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#1 2018-10-01 05:57:05 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The Horde Is Getting A Lot More Active,Too Active-Fate Of Marek TP LOG


Matilda- Abbey Champion

Tassel-Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Anatole- Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Kibou- Healer, and part time fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Rafael- Brother on Order (Dies in this Log he was a main healer)

Vasious horde beast and a monitor spoofed


Matilda was busy on the wall tops and pacing as she watched below the horde beast and narrowed her eyes.

Anatole makes his way over and frowns "They are..still here arnt they, then duhh its not like they will leave, and this is annoying him to no end as he looks down at the horde"LEAVE ALREADY!" like that will work.

Matilda frowns"Don't draw attention to them"

One of the horde beasts, a monitor walks up and smirks "Why do you Redwalls keep trying, Ormaz and us is not going away...only so long till beasts go insane you know, and I am bored..and Ormaz said cause some trouble" He grins as some archers fire up at the wall.

Anatole frowns and barely ducks an arrow, lucky most miss the others but a guard is hit in the arm and has to be led down the nearest steps "Umm..well them being bored is bad I think"

Kibou is here helping with his sling, he fires off one and hits a weasel and smirks "Shows ya..go way and not come back"They seem confused that a mole is speaking common that another pebble hits the same weasel and it falls over lifeless.

Matilda narrows her eyes as the archers get ready to fire again and orders a few guards to fire arrows back as she paces and looks to make sure no one is on the grounds right now.

Rafael out of the infirmary but only to tend to any wounded, he frowns as he checks on the guard hit with the arrow "Looks like your be fine...not deep." The guard nods.

Anatole frowns and stays close to the Champion, "We can only do so much from the wall"

Kibou says, "We can hit them back with arrows or sling stones...or drop very hot mush on them!There is some old mush in the kitchens that was ruined with much too much salt.""

Matilda frowns as she looks at the mole, "Drop?.."She frowns as one gets up with a rope hook, she quickly slices at the rope and the vermin falls with a scream back to the ground "They are getting a lot more brave in trying to get inside"She sighs "What is next?"

Rafael says, "I think they should leave, vermin are becoming ...very annoying""

The horde beasts back off slightly as they seem to try and figure out how to get inside or least avoid any unneeded issues.

Kibou grins and leaves just long enough to have a couple otters help him..share...some old hot mush, yep that makes a few more back off and 3-4 are covered in very hot mush and panicking.

Tassel comes up to help, she is tried of being inside and has left her daughter in the acting badger mother.

Anatole frowns "Tassel, you should not be up here love, this is serious"

Matilda frowns as she turns her back a brief second "Anatole is right Tassel and your have had a dibbun not too long ago, you should go back down the ..."A gasp as an arrow gets her on the lower arm, lucky not deep and its her right arm not her sword arm which is her left, she snorts and right away a couple guards go close to her, another couple fire at the vermin hitting a couple rats but not the mystery shooter of the arrow "I'm..fine..its not deep"

Rafael frowns and is right away at the champions side "Maybe we should still go inside."He glaces at the horde and back to her.

Tassel frowns "I am.."She gasps and then looks down at the vermin.

Anatole frowns, he is then relieved the hedgehog is ok as he frowns "The horde is starting to get more active"

Kibou says, "We can always make more mush, or have the sparrows attack"He frowns as he ads quietly"So..where is the help that's coming, its close...right?""

The monitor hisses as as arrow gets his tail and shoulder, he nods to the archer nearby "Shoot her again!!" The archer nods and aims..then fires his deadly arrow.

Matilda frowns " I should stay I am fine"

Rafael frowns "Ok..slow then.."He sighs "NO..I say you go down its an Order ..."His words are cut short as the arrow misses the champion and hits him, he tries to say something and then slumps over, the arrow in his chest! The healer is dead almost instantly.

Tassel asks, "Brother Rafael?!"

Anatole frowns, ok this is bad, very bad.

Kibou frowns and right away goes to look for a pulse and draws his paw back " He's...dead...."

Matilda right away is carrying the squirrel down the steps and laying him on the ground, the arrow in her arm she yanks out...not much blood but she will need a bandage as she frowns at the squirrel ""

The lizard smirks "Ok ..back off and give the beasts a couple days rest...and lets report to Ormaz, it may not be the champion buts its one of those stupid order beasts and I think a leader of sorts...lets goooo.."

Kibou frowns, "Not good..not good at all"

Tassel says, "We....we need to tell Benar"

Anatole frowns as he makes sure Tassel stays safe "I know.. come on dear lets get inside"

Matilda frowns and gets the dead healer inside and goes to report to the abbot what just happen.

Last edited by oz (2018-10-01 08:45:05 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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