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#1 2018-08-09 09:25:53 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Are We There Yet?-Fate of Marek TP-Happens ICLY 8-12-18


Zolomon- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Rupert-Recorder of Ferravale, Historian, map maker

Misu-Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Ximena- Healer of Mossflower Defenders

Some spoofed Toads...


Zolomon sits up on the main area of the boat humming a tune, he is very bored as he sighs and looks around “Are we thar yet?”

Rupert just glares at the hare “Do be quiet and your tune is off key.”

Misu is up early as well as she snorts annoyed “I agree are we even close to being there yet?”

Zolomon looks at Rupert and purposely starts singing some song he heard once, he purposely decides to be as off key as possible.

Rupert just covers his ears and grumbles. He looks over at the passing trees and blinks before he goes to cover Zolomon's mouth “ are near the swamps”

Misu is at once alert “Swamps? Didn't you say something about toads?”

Ximena comes up onto deck”Toads? Where.....are toads dangerous?”

Xander has his blade out now as he looks towards the shoreline and motions for the others to be quiet.

“Are”He mmmmmmmmmmmfs as he can't sing now and then blinks when toads are mentioned and nods an ok on being quiet.

Rupert mutters quietly as he speaks in low tone”Yes...I said toads...”

On the shore is clear, no wait there is a couple toads that watch the boat and hop along the shore to follow it as it travels, one has a pitch fork and the other has nothing.

Misu gets ready for longbow and takes aim, she is unsure of weather to fire off an arrow or not.

Ximena gasps and hides behind Xander, she is not one to fight “W..what do we do Xander?”

Xander narrows his eyes “Rupert...Ximena....get down. Zolomon..Misu get ready to fire arrows if you have to, and above all stay calm everyone”

Zolomon nods and his longbow ready and gets an arrow laying it on the bow ready to fire when told.

Rupert gulps, toads he will not handle well “I assure you....yes”He will back off and let the others handle this, he does have a blade if they get onto the boat.

Suddenly the two toads go towards the boat and are joined by 3 other toads! Toads are also great swimmers go the river will not slow them down at all!

Misu lets loose an arrow and quickly gets another one ready.

Ximena needs no 2nd urging as she is already getting to a safer area of the boat.

Zolomon grins and fires his arrows “Hallo ya toads, have a gift, a jolly arrow wot!”

Xander grip tightens on his blade, he is ready if they dare make it to the boat.

Two toads are killed right away but the other 3 are still coming towards them and one makes it onto the boat and croaks something in his native speech and seems to laugh.

Misu calmly fires off another arrow at the toads coming towards the ship and  gets another arrow ready to fire.

Zolomon backs up, another arrow yes fire that towards the toad's head as he stays alert, focused and serious now.

Rupert just stays back and watches, a paw on his own sword if needed.

Xander snarls at the toad as it gets on the ship and angles his blade and slices down at it!

The toad in front of the badger is dead quickly, as is the 2 now with arrows in them. About 2 other toads are on the shore line and croak  between themselves and seem to have decided this boat is not worth going near, but they do watch them as they go further away.

Misu just aims her arrow “Come here toad...come on...I want to shot you”

Zolomon chuckles “Yeah your afraid, be afraid be very very afraid!”

Xander sighs and gives the hare a be quiet look before looking back to the toads “Rupert....we are out of this area soon right?”

Rupert nods as the toads disappear “ we are but stay alert a little while just in bloody case the foul beasts return with friends.”

Zolomon nods “So....we thar yet?”

Misu rolls her eyes but it's been a long almost 3 weeks and so she lets it slip “Are we close..there yet maybe?”

Ximena frowns as she shivers “Are they gone? Are we at Salamandastron now?”She frowns “Today?”

Rupert looks a little ticked off “Do you SEE a mountain?! Do you see hares and oh a badger lord!Do you see the sea or the sandy coast line!!!!”

Zolomon frowns”I see trees....and no toads at least.”He waits and grins, he just wants to annoy the rabbit “So we..thar yet old bean?”

Xander just frowns, “We are close now, very close” He backs a little away from Rupert.”Rupert?”

Ximena “How close is close?”

Rupert suddenly just screams loudly and storms off below deck and the door slams shut loudly!

Zolomon blinks and shrugs “He is in a bad mood I think”

“Gee” Misu says “Ya think?”

Ximena frowns and looks at Xander, and then the hare.

Xander sighs and sits down “Just leave him alone awhile, he will be fine later we are all stressed.”He is also alert and keeping an out out for more toads, even though no come he is still alert for anything. The whole trip has been fairly easy, no attacks till now. All well and good but he is still a little uneasy and worries more and more on how things are back home.

Zolomon nods and grins as he whispers through the door “Are..we..there..yet..old..bean?”

The hare is greeted by a loud slam at the door and then its quiet again.

Zolomon jumps back and rubs his ear”Rude..”He says and sits by Xander, longbow and arrow ready just in case.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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