of his chest. "Yep, was a good one. Then I got these," he lowers his head to show the lines criss-crossing in between his earbases..."And then the obvious one," he wiggles his half-ear with a grin. "Got these from fightin' with toads. Always a good time," he winks.

Marriana chuckles softly as she observes the scars and nods. "Right good battle-scars you have there, wot! Heheh. Can't wait until I get t' join in with the others in some jolly fights." She sighs, though, her smile still on her lips, though, as she says, "Just with me ole dad were here t' see it. Ah, well. Maybe Mum will be allowed t' come and see me some time."

Monty smiles and nods, "Oh, absolutely! We are certainly allowed t'have visitors, th'higher-ups jus' have t'be notified ahead o'time an' such. But yer mum will be more n'welcome t'come see ya an' tell ya how proud she is of ya, haha." The buck pauses in front of another booth, looking something over intently. "Hmm. Could definitely use some o'this..." he fishes out some coins from his satchel, handing them to the vendor before placing the packet of seeds in the satchel. "I'm sure yer dad is proud of ya fer even entertainin' th'thought of joinin' up with us. It takes a brave soul t'come all th'way here jus' fer th'slight chance that y'might make it inta th'Patrol." He pauses, catching himself. "Well, I mean, not YOU, o'course, like I said, yer basically already in aside from some formalities an'such." He chuckles, with a shrug. "It's just, some have come all th'way out here, took a dangerous journey, an', well, jus' couldn't cut th'mustard, as they say..."

Marriana nods and says, "I do remember havin' a short talk with Miss Jinora. I am glad that I'm basic'ly goin' t' be put right in. Still, me dad would've loved t' have seen it." Glancing through some of the seeds, she simply hums softly. Since she has no garden to care for, she doesn't really need any. Though, she does like to browse for the sake of browsing. Never know when she might have a garden of her own. "So, how's your, uh...sketchin' goin'?"

Monty seems to be reminded of something as Marriana mentions his sketching, his ear perking as his eyes widen for a brief moment. "Oh! Oh, yeah, speakin' o' that!" He reaches down to rummage around in his satchel, his expression one of concentration as he fishes for something. "Hmmm, hmm, wheeeere'd it goooo, where'd it goooo...aha! Here we go!" He withdraws a rolled up piece of parchment, peering down at it and squinting to make sure it is indeed what he'd been searching for, before nodding and holding it out to the doe. "Here, see for y'self, miss!" Upon unrolling the scroll, Marriana can see that it is a reasonable facsimile of the doe, herself. Monty apparently enjoyed doing portraits more than anything else, as Major Jinora can attest to. "Finished it after I got back t'the Mountain th'other day! Memory is still pretty sharp, hmm? But that's yours. Not too many c'n appreciate art, yknow..." he winks.

Marriana ooooooohs and takes the offered piece of parchment with her likeness, tilting her head and a bright smile comes across her face as she looks over it. "My goodness! This is very, very nicely done, wot!" She scratches her head a little, though and twists her mouth in that inquisitive manner. "However, I do wonder if ya made me too pretty in this." She winks, obviously teasing a little.

Monty smiles brightly, obviously very pleased with the fact that the doe seemed to like the drawing. He'd always been much too critical of himself when it came to that aspect of things, and was never sure if anything he ever did was really any good. "Y'really think so?" The buck's face turns a light shade of red, the blush creeping up to his eartip. "Thanks! I...usually like t'draw actual living, breathing things rather than objects n'such. More of a challenge, an' y'always have th'task o'tryin' t'impress whoever it is yer drawin'! If y'draw a table or a candle, y'can't get any good criticism from em, y'know?" He laughs, giving a shake of his head at the tease. "Oh, nonsense, miss, I actually don't think it's pretty enough!" he teases back, with a chuckle. Welp, back to looking at some more seeds and plants before his foot goes further into his muzzle! Dum de dum de dum!

Marriana takes her turn to blush this time before Monty goes back to look at the seeds and plants once more. Carefully, she rolls up the parchment, wishing she perhaps had a map case or something like it to put it away safely. As such, she tucks it under her arm and offers a grin to the buck. "And here I thought I was th' one bein' all cheeky. But you really should do more of these. They look quite nice, and you have a good eye for detail, wot!" 

Monty had lowered his head as he peers sheepishly at the various seeds, his face still a little red. "Hmm? Oh! Oh, er, thanks...thank you, miss! I...try to draw when I'm feelin' a bit low, kinda helps me t'cheer up, y'see." He smiles. "I appreciate th'compliment though, t's nice of ya t'say." He shuffles a bit further down the aisle, picking up another package of seeds, which he proceeds to again pay for. Slipping them into his satchel, he glances up again. "Well, er...I...gotta head back to th'mountain, y'see, I got wot I came here t'' th', er, th'dirt is waitin'...t'be shoveled, an' th'weeds gotta be pulled outta th'ground an'such! Y'know, all th'fun th'garden. Of things...t'do...yeah...." There's that awkward side to the buck that pops up now and then. He smiles to Marriana, before he begins to inch his way towards the exit. "Lovely runnin' inta ya again, miss. Hope t'see ya at Sala soon..."  What a -nerd-.

Marriana suppresses her giggles as the buck proceeds with his awkward rambling. The doe often wonders why some bucks get that way around does, but at least Monty seems nice enough to chat with. Offering a nod of her head, she smiles and then raises a paw in farewell. "Hope t' see you there, too, Monty! Do keep th' dirt nice n' tended!" She lets out a small chuckle this time, unable to hold it back.

“You will find joy, frustration and sorrow in your quest. Never forget that friendship and loyalty are more precious than riches...Happiness can be brief, but it knows no time in the land of dreams.”

Owner of: Monty, Dominik, and Grau


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