Redwall MUCK Forum

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#1 2018-09-27 11:10:47 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Is He..Wakeing Up Soon?-Redwall Log

***Its short, but good still ***


Oz- Badger Mother of Redwall,AKA Papa Oz

Rafael- Master Healer of Redwall

Krisha- Badger Mother in Training

Some dibbuns....


Oz has not had any change in how he is, good or bad.

Krisha quietly walks in, she is holding her cub Northstar and walks over to sit by Oz, she glaces at the door that leads to the dibbun's room and sighs, unsure what to really do.

Rafael enters the room and nods, he clears his voice to speak "I am unsure of the idea, but...we can try, but not for very long please."

Krisha nods as she goes to open the door but not before "No running, no climbing, and try and speak softly. You can visit for a little while and then we need to get to class" Some groans of why is heard and she sighs "Cause I said so...."She then quietly lets in a group of dibbuns.

Oz stays quiet, eyes closed..clearly still breathing but no movement or clue he knows whats going on or not going on.

Rafael watches closely, ready if need to be make dibbuns shoo from the room, but for now he allows them in the room.

The dibbuns try their best to not climb...well a couple does anyways, one mouse beside Oz and a small vole on his chest just stareing at him and looks over to Krisha "When he gonna wakes up?"

Krisha sighs "I..don't know little one"She sits Northstar down who coos and gurgles trying to speak but has yet to say anything, she is better at standing up on her own, grabbing onto something and has yet to try and walk.

Oz still response what so ever, his bandages were checked and changed earlier and most hid under the covers expect for a paw that's almost healed now.

Rafael sighs, "Do be careful young ones, Papa Oz still needs a lot of rest to recover.."He is starting to get worried again.

Krisha frowns, meanwhile the dibbuns seem unsure as well....a couple touch his paw or his face, one whimpers as another just talks "Yous need wakes up.." .."Yeah you is missing stuffs..".."Pleeze wakes up..." A couple don't care and still go to hug him or touch his paw.

Oz shows no signs he knows they are there, or least seems to show signs...his heart rate does change just slightly, but not lower..slightly stronger than it was before, but no movement....

Rafael frowns and walks over to gently get a couple off the bed " climbing on Papa Oz..please..its wise not to climb on his bed..for sure not his chest...please."

Krisha frowns "They...miss him Brother Rafael...and they would come into the room and lay by him sometimes..they wanted to..protect him they said during the thunderstorm last night and I didn't let them I stayed with them in the dibbuns room till the storm passed, sort of woke up in there and almost missed breakfast."

One dibbun frowns and just stays beside Oz and holds his paw curling beside him, "Yous gonna wakes up..." A couple other dibbuns just climb right back onto the bed, they stay beside him at least and gently hug him, a few look at the other adults as if do they have to leave the room?)

Rafael sighs, the looks on thier faces....he can't stand it as the lunch bell starts to sound "Its lunch should get downstairs..wash your paws before you eat though"

Krisha stands and nods "Come...dibbuns we need to get going...ok?"

Oz chest rises and falls and he still stays silent, but a couple fingers do slowly wrap around one dibbuns paw, but that's the only movement there is...the dibbun sniffs and hugs the paw tighter, but does get off the bed, as well as the other couple to head to lunch. Luckly Sister Ginny is here to help.

Rafael walks over and for sure noticed, he checks Oz's breathing, pulse and forehead quiet for now.

Krisha frowns "Is he...ok?" She can follow the dibbuns later as she watches the squirrel.

Oz pulse is good, breathing good as well...perhaps even slightly improved, the two fingers are still curled slightly, and move slightly more. But no other signs...he still isn't waking up yet and wont today or tomorrow....its unclear when but its movement.

Rafael smiles"He..moved his fingers, its..its a good sign" He smiles, glad and happy"He..still has a ways to go I think to wake but he is fighting to wake up..he is"

Krisha smiles, "He did?" She does notice they clearly moved and sniffs, but its more a couple happy tears "That's..that's good..right?"

Rafael nods " best get downstairs to lunch Krisha....a novice can bring me something..I am gonna stay in here with Oz for now."

Krisha nods and quietly goes out the door, maybe a bit less worried about Oz now.

Oz shows no other movement, but its a start at least and some slight improvement in breathing, a strong heartbeat is also good signs as well. Maybe he is finally coming out of his deep deep faint, the abbey will just have to wait and see.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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