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#1 2018-08-07 06:06:38 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Just What We Need, More Bad News-Fate Of Marek Log


Oz- Badger Mother of Redwall, AKA Papa Oz

Benar- Abbot of Redwall

Mergleton- An Odd, And rich Visator to The Abbey

Kenya- soon to be novice

A couple novice spoofs


Benar is walking around the Orchard, doing an inspection of the fruit trees, he may be abbot now but he still remembers when he was just the orchard keeper. He has his hands tucked into the sleeves of his robes and is gliding around with interest as he inspects the fruit

Oz is close by but he doesn't have any dibbuns outside right now and seems to be debating on having them in the tree house or not. Right now he is just sitting by one of the trees sipping some tea and most likely thinking quietly.

Benar pauses near Oz and stares up, "Well Oz, I would say this is going to be quite the successful harvest, now all we need do is reach it," He looks toward the dibbun tree house, "I am glad Elmef sighted it in the second orchard and not here. It looks very well made however."

Oz nods"The tree house..yes. The dibbuns want a camp out but I am unsure now with things going on lately, it is inside the abbey grounds yes..just if something was to happen or those vermin got braver. So I have told them I am unsure of a camp out"He smiles a little "It also seems they want a special guest up there with them"

Benar looks toward the tree house, "Well I am sure a camp out would be fine, even with everything going on. It would be good for them to feel as if things where going ahead as normal. But ... I really couldn't join them Oz, no with how things are I at least need to be easily reached."

Oz says, "Understandable. Maybe a quick visit though and it would most likely be in a couple days and I would be nearby them as well"

Benar says, "I could drop in and see them perhaps before they went to bed, read them a story or something"

Oz smiles "I think they might enjoy that." He slowly stands up and listens a little while to some sounds around the orchards, "Today seems fair so far and no other trouble I have heard of yet"

Benar shakes his head, "It may seem peaceful but a lot of things are in trouble, Ferravale is without its leader. I received word that some of the Black Rose vermin kidnapped Blisa..." He frowns, "I suspect they'll be after me next"

Oz frowns" Well least no worries on you going outside the gates and it may be best to stay near the building if needed and..worse comes to worse you can always be with me and the dibbuns in the cellar and whomever else is there"

Benar says, "Well I don't think me running away to the cellar would be good for morale Oz, even if it puts me in danger. I should at least remain in the Great Hall or on the steps where I can be seen if the abbey comes under attack."

Oz frowns "You shouldn't put yourself in harms way, they could well go after you first. It would be wise to stay by someone maybe the champion. I just hope Xander and the others are back soon with help.....seems it may well be needed"

Benar says, "I'll stay inside the Great Hall or on the steps if fighting breaks out. Standing near Matilda would be a bad idea, She is likely to be up on the walls," He pats Oz's arm, "Don't worry I'll be safe I promise"

Oz sighs, but nods "And I will be with the dibbuns but IF they do get inside quickly get somewhere out of the way."

Benar says, "I know you will keep them all safe Oz, I have every faith in you keeping our young ones safe and out of harms way""

Oz says, "Of course I will I just want to make sure your be safe as well. I will trust Martin to keep you safe if needed then."He decides to change the subject "So..still have a dibbun camp out then?""

Benar rubs his chin and stares at the tree house, "I want to check with Dora and Matilda before I agree to a camp out, I think we should get the advice of one of our warriors before committing to such a thing." He shakes his tail, "If they say no then I am afraid it'll have to wait until all this unpleasantness is over."

Kenya walks into the orchards slowly and has caught some of what was said and frowns as she looks between them, she also has a tray of small mini honey cakes with strawberry and mellow creme on top.

Oz says, "I agree and if it cant maybe a camp out inside....cavern hole...well maybe not there..."

Benar asks, "Yes not cavern hole, too many beasts use it at all hours of the day," He looks toward the Abbey, "What about up on the third floor? Make an adventure of it perhaps someplace inside the main building?" He is standing under a pear tree talking to Oz, he raises a paw in greeting to Kenya.

Kenya manages a small smile "Do you want a little cake..its honey with strawberry and mellow creme...and whats..what if there is a camp out in the attic?" She smiles , sounds fun to her anyways."Or that one old empty room"

Oz nods a hello to Kenya "Greetings Kenya, how are you doing today?"

Benar says, "That could be nice," He nods to Kenya, "But we are really hoping to give them a camp out in their tree house I am just worried about now not being a good time with all that is going on in Mossflower right now. Especially with the abbey full of beasts from the surrounding woods. Nearly every local family is here sheltering with us to avoid the slavers.""

Kenya frowns as she looks down at the ground as familys are mentioned and offers them each a little mini cake quietly.

Oz takes one of the little mini cakes but can also note the change and the fact Kenya is quiet now as he clears his throat"Are you ok Kenya?"

Benar helps himself to a cake and smiles, "Thank you Kenya, I hope the over crowding hasn't been getting to you? I know it must seem strange with beds set up in the great hall and all of that."

Kenya shrugs and then speaks " isn't here..."She then stops speaking and sits down, she does try to smile a little "And...though some little cakes would cheer some beasts up. so got help making them"

Benar blinks, "Oh Kenya, I am so sorry," He reaches out to place a paw on her arm, "What happened? I am so sorry I am not up to date on everything that has been going on. I've been so busy with the refugees from the woods and the Champion I have not been keeping abreast of everything."

Oz listens, he knows about Junefur and sighs.

Kenya frowns and sniffs "They...."She looks down "No longer around.....and mama was found but she..." She wipes away a tear as she rather not cry right now

Benar wraps his arms around Kenya and hugs her, "Oh Kenya, I am so, so sorry... you shouldn't keep this all bundled up inside, come sit down in the shade and let it all out. It'll be fine I promise." He glances at Oz for help, "What on earth happened?"

Oz sighs as he replies "Seems her parents were caught by the slavers, she had run from them and while she was here her mother was captive. At the gates the one day there wasn't just Tassel, there was an otter maid named Junefur think Karth said her name was....Junefur sadly..sadly died, the healers did try and help her though.

Kenya sits in the shade and sniffs a little, she does understand what happen.

Benar helps Kenya sit down and frowns at her then sighs and sits down next to her, "I am sorry Kenya, I had no idea...." He nods to Oz in thanks for filling him in, "If I had known I'd have looked you out earlier..." He offers her his arms, "We are all here for you if we can help"

Kenya leans against Benar and sighs, "Why do..bad things haf to keep happen?"

Benar squeezes Kenya and sighs, "I am afraid that is a question I cannot answer, or stop... there have always been bad beasts in the world. We here at Redwall can only do our best to try and make a haven of peace... whatever happens we must remember to always pick ourselves up and move forward."

Oz frowns "We are want to know ....but do not let the bad in life get you down"He takes a small bite of the mini cake he has and smiles "Things will turn out good in the the end, I am sure of it , it may just take some time. And the mini cake is very good, thank you"

In the quiet distance, a blur of color begins to fill the air, a blur which becomes more solid as time goes on, approaching the orchard accompanied by a green clad otter novice is a brightly colored fox wearing robes of expensive fabric, he politely pats the otter on his back and shakes his hand before turning towards Benar. "Why thank you, good otter. I appreciate being pointed in the right way, I fear I am a bit directionally challenged. Ahem, Father Benar is it? Saluations, I am Mergleton Charles Fredrich Desmond Applewood Zinbsury Korvovowitzchesteringtonshire the Third, Esquire, a Merchant from the Northern Woods who has recently taken up residence in the village known as Ferravale. However, I'm afraid I must bring dire news, Ferravale I'm afraid has been taken by a scoundrel named Ormaz Redthorn, from what passing beasts have told me when I made posthaste to this fine abbey of yours, their Chieftain has been captured and Ambassador Marek is in grave danger, the situation in Mossflower certainly seems dire indeed and I fear I may not be the only refugee you will have on your paws in due time". Finishing his pseudo-report, Mergleton bows deeply as a show of respect towards Benar and then waits patiently for a response.

Benar pats Kenya's arm and then looks up as Mergleton makes his somewhat flamboyant introduction, "Master Megleton be welcome to Redwall..." He stands up and shakes out his habit, "That is grave news you bring, I was aware of Blisa's kidnapping... one of her Raven's brought me the news. But not that the village itself had been attacked and fallen, I guess we should have known such an attack was in the offering..." He frowns toward Oz and then waves toward one of the Novices tending the trees, "I thank you for bringing the news, and you are of course most welcome here, all who seek refuge are welcome within the abbey though I am afraid we are somewhat over crowded currently."

Oz listens as the sudden appearance of Merglenton happens "What has happen?" He frowns.

Kenya blinks and backs up a little as she glaces at the odd beast and sniffs a little, she does have one last mini cake and holds it out to him, maybe it will cheer him up. She sits it down and goes to sit in the tree house, its a good spot to be alone for a little while and no one is up there right now

Mergleton raises at eyebrow at the strange reactions to his sudden appearance. "I do apologize for interrupting your conversing so abruptly but I had to deliver these dire warnings posthaste" He smiles slightly at Kenya before addressing Benar once more. "There is no need to fear me, child. I mean no beast harm unless I am harmed in return. *ahem* I thank you for your hospitality, Father Benar. It is greatly appreciated, I pray that Ambassador Marek and the other leaders of Ferravale will emerge from this conflict safely, but should he pass away it is my duty as the executor of his estate to present the proper documentation accordingly. Let us hope that it does not come to that" He holds out a paw to shake Benar's hand. "However, as I will be a guest of your home for the foreseeable future, I am willingly to extend my own good will, in my carriage are supplies of water and foodstuffs which I shall add to your own supply free of charge, as well as other merchandise should you have the coin to spare" He bows once again. "If you may have need of it as well, I shall provide my unique expertise and advice in the event of a siege, a turn of events that I have unfortunately had the displeasure of experiencing in the past"

Benar shakes that hand, "I am sure Marek will be just fine, if not.... well I am sure he has a tricky time at the gates of Black Forest ahead of him," He lifts his robes with one hand and watches as Kenya leaves and sighs, "Sorry for Kenya, she just lost her mother, those Black Rose vermin wounded her something fierce," He starts through the trees, "I thank you for the supplies, I am sure Oz will agree with me that all supplies are welcome and if you can fight I am happy to introduce you to our Champion. She is in charge of our defenses and I fear a siege will soon be upon us."

Oz nods, he frowns "If Ferravale has..fallen the abbey needs to have more fighting beasts on the walls Benar" Seems he is over the shock of the fact Ferravale did fall, also trying to not let worry creep in as well. "Hopefully some other help will come in time, this does worry me..."

Mergleton nods in Oz's direction. "Mayhaps this is true, Mossflower is known to have several allies. If we could contact them posthaste than mayhaps the conflict will be resolved sooner than it begins, but I have my doubts in that particular category". He turns towards Oz and holds out a paw. "I'm sorry, Mr. Badger I'm afraid I did not catch the name of your personage. I am Mergleton Charles Fredrich Desmond Applewood Zinbsury Korvovowitzchesteringtonshire the Third, Esquire. And you are...?" after a moment of pause he suddenly realizes that Oz is blind and shakes his head. "Terribly sorry, I attempted to extend my paw and seemed to have missed the small detail that you are visually challenged. My apologies, good badger"

Benar smiles softly and pulls his hood up, this fox is going to be an entertaining guest, "Well Mergleton any help you can give us is welcome and we are already reaching out to our allies but it takes time sadly, they are scattered all over the place but I can only hope some of them reach us in time."

Oz says, "I do as well....I know Xander headed off for Salamandastron...week and a half ago now I believe..."He hmms, well give or take a few days "I do wish he would of told me but at least he told you and that's good" He tilts his head at the fox "Oz....or as the dibbuns say Papa Oz,"He thinks a moment, may as well give a full name"Oz winters.." Not that he uses his last name much really.

Mergleton smiles and turns back towards Benar and bows. "Thank you once again for your hospitality, Father Benar and it was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Winters. I shall take my leave so you may continue with your conversing posthaste, it is truly a beautiful day for a walk around this fine abbey of yours and I believe I shall partake in that opportunity before I retire to your collective guest chambers for the night, until such time as we meet again I bid you farewell" He tips his fez towards the two beasts and proceeds to leisurely walk about the orchards and the abbey grounds with his paws folded neatly behind his back.

Benar raises a paw in farewell and shakes his head, "Well... he was certainly a character, still..." He looks toward the building, "I need to go tell Matilda about Ferravale, I will speak to you later Oz."

Oz nods to Benar as he is likely heading inside as well, he shakes his head "I do hope he doesn't keep calling me Mr. Winters...."

Benar laughs, "Remind me to call you Papa Winters," He smiles softly, "It'll be fun,"

Oz cross his arms over his chest and then chuckles a little "We should get inside...I do believe dinner is soon"

As if on cue the dinner Bell does indeed ring and it's time to head to Cavern Hole and to make sure others not on Cavern Hole get a meal as well.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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