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#1 2018-07-16 09:34:27 AM

Registered: 2018-06-28
Posts: 61

A Treehouse And Some History!

Who In The Log:

Ximena-Healer Hamster in Mossflower Defenders

Oz- Badger Mother


****Redwall Abbey Dibbun Treehouse****

Ximena had grown curious of the tree house and today decided to venture over to it and, well have a look around.

The tree house is simple, the outside reads in blue and red letters =Dibbuns' Hideout-No Adults allowed Unless have password or given ok-== The inside is clearly painted by dibbuns as there is small paw prints of varies woodlanders and some dots, lines, swirls, assorted stick beast figures .

There is also a small area, like an upper level where small dibbuns can fit and a little railing to talk to others. Its simple made and holds maybe 15ish dibbuns and around 2 adults and it can fit a badger as well. Though it may be the only adult up here, comfortable anyways, if a badger is here. The tree house is very nice and has one window and a rope ladder, though there is a couple grooves in the tree one may be able to use to climb up on at times. There is even a bucket on a rope to take things up to the tree house and lower them back down, but no beasts in the bucket....just things like snacks or other stuff.

Ximena blinks as she glaces around "Interesting...interesting in deeded"

Oz happens to be up here, getting an idea the past hour of the tree house layout, "Yes it is, I heard its been painted very colorful but I will have to take their word for that"

Ximena jumps slightly at the voice and then sees the badger "Oh...its you, Oz right?"

Oz nods as he smiles.

Ximena asks, "Dibbun caretaker right?"

Oz smiles as he nods again and  walks over "Yes, just getting the layout since the dibbuns want a little camp out in the tree house"

The hamster blinks "A campout, in a tree, would it hold?"

Oz says, "2 nights as half one night and half the other night"

Ximena smiles "I am sure that would be fun, I have not seen a tree house before its.....interesting is all I will say"

Oz chuckles 'Its something that's been worked and on for a while and finally was finished and yes they do seem to love it"

Ximena smiles "I bet...though"She frowns maybe she shouldn't of came up here" Is there a way we can go back to level ground and chat?"

Oz nods and carefully moves to where the ladder is and gets down "Yes, the ground is better. I am forgetting your name, I am sorry but I do remember the voice as have heard it before"

Ximena smiles as they get down,"Ximena..a healer in the Mossflower Defenders. Lucky not had to do much healing and got a chance to refill my healer pack yesterday...against better wishes but hey I like to be prepared and not use other beasts supplies unless I have to""

Oz nods "Nice to meet you then Ximena and healers are always welcomed and needed."
Oz frowns as he adds "They may be needed here sooner that I would like with the threat that is outside our gates"

Ximena says, "I heard of that yes and its sad really"

Oz frowns "Yes but hopefully it will not last long or if it does Martin will send help sooner rather than later"

Ximena tilts her head "Martin? Who is that and if they are outside the gates I do hope they know how to protect themselves or they could fall into a heap of bad trouble with slavers and just vermin"

Oz says, "Martin is the founder of Redwall"

Ximena says, "But hasn't the abbey been around like...a long long...100s of seasons or longer?""

Oz nods but smiles "His sprite guilds us still at times, he was the first champion of Redwall and has placed his sword in others paws"

Ximena sits down "So...explain as beast is...if he is a ghost...then how?"

Oz says, "Martin the Warrior was the co-founder of Redwall Abbey along with Abbess Germaine. Martin was known as being the Abbey's backbone, and he has remained so even after his death. He was a great fighter, both wise and ferocious, though he had a brutal and tragic past. His spirit has appeared to numerous young creatures while the Abbey was in a time of great need"

Ximena listens as she is curious now "So...he could show even, and there have been other champions?"

Oz nods "Yes...many over the past seasons since Martin"

Ximena says, "Ok..whom is the champion now?"

Oz frowns now "No one is, we do not have one as the last one laid aside the blade and left to be with family. He was Magramba. He may or may not know what is happening now and if he does I am sure he is helping in his own way, but not as Champion"

Ximena says, " a time of need your champion-less"

Oz frowns "I am sure, Martin will show us the next Champion when he feels he has found the right beast and who knows that right beast may be on her...his..way here now. II don't know, Martin has not chosen to tell me if he has or has not, he may of spoke to the beast themselves or another...or no one yet. But I hope a new one is chosen soon or I fear the worse for Redwall"

Ximena frowns "Yeah..."Ok change the subject "So..can you tell me more of this Martin the warrior...please" Hey she loves history.

Oz smiles as he sits "Of course.....he was from the lands of the Northern sea coasts and had a tribe, his father Luke led the tribe.His father was a warrior also"

Ximena nods as she listens closely.

Oz says, "Martin was captured at a young age and made into a slave, he went to a place called Fort Marshank"

Ximena asks, "Did his father fail to help him?"

Oz says, "His father had left....let me tell Martin the Warrior's History......Martin was born in a cave along the North Shores to Luke the Warrior and Sayna, and named after his paternal grandfather. Sadly, Martin never knew his mother, for their camp was attacked by Vilu Daskar shortly after Martin was born. Some seasons after Sayna was murdered, Luke gave Martin his sword and sailed off on the Sayna in search of revenge. Martin was then raised by his maternal grandmother, Windred. As a young mouse, Martin was headstrong and even a little rebellious, sometimes resenting that his older friend Timballisto lead the tribe rather than Martin. Consequently, Martin would often push at Timbal's authority. On one such occasion, Martin traveled needlessly far from the caves and began chopping at driftwood with his father's sword, reasoning that he could not be scolded too harshly for bringing back firewood. Windred came out after him and started to chide him, but a patrol sent by Badrang arrived on the scene. Martin  tried to fend them off, but he was struck unconscious and his sword was stolen. He and Windred were chained to a long line of other captured beasts and marched off to be slaves at Fort Marshank. Windred died along the way. It was later found out That Luke died on a ship while Martin was a slave, but Luke the Warrior did free some slaves on the ship and killed the slaver in charge."

Ximena listened as the story went on, and dusted off her cloak once "But how did he...well get to Mossflower? And the abbey...wait you said he helped build the abbey so where did beasts stay till then?"

Oz smiles "The story will explain" He clears his throat and goes on " He got away with the help of a mouse maid named Rose and her mole friend Grumm Trencher." He goes on "They went to Noonvale, Rose's home and this place was very peaceful but they did allow beasts to help Martin if they choose and a small few did...."He frowns " The battle won and Badrang defeated but not before he killed Rose.""

Ximena frowns but she listens to the story still.

Oz says, "Grieving, Martin journeyed south into Mossflower Woods, not able to bring himself to return to Noonvale."

The hamster listens and nods every so often.

Oz says, "He wandered by chance into the domain of Kotir and Verdauga Greeneyes, where he was arrested by Greeneyes' soldiers for being in possession of a sword, something Verdauga had forbidden woodlanders in his lands to own. Martin resisted every step of the way as he was dragged into Kotir and brought before a bedridden Verdauga. Verdauga was impressed by the boldness of the Martin, and his argument that it was unjust to enforce the laws of a land on a stranger who did not know them. He decreed that Martin not be killed, as the law stated, but that he should be thrown in the dungeons and released once due sentence had been served. Verdauga's daughter, Tsarmina Greeneyes, was outraged by the decision and broke Martin's sword, ordering that he wear it about his neck as a mark of shame. Martin was taken away, but he vowed that he would slay Tsarmina. She, in turn, poisoned her father, and did not release Martin when his sentence had ended. Martin languished in prison for the rest of the winter, but that spring, Gonff the Mousethief joined him in jail, and the two became fast friends. They escaped soon afterwards with assistance from the Corim. Bella talked Martin into going to Salamandastron and it was there his famous sword was forged by Boar The Fighter."

Ximena smiles "Boar is a name I have heard, one of the famous Badger to meet a Badger Lord must be special, not that I will ever get to meet one"

Oz chuckles "Anyways....the famous Blade of Martin the warrior was now in Martins paw and he went back to free the land of the evil wildcat, killing her."

Oz says, "With peace in Mossflower, Martin willingly joined in seeing Abbess Germaine's dreams of an Abbey to reality. Martin proved himself a natural leader in peace as much as war, and was known to be the backbone of the Abbey. When a hedgehog from the Northlands named Trimp arrived one summer and mentioned Luke, Martin journeyed to the North Shores to learn about his father's life and death, again with Gonff and Dinny by his side. After this adventure, he gave up warfare and had his sword affixed to Redwall's weather vane. He brought back from the Northlands a tapestry of his grandfather, which was eventually expanded into a tapestry of himself. The tapestry is hung in Great Hall. Although Martin is dead, his spirit often acts as a guide to creatures of the Abbey in times of need.""

Ximena smiles as the tale is finished "Wow.....well I know a lot more on this Martin the maybe he is like speaking to a possible new Champion now you think?"

Oz smiles "I hope so, I do not know only Martin does and he has not chosen to tell me any clues"

Ximena says, "Have you ever had Martin, well...speak to you before?"

Oz nods "A couple times yes but not recently he has not"

Ximena nods "Oh...well maybe he spoke to others I mean he is sort of needed, it IS a time of need after all I believe"

Oz nods "Yes I am sure he has spoken to others by now"

Ximena sighs "Yeah I Martin laid aside his sword...yet choose a strange place to place it"

Oz smiles "He had his reasons and seasons later a mouse named Matthias found it, but that's a story for another day"

Ximena frowns "And here I was ready for more stories of your abbey history" She smiles a little "Oh well I am sort of stuck here mostly for a while, and yes I went out with one of the Defender beasts so there"

Oz chuckles "Well there is one thing that may cheer you up soon"

Ximena stands up and dusts off "And whats that?"

The bells ring to single the lunch hour is here now

Oz smiles "That, it is lunch time now, if your interested of course?"

Ximena grins "Who has ever said no I am not interested in Redwall food...some insane beast that's what lets go already, I'll led the way!" She goes to get his paw and, well led the way."Come on...lets go get a good seat!"

Oz smiles and allows the hamster to led him to Cavern Hole....and lunch.

My Alts
Ximena- Hamster- Slave(Rarely Connected)
Aella- Shrew-Log -A-Log of The Guosim 
Tarsa-Hare-Drill Sargeant in LP and Fighter


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