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#1 2017-01-17 11:43:40 AM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 212

The Shadow Won't Be Defeated Easily :Part 1-Defenders Log

The snow storm had started and like most it started lightly with a mix of cold rain and some wet snow flakes. Any beast out in the snow right now most likely should seek shelter somewhere before it got any worse.

Marek though was figuring out the best way to free slaves, but at the same time not damage a ship sense the ship was stolen from another beast who still needed it.

Thunderwing speaks “Thunderwing could fly to ship and take out couple of slavers yes..makes them go overboard”

Zolomon grips his longbow “Or jolly well shoot them when they are too close to the edge.”

Xander had tagged along, “Why are we just standing here discussing, we should just charge them and free the slaves, my mother is somewhere on the ship” He starts to go towards the water.

Marek goes to yank the young badger backwards “Mr. Xander, one always needs a plan, without a plan one usually fails a mission”

Thunderwing listens as he keeps an eye on the vermin walking on the ship.

A weasel gets a little too close to the edge and looks bored and yawns, showing he is tried, while another weasel slaps him upside the head and  seems to be guarding a door, most likely where the slaves are being held, another door goes to the captain’s room where the fox has made his own room.

Takeo was there also “The one door goes below deck, it has a storage room and an extra room one can rest in, there is a few odds and ends in it, but its cozy…well usually” He frowns. "So..what is this plan?”

Zolomon stays focused on the weasel as he drawed back his arrow, but he had yet to fire it.

Marek nods “Yes a plan, we distract the slavers, maybe get them off the ship one by one if we can and as Mr. Zolomon is pointing out long range attacks are good to use.”

Aira has stayed by Takeo, and mostly quiet.

Quade arrives, and shakes his head “It seems Patch is nowhere to be found”

Xander frowns “What if he is captive also, they could of gotten him too”

Kaage exits the one room and checks on each beast he has enslaved and looks around at his crew ”We stay here for a couple day, maybe go inland for supplies”

“In a storm boss?” The marten seems surprised.

Kaage just grins “The best time to steal them of course, whats a little snow and rain”

Tanya has been crying and shivers a little “It’s…cold”

Zinnia is close to the beaver and if allowed will bring her close to her “Here lay against me, what is your name. I am Zinnia”

Tanya smiles “Tanya..” She then frowns “Bad fox killed grandma…I is all alone now”

A weasel passes by them and then goes with the two ferrets to steal some supplies from the nearby village, or least that’s the plan.

Kaage stays on the ship with one weasel, a marten  and his fateful crow and heads back to his room.

Zinnia watches and sighs “Don’t worry you’re not alone now, you have me and you have to have hope we will get free” She silently thinks to herself-I hope so anyways- .

On the shoreline Marek singles for the Defenders to get ready for an attack, he glances at the sea gull and Takeo as well.

Zolomon nods and readies his longbow, he slips into some tall grasses.

Quade draws forth Furyblazor and waits.

Thunderwing caws lightly and  moves down shore where he can take flight more easily, and strike from above

Takeo steps back and draws his longsword, but stays where he is.

Aira frowns “Sir Takeo what are you doing, you are not a fighter…why your get seriously injured “ Clearly she is worried for her friend.

Takeo looks to the sea gull” I may not be well skilled in sword fighting, but I can defend myself and help the ones I love, and if nothing else I have my healer skills”

Marek looks back “A healer may well be needed sir badger .I do not expect this to go without trouble and it’s hard to tell what shape some slaves he already has are  in, so please try not to get injured yourself.” He then has his focus on the slavers once again.

The one weasel leans too far on the boat edge again and looks ready to fall asleep.

Zolomon takes his chance and fires an arrow at the lone weasel, his aim is carefully done.

Tanya has fallen asleep against the badger, the two voles smile a little , least the beaver dibbun is a little happier.

Milo and Ottis sigh “Lady Zinnia, are you alright?”

Zinnia frowns “No, but I have hope we will be saved” She lays a paw on her midsection and feels some tears, she is stressed which can’t be good right now and the fall on her stomach earlier still causes her a little pain, not nearly as much but a little. Her worries are only slightly less when she feels her dibbun move, but it’s not moving as much as she would like.

Also nearby is Patch, tied to a chair, ”This is the worse day of my life, least I think so” He has been keep away from the other slaves.

Milo and Ottis seem to notice her stressed and frowns , they are unsure what to do.

The weasel who is shot  by the arrow and makes a small gurgle sound before slashing down into the icy river. Looks like there is just the maten, the fox and crow now to be concerned with on the boat, on shore a weasel and two ferrets.

Marek glances over as he sees the weasel fall, “Let’s hope he isn’t missed too soon Mr. Zolomon and good aim by the way”

Zolomon grins and readies another arrow. “Thanks Mr. M”

Meanwhile the weasel and two ferrets slowly head towards Ferravale.

Quade sneaks up behind the weasel when he is a little away from the ferrets, after a brief struggle the weasel lies dead in the snow.

Thunderwing keeps guard and watches the ship closely.

The wind and snow picks up, which causes the two ferrets to not be as close to one another.

Marek waits till one ferret is close and then jumps out and slices it’s chest, the ferret has no time to sound an alert before it dies.

Takeo edges towards the ship, he looks both ways and then quickly slips aboard. He first gets to where Patch is and decides to untie him,” You are helping me.”

Patch starts to scream at first and then notices it’s the tall badger from the path and only relaxes a little as he nods”S…Sure there big stripy, whatever ya saids….” He points to a barrel to hide by and then the marten “He has the key to the slave chains.”

The ferret suddenly notices his buddy is down, and sees the stoat and goes to try and stab him from behind.

An arrow flies though the air aimed right at the ferret, landing right in his back as the ferret makes a gurgling sound and falls over dead.

Marek spins around at the sound and sees the ferret, he nods his thanks to the hare “Now…we have whomever is left on the ship…Mr. Quade, Mr. Zolomon let us get aboard” He frowns as he glances around “Where is the badger?”

Aira has already flown ahead and looked around the ship, trying to find a way to where the slaves are without being seen.

The marten walks around the deck, not too much going on when he notices Takeo and the freed Patch and gets out his darts, he smirks as he tries to sneak behind the badger.

Tanya wakes up and looks around, she goes to tap Zinnia on the shoulder “Something going on?”

Zinnia slowly wakes up and rubs her eyes ”What….”

Patch meanwhile follows the marten and looks where the keys are on the table where the marten was, he quickly gets them and goes to unlock the chains “Ello..ya friendly rat here ta free ya….no questions just go before your seen”

Quade looks around “I am not sure sir, I am sorry”

The two voles wake up and at first seem afraid of Patch before  seeing he is freeing them and tears of joy go down their face” Thank you” They then hurry to get off the ship.

Marek came aboard the ship, following was a hare and squirrel.

Takeo looked to a door where the fox was and glared at it, he then slowly moved towards it, his plan surprise the fox and get rid of it, this is  his ship, not the fox’s ship.

The marten slipped behind the badger and raised a dart went to stab down at the badger, all that was needed was a small puncture wound, a small little bit to enter the blood stream and the victim died a moments later a painful and horrible death from the poison.

Milo and Ottis nod their thanks as they are freed “There is another, a beaver dibbun and a badger, Lady Zinnia just around the corner”

Patch nods and goes to free them as well, finding them rather quickly.

Zinnia frowns at all the noise, and then catches movement and her eyes widen as she sees Takeo and worse yet the marten behind him “Takeo Behind you!”

Kaage hears the warning and grabs his longsword and quickly exits his room and growls as he sees whats before him, he looks to where the Zinnia  is and goes to grab Patch, if he is close enough, and slam him into the ship’s railing and if he is able to grab Zinnia and the beaver before they escape, he is not leaving without at least 1 or 2 slaves!

Tanya screams and manages to barely get out of reach and runs towards where the Defenders are, a little afraid of Marek at first she goes near Quade and Zolomon instead.

Zolomon scoops up the dibbun and hands her off to Marek “Tis ok lass, Mr. M won’t harm you, he is with the good guys” Quickly afterwards he goes to fire an arrow at the marten hoping he isn’t too late.

Marek takes the beaver dibbun but is a little surprised she is passed to him as he watches the hare.

Takeo spins around at the yell, the dart hits his chest but clanks off something, that something is his family crest amulet hidden under his tunic and cloak, it causes the dart to bend and get stuck in the cloth of his cloak, not getting a chance to even scrap the skin, but he knocked down the barrel, spilling apples all over and trips on one causing himself to fall backwards, hit the wall hard enough to be temporary knocked out cold.

The marten chuckles thinking he has killed him “The stripedog is dead!...”His victory is short lived as the arrow enters his back and he gasps for breath and falls sideways, dead as a doornail.

Zinnia is grabbed from behind as she is distracted and screams, “Nooooooo!!!” Believeing Takeo dead, she offers very little struggle against Kaage.

Kaage quickly lays his sword at her throat as he eyes the other beasts” One step to follow me, she adds to the death count…” He smiles coldly and walks off slowly, Zinnia as his captive.

Marek holds up a paw for no one to follow, he is not willing to try and fail at a save, and then have to report to the abbey a Sister that’s been away awhile came back only to die in front of him.

Aira quickly flies over to Takeo “Sir..Takeo oh no…no” Tears go down her face.

Quade checks the badger and blinks “Guys…”

Takeo groans as his eyes open and he rubs the back of his head, he looks down and pulls the bent dart from his cloak and raises his tunic enough to see the amulet, and looks back to them “The dart..scratched  it slightly…” He then looks around “Where…where is Zinnia?” He almost sounds panicked.

Zolomon rests a paw on him “Whoa whoa chap calm down,…..that black furred fox took her away sir but not to worry we will find her, we have a blooming eagle who is likely following the rotter now.”

Marek nods “Yes, for now we need your healer aid for these former slaves, and then a trip to the abbey” He looks up as some snowflakes get larger” And the sooner the better.”

**Oh no what will happen to Zinnia? Will the defenders get to the abbey? Will Zinnia be rescued? Will the storm gets worse?…part 2 is soon stay tuned! **

Last edited by The_Brony_Marek (2017-01-17 03:11:34 PM)


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