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#1 2018-08-20 05:41:54 PM

Karth Riverbark
Registered: 2017-09-15
Posts: 400

Cookie Guards Of Redwall Abbey-Diibun Roleplay/Some Fate Of Marek TP

~ ~ ~ ~ Right after the end of this log  ~ ~ ~ ~


Atvi Lightfoot Me-- Dibbun and misschief maker

Oz Winters- Papa Oz. Badger Mother of Redwall Abbey

Sinway-Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Sister Ginny-A caretaker helper, helps watch dibbuns

Some spoofed dibbuns, some other beasts as well....


Atvi has sneaked out of class, what is new, and makes his way quickly under a table and peeks out as he makes a face, boring talking, and then he sneezes as some dust gets into his nose.

Sinway taps oz on the shoulder "Seems one of yer dibbuns have decided to wonder from class." He stretches some and yawns "I should be getting a little more sleep, need to be wide awake if I'm gonna be on the wall top tonight." He bows to both Oz and Benar "Do take care ye two." With that he makes his way upstairs to get some more rest.

Oz nods "You are likely right but I am sure I can find......something for them to do."He sighs, yes he knows Atvi is here and most likely where he is too.

Benar looks around and frowns, "Atvi what are you doing out of class? You know it is not safe to wander the abbey right now with all the vermin nearby"

Atvi snorts but gets out from under the table "I can throw rocks at the bad beasts make em' go away....or bite them if they grabs me and math is boring...and dum"

Oz clears his throat "Math is not's useful and no one is going to bite o throw rocks at anyone....and if you keep skipping class I may have to just find you something else to do....maybe an interesting chore that no matter how boring you wont be able to leave till its done" Maybe he means it, maybe he doesn't its not clear right now.

Benar shakes his head at Atvi and sighs, "Come over here Atvi, maths is important, you need it to do lots of important things in life."

Atvi studies Oz and then walks over to Benar and whispers "Papa Oz seem grumpy..." He does sit by the abbot though"Math important?"

Oz arches an eyebrow at whispers, he may be slightly moody right now but that's only because of the attack and maybe somewhat having to tell dibbuns no camp out anytime soon. "I think Brother Rick was teaching some math today, but just today as he usually isn't teaching math"

Benar chuckles softly and settles back in his chair and pulls Atvi onto his lap, he glaces at Oz and whispers, "It's Papa's job to be grumpy and worried, you scare him when you run off as there are bad beasts around," Loudly he says, "Yes Maths is important, how else will you know how many pies or apples you have if you can't do maths?"

Atvi hmmms "I like cookies...cookies are good and I can try help make sure we no run outta them"

Oz does chuckle a little at the cookies mentioned "Then go to Math class and you can learn...and maybe we can see if the friar can make some cookies...maybe a story and...hmmmms"Deep thought on this one " Maybe...a late night little...story and cookies thing in a couple days its not a camp out...."Well maybe it is..sort of. He is willing to let the dibbuns stay up late one night, just one and will likely regret it later.

Benar rubs his chin and smiles, "Well that sounds like a very important job Atvi, I am too busy to guard the cookies, maybe you and your friends can do that for us?" He smiles quietly "And maybe Oz... the library? We can set up blankets and such as a makeshift tent inside?"

Atvi grins " be funs and..and I will be guard..guard of the cookies! No bad evil ...bad beasts or birds will get the cookies"

Oz smiles "The library could work..."He chuckles, ok he is feeling better "SO.. seems the cookies will have a good guard Benar, maybe some strawberry fizz to go with them...I am sure the dibbuns will be extra careful in the library"

Benar asks, "Well there we go then, the Cookie Guards, we will need more then one Atvi, do you think your friends will help you guard the cookies too?"

Atvi nods "Atvi will get others help too....Pj can help..and...maybe Kenya...wait not Kenya she annoying and would think it silly.....Como can helps too but not Tilly...she a hare and would hide them in her tummy and we would gets none"

Oz smiles some as he listens "Then we shall have a bit of a sleep out in the library cookies and strawberry fizz and do please be nice to Kenya..she maybe could help with other things I bet and maybe Tilly can find something to help with as well."

Benar says, "Well there we go then, this sounds like a lovely plan to me and yes do not be mean about Kenya she lost her mum and dad so is very sad. She needs all the friends we can get her."

Atvi frowns "Lost...can we go find them?" He is trying to be helpful, he nods "I can be her...friend...maybe"

Oz sighs, he is not sure how to answer it or best way to right now "Kenya would be happy for a friend Atvi, she is always saying no one likes can show her beasts do like her"

Benar asks, "We will do what we can Atvi, but you mustn't worry about it, just be her friend ok?" He hugs the little one then stands up and sets them down in the chair, "Now I must go and we will see about your first guard night soon ?" He nods to Oz and heads for the door

Atvi nods and then goes to sit by Oz..."So we doing camps out in library...with cookies, lots and lots cookies and fizzy drink?"

Oz nods to Benar "Please be careful if you...go outside again...."He listens and sighs, then manages a smile to Atvi " the library and I am sure Abbot Benar will get the pillows and blankets together soon but you and the others must be good and behave"

Atvi smiles and hugs Oz "I be good and behave and will make sure all other dibbuns do too...cause me wants cookies...I will make good cookie guards...cookie guards of Redwall!"

Oz chuckles "Is that so...well let's see if we can find your Cookie guards and give the news to the other dibbuns"

Atvi smiles "Yes..we needs...umm..."He counts on his fingers and smiles..yes he can see where math IS important.."4..5..Cookie guards...but no hares!"

Oz Smiles "So...whom then?" They are soon with some dibbun as Oz clears his throat to quiet them down and they sit in front of him, "Good news...we shall have a bit of a sleep out but in the library with cookies and strawberry fizz in a couple days good, behave and this shall still be a fun event"

Atvi smiles "Yes"..And he takes over "PJ..Brock...Noel..and you"He points to a sea otter "You is the Cookie mission protect cookies from birdies or bad beasts gets them ever ever...we makes cookies safe and then we alls get cookies...with juice...."He smiles, "We nows the Redwall Cookie Guards!"

Oz chuckles and just listens as he sits down in a chair he has up here and yawns a little, he needs more sleep maybe.

Atvi looks over at Oz and back to his..=Cookie Guards=.."Shhhs...we needs be good and quiet Papa Oz needs naps..."

Oz manages a small chuckle "A nap may be...wise..but you still need to be...good and behave Atvi and no skipping class..."As he falls asleep in the soft chair Sister Ginny lucky comes in to take over"Ok you dibbuns....lets let Papa Oz rest, we have reading class and then maybe a little play time in the dibbun room before dinner"

Atvi nods and looks to the other dibbuns "Let's go..."But there will be no play time....nope, well of Atvi and 4 others, the cookie guards of Redwall are gonna have a meeting!

My spoofs:Atvi...and Alts=
Ewan Benjamin Delaney Tanner Mosswell Jahveri- LP Hare Fighter/Private and Residential Redwall Abbey Hare
Dearil-Archer/Fighter/Assassin in Blackrose


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