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#1 2018-07-26 07:22:20 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

A Room Full Of Grumpyness and Bad News-Fate Of Marek Tp

=== OOC NOTE, Oz doesnt show up right away as I logged this, all of this seemed important to the TP going on. All is important as early on explains some of what the abbot, oz, the champion is speaking of, its also been warned===


Oz- Badgermother of Redwall, AKA Papa Oz

Benar-Abbot of Redwall Abbey

Matilda-Champion of Redwall

Sinway-Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Rgel- Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Kirk- Fighter in Mossflower Defenders

Xander - Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Anatole- Fighter/Warrior in Mossflower Defenders

Krisha-Badger Mother in Training

Ferro- Blacksmith of Redwall

John- Warrior Squirrel


Rigel walks in slowly and nods to a novice who is a little slow to wave but does after they seem to decide the fox is safe.

Sinway finds a place to sit down and rest looking around at the mostly empty hall "Xander is not going to be happy.........he had a feeling they where planning something."

Kirk sits and sighs" He will need to be told, well when we are able to tell him"

Rigel says, "Of course be telling him soon but these bad beasts may try and do something else soon, they be wanting any help out of the way"

Sinway nods "I hope we can tell him soon, if he is goin' to be leavin' fer the mountain, he best be doin' it soon before the vermin have a chance to make even that hard." He thinks fer a moment "And if'n ye see the abbot, some one needs to tell him he got to ring the bell, we need to get everyone in the abbey.....this be getting more and more dangerous."

Kirk asks, "Some may know, others do not and I do not know if the bell was rang or not, how far can it be heard?"

Rigel says, "I would be helping but not all woodlanders will believe a fox is a friend, not with so much happening few trust me."

Sinway thinks "The bell should be able to be heard through out all of Mossflower Woods, at least far enough to all the beast close enough to need to come." He looks over to Rigel "If'n ye was there at the base when the attack happened, I think it be best if ye stay in the abbey, if they know ye be with us you will be in just as much danger as the rest of us."

Kirk says, "I just hope nothing else happens"

Rigel nods and looks to Kirk " Most likely not getting wish....groups such as this is not being quiet long, had to be reason to make sure base no longer around"

Sinway nods and agrees with Rigel "Aye, Rigel is right......"He realizes he never introduced him self "By the way, me names Sinway, Sinway Redrose, but he is right, all the more reason Xander needs to make his trip now, before it becomes to late."

Kirk says, "I would be too...afraid to go too far right now, even if the way  back be way way safer with all the hares and maybe the Badger Lord if he comes, do you think he would come or just hares?"

Rigel asks, "Guess we be waiting to see huh? Hares at least come" He chuckles, got to be funny sometimes "Abbey will have to be ready for victory food with hares"

Sinway thinks for a moment "That depends on whats happening at the cost.........he may send his hares, but if he feels the need is great he will come, after all, the abbey is a dear friend of the mountain, always has been."

Kirk says, "Maybe he would scare all the vermin...that are bad..away..or it a girl lord or boy lord?" He has no clue

Rigel says, "Lord..male as Female be Lady...Xander knows the name..I am not knowing"

Sinway hmms and thinks "He might, but if there leader is a might be a little more complicated, vermin minds work weirdly." He looks over to the fox "Erm sorry no offense, what  I mean is fer some reason the fear there master's rath more then they fear the enemy infront of them no matter who it is......and cats aren't easily scared."

Kirk nods, he sighs and just sits quietly as he is not sure what to do

Rigel says, "Is alright Sinway...a fox is still vermin species, just most foxes be of the not good kind""

Sinway nods then smiles over to Rigel "Yer not alone though mate, I've ran into plenty good foxes in me travels." He then turns to Kirk "We need to find a new base..........we can't move it to the abbey.......couldn't ask that of Father Benar."

Kirk says, "They will have to builds a new base somewhere"

Rigel says, "No no this place of peace that is correct...I do not know, but building may need wait...maybe still have meeting in the abbey of the red wall, discuss among Mossflower Defender members""

Sinway thinks for a few moments "i know of a few places around the woods, or I did......there is the old knights guild in east Mossflower.......if ye travel down the river to the waterfall there be a cave behind it, not sure if anyone be livin' there." he thinks some more "i know camp willow had some vermin trouble but maybe there."

Kirk says, "Maybe we....I don't know"

Rigel says, "We shall find some place soon perhaps"

Sinway nods "Just another one of the many things to talk to Xander about before he leaves.......with Karth out of commission for a while this will need to be discussed before he makes his way to the mountain."

Rigel says, "Yes much discussion, maybe at Firepit..seen one at pond when looked around short bit in this place. good for meeting least and out of way of others"

Kirk stands "I am...going to check on Karth" And he walks off to do that.

Sinway watches as the mouse leaves sighing "he is rather shaken up about all this.....I hate that I wasn't there."

Rigel nods "Was a little..scary, happen all of the sudden these vermin be good hiders"

Krisha makes her way down the steps and stops at the bottom,"Hello all"

Sinway looks over to Krisha and nods to her "Hello to ye.......not sure we have met, names Sinway." He looks over to the fox "Aye, vermin be good at being sneaky, most are to much of a coward to fight ye face to face."

Krisha smiles "Maybe briefly..Krisha."

Rigel waves to the badger as he leans back in his chair "Hello we are discussion stuff is all doing you are still being welcome to come sit down"

Sinway nods and waves the badger over "We are more or less done with this discussion for now, not much else to be set right now anyways, hope we see Xander around soon."

Krisha frowns "What happen..Xander is probably asleep, he was stressed and I told him he needed to get some sleep"

Rigel says, "Maybe sleep is best before hearing bad news"

Sinway looks over to Krisha "It would seem the Defender's base was attacked......and is gone......Karth is up in the infirmary now."

Krisha frowns and looks up the steps and back to them "That is..wot happen..Xander was going to go but he needed rest ..when was this?"

Rigel says, "Being this moring when happen"

Sinway shakes his head "From what I gather the Blackrose and a monitor lizard." He looks over to Rigel to see if he is correct "I was heading to ferravale when I saw Karth collapsed in the road, there was a female sea otter there, didn't get her name.....we helped him to the abbey, then I saw Rigel.....and I think the mouse name is Kirk.....still learning every ones name, anyways I saw them at the gate and was informed of what happened."

Krisha listens as he speaks "Misu...maybe, she is a close friend to Karth"

Rigel says, "Much has gone on seems"

Ferro enters about this time, a couple are still uneasy around him but most seen him once...twice, its not like he visits the abbey much at all so why now? Also he is carrying a wrapped bundle of some sort, he also isn't really looking at anyone, just sort of walking into the room slowly and stopping.

Sinway ears perk at the opening of the door, the otter turning to see the lizard "Ahh Ferro, I do hope ye made it to the abbey ok?" The otter turns his attention to the lizard looking at the bundle that he is holding

Benar walks down the stairs talking animatedly to one of the Novices, "I don't care what he is doing, he's been avoiding me for days... you tell him I will see him or else I will know why," The novice bobs a bow and darts off and the Abbot sighs and shakes his head glaring after the novice, the squirrel seems more frazzled then normal.

Rigel sees a monitor and at first is a little concerned and then relaxes, he has seen this monitor before, he is then distracted by a grumpy abbot.

Krisha frowns as the abbot is not usually grumpy, she starts to walk over to him and stops when Ferro enters seeming really confused as to why he is here. she walks over to Ferro "Your..visiting?Whats the matter....usually I have to beg you to be here"

Ferro doesn't reply to Krisha, he just sort of stands there and he will usually speak to her, even if he doesn't speak to anyone else he ALWAYS speaks to her.

Sinway ears perk at the sound of Benar, not used to seeing his old friend this grumpy......"Father, is something the matter, he stands up and moves to greet the squirrel at the stairs

Benar looks around the hall and frowns at Ferro then over at Sinway, he then lifts the hem of his habit and stalks toward the main doors, tail bristling out, swaying from side to side. Something has clearly put the Abbot in a mood which is very unusual as far as the Abbot goes, he is usually so quiet about everything.

Krisha frowns at Ferro, She glaces at Benar but the whole..Ferro is acting strange is her main focus, she looks at the monitor concern he is not answering her, no anything "Daddy?" That should get a reply, correct?

Sinway is a little shocked, he isn't used to his friend being like this, with out anything left to do the otter goes back to his seat, a little closer to the door so he can pay attention to whats going on

"WHERE IS THAT BADGER?" Comes a shout from outside the great doors, a mix of anger, urgency, and.. worry, curiously in the voice. Another voice, quieter, that seems to be pleading. What is being said can't be quite made out. That is remedied with the one of the oaken doors swinging open, revealing an irate squirrel, with gloves still on and his helm held in one paw. The guard next to John looks rather surprised he had opened the door so quickly. "Er, look, I'm sure they're around somewhere - but you really ought to calm down." John ignores him, instead looking about the room, noting all the beasts gathered. He is now silent, his tail twitching back and forth, and he steps into the hall.

Matilda comes in, having spent the day in the library, reading about Martin the Warrior. Looking between the creatures in here, she cringes slightly and stays silent for the moment.

Benar stops near the door at the voice from outside and waits as the guard and John hurry in, "Are you looking for Oz or Xander?" The abbot asks, "If it's Oz you'll have to get in the queue behind me, DoraRose and most of the Elder Council," He stops and bows, "Oh Matilda sorry, this must seem... odd to you," His tail keeps lashing from side to side angrily.

Krisha frowns and backs up a little and looks over to the Abbot and back to Ferro and just sighs confused.

Ferro just stands there, it seems like a bit of Chaos around him, does he move yet? Nope..that is till Matilda enters and he walks over to her and stares at her, the package in his claws as he holds it out to her and speaks, to her as his focus is just her, " I seek out the Matilda..Champion of Redwall...a champion needs her armor" It will be perfectly made, a perfect  fit and light weight but strong as plate mail and there is also a helm. After he makes sure she gets it he blinks and holds his head and hisses, looks around and hisses a little "Whatsssssss thissssss?" Yeah now he lases back into his speech...wait a moment, he was not speaking in his own...tone before.

Sinway doesn't say anything, well because he doesn't have much to say, every one is either confused angry, or both, and his first thought is to try and cheer everyone up, but realizing that's a bad idea the otter just stays silent for now, though he does note the strange way the lizard was speaking and tilts his head great now he is confused

"Xander. He's still breathing isn't he?" John asks, walking over to the table and slamming his helmet down upon it with a loud /thud/. "Didn't find his body among the dead, so he should be kicking around if he isn't captured - don't think he'd be captured." Taking the gloves the gloves off, he slaps those onto the the table too. "He didn't listen to me, and now most of his /defenders/," The words is said with quite a bit of contempt and, more forgivingly, disappointment, "Are dead, wounded, or most likely captured, aye? Bah!"

Matilda's eyes widen as the monitor lizard walks over to her. She backs up...until he starts speaking. A puzzled look crosses her face as she takes the bundle and opens it. Her mouth drops open in an O shape. "Uh....thank you?" She looks up at the Ferravale Blacksmith, then at the Abbot. "Uh, yeah, just about everything that's happened since I got here has been pretty odd. Did...I'm sorry, who are you?" She asks the lizard.

Benar's tail drops to the floor and he stares at John, clearly shocked, whatever he was angry about before has gone right out of his head, "I... what! How did that happen!" He seems totally distracted and turns to look at Ferro and Matilda, "Sorry... that... is... Ferro, the blacksmith from..." He turns back to John, "All of them?"

Krisha rushes over to Ferro "Father whats wrong?" She will go to help him into a chair and listens as John speaks ."I..saw a couple Defenders earlier.."

Ferro allows the help and sits down "Howsssss did I get here Krisha?" He just sits there and blinks a few times, seeing what is in her paws seems to spark something "Isssss that...the armor the mousssssssssse ssssaid to make?"

Sinway is attention is now fully on the two squirrels though the lizards actions are strange to him, its not what he is focusing on right now the otter goes to speak up "Karth, he be still alive, he is up in the infirmary.....Kirk as well, he went to lay down." He knows that doesn't really help but still its better to let them know not everyone was lost "Kirk said Karth called for a retreat, there might still be some that yet live." He turns over to Ferro "Mouse?" is all he asks

John slams his fist onto the table. "A couple? A /couple?/" The squirrel puts paws on the table now, leaning forward and looking down. He is silent for a moment, before, in an trembling voice, he says, "I told them to abandon the base before something like this happened. The beasts who I got to agree to help didn't make it in that retreat. Like Earwood - found him gutted by an arrow."

Benar winches at the table slamming, "John... please..." calm down a bit...." He moves over to a chair and seems to sink into it, "Matilda.... I... am glad Martin sent you armor but.... this is too much to take in. There were... so many Defenders, I know... Dora is still in, so I guess she wasn't there but this is a disaster... if the Defenders are out of action then they'll think they can go for..." He stands up and hurries toward the door, wrenching it open he grabs a Brother, "Run to the Gatehouse, tell LilyMoore I want the evacuation order rung, call them in, every farm, every village, every independent household in the woods... let them know Redwall says come to safety ...."

Matilda has set the armor on the closest chair and is examining it piece by piece. "Oh my looks like it'll fit perfectly!" She starts to put on the leg parts. Then pauses and looks intently at the lizard. "Wait, mouse? Like, that mouse?" She points to the Tapestry even as the Abbot tells her what it all means. But then he's off in a panic and she continues to buckle on her new armor "Benar, what is going on? Is there anything I can do to help?" She has her own sword and the Sword of Martin safely stowed away. With her new armor, she is more than ready to help if a battle must be fought.

Krisha just stays seated by Ferro and listens to all that's going on.

Ferro just shrugs and glaces at the picture of Martin the Warrior, "" Ok he rather not have it explained when vermin are mentioned he stands slowly "I sssssshall help as well."He has his claws and teeth, he needs no weapon but he is willing to repair or make any armor or weapon .

Sinway looks over to john and frowns "I'm......I
am sorry, I wasn't informed on how bad it was, I only heard bits and pieces from Kirk, and very little from Karth." He feels bad for opening his mouth now. he turns to Matilda and adds "Ye can count on me, I will be there to help as well."

Looking over at the abbot, John says, "You didn't get my message, then?" The younger squirrel sits with a sigh, looking rather defeated. "It was a suggestion to do just that - ring the bells - and to get the defenders here instead of at their...base..." Putting his head in paws and rubbing his face, he adds, "Best thing for it right now is to get every woodland beast into the abbey - keep them safe...Here." He glances up, looking at the abbot, the monitor, the otter, and the new warrior in turn. "We've lost any ability to go on the offense. Even if some of the defenders lived, I doubt most of them are in a state to do so, and doing so now will just get more beasts needlessly killed. Maybe go out and escort beasts making their way here, but after that, we need to defend this place. I would suggest preparing for a fight, because I think it'll be coming, some time..."

Oz enters with a couple novice and walks into unknown chaos it seems. He doesn't ask what is happening yet as he stays by the last step. He has a small bandage on his cheek also, its not a bad cut and is healing could of been a lot worse and ended up not needing a stitch even, also luck.

Benar stands on the steps outside and looks toward the bell tower, waiting for the bells to start, "I am afraid if you sent a message I did not get it John sorry, or I'd have done this by now," He watches as LilyMoore and the other Bellringers converge across the lawn in the bell tower before turning to look to those inside, "Sorry Matilda, I am just worried if the Defenders are now out of action the Black Rose will take it as carte blanche to move in and start capturing beasts across Mossflower, I am enacting our shelter plan, the bells will ring calling all the beasts of Mossflower to safety.... and thank you Ferro your offer to help is welcome, I fear the Abbey may be in great danger," He then pauses as Oz comes in, "And you! Oz... we are going to have words about you opening the gates! Let alone being near the gates at all when there are crazed vermin on the loose! But that can wait until the warning has gone out."

The Bells begin to ring as LilyMoore and the other Bellringers do their job, taking turns when each pair gets tired. As the brazen, urgent warning begins to echo around the woodlands, glades, and grasslands beyond the ditch, Matilda purses her lips. "Do we have enough Warriors to set up a guard on the walls?"

Oz just nods to Benar, he can speak to him later on it but he in his mind had his reasons but he will explain later as he takes in some of what is happening as he listens and frowns.

Ferro nods "I will be ready....."He does advise Krisha to please stay inside and walks to the entry and no one decides to stop the monitor....well then again who will go near him after all he is like one beast that can maybe go off alone

Sinway looks over to john "Well, I'll be doin' what ever it is I can, if'n that means helpin' the beast get to the abbey im yer beast, if ye need wall guard, ye can count on me as well." Aside from that the otter doesn't say much just watching as everything unfolds, he is very much out of the loop of all this after all

"We do, miss, aye?" John says, looking once again at the abbot. "We can do it with just 20 beasts, methinks - only ten at a time, and they'll switch on and off, one for night, one for day." The squirrel stands, seemingly having a second wind after hearing the bells, and a tumble of words and ideas come next. "The rest - well the rest can help escort and guard any woodlanders we find making their way here - in group of at least five - one thing I noticed 'bout the vermin is that they don't like to attack large groups of armed beasts - and, well, myself, the champion, Sinway, and perhaps ol' Dora can be involved that all - though I think the mouse should be involved with the walls!"

Benar says, "I think Dora Rose should stay in the abbey," He leans back in his chair, "She's the Gatekeeper.... but Matilda, you are the Champion, I'd like to hear what you think but please do listen to John's advice, and others, we must all work together and John has been investigation the Black Rose since they arrived."

Anatole walks into the room and makes a sound at the mention of the Black Rose, a sort of..growl from an otter?" I want ta help take em' down...I am a fighter in the Mossflower Defenders, that Black..Rose had me wife as a slave....they need ta pay and take no more slaves"

Oz walks up to be beside Benar and listens as others speak.

Sinway listens to john and nods "If that is where ye need me, then just say the word." He stands up and stretches some he has been sitting down this whole time after all he then turns to Anatole but doesn't say anything, just sits back down and listens to John

John looks at the beasts gather, nodding to the newcomer otter. "Well, right now, we need to get those bands of five together - do you know if there's a list of woodlanders who are out in Mossflower, and were they might be?' he asks, turning to the badger and abbot. "I know of a few creatures meself, but I doubt they're anywhere near to being all of them."

Benar nods to John, "We have a list of the main habitats and crofts," He waves at the library, "I'll get it, most beasts know the drill and will be traveling in family groups to the abbey. We need to man the gates too, let people in on all sides so they don't have to risk traveling around the walls to the front gate, but we also need to check for weapons and enemies tryig to sneak in."

Oz clears his throat "What about help from..Salamandastron I know Xander mentioned it, but I told him to speak to you on that" He frowns "It may be wise to let him and a couple others he chooses to go"

Matilda listens carefully. "Well, I've met DoraRose, but if the beasts who know her best say she should be in charge of the gates, then I'll listen to your wisdom." She refrains from commenting on the 'old' comment by the squirrel Warrior, although she thinks that if the Gatekeeper was here, she'd throw a huge fit about it. "I am willing to help escort beasts to safety. I think that would be good, actually, since many of these beasts will have young ones and elderly beasts, as well as others who cannot fight." She looks around at those gathered. "I will help escort as necessary. I don't know any beast here well enough to say who should do that and who should stay. I'll trust your judgments with that."

Anatole taps his foot paw "I want to help...just say where..please"

John nods. "Aye then - the bands will work as deterrents." He taps the table. "Also - I would suggest getting the order members ready for self defense - and train woodlanders coming in as well. Any beast who volunteers, of course. We need any help we can." Finished with stating the major things to be done, the squirrel turns to face Oz. "As for Salamandastron, I'd suggest sending a bird with message first, then maybe a band of beasts to go in person to get help from those hares!" Starting to put his gloves back on, he looks then at Matilda. "Are you planning on using the sword? If so - I wouldn't bring it for the escorting. Find a different weapon - it would be quite the blow to moral here if it were to fall in the wrong paws, and maybe might even paint a target on you for that reason..." Pausing before grabbing his helm, he adds, "Eh, I suggest we eat soon, then go out - Me, I'll lead one group, Matilda, if you're up for it, can lead another, then, eh, Sinway, you ready? And you - Anatole, was it?" John says,

John says, looking over at him, "You can come with my group."

Benar leans back in his chair, "The members of the order will... be ready to defend themselves if the abbey grounds are attacked directly. But... I won't fight, and they won't go out of the Abbey..." He shakes his head and sits up, "And no... Matilda should take the sword. Remember to most vermin the beast carrying the red pommeled sword of Redwall is legend, is to be feared... it will give whoever Matilda is escorting some extra protection, I've already spread word that Redwall has a new Champion... it's one of our greatest defenses so should be seen."

Anatole says, "And a group to that badger place....and ok"He walks over to John "I can use a short sword and sling""

Matilda listens humbly, then nods. "Okay, I'll use Martin's sword. It's almost exactly like my sword, so it won't be too much of a bother. Father Abbot, if you would help me pick out the fighters to be in my group, or point me to someone who can, I would appreciate it. I would do it by myself," She chuckles a tiny bit, "But I'm so new here, I'm not sure who would be best to go with me, and who should stay here." She frowns slightly at the mention of Salamandastron, but she can ask about that later. "What about Ferravale? Can they help us? I heard that we have a peace treaty with them, but will they be under attack, too?"

Sinway looks over to john and nods "As ready as I can be mate, though all I have with me is me sword and the skilled paw to wield it, and I'm pretty deadly with a sling me self.....Ferro was suppose to make me some armor, but well......." He turns to Matilda and nods to her armor "He had more important things to craft." The otter stands up stretching some "I'm going to get started now, I already ate some earlier....." He looks to John "Have the beast who will be joining' me be ready in ten minutes, I'm gonna collect me sword and slug and be ready at the main gate, Ill take the east part of Mossflower woods, tis the area i know the best."

"With all due respect, father Abbot," John starts, turning to look at the elder. "Didn't Marek, way back when, steal the sword? That beast's brother his heavily involved with this Blackrose, from what I can tell, and maybe in charge." He nods to Sinway, muttering, "Aye - will do. I'll soon be ready meself..." Shaking his head, he continues, "This brother of his might be planning something similar." He shrugs. "Of course, I could be wrong, but better safe than sorry - and we've had too much to be sorry about these past few days, aye?"

Sinway nods and stands up nodding to everyone then bowing once to Benar "Then  I shall get ready." With that he leaves through the main door

Anatole goes off to  get ready to follow John on out the door, he is to be with him after all.

Xander picks the best time to walk down the steps, rest they said...maybe that was a bad idea even if he did seriously need it. He frowns as he right away knows something has happen, what he doesn't know yet.

Outside the bells are still ringing, the sanctuary alarm echoing over the woods and then mingled into them another sound starts to penetrate. Another bell... clanging out an alarm, distant and muffled, almost lost in the clash and clan of Redwall's twin bells but in those moments when the sound of Matthias and Methuselah wanes it rings out... the alarm from Ferravale. Benar sits up and looks toward the window, "We can debate the merits of Matilda leaving the sword behind or not later... but we need act," He stands up, "I leave judgments regarding the sword to the Champion, Martin chose her... I have an Abbey to get ready for refugees," He turns as Xander comes down the stairs, "Xander, join Matilda or John, we need beasts in the woods escorting the woodlanders into the safety of the abbey," He starts for cavern hole, "Friar Lacota, Elder Elmef, Maxwell, Samantha," Calling the order together the Abbot starts down the stairs, he has an Abbey to get ready, he'll leave escorting the woodlanders of Mossflower safety up to the warriors.

Oz listens as Benar heads out of the room, he starts to follow when he hears Xander "Xander you need updated....others can do that" He goes to see what he needs to do right now, likely help Benar and then a small chat after some jobs are passed out around the abbey.

Matilda thinks for a moment, then says, "I'll just use the sword I brought with me. I'm going to go grab a quick meal. I'll find a Novice or some beast to help me don the rest of my armor I'll be at the gates in about 15 minutes, maybe 20." Gathering up her new armor, she quickly heads to the kitchen, Once she's all ready, she'll be at the gates, ready to leave with her band of 4 other Warriors to help guide woodlanders to the safety of the Abbey...

John notices a pot of tea some beast had put out - he goes over, grabbing a mug and pouring himself a cup. He downs it, making a face. "Bah. Cold..." He drops the subject of the sword, for now. Turning back, he nods Xander. "You should come with me - Sinway, Me, an' Matilda are leading groups to guard woodland refugees back here. I'll tell you the rest on the way." Grabbing his helmet from the table, he starts for the door. "You coming?" He asks over his shoulder.

Xander nods and goes to follow John, ok now he is worried as to what happens and has yet to hear all the news.

Meanwhile the abbey gets ready for beasts that would soon come for safety of the abbey, and they would need food and comfort, maybe a healer and all needed to be ready.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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