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#1 2018-09-07 03:02:10 PM

Registered: 2018-06-28
Posts: 61

Training And Messages-LP Log and Fate Of Marek TP


Tarsa- Sargent and fighter/ trainer  in the LP

Zolomon-Archer in Mossflower Defenders, Recruit in the LP

Ewan- Fighter and Private in the LP

Silverwing-Large eagle, messenger

Ciocan- Badger Lord


***At the LP Campground ***

Tarsa was fine with the 2 day rest, in fact she decided to do extra training with the new recruit.”Oh come on..again, move the blade like this, then forwards and never over extent.”

Zolomon sighed and tried again, this time after 5-6 times he did manage to block her once, he keep focused and went for a side slice.

Tarsa jumped back and went to sweet his legs with one of her foot paws, and then went to lay the blade at his throat if he fell and didn't move.

Zolomon was for sure surprise and grunts as he hit the ground, he started to role away when he felt the blade “Oh..come on...”

Tarsa rolls her eyes “And your died 5 times today. You  DO need work with up close fighting with a weapon”

Zolomon frowned and stood up “Ok Ok..I do, I admit it la--- Sargent Tarsa”He saluted her and keep on high alert.”But I am normally quick on me toes.”

Ximena had been curious so when she found them she watched quietly.

Ewan also stayed close and tilted his head as he watched, nothing else to do today.

Tarsa suddenly went to make a slice at Zolomon's chest, and aim a kick at his leg

Zolomon jumped backwards and blocked, barely but he blocked quickly and said nothing though so much went though his head right now.

Ximena frowned but then smiled “Oh he blocked good...ummm it's not like she would really cut him right?”

Ewan shrugs “I am not sure, I think she would stop if needed or maybe a nick, trust me its not for real means of hurting and that blade is a dull one, her normal one a lot..LOT sharper though this one may hurt still and maybe nick or bruise one but no bad bad cuts or anything.”

Tarsa smirked”Your learning...slowly but learning that's good.”

Zolomon stays focused “ I dismissed then?”

Ximena nods and looks around “So why are we just...resting for two days?”

Ewan replies “I think his Lordship wants to make sure...ummm....well Prv..or recruit Jimbo got back to the mountain ok or you know went there like he was supposed to cause trust me beasts there can MAKE him stay put and not let him go out like at all”

Tarsa seems to think “100 push-ups and sit ups and once around the camp in a jog, then a run...then your gonna learn how to set up a blooming tent and make a fire”

Zolomon sighs “And I know how ta make a fire...never set up a tent before...”

About this time Silverwing appears and..of course she nearly crashes into a nearby bush of thorns and shakes her head “Silverwing is okie kay”

Ximena frowns and walks slowly over to the bird to check on them.

Ewan blinks and looks ready to run..oh its just the eagle, ok she is harmless, well to them anyways.

Tarsa spins around and then relaxes “Oh it's the bird....”

Zolomon nods a hello and gets to work on those sit ups, push ups and that jog and run around camp. Ok fire making easy...done and the tent he is totally lost on as he looks at Tarsa “Umm...little help?”

Ewan frowns “I will go find his tell him about the eagle” He hurries off, he is not too fast but he has improved a little in how fast he can go, somewhat improved.

Tarsa looks at the hare and grins “On ya own Recruit Zolomon....your figure it out all recruits had to. Good job on the camp fire though” She watches Ewan go and glaces at the eagle.

Silverwing smooths out her feathers “Silverwing get bunnies home to mountain....she did. All 3 bunnies inside.”

Ciocan walks over catching the words as the eagle speaks, he nods “Good, I am glad.”He looks at Ewan and Tarsa “Let the camp know we can rest here still for tonight but we start marching again after a quick breakfast tomorrow. 2 days was more than enough rest, we need to head on to Redwall Abbey. We will go back to a few hours rest.”

Tarsa nods as she salutes “Yes sir” And she points one direction for Ewan and she will go the other direction

Ewan nods, salutes and goes to deliver the message.

Zolomon meanwhile is trying to get the tent set up and grumbles. He tries again and finally after 3 tries he gets it right and grins, he then sees the badger lord and salutes “Sur....just  tent sitting, I mean sitting up tent..”

Ciocan nods,”Well you have learned ta salute and seems you can set up a tent now starting tomorrow morning your need to work on being able to set it up and take it down in a moments notice, but I am sure you can do that..right recruit?”

Zolomon nods as he is still saluting, this is the badger lord after all so its good to impress him, right?

Ciocan watches and nods “At ease....get some rest.”He then heads back to his own tent.

Silverwing stays where she is “Silverwing go now...see how Redwall Abbey is and what badfurs are doing....Silverwing go now”

Zolomon relax and finally speaks to the eagle “Good idea lass”Yes finally someone he can say lass to “We still be a good 3 weeks away...maybe an extra day added to that but we march onwards....”

Ximena has been mostly quiet and yawns as she stands “Well it is late...goodnight Zolomon...I will tell Xander you said hi...well..ummm”

Silverwing backs up and takes flight, off to check on Mossflower and hopefully bring back a report of what is going on before its too late.

Zolomon nods “Yeah..tell Xandy I said hallo...and that I am getting along...fairly well.”Maybe it was a bad idea to say Basic training was basic for a reason, but he will not give up, he WILL stick with it and he WILL get better, he is getting better with the saber a little already, he never knew how to work a tent and now he has...maybe it will be ok after all, time will tell for now he will sleep and work to get the tent down at a good speed...down is easier than up...right?

Ximena nods and heads off back to the other Mossflower Defenders

My Alts
Ximena- Hamster- Slave(Rarely Connected)
Aella- Shrew-Log -A-Log of The Guosim 
Tarsa-Hare-Drill Sargeant in LP and Fighter


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