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#1 2018-11-03 09:54:49 PM

Rudolfo And Alts
Registered: 2018-11-03
Posts: 77

Making Friends And Helping Out

Who Is In The Log:

Jaxson- Archer and Fighter, recent member of Mossflower Defenders

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Texo- Builder for Tavern/New Defender Base

Rigel- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

The log:

Xander decided a walk was good, and he needed to talk to Texo anyways, he sighed a little as he walked along the path towards Ferravale

Rigel stayed beside the badger “Why de sigh sir,we are being having the good day yes, or maybe tis a no, which is it sir?”

Watching the badger from the tree was a cloaked figure, he also glaces at the fox and seemed confused as the tone of voice gave it away “Usually when a fox and a badger is together they are in a duel to the death, you two seem to be getting along, as if friends or something?” He stays balanced on the tree limb and just watches them, no signs of attack he is merely curious, if the fox had been alone it's possible it would have an arrow in it's head by now.

Xander stopped and turned to the voice, a paw on his blade as he scanned and soon seen the figure “Come down and cloak off and we can chat, other wise any further chatting may not go very well. We have recently just been threw a lot with a horde and things are slowly getting back to normal.”

Rigel backed up a little as he studies the figure “It is wise to be careful sir Xander, so you be friend or foe cloaked one?”

He jumps down and takes off his hood to reveal..a squirrel “Its Jaxson Kass Jones..Archer and warrior from Mossflower, I know of the troubles as I was one of the ones to seek shelter at your abbey. That horde killed my wife and child, I helped to fight the horde.”He looks at Rigel and then Xander “I wish to know more of this Mossflower Defenders, do you have room for another member?” He waits on a reply from the badger.

Xander smiles “I am Xander Winters and yes of course, we have lost some members but not all to death. A couple otters Tassel and Anatole now live at Camp Willow, I know another otter Misu who lives by the Western Shore. The Mossflower Defenders are always looking for more members, we..don't have a base right now but one is being built by a friend named Texo, he is a weasel but good. Our new base will be in Ferravale beside hat will soon be the new Tavern”

Rigel waves “I am Rigel..archer as well, nice to meet fellow archer beast, archers we do lack..and fighters, we need both.”

Jaxson looks between them and hmmms, he then nods “Alright I wish to join and maybe help, if I can.”

Xander nods “Then welcome to Mossflower Defenders Jaxson, come on with us to meet up with Texo, it isn't too far.” He leads the others along the path till they get to where they would meet Texo

Texo was looking over blueprints and studying them, “Well well...hmmms this will take a lot of brick..stone, wood..yes a lot of work and moles to make the base area and basement, foundation  to even start with or it would just cave in and we can't have that.” He talks to himself as it seems to help him think.

Rigel grins as he walks over “Is going alright friend long will this take, by dinner tomorrow?” He clearly has no idea time wise how long this sort of project will take.

Jaxson just follows them and keeps a good lookout as he frowns a little. But he stays close to the badger “So, where do we go till there is a base once more? Is there a place to train as one should have that to stay in shape, no need to get out of shape. I can help with ideas if needed as there is a rather nice clearing in the woods that would work nicely.”

Xander frowns at Rigel and clears his throat “Hey Texo, you doing ok there?”He smiles as he walks over, “I have a name for the tavern by the way”

Texo tenses up and then relaxes when he sees who it is, he gives Rigel a look and frowns “Sir...this is not an overnight project, far from it. I would like to see least the outside built by winter if it's possible, or by the time the snow hits, the inside can be worked on afterwards but the …...well outline, the outside walls made, strong and steady and even windows, won't be many , can be added in later on as well. See the sleeping areas will be upstairs and other things down stairs, even a training area in a basement and the tavern beside it, I can even have like a door to lead to and from the tavern, that's hidden of course, and what named for the tavern would that be Xander?”

Rigel frowns “Oh..ok I can be waiting I guess.”He frowns and sits down as he waits and stays to listen.

Jaxson looks around “Seems a..semi good area for the base, and a tavern close is a good idea. Its good Ferravale and the abbey get along. Is the fox..sorry Rigel, the only vermin member?”

Xander smiles “Redthorn Tavern.”He looks at Jaxson and shakes his head “Ferro is a monitor...and there is Rigel, Patch is sort of a member...well sort of and he is a rat, the rest are woodlander...a hedgehog, an otter, couple mice and a hamster even,oh and a mole who is a healer but he speaks common, and there is a couple other squirrels also”

Texo smiles “Redthorn Tavern..I like it, we should also think on rebuilding the Inn but I will discuss that with Blisa as that is more a Ferravale issue totally and the Inn would be.....hmmms well I can figure it out after a chat with Blisa here soon. Do you think the abbey can let us borrow some moles, I only have maybe two and that one from Defenders is..odd speaking common ok...but he refuses to dig saying he will only be underground when he is dead, I though moles loved digging”

Rigel chuckles “Kibou  is being most odd mole of all, hee hee. But I am liking him, he is nice friend. Also thinking ask Benar or maybe find moles in woods?”

Jaxson speaks “I know of a family of moles that be willing to help.5 in the family, and 2 dibbuns I am sure can stay at the abbey maybe. I can bring them here as I am sure they would help the Mossflower Defenders with things needed to start building the new base, the sooner it is built, the more ready we are for things correct?”

Xander nods slowly “True Jaxson go ahead and get them and Krisa can watch the two dibbuns, I will also see if Abbot Benar can have Foremole and his mole team help some, there wasn't much damaged at the abbey, and the moles already made sure the one area of the wall is ok and they fixed the fire pit a bit,  buried any...”He frowns “Any the moles would gladly help and maybe even with helping gather building materials”

Texo smiles wide “Yes yes the more the merrier please go ask of them now, or in the morning as it is night soon....oh my, I should  find you a place to hall prehap?”

Rigel nods “Town Hall will be nice and we head back to the abbey in the morning light”

Jaxson speaks “I have my own place in a tree. I will have those moles here by morning, not to later my friends”And he disappears and heads to the trees and is gone after a short while.

My Alts: 
Rudolfo-LP Hare Private and Fighter
Jarvis-Camp Willow Otter


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