Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-08-22 08:30:10 AM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

More Members is Always Good-Fate of Marek TP

Karth Riverbark-Me- Archer in the Mossflower Defenders

Ironbark Mcfur- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Kibou Mosspaw The Healer- Now Healer in Mossflower Defenders, and a mole with normal speech

Jora- A bat and now Messenger and Scout for Mossflower Defenders


Ironbark looks up and cups his paws to his mouth”Hello! I am in need of some help you lot!”

Karth was just about to get off wall duty when he hears the squirrel and looks down, “If your wait a moment”He then proceeds to come down and with another visiting otter gets the gates open, of course after they make sure no one else but the squirrel is there “So...whats the trouble?”

Ironbark motions to the mole, yes let it explain”I do know we need to go into the can do that right?”

Kibou steps forwards and speaks, he speaks NORMAL speech “Yes, hello good sir there is a bat trapped in some sort of net, it may be wise to help the poor lass as I think a wing is injured and why wouldn't he be allowed to offer aid, aid is truly needed with all these unsavory beasts around.”

Karth closes his eyes, great a mole and then he opens his eyes as they speak, wow...ok that's a first “Its due to dangers...but if one requires help I am sure I can be forgiven later,  a bat? Ok where is she, how far, is there vermin there, how long ago and how hurt as I am not a healer but healers are within the abbey”

Ironbark looks at the otter as if to say well lets go already and even starts to head what ever way the mole suggests.

Kibou nods “And I have the healing arts so I can help her and well anyone for that matter if its needed of course. Oh yes she is just inside the woods..oh there”

And there is Jora, upside down and her left wing stuck in the netting “Oh dear..someone help me, help me please” She sees the mole “Oh your back..thank you please...aid?”

Karth slowly walks over and looks around for any other trouble before slipping out a pocket knife and speaks “Hold still..this will only take a moment of yours and my time then we need to get back to the abbey before anything happens”

Ironbark keeps a lookout”I have no clue why beasts stay in an abbey, with walls makes me feel trapped I don't care. I rather have my freedom to come and go as I please not..Oh no there is slavers lets all stay behind this wall and get permission to leave”

Kibou frowns “I for one think I will go to the abbey, the horde beasts tried to capture me last night and..and burned my hut down..lucky I managed to get most of my healing herbs and a few important supplies out”

Jora eyes the knife and holds very still as it cuts through the net ropeing and then wiggles till she is free and tests her wing, sighing “It is..sore I will not be able to fly, at at all, is it long way to a safe place place?”

Karth shakes his head “No  its just a  very short couple minute walk, if you can walk then lets go” Yes he is not waiting, and he looks left,right and yes upwards

Ironbark will just walk to the gate with them, that is all and then get back to  his patrolling and what ever in the woods and along the road, no worries he is an expert when its needed to hide from an enemy

Kibou helps the bat to the abbey after checking on her wing and nods “Not broken..sprang seems yes the abbey is safer lets make quick pace please”

Jora nods and walks staying beside Karth “My name is Jora it is so nice to meet you it is, it is”

Karth replies “Karth Riverbark...of Mossflower Defenders”

Kibou listens “DO they need a healer, a beast skilled in the healing arts I can be of much aid..Oh I am Kibou Mosspaw The Healer....”

Jora just smiles”Can I be of..service too, too..I can deliver messages or look around once I can fly fly”

Karth just nods “Yes you both can join, so welcome to the Defenders now lets get inside” Yes the point they are members so ya or what ever, the sea otter is tried and wants to sleep now and after they are inside and the gate is once more locked and guarded, the sea otter goes to get some much needed sleep and even oversleeps the next day.

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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