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#1 2018-08-24 10:38:53 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Library Taken Over...By Dibbuns!-Dibbun Role Play


Oz-Badger Mother,AKA Papa oz

Kenya- soon to be novice

Atvi- little vole dibbun

Benar- Abbot of Redwall

Northstar – Small badger Cub

A lot of dibbuns!(Including  DAB)


The library was ment to be quiet but right now it was far from quiet as excited dibbuns have come  and blankets, pillows, and some sheets have been sit up. Some blocks made a couple fort like walls and the dibbuns were still somehow being extra carefull with any books, books stayed on the shelf in fact and the dibbuns kept that promise as they reall reall really wanted this sleep over, this camp out...or camp in may as well say in the library. There was also  strawbery fizz and sugar cookies shaped like leaves and some oatmeal cookies with crème, as well as some little squares of cheese, triangles of apples, some blueberries and some carrots made into regtangles....yes learning was snuck in but that was ok, this was still......


Atvi was being extra good as he looked around and dragged a blue blanket around, he then made it into a sort of cape and grined “I am head guard of the..cookie guards!”

3 other beasts stood near him, and near the cookies, yep no vermin or outsiders were gettting these cookies.

Oz walked in with a couple other dibbuns and Sister Ginny who smiled as even the group of DAB were behaving today and may or may not even not be agaist bed today or then maybe all the dibbuns will be agaist bed tonight.

Kenya was here to help and sat quietly, though as always alone in a corner but she was fine with that as she read a book, on healing herbs and plants.

Atvi walked slowly over “That looks boring....why not read  bout cookies, cookies not boring”

Oz tilted his head as he was close and listened a little before clearing his voice “Speaking of cookies maybe you can let Kenya help pass them out and you can guard her and the cookies to make sure all dibbuns take just one cookie, and Sister Ginny can help me make sure all takes one mug of strawberry fizz and some fruit,cheese and a carrot stick....then we have have a special guest come and tell us a story tonight”

Benar walks in and offers a smile “Hello young ones. I can visit a short while with a story, then I must get back to abbot duties.”

Atvi meanwhile decides to let Kenya help him pass out cookeis and he and his cookie guards make sure each takes one cookie and even helps make sure Sister Ginney only has one mug per dibbun as well.

Fruit and cheese is passed out, not so much carrots but a hare dibbun is fine with them!

Kenya just stays quiet, one things are passed out she goes back to the side, with a cookie and mug of Strawbety fizz, and a couple apple slices and stays quiet..eats and drinks every so often but no words, she keeps to her self.

Oz smiles “Welcome Abbot Benar...”He stops as a dibbun whispers to him and he nods “Just leave Kenya alone if she wants to jion let her decide that now my dibbuns lets all sit and listen to Abbot Benar's story.”

The dibbuns all sit down, even the DAB  sit quietly and listen.

Northstar is also here and in Oz's lap. The badger cub whimpers till she is placed on the floor to which she is right away crawling around but not too far from Oz..least yet.

Benar smiles as he sits down in a chair” I thought I might talk of one of the lesser know heros of Redwall Abbey ,Russa Nodrey , she was a friend to many and at times visited the abbey. Her only weapon was a long wooden stick .She saved the life of Russano the Wise  when he was but a small babe, younger than most of you.”

Atvi blinks and asked as he points to Northstar “That young?”

Kenya does listen as she is curious a little.

Oz  makes sure the dibbuns stay quiet and Sister Ginny makes sure no one spills anything and no messes are made some crumbes are cleaned up shortly after some dibbuns are done and luckly no one spills anything.

Benar smiles “Maybe even a bit younger than she is....see in honor of what Russa Nodrey did her name became part of Russano The Wise name, to honor her and how she saved his life..saddly she was not abe to save his guidian but he was brought to the abbey and raised by Roseeyes who was badger mother at the time and one day he left ot become Badger Lord of Salamandstron, he was gentle and kind to all and when he needed to he did do battle agasit evil but he hated fighting and hated battle and rarly had the bloodwrath most badger warriors have.”

Atvi then asks, what he is curioious as he goes over to Oz “You ever have that Papa Oz?”

Kenya now looks over “Thats rude Atvi, your being rude”

Oz frowns “Kenya..Atvi please do not argue or your have to leave the camp out...”He does answer the question “ was agaist a feline named Blackfur a very long time ago, shortly after I came here. Not something I liked either....also one of the only times I really was in any true fight. I didnt end up killing Blackfur. I have never killed any one in my whole life. I did injury him badly.But yes Bloodwrath is a very very bad thing.”

Benar listens and clears his throat “But back to the story...Russano the Wise  was Badger Lord for a fair amont of time, even raised a family and either his son or daughter took over in his place after he died. He also read a lot and liked to work in the gardens there. “

Atvi sits down “Sorrys...”

Northstar crawls over to Kenya and giggles reaching out to her.

Kenya hmmphs at Atvi and just goes quiet, she glaces at the badger cub “What ya want?” Ok she is a little grumpy.

Oz leans back in his chair and sips some Strawberry Fizz and has a cookie “It is fine Atvi and it was a long time ago, very shortly after I became Badger Mother. Blackfur was later taken care some Long Patrol hares if I remember right and some Camp Willow beasts,  there wasnt a Badger Lord at the time...a hare maid...Zoe think was in charge at the time.Many seasons ago”

Atvi smiles, he is likeing history it seems.

Benar smiles and goes on with the story of Russano the Wise  and even some of the squirrel that saved the badgers life when he was but a tiny babe. The abbot yawns as he is tried and just decideing to watch the dibbuns a little while as its peaceful up here and he can get back to his duties in a little while, its also getting late but beasts know he is in here.

Kenya sighs and walks away from the curious badger cub and  gets a pillow and blanket to sleep  a bit away from the other dibbuns.

Sister Ginny looks over and sighs, there will be a couple guard beasts up here who volenteered to help out, also with the abbot here they may be needed just in case...rare chance..anything bad would happen which all hopes it wouldnt.

Oz notices the abbot has gone quiet and  stands to go over to Benar “Benar....are you ok?”

Benar nods and mutters “Yes...Oz...”He yawns “Just..just sleepy....” He ends up falling asleep in the soft chair, his glasses still on.

Atvi walks over slowly “He went asleep....his glasses still on his nose...what we do now?”

Oz smiles “We let him sleep, he will be fine.” Oz sits on the floor beside the Abbot and will likely be awke part of the night at least.

Atvi nods but he does very slowly and carefully removes the glasses and lays them on a table and then decides he will sleep next to the abbot.He yawns and is soon asleep.

Brother Rick enters after 2-3 hours and smiles at Oz as he walks over. He ajusts a blanket around the abbot and pats Oz on the shoulder “Its ok Oz go to sleep I can stay here the rest of the night and even make sure Sister Ginny and the dibbuns get to need some rest too”

Oz just nods and lets sleep take over, its been a long night and everyone else...well expect Brother asleep, even Northstar is asleep in Oz's arms as he finally goes to sleep as well.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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