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#1 2018-11-03 06:29:55 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

Marek's Memorial Service

The day is cloudy, cool, yet dry. It may rain later, but not at the moment. Grey light filters through the overcast sky from the sun above, casting a gloomy air over the great Abbey of Redwall.

LilyMoore is standing beside a headstone in the graveyard, wrapped in a cloak over a black dress. She scuffs the ground with the tip of a boot because her great-grandmother insisted that she wear shoes today. The mouse maid is staring at the headstone, which has "Marek" engraved in it. A little shelter has been set up over this area, and some chairs have been placed nearby.

The memorial service is today, and the Bell ringer is determined to say a little speech about her friend. But the tears are already threatening. She wipes her nose on her sleeve. How will she get through this?

DoraRose and Angela come walking silently into the graveyard and stand behind her. The Gatekeeper rests a paw on her daughter's shoulder. "You ready?" The youngest of the trio of mice shrugs miserably.

Quietly behind them enter some Ferravalians, led by Blisa and her bodyguards. They stand a little ways away, having again politely left their weapons in the Gatehouse. And then.....they wait.

Benar steps into view, the Champion at his side as Matilda goes off to the side the abbot comes up front and nods "We are here today to Remember Marek. If it wasn't for him, its hard to say how long fighting would of went on or whom else would of lost their lives. It was decided for him to be buried here in the abbey grounds, today each of you have a chance to say a few words, in memory of Marek"

Xander stays off to the side for now, he frowns remembering catching a quick look at what happen at the Bell Tower that day. He is quiet for now.

Patch is here, he seems to have finally showed up after disappearing for a couple weeks. He didn't even hear about Marek's death till today, he frowns and is sad, in his own way.

Oz had a little help here, and he has, for now, a cane but one he doesn't plan to keep using as he is only borrowing it since it belonged to his brother Zork, but for now it is ok to use, for now.

Gorvenalus stays close to Oz and has a log book to write down what all happens today and anything important.

Rigel is not sure why he is here, he hardly knew the stoat but he did travel with him. He stays off to the side and listens quietly.

Mergleton is sitting alongside everyone else and is wearing all black robes today, next to him is Rupert who is similarly taking notes for the Ferravale record. He bows his head respectively but says nothing at the moment.

LilyMoore sniffles slightly, then turns and faces the gathered beasts, her mother and great-grandmother on either side of her. Once the Abbot is finished speaking, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes tightly. Relaxing, she opens them again and lets her breath out slowly. She will not cry until she's done. She won't let herself.

"I know Marek did a lot of bad things," the Bell ringer begins, "but I only knew him as a good beast who was kind and helpful. I met him shortly after.....after Lorimis died, and he had snuck in to pay his respects. I didn't know who he was or anything. I just knew he was sad, and he helped me when I was sad. We became friends, and he was nothing but kind to me. Over the seasons, he helped me when I got lost in the woods, he gave me a bell, he helped me after Daddy died."She takes another deep breath as more tears start to form. "He earned my momma's trust, and....." as she starts to choke up, DoraRose wraps her arm around her waist. A tear courses down Lily's cheek as she continues, "In the Bell tower.....during the battle....Ormaz had me up against a wall, and....and Marek grabbed him and jumped out a save me and all of Mossflower." Butterclaw, who had been huddled nearby, chirps at her. "I know..." the Bellringer is crying earnestly now, "I know he did many bad things, but Marek did everything he could to save us. He was of my best friends, and I'll....I'll never forget him."

As she finally lets herself cry, DoraRose hugs her close and adds, "Aye, he did do many evil things, but he did change, and he did what he could to prove that he was different. I am proud to have let him be my daughter's friend, and I am glad I gave him the chance."

Angela nods, but stays silent, not really one for speeches in settings like this. As the foursome of mice and bird go over to the chairs, Blisa stands, respectfully letting a few other people speak their pieces before she says hers.

Benar steps aside and lets others speak their thoughts .He can speak afterwards.

Lacota slips into the graveyard quietly, and stands a short distance away from the rest of the group. He never liked Marek, but it seemed disrespectful to not at least be here.

Xander is not sure what to say, but he does step forwards after a short while "I...ummm...well Uncle Zee knew Marek a lot better than I did. But I do know he helped me when I was younger, he even trained me some in fighting skills after..after Uncle Zee died and he helped the Mossflower Defenders a lot as well." He then steps down to let another speak.

Patch frowns, he speaks "I....I didn't even know Marek was dead till today, then no one tells me anything sometimes I find out later."He frowns as he looks over at the grave and sighs "Ya..ya rest in peace boss man, ya earned it" He then quickly sits down.

Oz stays seated by the recorder Gorvenalus, as the two listen to what others have to say quietly. Oz then decides to stand, with a little help, to speak. "Marek mentioned knowing my father, this being before I was born and likely right before Zork was born.Father never mentioned Marek, then again my Father died of a rather hard winter when I was almost a couple seasons old."He frowns" I didnt like Marek at first, but he did took seasons but he did change, I forgave him, even after he was the one who killed my adopted son Maxtor..I forgave Marek for that nd he became a good friend."

Gorvenalus smiles as he speaks "I didn't know Marek too well but yes he was indeed a good beast and helped many. Me and him talked sometimes and I am glad of the help to Willowbark, seeing Willowbark again was...was the best thing for me, knowing my former abbey was still around and that beasts survived. Iwas glad to have Marek as a friend."

Rigel frowns, he just stays where he is, he didn't know the stoat that well.

Mergleton calmly walks up and faces the crowd as he speaks. "I first met Marek Redthorn when I was dealing with a rather unpleasant fellows several seasons ago, he needed funding to protect his village and I was more than happy to provide that funding. Eventually after the business with that nasty Irenievok fellow, Marek lost his village and returned to Mossflower, but I continued to provide monetary assistance to Marek in any way he deemed necessary, including both of his voyages to Willowbark Abbey. He was a respectful gentlemen and a proud warrior, and I am proud to have known him. I will speak with you all again shortly when the service is concluded, thank you"

As LilyMoore, DoraRose, and Angela sit down, Butterclaw settling comfortingly at the Bell ringer's feet, Blisa moves towards the front, the skirts of her dress and petticoats whispering softly as she travels over the grass. Turning and facing the crowd, the Chieftain of Ferravale folds her paws behind her back. "I knew Marek quite well, both before and after he changed. He was my tavern keeper and Ferravale Ambassador, wise in the ways of battle, yet kind. While his past isn't necessarily the most stellar, the fact that he did change and did the hard work of proving that he had speaks volumes of his character. I am proud to have known him, and while we may never know what exactly happened in the tavern when it blew up, I forgive him for that." Despite the solemn occasion, the cat smiles slightly. "Thank you for honoring him here in your Abbey, which, as my dear friend LilyMoore said, he gave his life to save. May he and his sacrifice and his repentance all never be forgotten." She turns to the Abbot, curtsies, then walks back to her seat and sits down. None of the other Ferravalians seem inclined to say anything.

Benar waits till most speak, The champion isn't sure what to say so she lets Benar speak "It..I will admit took me a while to trust Marek and even more time to Forgive him. But Marek did change over the seasons and for the better. He proved himself to be an ally and a friend to all. He will be remembered for seasons but not for what he was when he first came to Mossflower but for what he was, what he did just recently."

Xander has said what he is going to say and stays quiet as anyone that needs to speak, speaks.

Patch frowns as he looks at the ground and kicks a rock, is he....crying?

Oz and Gorvenalus have also spoken and just quietly waits.

Lacota raises a paw, and clears his throat to speak up. "I never liked Marek, but... He was honorable in his dealings. Marek... I forgive you..." He goes silent again.

Mergleton steps forward after everyone has spoken their piece and clears his throat. "Ladies and Gentleman of Redwall Abbey, my name is Mergleton Charles Fredrich Desmond Applewood Zinsbury Korvovowitzchesteringtonshire the Third, Esquire and I am here today to dissertate the will of Marek Redthorn, formerly of Send Valley. I have several statement here from the deceased that I will read shortly" he clears his throat.

"Article #1: To Benar of Redwall Abbey and Blisa of Ferravale, I leave what remains of the funds I gathered during my time in the Northlands to rebuild Mossflower following my brother's ill-fated crusade

Article #2: To Mr. Xander, I leave the deed to the Ferravale Tavern as well as specific grants to rebuild the tavern and the Mossflower Defenders headquarters, blueprints have already been sent to Mr. Texo and you will find that construction has already begun.

Article #3: To Mr. Patch, I want to assure you that for your contribution to my brother's defeat your employment at the Ferravale Tavern is insured.

Article #4: To Mr. Lacota and the Kitchens of Redwall, I leave my recipe books to do with as you may

Article #5: To Ms. Angela, I give you my field guide which have compiled over many long seasons and it's immensely important knowledge on herbs and poisons to better the future of Mossflower.

Article #6: To Mr. Oz: A solid pine rocking chair fit to your exact measurements crafted by the carpenters of our former home of Send Valley and imported here by Mr. Mergleton.

Article #7: To Ms. Dorarose, I leave a prized possession I have not used since my childhood, a dagger of pure silver once owned by father and his father before him, use it wisely

Article #8: To Mr. Mergleton, please speak with Blisa when you return to Ferravale, my position as Ferravale Ambassador is now vacant and I cannot think of a beast more suited to the task".

Mergleton reads off several smaller notes dedicated towards those Marek had a long history with, a process which takes around an hour to complete before finally reaching the final article. "Lastly, to my dear friend Lilymoore, I leave behind this wooden locket in your likeness carved in secret for you by Brother Ulraunt during our last trip to Willowbark Abbey, and this letter which I have instructed Mr. Mergleton to only read upon my passing. I cherish every moment I had with all of my friends, and I wish you all a long and happy life, Marek Redthorn"

Lacota peers through the cookbook dubiously. Maybe there might be some usefulness here.

As each article is read off, there is a growing murmur from the Ferravalians gathered. They're basically pleased, just surprised the stoat had so much to give. Blisa raises her eyebrows, but says nothing, just smiling slightly, accepting the gift with grace befitting a leader.

Angela also raises her eyebrows, accepting the book as it's handed to her. She starts flipping through it, scanning many of the entries. "Mm.....this'll be most 'elpful...." DoraRose accepts the dagger with a look of mild awe adorning her face. She unsheathes it, admiring its deadly beauty.

LilyMoore, still crying slightly, accepts the locket, smiling a little at how beautiful it is. Butterclaw peers at it, chirping in admiration. "Looks like Lilyfriend! Marekbeast goodfriend!"

Benar listens as the Will is read, The Champion is beside him and blinks. Benar nods at the funds, though not too much of the abbey was really messed up. A side gate, a storage building was destroyed by some birds, the funds will likely be saved, a small amount used to perhaps replace some crops lost.

Xander blinks "The..Tavern? Well new Tavern anyways...but why me?" Ok he is surprised but nods and smiles "I will make sure it is well taken care of, I even have a good idea for a name already for the Tavern once it's build"

Patch frowns"Just a job..what am I supposed ta do till then?" He pouts and looks at the ground, ok maybe there is more..right?..right?

Oz tilts his head as the chair is mentioned and nods slowly as he listens, well he can look into getting a chair size figured out later. Gorvenalus checks and even will double check with Mergerton on what all is said for records.

Mergleton clears his throat and addresses Lilymoore as he reads the letter. "My Dearest Friend, If you are reading this letter it means that events have transpired as I feared and I have fallen in the battle to protect Mossflower from my brother, but I implore you not to let sorrow overtake you for I assure you that I am in a better place and Mossflower is once again at peace as am I. As I told you once before, you must remember those you have lost not for the way in which you lost them but for the time in which you spent with them and the noble sacrifice they gave to protect those they loved. My friend, it will be a long journey to recovery the road will be difficult and I cannot promise that you will emerge from it unscathed, but I promise that when it is all finished you will grow to be the strong and powerful young mouse maid that I know is within you. You are no longer a child, Lilymoore and I wish you a long and happy life. Goodbye My Friend, Marek"

LilyMoore looks up at the fox as he reads the letter, and she starts to cry, covering her eyes with her paws, locket clutched tightly. DoraRose resheaths the dagger, slips it into her pocket, and wraps her arms around her daughter's shoulders. Angela rests the book on her lap and hugs the younger mice. Blisa reaches over and grasps the Bell ringer's shoulder. Butterclaw chirps quietly, comfortingly, and Lily can't help but continue to weep. But while she has a night to go through, full of weeping, her joy and power shall be found in the morning.

Lacota is respectfully silent. He has a lot to think about tonight.

Benar stays quiet, seeing if anyone else has anything to say before he clears his throat and speaks" If anyone else has anything to say before we head inside, now is the time."

Xander sighs, he seen Marek as a friend but he has also said what he needed to say and plans to take a little walk to Ferravale later, maybe with the Chieftain , so he can find and speak to Texo.

Patch frowns"Marek will be missed by a lot...likely more so than he ever thought he be missed by"

Mergleton bows respectfully as he departs back home for Ferravale, his carriage awaiting outside


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