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#1 2018-11-26 09:00:55 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Long Patrol Vs BlackRose round 1-LP LOG


Tarsa- Sargeant in the LP and  Fighter

Jacenta- Private in the Lp and Healer

Dominik- Private in the LP and Fighter

Zolomon- Private first-Class in the LP and Runner

Stormfang-2nd in command of Blackrose

Melantha- Leader of the Blackrose

Spoofed ferrest of Blackrose


Tarsa looks around "Ok..we need to be careful, find out..if we can...where a base, if any, could be"

Zolomon nods "Of course, we know one place wouldn't be or close to that...I mean...the foxes would of likely..ya know, killed them"

Jacenta says, "Those foxes were creepy, glad none of them took any hares captive"

Tarsa says, "The marten that works for the Blackrose is creepy, maybe creepier than the foxes, though least his fur is normal...not his eyes, do not look directly at him ok"

Zolomon frowns "Yeah...bad idea trust me"

Jacenta says, "So no direct eye contact...ok, but still like keep an eye on him somehow right?We don't want to like miss an attack or something"

Tarsa says, "True but it doesn't mean you look at his face...paws work..or ears..something else not eyes..I don't know he stuff..hypothesis or something"

Zolomon says, "Yeah she has a point be careful...for sure on the marten, the cat and the rat may not be as dangerous but still have weapons"

Jacenta says, "I usually don't fight, but can...only if I have to though"

Tarsa walks along and frowns "Gonna be a lot of possible trouble i think. I have a feeling a rumor is around that may well get proved true, just a rumor now of our low numbers and yes its true...but most see it as a rumor right now"

Zolomon says, "I have a bad feeling some already know"

Tarsa says, "I know someone said they saw us returning with so..low a number, and it was the same day Hanzi wandered off and was threaten by that tattooed rat"

Jacenta frowns "Beasts know..that can't be good." Her nose twitches a little in worry" I don't think they would ever ....come after all do you?"

Tarsa ears droop "I don't know...the mountain can see for miles and it be hard to get in that easily...I mean if a threat got big enough maybe, like the threat Redwall had...could of been bad here too"

Zolomon says, "I don't think any threats would want ta deal with Lord C...and fer sure if he was in a bad mood"

Jacenta smiles "True...they wouldn't....I mean it be a dumb move right?"

Stormfang decided now was a good time for a walk, he never was one of the smarter vermin, that was for sure. He slowed though when he seen the hares."Whoa..longears..what they doing out"

Tarsa looked up just in time and stopped the others"The rat...from the beach few weeks ago" She narrowed her eyes, there was others..there had to be others.

Zolomon lays a paw on his longbow, he was ready just in case there was trouble.

Of course there was trouble, in the form of a cat as she snorted..Melantha "You idiot now they know we are here...whats it matter."She smiled and snapped her fingers as a couple ferrets joined them."Never liked hares....well alive anyways....heard they taste good, maybe I should find out"She chuckles at her joke or maybe its not a joke.

Jacenta has her dirk out"Ummm...orders Sargeant?"

Stormfang blinks "Ya mean a hare? I dont know boss...that would likely get that stripedog serious peeved off"

Tarsa keeps an eye on the cat, the rat and the ferrets and also at any chance another beast was around nearby.

Zolomon says, "If one comes near us I will fire an arrow at them, please let me.....please, especially the marten if he is here"

Jacenta stays alert for any sudden movements, she has learned also to look all directions, even behind her if needed...after the whole fox thing she is a bit better on alertness.

Melantha rolls her eyes, but smirks "Maybe....ok fun time..attack the long ears...maybe get one as a captive..injure..kill if like"

Stormfang chuckles"Here bunny bunny bunny..time for a little out base or maybe a dark forest"

Tarsa shakes her head "Its hare not bunny you annoying pest"She has her saber out and WILL slice at anyone who comes too close to her, she is in a powerful bad mood.

Zolomon backs up and does indeed fire off his arrow as the two ferrets give charge. His aim is deadly and he rarely misses.

The feline snorts, her ears go back in a hiss as a ferret falls over, arrow in his forehead, the other ferret slows, then keeps moving towards the hares, a little faster now in fact. Melantha yawns and then makes a bee line towards Jacenta

Jacenta stays close to Tarsa and Zolomon, as the ferret gets in front of her , she sidesteps and goes to stab their arm as they pass. She is getting better at fighting !

Stormfang edges closer, he is not sure what hare to go after, though he knows the archer is fairly dangerous, least from a distance, he aims to do a sort of zig zag pattern and try and get close enough to slice at him.

Tarsa keeps an eye on all the beasts, she sees the cat and ferret heading to the healer and goes to block and attack at least one of them

Zolomon smirks as his arrow hits and goes to get another and then just drops it to use his saber, sidestepping the rat and slicing towards the rats neck or shoulder!

Melantha ears go back as she hisses, the blade did slice into her arms and went to knock out the hare before they got another Chance to stab her.

Jacenta frowns and barely manages to get knocked out, she does sort of trip and fall onto the sand, she spits out sand as it gets into her mouth and crawls back a little before going to stand up again.

Tarsa narrows her eyes, and fights off a ferret as they attack, she keeps an eye on the cat but frowns as she may of lost sight of Stormfang.

Zolomon snorts, he grips the saber and it is true he needs more practice with close up fighting, he is still good at it"Yeah..I almost killed a monitor with a saber." He may of suucceed totally but , well he was close to passing out and had some help to finish the fight.

Melantha ears go back. She smiles a little "This is fun, maybe I should have my friends take you all out one by one, make your numbers less and finish what Ormaz started"

Jacenta frowns, "She knew.."She frowns more as a couple more ferrets show up and grips her dirk as she looks at the others.

Tarsa keeps an eye on the vermin as she speaks "Shut up about you just tell us where Rudolfo is and leave, not wise to try and set up anything on our me" She also keeps an eye out for the marten, hopefully he isn't around.

Stormfang folds his arms over his chest "You don't tell the boss to shut up...see we can easily shut you bunnys up and we can do what we want and ya can't stop us"

Zolomon stays alert, he could get his longbow back but there is a couple vermin that's too close for that, he makes sure to keep an eye on them as they speak, for now staying quiet but alert all the same.

Lo and behold, the Patrollers' odds just evened up just a little, as the sound of heavy pawsteps are heard approaching. Soon enough, the massive form of what seems to be a hare appears a short distance away, and he is making a beeline right for the gathered group. Normally mahogany fur is streaked black with charcoal as is his habit preparing for battle, and it only makes him seem that much more intimidating as Dom joins his fellow Patrollers. He hadn't drawn his blade just yet, figuring on gauging the situation first, his gaze falling upon the vermin, as icy and cold as its ever been.

Melantha smiles coldly"I dont listen to hares" She points to the gathering of 4 ferrets and there is Stormfang "They don't either..hmms 6 to..lets see..3, 3 being you hares." She then sees Dominik.."What ever..6 to 4...still more of us than you, so it's either slaves or death I say, let's see where this goes...ok attack the long ears" She has he own sword out now.

The ferrets go to attack a hare each, a couple going after the healer. For now the feline waits for a target it seems.

Jacenta frowns, she had hoped there wouldn't be any more fighting, then vermin never were ones to stop fighting long, she . She sidesteps one ferret and stabs at the 2nd one that goes towards her. She goes get a line of blood on her lower arm, but its not as bad as it could be.

Tarsa steps back only to swing at one of the ferrets, aiming for their neck. She isn't taking any chances"Fight back and be careful!" She would say fire an arrow but she knows he had to drop the longbow and get his saber out, she does make an effort to stay close to Zolomon though in case he needs help.

Stormfang blinks "Whoa...large...bunny."He then grins "The bigger they are then the harder they fall right?"And he chuckles as he goes to slice his cutlass at Domink, weather that's wise or not though is unclear.

And as the ferrets begin to attack, the situation has been adequately gauged. Dominik does not hesitate in kicking at the first enemy that ventures near, slamming his foot into their midsection as hard as he is able, before his paws thud into the other one that approaches with a quick left-right combination. His strength has seemingly returned as much as it likely could, making the large hare that much more dangerous. Being occupied by said ferrets, he does not react in time to Stormfang's attack, and he is struck in the hip by the cutlass. Luckily it was only a glancing blow, however Dominik turns his attention to Stormfang with a thunderous expression darkening his already cold features. Uh oh. Trembling in anger, the large hare swipes down with a paw at the rat in an attempt to knock the blade away from him and out of his paws.

Zolomon knows to just let Dom handle any ferrets or what ever close, he pays attention to a ferret by him, he swings his saber at one ferret and makes sure to stay close to Tarsa.

Melantha is wise, she choices not to attack the larger hare, though he may be an easier target..she watches the hares and then jumps at Jacenta suddenly , blade out and swings ,then slicing at the hare maid. Also note she may be having a ferret attack her also at the same time.

One ferret falls dead, thanks to the archer hare with the saber....still leaves 3 other ferrets. The rat and the cat.

Jacenta can use a dirk fairly well and even manages to stab a ferret in the leg, she gasps in pain as the feline's blade comes down on her shoulder and cuts deep..blood flows down her shoulder as she holds back a yelp of pain.

Tarsa blocks the blade of one ferret and shoves them back, she frowns as Jacenta clearly is in trouble ."Someone help her!"

Stormfang is fighting Dominink and goes to kick at the hare as his blade, after he tries to keep it in his paws, is indeed knocked a few feet onto the sand. He gulps a little "Boss..Boss!!"He goes to quickly find the dagger in his belt before the hare gets too close again.

Having summarily dispatched and winded the two ferrets who had attacked him, Dom can now focus on Stormfang. Blood streams down his leg onto the sand from where he had been struck, but Dom pays it no mind as he finally draws his sword. Swinging it down at Stormfang, he stops it right before it can strike the rat, the tip of the dangerous blade hovering inches from him as the weapon increases Dom's already impressive reach. His voice booms out over the beach, loud and commanding. "Pull back, or rat vil die!" He directs this at Melantha, turning his stony gaze to her.

Zolomon manages to finish off a ferret and then goes to quickly go to aid Jacenta, he will slice at the cat or least go to block a blade, he narrows his eyes at her "Surrender ...Melantha and tell us where your slaves are, you have at least one"

Melantha snorts as she does go to make what may well of been a killing blow, but it's blocked as she narrows her eyes "You...long ears like to get in the way huh.."She looks over at the large hare and narrowing her eyes, she speaks again"Oh I have more that 1 slave and one is a long patrol hare, hee..guess some of you hares need extra practice avoiding vermin hmmm"

Jacenta pants as she backs up and tenses up, she drops to her knees as she forces herself to stay awake and holds pressure to the wound, some bleeding stops as she frowns, feeling faint but awake still.

Tarsa gets to Jacenta side and frowns, she will look for a bandage and keep an eye on the vermin at the same time but she knows she needs to get the wound bandaged, even if its temporary..till they get back to the mountain and another healer can tend to the wound.

Stormfang eeeks loudly and then breaths a sigh of relief as the blade is not cutting him, well yet anyways and its not like he can go to stab the hare...his weapon is sort of a few feet away from him in the sand. He does go to make a fist but has yet to try and punch the large hare.

Dominik narrows his eyes in return to Melantha, and in response to her words, he lifts his sword tip away from Stormfang...only to give it a quick swing in an attempt to slice off half of the rat's right ear. He follows this up with a swift kick aimed at Stormfang's midsection. It seems the cat doesn't care too much for her own fighters, if she would not make a move to try and save one of her own. It is quite clear that taking a hostage is not in the cards, and so the hare makes his way over to Jacenta's side, raising his sword in an effort to fend off any oncoming vermin and protect her.

Zolomon keeps an eye on the cat"You talk of numbers going down....seems..odds are not in your favor...kitty"

Melantha growls as her ears flatten on her head, she looks ready to attack the larger hare with her blade, but there is the other hares also,She grins there is still a ferret or two..and there is the rat..right?

Jacenta frowns as she does have a bandage in her knapsack if needed, she is quiet right now as she frowns, but manages to stay awake..barely, but she is in a lot of pain.

Tarsa is not taking this, this is annoying as she swings at any last ferrets that comes near them and she is aiming to kill too.

Stormfang goes to try and punch the hare only to get his ear slice in half and the kick the the gut sends him backwards, a roll and he groans as he passes out.

Dominik looks all to eager to battle the wildcat, turning his attention to her as she regards him, staring her down with the glint of battle gleaming within his eyes. "Look at rat," he booms, pointing his sword down at the unconscious vermin, before lifting the sword to point it at Melantha. "That is Dom taking it easy and sparing from death. Only lose ear. If cat continue, not be so lucky...vil lose much more." And judging by his expression, he is quite serious, still bleeding from the wound to his hip but not really caring too much about that.

Zolomon keeps an eye on the cat, but frowns as he sees Dominik is injured, but also "Your outnumbered now kitty, what ya gonna do?"

Melantha hisses low as she backs up and lowers her weapon "Not surrender that's for sure..seems you hares have more to worry on that me."She chuckles "Sides...the Blackrose is not easily stopped." She looks ready to bolt any moment as she backs up a little and keeps an eye on them, bit least she isn't fighting them now seeing as...well 4 dead ferrets and an unconscious .

Jacenta chooses now to pass out, not her fault but there is blood lost and the pain, the blade cut to her shoulder bone so...yeah..though the bleeding has stopped a good deal she will still need that tended to and soon.

Tarsa frowns and scoops up the fellow hare and narrows her eyes at the cat, she glaces at the unconscious rat as she speaks "We still need to know where the slaves are and she has Private Rudoflo still somewhere"

Dominik barks out a harsh laugh at Melantha's comment, holding out his paws and gesturing towards the dead ferrets and unconscious rat, a smirk upon his muzzle. "That so? Vell, from vat I can see, it seems vas stopped quite easy. Think of vat can do ven have more behind us, cat. And next time, vil not be so lucky, this sword vil find its vay to your throat. If not believe, go and try to find dark foxes, and ask." Dom nods to Tarsa, "Yes, but...vil not find this out now. Ve vil find out, do not vorry. Answer vil not come easily from coward cat."

Zolomon keeps an eye on the cat, making sure she doesn't try any sudden moves and stays close to the others as he stays very alert.

Melantha narrows her eyes and smirks as she speaks "Fine..the hares and yeah...I will have other firends too...keep tha tin mind."She then quickly heads off before anyone can make any move against her. They do have injured to tend to.

Tarsa nods slowly "Yeah answers later..."She goes glace at the unconscious rat still, debating but maybe just leave him there for now.

Stormfang groans as he slowly wakes up and looks around. Just in time to see his boss leaving and the hares frowns and slowly stands, and looks at his cutlass on the sand and edges towards it.

Dominik watches as the cat retreats, sheathing his sword after it is apparent she will not be attacking. He remains there glaring after her retreating form, then once she is gone, his attention turns to the unconscious Stormfang as he sees Tarsa eyeing him. "Leave there," he suggests. "If not awake, vil be food for birds. One less to vorry about." The large hare smirks, before turning to offer assistance with Jacenta despite his own injury, and not aware that Stormfang has regained consciousness.

Zolomon has yet to notice the rat either his concern is his fellow hares "Yeah we need to get to the infirm..tend to Dom and Jacenta, we can figure out rescue plans and stopping the cat later"

Melantha turns and looks at the hares and snorts, she needs to be more careful next time and soon heads further down the shores, back towards where she has set up a base.

Tarsa nods, she does notice the rat and narrows her eyes at him, "Don't even think of garbing the bade rat...your keep your distance if know any better"

Stormfang starts to get the blade and stops as he looks at Tarsa and straightens back up, he says nothing but doesn't move from where he is.

Dominik begins to turn to limp away, and upon hearing Tarsa speaking to the awake Stormfang, he turns and glances back over his shoulder at the rat. "Hmmph. Might vant to look for ear in sand, try to sew back on, rat. Then go flee like your master." He gives a dry laugh, before shaking his head and turning back around again. "Not vorry," he replies to the others. "If this is sample of how group fights, ve vil have no problem. No discipline. Unorganized. Ve vil get hares back soon, is no vorry." The hare moves to continue on, to head back to the mountain.

Tarsa acts as rear guard, if the rat makes a sudden move he will liekly get attacked.

Stormfang does get the blade but he doesn't go for the hares, he goes to catch up to the feline.

Zolomon watches the rat leave and shakes his head"I agree, but there is a marten..crazy eyes that may well be a concern...other than that I am unsure"

Tarsa sighs, Dom has carried the unconious healer to the mountain "Come on let's just get back and make sure Dom and Jacenta is ok...then I seriously need a drink at the tavern, and hopefully we can find out some of the Blackrose....."

Last edited by oz (2018-11-26 09:09:12 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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