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#1 2018-07-28 02:28:47 PM

From: The State of Confusion
Registered: 2016-12-14
Posts: 1,380

Another party of grumpy people (Fate Of Marek/RWA RP)

SCENE: Redwall Abbey, Garden of the Late Rose

Krisha is in the rose garden, alone and right now most are avoiding her right now as she has already growled at a couple novice and slammed a door in another's face and now she is out here...alone and sitting on the bench staring at a rose in her paw.

DoraRose, herself in a grumpy mood because of various things, has been told of the badger's grouchiness, and so, still in her black fighting outift, has come looking for her.  Because when a badger is upset, it may be best for a seasoned Warrior to be the one to talk to them (unless another badger is available, of course).  "Krisha?"  She walks into the Rose Garden.  "Oh, there you are.  Do you wanna talk about it?"  There could be many things making them both upset, so the mouse decides to let the future Dibbun Caretaker start them off so she doesn't have to guess which thing caused the metaphorical explosion.

Krisha takes a deep breath and then sighs, the fur under he eyes tearstained "How could he...HOW COULD HE!! He didn't even tell me, me his wife he was going...ok he did say he thought of it and then I find out from somebeast else!"

Ah, so the whole 'group of people leaving for Salamandastron with almost no warning' is what has the badger upset.  DoraRose can understand that.  It's one of the many things that has her ticked off, too.  "I'm sorry, Krisha.  They left when I was off-duty, or else I would've made Xander come tell you bye."  The Warrior sits on the grass near the badger, looking up into her face.  She is sad and grumpy, too.  Yay.

Krisha sniffs and looks at the flower she was holding and throws it to the ground and..stomps on it and snorts. Its so odd to see her upset like this as she takes a couple deep breaths " I should go find him and slap him and then come back.."

DoraRose raises and eyebrow, but says nothing about destroying the rose.  "I've wanted to do that to Leon a couple of times, myself, if we're being honest.  But even though it seems like a good idea, it would only put you in harm's way, give Xander something else to worry about, and leave one less beast to help take care of the Dibbuns."  She smiles slightly and adds, "And I won't let you out, anyway, even though I agree that male beasts can be infuriating at times."  She stands and goes to rest a paw on the badger's arm.  "Krisha....I'm sorry.  I don't know how to help or really what to say.  I'm upset, too.  Forgive me."

Sinway yawns having just woken up from his nap, the otter makes his way at random around the grounds of Redwall abbey, feeling rather cooped up and restless at the moment. Soon he finds him self in the garden of the late rose looking at the two beast talking. it takes a few minutes for the groggy otter to make his way to the pair and he calls a greeting to the pair "hello, hope i ain't interruptin' anything."

The mouse walks away from the badger and over to the otter. She looks grumpy, but also like she's trying to not be. "Hi...well, I don't know if you were, but it's okay." She sighs and rubs her forehead. "I don't believe we've met. I'm DoraRose Strongheart, Gatekeeper here at Redwall." She extends a paw to shake.   

Sinway takes the paw in his own the tattoo on his paw showing clearly "'tis a pleasure to finally meet ye, me names Sinway Redrose, former novice of the order, and currently one of the new members of the Defenders......" he trails of at that last word maybe because of what happened to them "i have heard yer name a few times but never got a chance to meet ye."

DoraRose smiles and shakes the otter's paw gently.  But he should still be able to feel her strength.  "Well, I hope those beasts have been saying good things about me," she jokes.  "It's good to have more members.  I am sort of a part-time member, myself."  Her demeanour hardens slightly as she crosses her arms in front of her and sighs.  "And after what happened here recently....." she shakes her head.  "War is coming upon us, I'm afraid.  And with the kidnapping of the Chieftain of Ferravale..." she trails off again.  It seems that this tragedy has struck her particularly hard.

Sinway does feel it which makes him grin, giving his own firm squeeze before letting the paw drop "hrmm, nothing really been said about ye other then yer name and that  ye be the gatekeeper." he sighs at the mention of all that has happened "aye, so much has happened, i just return a week ago, hopin' to rejoin the order.....only to find there is vermin hordes and slavers about, i join the defenders, and before i get a chance to meet everyone or go to the base, it's gone and half the defenders along with it."

DoraRose clunches her jaw and her fists.  As her blue eyes flash, anger and deep sorrow can be seen on her face, battling for control.  "Aye....all good and brave beasts, dedicated to helping those weaker than them."  She shifts uneasily from one foot to the other.  "All murdered by that no-good, dirty rotten scum named Ormaz."  She kicks at a rock, and it goes flying off towards the pond as she puts her fists to her temples.  "If Marek had only let me kill the scumbag, NONE OF THIS WOULD'VE HAPPENED!!!"

Up upon the wall top two beast can be spotted - a squirrel, with his tail swishing from side to side and a mug in paw, and a mouse, shifting nervously from one hind paw to the other, a spear in paw. They seem to be discussing something, but what that is can't be heard from the garden. A few moments more, and the two part ways, the mouse with the spear continuing along the wall, the squirrel stopping and looking outside the abbey for some time. He turns, leaning against the ramparts, letting his gaze wander over the grounds, until he spots the only otter and mouse left who he had wanted to speak to. And also hears the outburst. "Well then..." He mutters, as he starts his way to the stairs, taking his time to the Rose garden. He remembered it was best to avoid the gatekeeper when she was... upset. When John finally makes his way over, he raises a paw in greeting. "Sinway, Dorarose! Good day today, eh?" He calls, in a noticeably better mood than what his norm has been for the past few weeks.

Sinway winces a little at the increase volume "please don't raise yer voice marm." he says calmly his eyes follow where the rock landed shaking his head "screamin' about it ain't gonna do us any good." he turns back to the to dorarose before turning to the voice who called him seeing john he waves "it be a better day then the last few that be fer sure john." he waves to the squirrel before turning back to the mouse

DoraRose is furious.  Apparently nobody warned the otter about the little fact that this mouse has a rather short fuse.....that burns for hours at a time.  "I CAN RAISE MY VOICE AS MUCH AS I NEED TO!"  Is her very mature reply.  "My friends are dead, kidnapped, missing, or on a mission that they might not return from to try and get help that might not make it in time!  All because of yet another maniac who wants to take over the area and kill and destroy all who are in his path!  HOW CAN THIS BE A GOOD DAY?!"  She covers her eyes with her paws and bares her teeth.  She may or may not be stressing out right now.  Maybe she absorbed the squirrel's upset feelings, who knows tongue

"Because miss," John starts, staying a little ways off, "Beasts here are finally taking heed of the trouble." Going over to a bench - one still out of arms reach of the mouse - he sits, taking a sip of his mug. "And now I actually got a night's sleep. Did everything I could for the situation." He sets the mug to the side, rubbing his face with his paws, adding, in a less cheerful tone, "Though it took too many deaths and horrible things for my liking for the danger to get through all the thick heads 'round here..."

Sinway just sighs and looks at the mouse a calm expression on his face as she keeps yelling "but what does yellin' do other then scare the little ones and risk causing a panic." he states simply seems her yelling doesn't effect his mood at all "it be ok to worry, but this doesn't help anybeast." the otter then moves over to join john on one of the benches "it be a sad fact john, but the abbey has the tendency to do that to folks, it so safe, warm and happy here that the outside world just seems to fade away." he offers a cheerful smile to john "glad to see ye're in a better mood though"

"IT HELPS ME FEEL BETTER!" DoraRose kicks the wall, then hops around making stifled grunts and mousey squeaks as she holds her now hurting foot. Sitting on the grass, she rubs her toes through her boot and glares at the ground. After a few moments, she adds in a very much quieter tone, "I'm sorry....too much of what's going on, all the tragedies and kidnappings and murders, has reminded me of what was happening around the time of my husband's kidnapping and subsequent murder. I'm just...." She's scared for her friends and remaining family, but she can't quite say it yet.

Sighing, the squirrel nods. "To be frank it's all been reminding me of the last time Redwall fell..." John shakes his head, taking another draft from his mug. "The utter disorganization up 'till the bells were rung, most beast not having clue when they really should..." He nods again. "Aye, it's all troubling - and there's a part of me that thinks what's been done is too little too late. I told the abbot we should've dealt with the group of vermin way back when, before they got real dangerous." He pinches the bridge of his nose. "And now - well, now we couldn't do that if we wanted to. Too few skilled beasts, and too many of the enemy. Bloody well could've use Xander around a little bit more... Bah."

Sinway stretches a little sighing to dorarose "because things like that happen." he points out when she hurts her self "the emotions ye be feelin' there be nothin' wrong with feelin' them, but if ye let yer self be controled by them things like that happen." he turns to john "ye know the abbot would of never let ye do that, he is a good kind squirrel, always has been......all we can do now is prepare and wait......and of course hope xander and his group make it there safely and are able to bring back a army of hares, and who knows maybe the badger lord him self, heard the mountain has one now."

DoraRose sighs.  She knows that what the otter has said is true.  And she also knows that she has the Bloodwrath and really needs to work on getting a better hold on her outbursts.  "Aye, I hope help gets here in time," she says very quietly.  "Or else Redwall will fall, new Champion or no, and I can only imagine what will happen to us should Ormaz win."  She stands and dusts off her pants.  "I'm going to go find my daughter.  Excuse was nice meeting you, Sinway," she adds over her shoulder as she walks off, limping slightly.  This is the time to spend time with family.  It may be her last time....


Thanks for reading!


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