Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-07-28 05:51:49 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Let Them Think They Succeed- Fate Of Marek TP


Zolomon- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Misu- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Ximena- healer in Mossflower Defenders

Rupert- Historian and Recorder of Ferravale

Scur- Assassin in Ormaz's Horde

Falk-Messaenger and spy for Ormaz and his horde, Spy/fighter/messenger of Black Rose

A couple spoofed rats


Xander looked around the boat “And it'” It was clear he disliked  boats but would put up with one.

Zolomon smiles “Water travel is de best and seeing the Long Patrol, isn't that gonna be neat Xandy, and Lord C...”

Rupert frowns “Do not call him that he is a respected leader, and yes it's safe Xander, ok let's ok supplies....check...yes all done”

Ximena stayed away from the railing and frowned, this was going to be a long trip but at least she managed to get healing herbs along the way here.

Misu just sits “Its a boat..whatever so how long?”

Xander nods “ 3 and a half weeks and yes it's a long trip I just hope they help and we get back in time.”

Zolomon sticks his tongue out at the rabbit and sits by Xander “Me too Xandy.”

Rupert hummphs and goes below deck. He is most likely going to be there most of the trip.

Today is windy, very windy and for a good hour the wind is fairly hard as one of those summer storms come along, it somehow doesn't damage the sails in fact  even helps them out,  they travel the length of 2 and a half days when normally it would be half a day.

Xander could care less at the speed, yes it's good to gain time but the whole speed and rain bothers him. He is glad when it stops and ventures above to look around “So..good so far right Rupert?”

Rupert is busy looking at a map and grins “Yes..very good, this storm yet depressing and seemly bad just helped us travel, I was worried at first as that wind should of torn the sails apart and made us crash!”

Zolomon blinks “Gee your so exciting Rupert we want to get to Lord C and his hares in one jolly piece"

Xander gulps a little and feels a little ill “Yes I agree with Zolomon. I think Ximena and Misu is asleep, I am going to sleep, Zolomon want this watch shift?”

Rupert nods “I will be up a little while double checking maps.”

Zolomon salutes Xander and grins “Sure thing Xandy you get ya needed sleep. Me and Rupert has this...”He goes to lay an arm around Rupert “Right buddy?”

Xander just nods and heads get some rest, he seriously needs it and likely will sleep a long while while he can.

Rupert moves away from the hare and just sighs”Why....” He mutters.

Zolomon frowns and shrugs as he adjusts his longbow and keeps watch.

What they don't see is a small group of beasts watching them, a couple rats and a monitor lizard, one Scur as he just watches from a distance.

Falk flies over and lands in the darkness”So...we strike now?”

Scur speaks “No....”He says calmly”Not yet”

One of the rats looks “Why...I can easily kill the hare with my crossbow and the old rabbit is an easy kill, the other 3 are tried and their reaction time is bad.

Scur smirks “True but plan is simple we let them get to the Western Shore, till then we stay out of site.

Falk tilts his head confused

“What? Ormaz said to slay the badger, and either slay or take captive the others...we have our orders”

Scur nods “To make sure they don't come back alive. But we let them think they are successful, yes they made it....then we wait, they will likely rest before they head on to that Badger Lord and his hares....we  sink their boat, we take survivors captive, but Xander Winters is mine to slay.”He sneers”So let him and his friends relax, they need the rest. They need to think they are safe till they get to the western shore.......then they will find out they are far from safe and I will present Ormaz with their leader's head, and the rest I get to kill as my personal slaves...” He hisses and starts laughing, one of those creepy fur stand on ends kind of laughs, the monitor was truly insane and his plan...genius.

Last edited by oz (2018-07-28 07:57:31 AM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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