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#1 2018-09-25 12:28:39 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Please Wake Up Soon-Redwall Log


Oz- Badger Mother,AKA Papa Oz

Krisha- For now Acting Badger Mother till Oz recovers

Rapael- Master Healer of Redwall


RW Abbey: Badger Mother's Room
The room you enter is rather neat and almost spartanly furnished, quite a visual contrast if you entered from the cluttered Dibbun's room adjacent.  The warm red of the sandstone walls is the primary motif, broken in only a few places.  There's a small leaded glass window for light, a bed (rather massive, which might give one a hint at it's occupant) with a coverlet of brightly dyed and woven cloth and a small table with a chair; this is holding a small pile of books and papers, a candle in it's holder and a couple odd Dibbun toys that ended up there somehow.  The only real ornament in the room is a middle sized, carefully framed parchment: a charcoal and ink drawing of some group or family of badgers. 

Oz still a faint, but not as deep as before it would seem. His fever is finally gone and one of the really bad wounds that was infected is finally healing very well. All of his wounds are showing signs of healing and some swelling he had has gone down. He has lost a little weight but then again he hasn't..well ate since in his coma like state, just given water and broth, a lot of water in fact and some herbal mixtures when needed. So he lays there quietly, like he has been doing since he was laid on the bed.   

Krisha sighs as she walks in, she has been doing fairly well with the dibbuns, so far they have behaved, and she has not let them into here even though they plead and beg she keeps them out. She sits down by Oz and lays a paw on his forehead.   

Brother Rafael enters the room and nods to Krisha " is he doing, doing alright?"He checks Oz's pulse and his forehead for a fever and starts to change the bandages quietly, clean the wounds, apply any needed herbal pastes and slowly re bandage.   

Oz has no fever, which is good. He doesn't move except for the rising and falling of his chest to show he is breathing. He was having trouble breathing before but that seems to have gotten better and his breathing has improved now.   

Krisha says, "He..he still has yet to wake up beginning to wonder if he will or not. the dibbun want to see him so bad and I am...I can't let them see him like this. I also heard that..vermin horde attacked the abbey but guess we were lucky they didn't get inside."
Brother Rafael nods "They did are correct.."He finishes the bandages and steps back"His breathing is better than it was, that's a good sign...wounds are healing and his fever has gone, it was low grade but its totally gone now but we do keep an eye on it just in case."He sighs "Things like this...take time. It is times like this I do miss Brother Leon, then again he likely would do the same thing we do now and just say keep the faith and hope alive. Oz has shown signs of improvement and that's good, it means he is slowly coming back to us..when I still don't have an answer for that and I am truly sorry"   

Oz has shown signs of getting better, no fever and breathing and heart beat is a good deal better than it was before..where his fur shown signs of looking dull, its starting to also look better than it was. But waking...not yet, the faint still has a grip on him, but that grip is not nearly as bad as before.   

Krisha frowns"I just want to hear his voice, he isn't even muttering now like he was, then is that a good sign or bad?"   

Brother Rafael thinks on this " not sure, Brother Leon spoke of..things like this sometimes, beasts can mutter and be having talks with past loved ones..sometimes a loved one may talk them out of joining them just yet, other times...well they can...slip into the dark forest but I do not think that's the case with Oz, if he was going to the dark forest he would of already. Right now his body recovers and rests."   

Oz still shows no signs of waking, least yet. A novice comes and helps make sure he gets some water down, and some warm vegetable broth as well and that's 2-3 times a day..water is more so, maybe 4-5 times a day for some water. Which he has been able to get down fairly well, as before he coughed and sputtered and maybe half went 90-95 % of liquids get down and this has helped with his recovery as well.   

Krisha nods as she holds Oz's paw "Oz..please wake up soon, your still worrying everyone" She glaces at the squirrel "Can he..hear us you think?"   

Rafael says, "Talking helps or so I been told. He may hear us I do not know, maybe talking will help awaken him"   

Krisha nods as she still holds Oz's paw "Please Oz....wake up soon. The dibbuns want to see you" She sighs and asks "Do you thin if he..heard them it would help some?"
Oz still doesn't respond...eyes still closed but he is breathing of course so its proof he lives, just when will he wake up?
Rafael stays by Oz and pats his arm "Do wake up soon Oz. Your missing a lot, not that all of it is good but I bet you would cheer up a lot of beasts if you wake up soon...when your ready though"
Krisha frowns as she stands "I..need to go check on the dibbuns..maybe in a couple days I can let them in here, just a short few moments?"   

Oz may or may not show some more improved signs if he heard the dibbuns, its a wait and see sort of thing   

Rafael says, "We will see, maybe."He sits down and smiles a little "Go on, I shall stay by his side then Angela will take over later after dinner."He has got to not eat dinner up here, but he will most likely. Least he does get some rest.

Krisha nods , she kisses Oz's forehead and then stands and goes to the door, then slips out to tend to dibbun duties.   

Oz still lays here, the falling and rising of his chest shows he is alive. There is a slight....very slight, maybe missed movement of, just a small flicker of movement of one finger and then nothing else. His chest rises and falls...his eyes remain closed. Will he wake soon? Only time...will tell

Last edited by oz (2018-09-25 12:30:21 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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