Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-07-12 09:20:11 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Wait Why are you Stareing At The Tapestry?-Fate of Marek TP


Matilda- A hedgehog Trying to Figure Out Whom She Is

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders


**The Abbey Gates**

Matilda watched  for signs of danger as she walked along the road, as they neared the abbey she gasped softly "What is that place...I...seen it before..I think"She frowns sounding uncertain, she may of seen it but she isn't sure.

Xander smiles, he decided to make sure the hedgehog got to the abbey "That is Redwall Abbey."As he gets to the gates he nods to the guards and then the hedgehog "Come on in" He will put away his blade and her's if needed or she can herself and then comes back to the entry."I didn't catch your name, I was just told you wanted to come here and this is most likely the safest place to be anyways"

Matilda will allow him to put away her blade also "Oh Matilda."She smiles softly "So do I get to learn your name or are you the quiet type of beast?"

Xander nods "Xander Winters, I am leader of The Mossflower Defenders the base you were at earlier today."He sighs "Still not sure tis wise to take the rat to Camp Willow but..well hopefully it was not a mistake to ok it." He offers a smile again "So...anything to eat or drink..tea maybe?"

Matilda listens to the name "Well, Zolomon spoke of you so its nice to meet you and a badger at that never seen one before in my life till today" She smiles at the idea of tea "Tea is know I have an..odd question, or maybe it's no odd"

Xander shrugs "Ask and if I can't answer it I will find someone who can."He chuckles "Well stick around here and your meet my Uncle Oz, my mate Krisha and our daughter, still a small cub..Northstar"

Matilda smiles "I like dibbuns...not so sure of small cubs, always feel like they could break easily or drop..."She decides to shut up as she looks around "Oh..yeah my question, I may of been born here my ma and pa never were really...fill in details just it was a large Red bricked abbey place keeps forming in my mind but it's blurry like a cloudy day but it looked like here or maybe another place...anyways where would one keep birth records? My parents gave birth to me in an abbey but left 6 days later as they were wanderers and never stayed any one place too long but mom was about to give birth to me..."

Xander nods as he points to the library "Up there...and the infirm maybe but then that would only have anything the past 2-3 seasons so likely the library"

***Redwall Abbey Library ****

Matilda quietly heads that way looking threw the many scrolls and smiles "Well least they are in order by seasons .....awww this maybe, it is the season I was born..."She looks through the names and frowns till she finds one that seems to call to her as the scroll is left along and another is pulled out and she scans it to the middle " was born in this abbey." She says quietly and tears go down her face as she stares at the names of her parents.

Xander frowns as he walks over "Are you ok Matilda?" He is concerned "I can..give you a few moments if you like"

Matilda shakes her head as she rolls the scroll back up "'s..i am fine its just they died before I started traveling on my own. They died peacefully, no vermin or anything like that."

Xander nods "Your one of the lucky ones...a lot here lost their parents to vermin, I lost mine to a storm at sea, yes some still have their parents and they are lucky as well."

Matilda nods as she smiles "Thanks for helping me find that. I suppose I returned to my place of birth, though I am unsure why it seemed so important...over and over again the same thing then just...finally that it awaits, closure maybe?" She looks to the badger.

Xander blinks and shrugs "I..don't know, who said you should find it your parents?" He smiles "And maybe they thought it was important to know, you know know where you were born even if you didn't stay to live, you have most likely seen a lot of places"

Matilda heads to the steps toward the Great Hall "We did finally settle down after I was in my teen seasons they had me in their late seasons, their little miracle baby they called me. They got too tied of traveling and so...we found a place and stayed...they died and I went off on my own"

Xander nods as he listens "So...tea? Its not dinner time just yet."

Matilda smiles "Sure, led the way"

**Redwall Abbey Great Hall ****

Matilda goes into the Great Hall and looks around, her eyes then become locked on the Tapestry as she slowly walks to it " ...he?"

Xander smiles "Martin the warrior. He helped build this place seasons and seasons ago. I could tell you a lot about him as we drink Tea. I can make a lot of different teas my uncle taught me"

Matilda just stares at the mouse, the mouse in armor.."He is..the one...." She seems to just stare at it."His name is...Martin?"

Xander nods, he isn't really looking at her " teas, Green...Black..white..rose hip, Jasmine.."He names off like 15-20 more, good grief there is a lot of teas.

Matilda just stares at the tapestry and seems to not even blink she is maybe half there..."Tea...that's a...lot of...." And she sort of goes quiet

Xander chuckles "Yeah..blame my Uncles...."He looks over at her and walks towards her "You..ok your sort of spacing out there"

Matilda blinks and says in a sort of daze..

"Return to the place of your birth
Return to the home forgotten
Find your place, your true worth
Return to the home forgotten
Go to the West
It is not so far
Your on a quest
If you want to find out who you really are
A voice, a listen it comforts and guilds you
A voice inside you, who you really are
Or do you need the rest.
Who wants to go on a ridiculous quest?
You must find out who you really are You want to know"

Xander tilts his head "Ummm...Matilda?" He waves a paw in front of her and looks around and back to her" Hallo?"

Matilda doesn't answer as she stares..."Who are you....who are you.....who" This is repeated a few times and then a small sigh and she loses consciousness and falls backwards.

Xander is quick to react and catches her before she hits the floor and is now seriously worried, he checks for a pulse and seems glad to find one as he carefully cradles her and rushes to the infirm with her."I..I mean She needs a healer!" Healers rush around and the badger frowns "I don't know...she passed she wasn't injured...we were in the great hall"

Matilda stays in the realm of unconsciousness and every so often she mutters something and is then quiet again. No wounds...her pulse is fine...but her unconsciousness state is not very empty, in fact its quiet full..but of what only she knows and only time will tell just what is going on.....

**Whao! What happens next!!!****

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


#2 2018-07-13 01:14:26 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Re: Wait Why are you Stareing At The Tapestry?-Fate of Marek TP

Also quick note gonna say this happens July 14th, so Saturday smile As she would of stayed and rested a couple days and then went to Redwall.

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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