Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-09-14 07:24:33 PM

Registered: 2018-08-27
Posts: 38

Lost....and Found- Redwall/Fate Of Marek LOG

Shortly after


Kenya- Novice

Stormfang- Evil rat

Melantha- Evil cat and Black Rose Leader

Sinway-Fighter in Mossflower Defenders


Kenya slowly crawled out from the thorn bush patch and looked around. She had no idea where she was and had ran in circles, she did know she was hungry and thirsty so looked around. She was by a small creek so was able to soak her swollen ankle a little and take a couple sips of water.

Melantha was nearby, she had been looking for the otter and spoke”You know running is always a bad idea”

Kenya gasped and started to back up “G..Go away....your not my friend”

Melantha  rolls her eyes “What ever...I do know when a beast needs food and”She sits down wood pigeon, bread and well there is the eater already”And if you keep running around your bump into something a lot worse than me.”

Kenya looked at the food and sniffed, she was hungry but was she...that hungry..”w....what is that stuff?”

“Wood pidgin...its good, well I think it is.”The cat states as she looks around “But what ever Kenya”

Kenya frowns but edges forwards and takes the offered food and eats it slowly, she makes a face once but finishes the food, taking a few sips of water and keeps an eye on the cat.

Melantha speaks “Don't do belong to me..more so once I get a way to mark you as mine, just like I did former slaves of mine....your have the honor of being my first in the new own personal slave..special treatment and all that I mean what do you have to go back to hmm?”

Stormfang shows up and looks at them “Death...she hit me with a tree branch, the runt needs ta die”

Kenya whimpers and slowly stands up, she looks ready to run away

Melantha glares at Stormfang”Stormfang.....we don't slay guests, now if someone tries to take her then slay them...then again I don't think anyone seems to care” She chuckles coldly.

Stormfang snorts “Maybe the badger..” Who is likely dead for real by now, he grins “Who is like 6 foot under soon , hee hee”

Kenya feels the tears come as she sits down, she sniffs and rubs her eyes.

Melantha yawns “Ok we need to move.....let's see....south works, less chance to run into anyone.”

Stormfang asks “Why south..south is dumb”

“Your dumb” Melantha REPLIES.

Kenya looks to the treeline and back to the two vermin before quietly standing and walking till she is past the tree and then running northwards and slightly west.

Stormfang glares, then he notices “Umm...she left, she is like gone”

Melantha  wags her tail and sighs, “Then find her moron...I need to somehow restart my group again and I am gonna need slaves.”

Kenya trips once and stands and keeps going, no certain direction as she just sort of jogs.

Stormfang gives chase “Come here kid..I said come here!!”

Kenya picks up some small stones and  a stick and thorws a stone in the air and hits it with the stick.

Stormfang grins, that grin fades when the stone hits his already black eye and causes it to swell more”Ahhhhhhhhh....brat!!” He growls and draws his cutlass "I don't care you go to the dark forest!”

Kenya drops the stick and runs quickly as she can, but the ankle is swollen, as is her foot paw too from the sprang foot, she goes over an old log and keeps running .

Stormfang can run fairly fast, which has been proven, though with one eye that works now its a little harder.

Kenya stops at a tree and goes to try and climb it best she can, she normally can but the ankle is a problem.

Stormfang goes to grab her foot paw, yank her down if he can.

Kenya kicks at him and goes higher , she tries to reach a branch and then slips as she falls towards him.

Stormfang eeps as, well guess he cushioned her fall how nice, he hisses and goes to try and stab her.

Kenya quickly rolls off, all he succeeds in doing is stabbing the ground beside her, but he does barely miss. She scoots away and whimpers she has got to run, or run best she can anyways.

Stormfang just snorts “Enough games!!” He finally just gets out his bolas and spins them, releasing them towards the otter maid

Kenya feels something on her lower legs, and gasps as she falls face first onto the soft ground, the bolas wrapped around her legs, this is not helping her ankle as both slammed agiast it and her foot paw, her foot paw is likely broken now as she screams in pain and tears go down her face.

Stormfang smirks and walks up to her and grins as he looks down “Try ta run now...brat..Stormfang has ya now”

Kenya looks up in fear, though tears and just closes her eyes..she shouldn't of left the abbey, well too late now.

Stormfang smirks "Now ya fear me...I am in control now no throwing rocks or hitting me with branches, you cant even run now"

Kenya sniffs as she looks at him"You were with the marten....your mean"

Stormfang smirks "Yes I was...hey she the one that messed up the plan....oh look its the stripe dog...lets kill it" He rolls his eyes “Insane...hee then insane got her killed, but I am smart....I left I escaped...”I am basically not paying attention to the otter.

Kenya cries as she curls up slightly and sniffs wiping away tears.

Stormfang rolls his eyes" know is an idea. I keep one else does. I can be my own boss and get out of here..soon as I figure out which way"

Kenya frowns, the bolas are still on her legs as she tries to figure out how to loosen them some, enough to try and get away again, she looks around and frowns, then gets one leg loose and stands, only to trick and roll a few feet down the small uphill path, right against the thorn bush, she groans....wait she been here before, though she is still lost least this looks familiar.

Stormfang grins "I am..."He spins around and then grips the cutlass"I told ya to stay put....ok now I kill you and ...then again if your dead I can leave much faster!"

Kenya screams....she finds the small opening from earlier and crawls into the bushes and scoots backwards.

Stormfang narrows his eyes, he looks into his pockets and pulls out a couple daggers, he spins them around and goes to flick them at the thron bush, one has to hit right? So he does Flick them.

Kenya stays quiet, but does gasp as...the daggers miss, one just barely pining her robe down some...a small whimper.

Sinway has been tracking the footprints of a rat all morning, and it would seem he is in luck finding the rat described to him by the champion, the otter doesn't see Kenya in his paws so he takes this chance to make his move, moving swiftly and silently while the rat is distracted getting behind the rat "If I was ye, I would put down them daggers and step away from that bush." His voice is calm, focused and deadly

Stormfang goes over to the bush and stops to look at Sinway and grins "I have a cutlass, how about you run away and mind your own business or feel pain"

Kenya sniffs as she gets the robe free, its torn a little as she listens to the two talk, she is just going to stay in here for now.

Sinway grins and almost laughs at the rat one paw moving to his sword hilt shaking his head the otter doesn't say much just grins, its a wicked and deadly grin, this is a very angry otter

Stormfang keeps a hold of his cutlass "Ok....then....I will take care of you first and then the brat."

Kenya gets to where she can see the fight and frowns, she isn't sure she wants to see another fight...not after the one fight.

Sinway smirks a little drawing his blade "Or ye can walk away, simple enough mate." He stats simply going into a battle stance he is calm and collected his muscles loose and ready to react at a moments notice

Stormfang chuckles, and then goes to charge the otter, aiming to swing the cutlass at his side maybe.

Kenya frowns and lets out a whimper, she starts to slip out slowly from the thorn bush and limp from the area, but the injured foot paw slows her down a lot.

Sinway sighs and quickly blocks the attack then drops down to a squat spinning aiming his powerful rudder like tail at the rats legs attempting to knock the rat down

Stormfang is a little surprised and so misses the rudder and falls flat onto his back with a groan, the wind knocked from him.

Kenya looks over as she sits down, her left foot paw is swollen, but she manages to finish untangling the bolas and lays them aside with a frown. Running isn't an option right now and she doesn't watch the fight either.

Sinway is on Stormfang in seconds a knee going to his chest pressing down just enough to make it hard to breath, while his blade goes to the rat's throat pressing up enough so that it isn't drawing blood, so long as the rat keeps still "Make one move that I don't approve rat, and I'll slit yer throat and be done with it."

Stormfang keeps very still, least for now as he rather not anger anyone right now.

Sinway looks over at the rat's weapon for a split second before back to the rat "Loosen yer grip on yer blade." He waits for the rat to comply

Stormfang seems to debate on weather to stab the otter but does let go of the cutlass instead, its his only weapon seeing as the two daggers are in the bush.

Kenya looks up slowly, maybe it's not ending like the other fight seemed to end, well then both, in her view, died in that fight earlier.

Sinway quickly grab the blade and tosses it away far enough that the rat will have to go search for it later "Good." He lifts his knee off the rats chest enough to be able to breath easily moving so that he is behind the rat but still keeps the blade to his throat "Now stand up, slowly."

Stormfang goes to stand up slowly. he seems to start to speak but stays quiet.

Kenya sniffs and wipes away some tears as she stays seated when she is, its been a long day for her.

Sinway stands up with him making sure that blade is to his throat at all time "Now then I'm going to walk you to the treeline right there." He points away from both the thorn bush Kenya is in and the direction he tossed the rats blade "Then yer gonna leave yer not gonna come back, I wont show ye mercy if ye do."

Stormfang speaks "Fine...."Yeah no plan to come back not anytime soon that is he can go elsewhere, find a couple friends and then come back. He will allow the otter to walk him to the treeline, he will behave and then walk away quietly, no plans to come back, least right away.

Kenya hides her face in her paws as she quietly cries, staying seated and staying where she sat down.

Sinway gives the rat a gentle shove waiting till he is completely gone before putting his blade away and rushing over to the thorn bush "Kenya, are ye hurt, where are ye." He starts clearly away the thorn bush pulling away at the bush, not caring that his paws and arm are getting cut up "Tis safe now little one, I'm here." He can hear her crying

Kenya doesn't response right away and then is seen beside Sinway, eyes full of tears as she sniffs.." find me"

Sinway clears out some more of the bush before quickly but carefully picking Kenya up moving over to the clearing so he can inspect her injuries "Of course I came and found are ye hurt Kenya?"

Kenya sniffs, she has some cuts and bruises, a couple tears on her robes and a swollen foot paw."My...foot paw hurts...."She then lets tears fall"The..the rat and..the marten....she killed..."

Sinway inspects the foot, sadly he doesn't know enough to tell how bad it is or what to do other then finding cool water to help with the swelling "Shhhhhh shhhhh little one, Oz is alive fer now......he has been badly hurt and is in a deep faint, but he is alive and being taken care of." He picks up Kenya again holding her close "He be a badger, and badgers don't die so easily, if he is still breathin' I'm sure he will wake up and get better."

Kenya sniffs "Papa Oz...didn't die? He alive.?But its still my fault he was hurt...I saw bad beasts and ran to his room and..and they hurt him, and he said to go to the dibbuns room and I didn't ...and he got hurt and Benar almost got hurt...I though everyone blame me so I..I was gonna run away."

Sinway starts rubbing the back of her head "Shhhhh, no one blames ye little one, ye was scared, it is understandable." He keeps trying to calm her down "Now please dry up yer tears we need to get moving quickly and quietly.I  don't think that rat will do as I say and I rather not be here when he gets back." He starts to quickly move into the woods heading towards the river he will make a wide look before heading in that direction as not to run into any of the hordes vermin

Kenya clings onto to him as she stays quiet, still worried she somehow managed to avoid horde beasts somehow, she is quiet for now sniffing slightly every so often.

Sinway holds her close "Don't worry Kenya, I wont let anything happen to ye now, so long as I'm here no beast will hurt ye." He is angry with him self for not being there when Kenya and Oz got attacked "We can't go back to the abbey right now.....not with that horde around........but maybe we find the camp with Blisa's guard and the freed slaves." If not then he will head in the direction to where they will run into Xander  and the Long patrol as they make there way back through the forest

Kenya nods, as she yawns and whimpers a little as her foot paw hurts .She feels safe in his arms."But..where are they..."She starts to add something but just sighs, she is tried.

Sinway shakes his head "I don't know Kenya, I just know the horde base was at the river, and they freed the slaves there and are camped some where safe, but im sure we will find them, if not then we will follow the river down to the western shores, I'm sure we will run into xander and the Long Patrol." Well he isn't completely sure as he not even sure they made it to the mountain, but he has to keep strong for Kenya

Kenya nods as lays her head agasit him as she starts to fall asleep...""A word she has never used, " dad..."She then falls asleep as he carries her to where ever they are heading.

Sinway grins as she calls him dad for the first time "love you too little one." he starts to softly hum with his deep voice as he heads to the river

Last edited by KenyaAndJacenta (2018-09-14 07:34:03 PM)


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