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#1 2018-10-24 07:14:00 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Some Fresh Air is Nice-Redwall Log


Oz-Badger Mother,AKA Papa Oz

Ciocan-Bagder Lord

Sinway-Brother in Redwall Abbey

Ace-Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Krisha- Tempary Badger Mother while Oz recovers



More spoofed Dibbuns!!

A few spoofed abbey healers/beasts


It had been a while since he been in the open ground, after a bit of discussion it was decided maybe some fresh air would do the badger some good. Oz was helped outside by Ciocan, a healer also following closely. Oz is still very much wobbly on his foot paws but least its a very very short ways to the open ground from his room. He is helped to sit down on the steps leading down to the dorm room hallways.

Krisha is outside in the open ground with the dibbuns, some class time was taken off so they could basically run around outside and get some serious energy out. A couple almost crash into each other as Krisha frowns.

Ace walks over from the entry, he has spent some time helping a lot in the abbey the past couple weeks. He looks over at the badgers and then the dibbuns and smiles a little.

Sinway approaches the open ground from the pond the sleeves on his brown habit pulled up as he talks with a novice "No no, ye don't need to go worry the healers, I was just lookin' at the pond seein' if anything needed done with it before it froze over and no I wasn' plannin' to do it me self, now kindly run along and take care of yer other duties." He spots the other beast and slowly makes his way over to them making sure to use his cane and not put to much pressure on his right leg "Afternoon to ye all, Oz tis good to see ye"

Oz smiles at the help, the healer checks him as he frowns "I am fine."He states quietly as if a little annoyed but puts up with it ."Greetings..Sinway"His voice sounds better, so that's good.

Ahhh, glorious freedom! Fabulous, wonderful freedom! The tiny squirrel known as Brendan had gotten a pretty good head start on everyone else, and he hurries along from the dorms, tail flat and straight out behind him like a rudder as he speeds along. In his small paw he grasps what appears to be a stick of some sort, though of course to him, it is a mighty bow! Holding it aloft as he runs, the squirrel does his best impression of the various battle cries he's heard in his squeak-voice, though he does his best to sound as fierce as possible: "WEDWALLALOGAMANDERSTROMS!!!!"

Krisha glaces over and smiles as she sees Oz, and once the dibbuns see him....yeah he likely is about to get tackled as she calls out "Be careful you guys he's still recovering!"

Ace chuckles as he watches the dibbuns"Careful thar Oz..I think we have a horde of dibbuns here"

Sinway makes his way over to the group "Afternoon, Krisha....and Ace right." He turns to the hedgehog rolling down the sleeves of his habit "And how are ye all today." He watches as a horde of dibbuns run up to Oz

Oz chuckles, the dibbuns are careful. Ciocan watches briefly and heads off with a smile, he has a meeting with his hares to tend to. Oz chuckles some more " dibbuns."A lot of hugs here and snuggling close to him. He still has bandages on after all.

Krisha watches to make sure they don't over whelm him. One dibbun has yet to run towards him and that Northstar who Krisha holds onto for now.

Brendan continues to dart around the Abbey grounds with his 'weapon' held high in the air, hollering and making a general racket. As he reaches the area near the entry, he skids to a stop, almost tumbling head over paws in the process. Regaining his balance, he lowers his stick, then pretends he is drawing arrows from a quiver upon his back, and he pretend-fires them at the closed door, as if there are enemies attacking. "Pfff! Pfff! Pfff! Pfff! Gotchu, vermnims! Pff! Pfff! Gotta arrer inna face!" He giggles, before hurrying over to another area, and firing at the wall, as if he is on the walltops. "Pff! Pff! Pff!" Once he is done there, he turns around and speeds towards where Oz is sitting. Collision....imminent....until the squirrel leaps up and flies past him into the stairwell.

Ace watches the squirrel dibbun "I am guessing they are glad to be not so cooped up inside"

Sinway chuckles at the squirrel "I would say, tis been to long since they got to play outside, tis good there are able to play, soon it will get cold and they will have to be inside again." He turns his attention to Northstar holding out one of his paws for the young badger

Oz smiles and is happy to be around the dibbuns again and tilts his head towards Krisha.."You have done well watching them Krisha, your still need to for a few weeks. I am still..."He tenses a little and moves a dibbun just slightly "Healing...still tried, can't even walk without serious help...feel helpless past few days"

Krisha frowns as she walks over, she sits Northstar down who looks at Sinway and giggles. "We are all glad your awake, you were in that faint for so....long, you almost died twice.."She frowns "And someone was in the room, I thought....I thought she was going to...take you to the dark forest, she didn't she said you would recover and wake it wold just be a long while, and it was a long while and I know likely a while yet till you fully recover"

Brendan has seemingly disappeared up the stairs, but not a few moments later he peeks his head around the corner at those gathered. Giggling, he somersaults head over tail down the last couple of stairs, sprawling out on the ground, his tail twitching wildly. "Notta coop up insides, gotta be outsides! Wanna climb onna twees!" The tiny squirrelbabe hops back up to his foot paws, then proceeds to dart in circles around Oz.

Ace nods "I..missed the siege and the battle, maybe it was for the best. My strength is still a"He frowns as he rubs his shoulder where what looks like a simple rose tattoo is but with scars all over it, he clearly tried to get rid of it a few times.

Sinway smiles and sits down next to Northstar allowing the badger dibbun to see the webs of his paws "Let's not talk about such things anymore ace........tis happy times now, Mossflower is free of evil once again, Oz is awake and getting better day by day......and I am officially a Brother in the Abbey Order."

Oz smiles"Congrats on that by the way,,Brother Sinway" He smiles as another dibbun hugs him, ok a little pain but he is fine. The healer has the dibbuns back off a little and the sit by the badger, just being happy he is awake and visiting him, one is already asleep in his lap, he has the healer let them stay for now, the dibbun can be moved a little later.

Krisha smiles "We have good healers here..."Northstar looks at the webbed paw as if a little confused.

Ace nods "I think Brother Sinway sounds nice...don't expect to ever see a Brother Ace though, I am a warrior till I die"

Sinway holds his paw closer to Northstar while looking towards Ace "Aye, it does have a nice sound  to it A name I should of had a long time ago, though tis not been all bad, I may regret the choices I made that lead me to leaving the Abbey and Mossflower, but I can't say  didn't have some fun adventures and meet some interesting beast along the way."

Oz smiles some dibbuns play beside him, a few go by Sister Ginny whom is out here, he hmmms "Who was in the room Krisha?" He asks softly.

Krisha watches her cub and sighs, the cub chuckles a little as Krisha walks over to sit by Oz,"She...said she would leave you in good paws...not to worry you would find your way...home just needed rest..."She is quiet as if unsure as she brushes some head fur from her eyes, "Northstar.....she was there..briefly, as in the one I named my cub after...she left just as suddenly as she came"

Ace grins "You can always make new friends, maybe see....well once its rebuilt, sure it will new Mossflower Defender base your still welcome ta visit"

Sinway looks over and grins at northstar wiggling his fingers for the amusement of the badger dibbun "I never got to see the old base, it was destroyed just a few days after I joined to help protect Redwall." He frowns for a second and shakes his head "But enough of those thoughts."

Oz listens quietly and nods, a tear goes down his face but he still smiles slowly. "Guess over me. I had a choice to make, it was...hard as I knew I couldn't sadly have both. I could of easily stayed...went past and into those gates, Zork...nor Zee didn't stop me,..the voice of my mate Northstar did, only her..I'm still needed here, I can see them again...seasons from now, many seasons from now" He smiles "Brother Sinway is correct....think only on the good, not the bad"

Krisha hugs Oz carefully and nods. A small voice calls out "Nuff......"Krisha blinks and looks at the cub Northstar and chuckles.

Ace smiles "Well seems even the youngest want us to move on my friends, and think of happy thoughts...those we remember would want us to not be it was resent or not so recent, and we shall honor friends or so I heard ...tomorrow"

Sinway nods "Aye, Father Benar said he like to have the proper memorial tomorrow." He readjusts so that his leg is stretched out "There thats better." He comments to him self "Ye know, still feels like a dream, each time I hear some one say that........Brother Sinway, tis somethin' I thought I never hear said."

Oz chuckles, he is still some sore and nods "Your have to get use to it. How is Kenya I only know of the one day she was visiting, then she is a novice now so likely busy"

Krisha sits down and smiles, Northstar doesn't say any other words and so far seems to still make , well sounds and spoke maybe two words and thats all. She yawns and rubs her eyes as she is also tried.

Ace says, "Peace is good to have and it should stay many many seasons I do hope"

Sinway nods his head to Oz "Aye I will have to get used to it, it would seem me official job is goin' to be taken care of our pond, though if I have time I might take up gardenin' as well, as fer kenya, im not to sure. I haven't had a lot of time with bein' stuck in the infirmary to talk with her, she seems fine, or did this mornin' and when i was with her up in the tree house, im just glad this is over and hopefully she can put all the things that has happen to her behind her and live a happy life."

Oz nods "If she..wants to talk I can be a listening ear or she can speak with Benar maybe."

Krisha says, "Gardening might be nice and I know they always look for help when planting Spring crops"

Ace nods "Infirms are...not a fave place of mine but the healers, they mean well they just want to make sure any one injured or what ever recover well"

Sinway sighs watching as a novice approaches "Speakin' of infirmary, guess tis time fer my bandages to be changed, happily this should be the last week fer that then it will be just waitin' fer everythin' to fully heal." He allows the novice to help him up "It was nice to see ye all, and I'm very happy to see you up and about Oz. Even if it is with help."

Oz nods "Yes. I am unsure how often I will be...outside my room but fresh air is good"

Krisha says, "Take it easy so you heal good and that goes for anyone injured that needed to recover."

Ace nods "Always good to take it easy and rest, rest is good in fact"

Sinway chuckles a little "I'll tell ye all, like I told the healers, and of course the me little helper who has been nice enough to help me around the abbey....I'm not about to risk messin' up me leg fer life, after all fer a otter our legs are the second most important part of swimmin', the first be our tails." He then offers them a warm smile "Now I guess I must be off, take care." And with that he allows the novice to assist him back into the abbey

Oz nods "Hopefully I will be walking around."He frowns "If I can get a new staff, that would be very helpful"

Krisha says, "We can someone to make you a new one I am sure, not sure who though but I am sure we can find someone"

Ace says, "Don't know of any wood workers ..sorry. Maybe I can check around though"

Oz nods "It will be fine, not gonna need a staff for a while. Need help standing and for sure walking and before its asked no I am not using Zork's wheelchair."

Krisha says, "I don't think a wheel chair is needed either, and you have me and Xander to help you if you want to get some fresh air or maybe just , be elsewhere but your room""

Ace says, "One room could get fairly boring my friend, with or without friends to visit"

Oz shrugs "Maybe. Even if its a little cold it is nice outside."

Krisha sighs when cold is mentioned "I always disliked the colder months, my father will just stay in his forge and den a lot in the cold months, another reason he plans to get that gate fixed before Autumn n is over"

Ace says, "Some like one season and others do not, thats just how things are"

Oz says, "I dislike winter for various reasons, one being my knee which will likely be even more annoying this winter, the healers had to get glass out of it, and I may of cracked the kneecap slightly or least serious sprang it. I only remember bits and pieces of the fight with that insane marten""

Krisha frowns"I hope your knee is ok Oz"

Ace yawns "I am off to nap my friends i will see you all tomorrow then"

Oz nods "Me as well, I suppose its a wait and see sort of thing for now"

Krisha nods and smiles "It is good to know your feeling better, I was very worried Oz and I know Xander was also, maybe more so since he had no way of knowing for sure how you were, he was outside the abbey most of the time, but he did bring help and the abbey is safe now cause of it"

Oz nods "Yes peace has returned, its good, very good"

Krisha sighs "Anyways you need help back to your room Oz?"

Oz shakes his head "I will be fine out here for a little while, Lord Ciocan said he be back after his meeting with the hares still here, I believe they head back home after the memorial tomorrow, so they are here 2...maybe more days"

Krisha heads back inside with the dibbuns when the dinner bells sounds.

Oz sighs, he is soon helped back inside by Lord Ciocan, the badger Lord helps Oz to his room and makes sure Oz has some dinner before he himself gets dinner and then goes to bed early, the next couple days might well be...long.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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