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#1 2018-08-23 05:37:24 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Tavern Explosion 2: Electric Boogaloo-Fate Of Marek TP


Importanrt Links :
The first Tavern explosion... … f_Chaos_TP

Music for this..

Here is the scene  based off it..


Marek- Ferravale Ambassator and Tavern Owner

Ormaz- Evil horde leader and war lord

Nightbreath- Seer of Ferravale

Patch-SPy rat..

Some spoofs of various horde beasts ...


The board is set. It has been for some time, and now the final moves are in place. Or so Ormaz thinks as he storms into the tavern. A few horde beasts await him there, although for the most part his soldiers seem to avoid the area as if it were haunted, probably due to Nightbreath's grisly last stand in the middle of the main room and the toll reaped upon their numbers by the Seer and the guards of Ferravale. The few troops that remain here are on the whole either too stupid or too skeptical to be that superstitious. Or they're too drunk. Although even those of that last category have the sense to straighten up a bit and salute when Ormaz sweeps past like the wind of Death itself, dragging his brother behind him.

A few other horde beasts come into the tavern, hey maybe there is some ale to have or maybe the whole curious of what is going to happen , maybe some hoping for a fight even.

Marek doesn't resist as he is dragged helplessly into his own tavern, even coughing a few times for added effect as he is nearly slammed onto a chair behind the bar table and ordered to sit. Ormaz pulls out a blank scroll as well as an aged quill pen and sits opposite his brother. Silence fills the air as the two brothers stare at each other with intense hatred before Marek finally speaks. "I assume you will want to speak terms" He gestures towards Patch on the other side of the tavern. "Mr. Patch, please provide our guests with drinks" he calmly gets up and takes a candle down from the counter placing it over a barrel of ale before quietly lighting it and providing some illumination to the darkness. "We shall be here for quite some time"

Patch frowns, he nods and will get drinks. Why didn't he just bolt when he had the chance, well he didn't so now he is stuck here...serving the enemy and hating it.

"Firstly, this land is mine for as long as I should live," Ormaz states flatly, having little patience for pleasantries. "There will be no resistance, either from within these walls or from any region beyond; any attempts at such will be met with overwhelming force and utterly annihilated." He grins savagely.

Marek takes a deep breath and nods as the candle begins to burn brighter and fill the bar table with sufficient light in order to read. He fills a flagon of ale and passes one to Ormaz in turn as he begins to copy his brother's demands as best he can on the scroll, taking careful time to write each word clearly and in bold calligraphy. "And so it shall be done" He takes a swig of ale and motions for Patch to light the tavern's other candles to purge the night further. "Shall there be anything else, brother?"

Patch just remains calm, yes yes serve drinks as he looks around. Maybe get some more ale even. One weasel burps loudly as the rat rolls his eyes. He also lights some more candles calmly around the room.

"Secondly, the beasts who so foolishly fled this place during the battle and sought asylum in Redwall Abbey shall be returned to my control to act as laborers to begin the long task of rebuilding what was so regrettably lost during the battle." Ormaz smirks crookedly. "Any who attempt to contest this shall be put to the sword, including the Redwallers" He pauses. "Actually, amend that. Any who contest shall instead have their families and friends subjected to decimation--one in ten will be beaten to death summarily. However, the accused themselves need not suffer the same fate--they will instead be forced to observe the executions resulting from their lack of foresight before joining the laborers as they would've originally. Any further offense will result in another member of the decimation's survivors being randomly selected and beaten to death in turn. A third offense will result in the immediate execution of the offender." Ormaz smirks again "I am being more than generous, wouldn't you say, brother?"

Marek raises an eyebrow as he begins to write once more, his paw shaking as a tear runs down his cheek. "Of...Of course. I shall remit your demands to Mr. Benar, but I cannot promise that he will respond in kind. I shall have to convince him otherwise". He pauses as he seems to shake momentarily in rage before calming himself. "And as for myself?"

Patch meanwhile is serving some drinks...near the door as a group of loud rats call him over, ok good maybe, he mutters something but serves some ale, its some good ale too that he of course puts some in his own flask and pockets it before serving more ale.He lights a couple last candles.

"Oh, of course, of course," Ormaz grins, dripping false sympathy. "And you, brother? You are going to watch this all happen. I shall have the finest smith of the land construct a cage for you to hang from atop the bell tower, just low enough so you can hear the screams of the despairing souls from below. Don't worry, I'll take great care to make sure you don't die too quickly. And then...and then...after everything you know and love has been destroyed utterly, ground into the dust, or twisted beyond all recognition...Only then will I grant you the release of death. Everything will die, Marek. But you will die last."

Marek nods, surprisingly unemotional as he continues writing the treatise, the candle atop the barrel already having burnt halfway, as if it had been defectively built, and the lighting would have shown if the room had not been sufficiently lit by the other candles strewn about the tavern. "I understand, brother" He states simply. "But I do have one question. Where did you go after you survived our fight so many seasons ago? Tell me where you went and how you managed to concoct this plan of yours, Ormaz. Twas truly a marvelous conquest to defeat me after all these years"

Patch just stays near the table of over drinking rats, least till he needs to get more ale which he slowly walks over to get mugs and fill more with ale and serve more.

"Very well," Ormaz says with a surprising amount of grace. The grace of a practiced killer, but grace nonetheless. "I dug my way out of the ruin, and for a time I wandered aimlessly, wanting only vengeance. I decided to bide my time after it became apparent that a direct approach would fail. So I wandered, as would a ghost, through the dark places of the forest, sometimes disguised, sometimes not....And always, brother, I searched for you. After more time had passed--I am uncertain of just how much--I received word that you were once again sighted in the land. And so I began to lay my plans for this. The utter ruination of everything you know. When you stormed the gates of Redwall Abbey, I knew. I considered revealing myself under the pretense of acting as an ally only to betray you at the height of your power, but I did not act swiftly enough and you turned aside from that path regardless...So I played the long game."

Marek almost smiles at this. "Yes, I had my dark days but those are behind me, I am sorry that yours are not" He places his finished ale in the sink and stares into the now nearly empty candlelight above the barrel. "I only wish I could have understood you brother, the darkness destroyed us both and I realize now there is no hope of redemption for either of us. Perhaps this is a fitting punishment...or perhaps even Hell's Gate will never be enough. Only time will tell" He glares down somberly and then finally takes the scroll, signing his name on the bottom and unbeknownst to Ormaz also signing something unto the back of the scroll before turning around and place it in his paw. "Mossflower is yours now, brother. May Hells Gates take us both when you are done with it"

Almost overwhelmed in triumph, Ormaz bursts out laughing. "Hell? There is no such place. If there were, I would conquer it and throw down whatever rules there." He doesn't bother to examine the scroll beyond a cursory glance at the front, where the terms are written. He continues laughing, and it takes several knocks at the tavern door to draw his attention to the horde beast waiting there and apparently trying to make himself as small as possible--an impressive feat given the heavy armor and stocky build of the beast in question. "Uhm....sir?" Ormaz rises, surprisingly seeming unbothered by the interruption. "What is it?" The beast clears his throat. "Er...the Seer wanted to see you. Said it was urgent 'r somethin'. I ran right over here because the other lads wanted to keep an eye on 'im in case he tried any funny stuff an'--" Ormaz silences the soldier with a wave of his paw. "It is meaningless. I will humor him. There is NOTHING that can stop me now. He is chained. He cannot escape and has no weapons to speak of. I will be...courteous, in victory. After all, that's the least I can do." Ormaz laughs again. "Oh, and...Tell your comrades that tonight, drinks are on me. Let the horde know of the generosity of Ormaz. The tavern and all its bounty are yours to do with as you wish. A token of my appreciation." The beast's eyes widen as he relays the message, and as Ormaz slips out, a veritable throng of his rowdy soldiers fill the tavern, wreaking havoc, spilling ale down their gullets, and generally occupying the tavern in every militant sense of the word.

Marek rolls his eyes as the ravenous horde beats flood the tavern, score upon score nearly leaving no room for any beast else at the moment of Ormaz's departure, Marek does his best to serve as many drinks as he can, but cannot keep up with the influx and seems to nearly collapse from exhaustion. The candle behind me meanwhile flickers into near extinction as the room become full to capacity with vermin and the bolsteous celebration becomes so loud that no beast can hear their own thoughts.

Patch meanwhile backs slowly out, as if to get more ale from the back room, he us unknowly getting the heck out of the tavern and then a bit further away.

After some time attempting to serve drinks, Marek stumbles as the crowd becomes too much to handle without the aid of Patch who has now fled the scene. As Marek is backed into a corner with swords drawn to his throat his worried face  suddenly becomes a mask of emotionless dread. "Now Gentlemen, I don't think my brother would appreciate you disrupting his plans by ending my life prematurely" He smirks as the candle's last embers die out and the wax begins to melt through it's container as though it were intentionally rigged to melt. "Though I don't suppose it matters now does it? We are all born, we live and we die, things begin and things end..and all we can hope for is to die a dignified death. A death with purpose". As the candle begins to burn into the barrel his smile dissipates and he stares directly into the crowd. "My sacrifice shall not be in vain, but yours on the other hand, well that's a different story isn't it, gentlemen?".Not an instant after the last words slip from Marek's mouth, the barrel suddenly ignites with an ominous green fire that quickly engulfs the room in a mighty explosion, destroying all in it's path. An eruption of glass, wood, bone and ash fills the air as the tavern and several buildings around it are decimated beyond repair, leaving a massive crater where the horde once stood and not even a single bone to indicate that they had once been there. The Ferravale Tavern is gone, and so it would seem is Marek.

==Meanwhile after Ormaz left===

Nightbreath waits, as only he can. He's been in here for some time, but right now, he gives the impression that he could wait here, as unflinching as stone, until Hell itself freezes over. He sits on the floor serenely, breathing in...and out. In...and out.

Ormaz stalks into the room, his good humor from before gone, burned away by indignation at being /summoned/ like some errand beast. "What is it, charlatan?" he demands, the scroll clutched in a fist. He still hasn't bothered to check the other side of it.

Nightbreath smiles, unperturbed. "How good of you to come. I wasn't sure you would." Ormaz growls. "Out with it, what do you want?" The Seer glances outside the window briefly into the evening sky. Not just yet, he thinks to himself. Not quite. "I was going to offer you my services as a soothsayer and advisor. Many have benefitted from my counsel in the past--" Ormaz cuts him off, laughing derisively. "And look where that got the last ruler of the village! Overthrown! I have no need for you, Seer."

Nightbreath remains unbothered as he continues to speak as if he hadn't been interrupted. "--and even if you have no need of me in the future, I had a dire warning for you now." Again, Ormaz snorts. "Very well, speak then, but don't expect me to kowtow to your so-called mystical powers." Nightbreath nods. "I knew you would say that, but I advise you to listen well. Tonight comes the fire that will seal your fate."

"A fire, you say," Ormaz says, looking bored. "Is that all? Am I to burn to death?" He laughs. "If anybeast is to burn, it'll be you for daring to insult my intelligence so." Nightbreath winces inwardly and changes tack. "As is your right as ruler," he says smoothly. "But I have more...immediately useful information for you, less...arcane in provinence."

Ormaz shrugs. "What might that be?" Nightbreath narrows his eyes. "I know of your final goal beyond this village and vengeance. You want to take Redwall Abbey, do you not?" Caught off-guard, Ormaz blinks. "Even if that were true, what of it? You probably heard it second-paw from the horde. Just rumors." Nightbreath smiles, taking the upper paw verbally. "Then you would not be so defensive. And it's not like you to let your plans slip before you are assured of their success..."

"My success IS assured," the warlord growls. "Are you suggesting otherwise?" Nightbreath shakes his head. "No, of course I would not question your...power," he says reluctantly. "But I suggest you listen well. The cost of taking Redwall Abbey will be higher than you can possibly imagine. When," he says, carefully avoiding suggesting that anything else is possible, "you do take the may be different than how you had foreseen it."

"So you agree, I will be victorious. Perhaps your...sight has some inkling of truth in it," Ormaz allows, though his eyes show he does not agree in the slightest with his own words. "Different how?" Nightbreath laughs suddenly, making Ormaz bristle. "Now that would be telling." That's all it takes to push Ormaz past his temper's already-fine limits. And even for a beast with such finely honed reflexes as Nightbreath, it's almost impossible to dodge the blow to the head that Ormaz aims at him.

Grunting in some degree of pain, Nightbreath dodges so that his shoulder is struck rather than his head, which would've incapacitated him. "It's a bad omen to kill a Seer, you know," he says almost scoldingly, as a schoolteacher to an errant pupil. Ormaz snarls and lashes out again blindly, winding the Seer, whose chains prevent him from dodging this time, before knocking him back against the stone floor, staring daggers down at the ermine. "Wait," Nightbreath gasps, holding out a claw. " something...I" "Spare me the theatrics," Ormaz snaps, reaching for his knife. "The...scroll. Give it to me," Nightbreath pants as he recovers his breath.

Ormaz almost strikes Nightbreath down immediately, but a thought comes to him, causing a wicked grin to spread across his features in place of his previous scowl. "Do your worst," he taunts as he passes the scroll over. Nightbreath rols onto his side and unfurls the crumpled sheet of parchment. He pauses, as if reading it over. "Ah, there's the mistake." "What?!" Ormaz demands. "Just as I thought," the Seer continues. "You didn't read the whole thing." Ormaz bristles again, going for his dagger. "Of course I did. It was written right in front of me." "Aye...but you weren't watching the whole time." Ormaz remains silent, giving Nightbreath the opening he needs to reveal what's written on the back of the scroll, speaking as he does so. There's a word written there. Only one. "Remember how I warned of a fire? Here is your proof." Ormaz snatches away the scroll, nearly tearing it in half in the process, and looks it over. "I don't see anything." "Turn it over," Nightbreath says gently.

Ormaz does so. His nostrils flare and his eyes widen as he takes in that one word, written neatly by Marek's paw, with great attention to care. The word is CHECKMATE. He glances up, wordlessly, eyes crazed, and just then, a storm of fire roars into life deafeningly behind him, outside the window.

Ormaz screams defiantly as he stares out the window, paws wrapped around the iron bars as if he could break them through sheer rage. "IMPOSSIBLE!" Nightbreath laughs long and loud, though the sound of it is lost amidst the roar of the detonation. The Seer forgotten, Ormaz sprints from the cell. Outside, he skids to a halt, choking on ash and smoke...and the remains of over half his army. All those within the tavern are gone. Utterly annihilated. Vaporized as if by some wrathful god. All that remains is eye-watering smoke, ash, debris, and utter chaos.

Last edited by oz (2018-08-23 07:28:20 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-08-25 09:41:03 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Re: Tavern Explosion 2: Electric Boogaloo-Fate Of Marek TP

So the warehouse is basically gone too my guess. Maybe The inn?..wait was there an Inn...then again if there was its like...gone now.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


#3 2018-08-30 03:36:18 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Re: Tavern Explosion 2: Electric Boogaloo-Fate Of Marek TP


Ohmycow ohmycow ohmycow ohmycow!!!

(The inn was never rebuilt.  I can't remember who destroyed may have been Quade.....or Marek.  Or someone else.  Can't remember for sure.  But I'm 99% sure it was never rebuilt.  So it's still gone tongue )


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