Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-10-12 11:11:46 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Not A Fun Place To Wake Up In-Fate of Marek TP

***Yes it's short, short logs can be nice too!!!! ***


Zolomon- The now one eared Private/Runner in the LP

Markalaway-Undertaker in Ferravale

Rayen- Master Healer of Willowbark Abbey

Kenya- Novice of Redwall

Chip-(mentioned) Son of Minsc


Zolomon groans and opens his eyes as he looks around and frowns”Wot...where..who.when...sometimes why?”

Markalaway comes into his line of vision and speaks “Thank you fer not joining the realms of the dead, I  did not wish to bury you, though I would...or the hares would of.”

Zolomon's  eyes widen and he rolls off the cot and quickly stumbles into a wall and tense up in pain as he holds his side..”Ouchie......I'm.....I'm bally well dead aren't I...and your death...go away!!, not dead yet..thank you for your time..”

Markalaway just looks at the eye, his one good eye seems to stare into his very soul “Least you live, the hamster...unclear”He looks at the very still and barely breathing form of a hamster, Chip.

Zolomon looks over and blinks “Chip?” And then he feels his..wait..”Me..ear..where is my ear!!! I need my ear!”

Rayen opens her eyes and growls, ears flatten on her head “Shut up...yeah your awake ...good not shut up I rather be asleep so scream outside!!!”

Markalaway keeps it simple as he speaks in his rasipy voice “It's joined the realms of the dead.” Yes that just sounds creepy. He looks at the vixen and back to the hare “Perhaps you should get the otter back to...whomever daddy is, she keeps muttering it in her restless sleep”

Zolomon frowns and  stands “ try ta have a peaceful sleep after all that wot”

Rayen glares daggers at the hare “Leave......”

Markalaway nods “Yes thar has been a serious imbalance of life and death....and it may be best to leave before it gets even more imbalanced than it already is.

Kenya mutters something and opens her eyes.

Zolomon takes a look at the vixen..ok nope not staying here, first the creepy rat with one eye....and  Rayen looks even scarier right now from lack of sleep. He scoops up Kenya and walks off quickly and out the door “Sorry lass...yeah umm...”Nice...walk threw the graveyard, what fun right?

Kenya frowns and  looks at the graveyard “Do we..have to walk through this?”

Zolomon gulps and nods “Just..eyes closed..ouchie..”A bandage around his head where his ear, oh his pooor ear..was and a bandage for his left side..he likely should be not walking but he will, walk , its just a happy..creepy...well that grave has nice flowers on it...walk threw the graveyard, he hums a tune and walks a little faster and finally to the path by the pond, then the path on threw the village and sits her down “Walk?...Carry?”

Kenya nods “I can walk...”She hugs him tightly suddenly and frowns “I thought you were  dead too...” Tears go down her face, the dream she had wasn't supposed to come true, but maybe it did ..”You think....everyone is dead, like the abbey too?”

Zolomon frowns “I..bally well hope not little lass.”He sighs “Tis ok..I am ..very sore and very alive...minis me ear”He frowns and is clearly upset over his ear but it can wait, he can morn his poor ear later.

Kenya frowns “I want daddy...I want my dad..he isn't dead is he?”

Zolomon sighs “I..I don't know who is dead or not dead, we can find out lass..ok let's see wot awaits us at the abbey.” And hope its good news, the hare isn't sure he could stand serious bad news.

And they are on the way to the abbey, what awaits them? They will soon find out......

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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