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#1 2018-08-30 07:16:12 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Chat in the Office-Redwall/ Fate of Marek Tp

Melantha- Slaver, leader of the Black Rose and she plans to slowly rebuild the Black Rose one day

Kenya- Otter Miad wishing to be a novice one day


===Old Offcie in the Abbey==

Melantha is up early, then again isn't like she really sleeps well up here. The two guards today seem to trust her as she has behaved and not shown any bad will, least yet.

Kenya pokes her head in"Melantha?" She has some breakfast of oatmeal with honey and strawberries, some greensap milk, and some cheese and bread. The guards do watch her as well as she slowly walks up to the cat"Breakfast...I ate already..a little" Well she ate half a bowl and an apple, but she does have a rice cake for herself and a glass of the milk.

Melantha offers a smile, yes she can smile better"How sweet...why don't you join me I am sure the guards would be ok with it"

Kenya sits down and smiles a little, a smile can make one smile after all"Food here is very good." She nibbles her rice cake and sips some milk"So...what ya doing?"

Melantha snorts "Sitting...being bored, no one visits me Kenya but guards, even their abbot or that they have their info and now its leave the feline alone...not friendly beasts I say, what do you think?"

Kenya blinks "Umm..well you are a slaver and...they don't like slavers, slavers are bad and hurt beasts but you said you wouldn't hurt anyone here right? And you...freed your slaves" Well sort of" So....ummm...I don't know"

Melantha smirks "Oh yes course they have to go..pick up the slaves" Lets not mention there are guards there and beast will likely die, slave and rescuers most likely, "So maybe that means I am NOT a slaver anymore dearie"Yeah right.She still is and plans to still be not that the otter knows that.

Kenya says, "Maybe they can let you go..oh"She frowns "Bad beasts are outside arnt they""

Melantha eats some breakfast, sip the milk as she speaks "Yes they are"That is the truth"So maybe we should wait or if they do I have places I can go I am sure. Who knows with half his horde gone maybe Ormaz will leave Mossflower."

Kenya smiles "Really? That be great!" She gets a little too excited "I want all the bad beasts to just go away and stay away and then I can be in the tree house when ever I WANT"

Melantha asks, "oh why cant you go when you want, isn't the abbey a free place?"

Kenya frowns "Cause of some stupid birds and they are worried..too worried. I sneaked out a couple times and nothing happen. I love the tree house"

Melantha grins "Whats not to love about tree houses. I say if nothing happen your likely fine, birds cant get in a tree house and have likely be called to go elsewhere. Sides birds are stupid"Yes she feels this way,any birds are stupid unless they are food maybe.

Kenya listens and looks at the door every so often.

Melantha notices "What , let me guess shouldn't be here either? To many rules it seems are in this place Kenya"

Kenya sighs "Yeah..too many silly rules and some new ones lately cause of all there vermin, but they are outside and cant get inside and no one has seen any bad beasts much the past few nothing!" The last word is yelled.

Melantha grins, well the otter has a little bit of anger lets work with that "Oh yes true I bet they all decided to go elsewhere already, but gee I guess better safe than sorry. Seems to me this place wants no one to do what they want or truly have freewill"

Kenya pouts "No..I.."She frowns, does she really or is it just feelings right now"I hate it here" Most likely feelings right now.

Melantha says, "Oh I hate it here too" Though she speaks true 100%." I rather leave but I don't think they will let me though they did threaten to toss me out once"

Kenya says, "They did..but..but that's mean"

Melantha says, "Oh dear Kenya sometimes things..change a beast, for the better or for the worse at times"

Kenya sighs "I should go though..Sinway may look for me since I wasn't at breakfast very long" She sort of got food and left.

Melantha tilts her head "Sinway?" Has she seen him before, maybe.."Oh he is likely busy dearie..isn't he like a guard?"

Kenya nods slowly and yeah he is probably busy..I..I don't know"

Melantha says, "I say don't worry about him" Hmms lie time, and she is soooo good at making it look like she isn't, she never said she wouldn't lie just if she make a promise she keep it " I may of seen him...oh yes speaking to another guard hoe different things, I listen to those guards chat at times when I pretend to sleep" Ok the listening while she pretends to sleep is truth, the rest not so much..."

no quotes at end

Kenya shrugs but..curious "Bout what?"

Melantha keeps a simple face "On how he had no time for anyone now, guard duties and all and how things get in his way.that maybe he would just head off somewhere himself when all this was over. He didn't need anyone..anything"She waits "No family"

Kenya frowns, some tears fall now "But....he seems me"Well he did, in her eyes, lecture her and say the same things a few others have over and over again oh don't fight, oh don't go outside, she sniffs.

Melantha grins and quickly back to normal before she is seen."Its ok Kenya..being alone is not too bad. I have no family now. My father was killed by bad beasts too" Well in her viewpoint wodlanders are the bad beast in this story."And I had no mother as she died when I was small..accident by the river."

Kenya asks, "Your all alone?"

Melantha nods "Well sort of...well yes now, no friends unless I count Stormfang but I think he left me as well..the fool"

Kenya frowns "That's sad"She wipes away some tears.

Melantha just watches the otter maid and speaks "Maybe you should head on out Kenya.,..class maybe?"

Kenya shrugs "They have me in other classes soon so..sort of bored"

Melantha nods " likely shouldn't stay in here too long"Or if she wants to the cat is fine with that

Kenya shrugs as she slowly stands"I have to do .."She makes a face"Chores...."And heads off."Bye Melantha"

Melantha waves bye and then smirks after the ottter leaves , course guards missed the smirk....all the better.The cat decides to take a nap, she may as well as she is here for a long while,least till she figures out a plan to get out, she is working on that.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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