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#1 2018-09-18 10:53:11 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

The New BlackRose!- Black Rose Log/Fate Of Marek TP LOG


Melantha- Leader of The Blackrose

Stormfang- 2nd in Commnad of The Blackrose

Ironbark- Slave of The BlackRose

Fangsharp- Monittor Assassin


Melantha was moody, she lost the otter maid just glared at Stormfang,"You..let some stupid river dog get the best of you..fool...FOOL!"

Stormfang takes a step back and then a deep breath" I could track him down..kill him for ya. Maybe we should just leave the area and..try our luck elsewhere"

Ironbark had managed to get away from the horde camp, barely as he tried to find someone..anyone. He stumbled and upon seeing the two vermin he lets a cuss word slip and falls unconscious to the ground.

Melantha spins around..seeing the squirrel she raises an eyebrow and walks over and makes a face "Oh of those nice." She studies the squirrel and slides out a blade and then seems to rethink "Stormfang tie up our..guest" She turns "That is if your loyal to me, there is one thing that insane Ormaz and me have in common....loyalty is important to us. I want to restart the black rose and I need beasts to do so and I am all for killing to get my way."

Stormfang stands where he is.."I am Loyal, in fact I am willing to go track down those two otters..I know where they are....kill the older one, take the young one and bring her back here she can watch that one die in front of her. I have sleeping darts...he won't even have to wake die...tie up the child, then let her watch the other one die, you could have two slaves the otter maid and that squirrel. We can get info from it...."

Ironbark groans as he slowly wakes up and looks around...yep tied up wonderful. He looks at the two vermin "Let me..guess....back to..Ormaz...or that insane marten...oh yeah heard she died."He smirks.

Melantha listens to Stormfang "His name is much fun as it be to have his head....or Kenya back..tis fine."She smiles at the squirrel "No...I am my own boss and this is Stormfang my..."She grins "2nd in command of the BlackRose..fully mine once more."She offers the squirrel some bread,cheese, apple slices,"Eat need to get weak now."

Stormfang blinks "2..2nd in...command?" He then grins, "Thank you my master..I shall not fail you"He kneels in front of the cat"I am yours to command"

Ironbark snorts..but the looks....he frowns why the food"My luck tis poisoned"

Melantha watches "Its not poison...just eat ...though..." She pulls it just out of reach "Info..then food and water..all you want"

Stormfang stays close and nearby waiting orders, seems this rat has become a bit less of a push over.

Ironbark frowns, he looks away but then speaks "What"

Melantha smirks " Where is that Xander Winters at? Where is the horde camp of Ormaz I wish to...avoid him. Any idea where Sinway and Kenya the leader of the Mossflower Defenders bringing help?"

Stormfang just listens and waits, is the squirrel gonna speak or not.

Ironbark speaks "I....I..." He stares at the food and drink, he has had rainwater the past week and a half and no food but maybe some crumbs of bread and clover yes he ate clover of all things..he frowns and does something he thought he never would do..."Xander went to find the Long Patrol....and that badger lord..lady..I don't for Sinway and Kenya I don't know where they are. Ormaz camp is that way"He points with his tail....words just flooded from his mouth and he failed to stop them.

Melantha nods and redoes the rope so he has one paw free and slides the food and water over to him, she grins and even offers him a flask of some sort of dark ale. She then whistles and seems to wait,"Do stay still Stormfang.."Odd request...hmmmms.

Fangsharp appears from the side path and hisses low..."What kitty wantzzzzzzzzzz?" He looks at the squirrel and the rat, then back to the feline.

Stormfang tenses up, he almost seems to wet himself but doesn't as he sees the monitor but stays still, where he is

Ironbark eats the food like he hasn't seen food in days and coughs a couple times, he drinks the ale and the water and finally notices the monitor and pals if that's possible.

Melantha smirks"I want you to find a couple beasts...remember the otter you meet once, that day I told you to not eat him....maybe you can find him now...oh and I found out some hares are coming...likely along the river...and a badger...well likely two..."

Stormfang clears his throat "Umm..with all if a..badger lord...ummm BADGER LORD.....they are like...well..."

Fangsharp gets a little excited "Bunnies....lots of bunniessssss....." He looks at the rat and grins, yes this is creepy.."Badger lord...hee the bunnies....find bunnies?"

Ironbark frowns, he gulps as he listens to the monitor...he just hopes it isn't having squirrel his luck wouldn't it

Melantha nods "Yes yes...go eat some bunnies...along the river...kill a badger...or two......and find Sinway and his young friend....but don't kill the child...she is mine..kill him....but I do want proof of his death so save his head...remember the young otter, her name is Kenya..she is mine...she belongs to me and Sinway stole her from me." She smirks " you go my pet..go fetch"

Stormfang stands and listens, ok good please go away...far away....he so so so hates monitors.

Fangsharp hisses and seems delighted..."Bunnies for lunch...hee heee..bunnies....kill Sinway...keep Kenya live...kill badger...."He hisses and then heads to the river following it, but not before he grabs a sparrow....oh the poor birdie was listening....and now its breakfast and he walks much for a warning huh?

Ironbark pales..."Oh no.....what have I done?"

Melantha looks at the squirrel and nods to Stormfang, "Get me my little pole...I did manage to save something of mine....I am sure Ormaz could care less." A small branding pole in fact....a shape of a simple rose no leaves..simple design, when pressed to skin causes the tattoo of a simple black rose...she herself still has her black rose tattoo...much more detailed with vines that twirl..leaves and thick thorns, a more detailed rose.

Stormfang nods, he has the tattoo also as he gets the branding rod, first heating it up in the camp fire they started.."What if that lizard fails?"

Ironbark looks defeated, he is defeated he just doomed his own leader and a friend.

Melantha waits and grabs the branding tattoo as she quickly places it on the squirrels upper arm and smirks "Welcome to the Black rose...slave, you have the honor of being my first slave in the new BlackRose...I ment for someone else to have the honor..all well, that's fine. Your arm will hurt a few rest your gonna need it, we have a lot of ground to cover and beasts to avoid so...may not be the best pathway to your new life."She looks at Stormfang "Your advise on leaving is....good"

Stormfang tilts his head"It is?"

Ironbark holds in the scream, a few deep breaths and a lot of tears...a slave....slave...maybe he deserves this.

Melantha grins "How does..Halyard and the Western Shores sound?"

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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