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#1 2018-11-11 01:34:36 PM

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 38

A Gift-Redwall Log


Kenya-Redwall Novice

Oz- Badger Mother/Papa Oz

Sinway- Brother in Redwall


Kenya sits in a chair looking over a finished staff, someone did help her carry it inside and it is done, even has a copper end piece at each end just placed on today. She sighs as she has not done much today, well she has her reasons.

Oz makes his way slowly into the cavern hole. He grumbles but is getting around better than he had been, he has his...well his brother's cane, to help but it's clear he dislikes using it, even if it helps him get around. This is also the first time he has been outside his room without help, ok he go help down the steps and that was it since he dislikes feeling so helpless. He Finally makes it most of the way into the room and grabs a chair for support with a sigh.

Kenya watches the badger for a little while before she walks over" Papa Oz?" She asks quietly making sure he is ok before she speaks more with him.

Oz listens as she approaches and smiles "Hello Kenya, what is it?" His voice is sounding a lot better lately not so tried as he has been.

Kenya keeps her paws behind her paw and then goes to take his paw carefully, it's not too far from where she was, "I's to replace the one that broke." She will let him know where the staff is, he may also ...most likely, notice one paw is bandaged on the palm of her paw as she goes to hold the staff, well sort of..with both paws carefully, its more hold it at one end, not both ends, hey its large ok and she did have help.

Oz arches an eyebrow but lets her lead him to another chair, and listens as she speaks and offers him the new staff. He tilts his head as he feels along it, the tracings and the name in fancy lettering, the vine pattern is like the rose vines, even a couple roses here and there. He smiles and nods, and copper end bits are good as well. He does notice the paw and will ask in a moment as he steps back, almost falling backwards but keeps his balance using the staff, the cane left at the other chair. He smiles as he holds the staff and then uses it to better balance, still a bit unsteady on his foot paws but a lot better than he was, "Thank you Kenya."And then of course a question"Why is your paw bandaged?"

Kenya smiles, then a frown.."The..craving knife wasn't deep and I am ok and it didn't need stitches. Brother Rick helped with the staff and making the craving of the vines and your name deeper so you could feel it and Abbot Benar had someone put the copper end bits on. I..wanted to help you replace the other one and I been working on it, with help..for the past 3 weeks"

Oz nods as he listens"Your need to be careful next time you crave anything. My guess is it's interfering with your chores somewhat. It should heal just make sure to do what the healers tell you to do."

Kenya sighs"It has..some and yes I am listening to the healers..keep it clean and dry so no washing dishes, but I can still sweep and I did help Sister Maywell with folding towels and sheets and some wash cloths, even folded some robes too."

Sinway makes his way down into cavern hole his paws in front of him tucked away into the sleeves of his habit "Hello Oz, and hello me little sea shell, how are ye?" he walks over to them noticing Kenya's paw right away "Did ye hurt yer self Kenya?" he asks as he kneels down beside her

Oz nods a hello to Sinway as he leans on the new staff he has, still getting a bit of a feel for it. He carefully steps back"Welcome back Brother Sinway I hope your visit went well"

Kenya frowns, she then answers "A craving knife slipped but it's ok. A healer looked at it and Brother Rick was there, it is not a deep cut I am fine, just slightly sore if I press down on it or use the paw too much, other wise its ok and healing and a healer checks it every day a couple times"

Sinway smiles patting Kenya on the head "Tis ok Kenya, these things happen when ye learn to do stuff with tools that have sharp edges, ye will get the hang of it in no time." He looks up to Oz "Aye, no trouble getting to Camp Willow or on me way back, Anatole and Tassel made it there safely, spent a few days helping out mainly on rebuildin' the tavern it was me favorite place to be outside of the abbey many seasons ago."

Oz says, "I heard of Camp Willow having some troubles, I am glad they have help bodybuilding likely worked on homes first and fixing up areas to better hide the camp from outsiders. I heard the skipper and a paw full of otters were here briefly to help fight the horde""

Kenya sits down. She listens as they talk and frowns at her paw, it itches slightly but she ignores it best she can."I hope the camp is ready for when it snows, it hasn't snowed yet though"

Sinway pats Kenya's head again "The camp was attacked and most of it was destroyed, I know they be workin' on homes first, I met with Log-a-Log Aella, and it would seem her shrews are camped close by and are going to help rebuild, I was wonderin' if any here at the abbey might want to go help, but it would come at the cost of most likely staying there till winter has past, tis not a long trip but i wouldn't recommend making it in the winter."

Oz hmmms "I am not sure whom might be willing to help, have you spoken with the Skipper on the idea? Also Benar be good to speak to as well, the camp is a little over half a day away...I think, maybe closer to a day I do not know. Some may be willing though, we will have to see"

Kenya smiles, she is staying in the abbey though as she listens. "Winter isn't always bad unless it snows a lot or there is a snow storm"

Sinway nods "Aye, but Mossflower is known fer havin' a lot of snow durrin' the winter, and the cold makes vermin who would normally keep to them self get a little desperate, and instead of askin' fer help the instead think tis a good idea to try and rob travelers which is why I wouldn't recommend any at Redwall to travel to and from here and there." He looks over to Oz "I only made a small comment about it to the Log-a-Log, and I only just got back so I haven't had a chance to talk to Father Benar yet"

Oz nods"If I was in better shape....and younger, I would help. hmmms maybe Xander be willing or some of the Mossflower Defenders prehaps. Though I am unsure who is working on their base and the tavern in Ferravale" He frowns "Seems Ferravale is doing its own repair work as well"

Sinway smiles and stands up finding a place to sit "Aye,  I heard that, been meanin' to take a trip to Ferravale as well, need to speak to Xander."

Kenya says, "Some vermin are mean to destroy things, you would think they wouldn't want know have a place to stay if you want to invade it so badly kind of thing""

Oz says, "Xander I think is in a hut he has in Ferravale, use to belong to Zee. Not much of a hut but it's ok, if not then not sure where he is"

Sinway stands up and walks over to Kenya "Who knows what it is vermin think some times." He kneels down and gives her head a soft pat "In a few days I'll be makin' a trip to go see Xander, I'm goin' to ask him if he wants to come to the western shores this spring with us, plus it will be easier to convince Abbot Benar that we will be safe if he comes along." He looks over to oz and nods before turning back to Kenya "Would ye like to come with me to Ferravale?"

Kenya is quiet a moment and then nods "Ok...we can see Blisa maybe , just not rat, he's creepy even if he did help me and Zolomon...don't know who else is there"

Oz listens "Creepy rat? Not sure whom would be creepy then who knows in Ferravale. I was told a couple areas of the old tavern was creepy"

Kenya says, "He has one eye and no eye patch"Not that the badger would know this, "And he has this really creepy hut in the graveyard of all places to live""

Sinway smiles and nods "Ye don't have to go to the graveyard if ye don't want to Kenya, we are just goin' to go visit Xander." He stands back up "Now then I guess I should go let Father Benar know I'm back, I'll talk to ye later." And with that he makes his way over to the stairs "Ohh and Kenya, it really is a lovely staff ye made fer Oz, I'm sure he will treasure it." And with that he walks back up the stairs

Oz says, "Sounds like Markalaway....their undertaker...think he use to live in Send Valley""

Kenya says, "Well he is still creepy"

Oz smiles “I will have to take your word for it Kenya, now if your excuse me, I should get back to my room...”But not the steps, he will just slowly take the long way around, that's fine. The new staff does help but he is still not ready, yet, to get back to dealing with dibbuns just yet

Kenya watches him head off and smiles, she then heads to the library to do some studying.


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