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#1 2018-07-08 05:28:48 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

New Friends and Tea-Redwall Log

Oz-Papa Oz,Badger Mother

Xander- Leader of Mossflower Defenders

Rigel- New Archer in Mossflower Defenders

Some spoofed guards and a spoofed hare dibbun, also a couple spoofed otters


Oz was on his way from the pond, it had not been the best day to relax really as first a dibbun about fell out of the treehouse, one was in the pond and got water up their nose screaming loudly how they were gonna die no matter how much the badger calmed the dibbun down or tried to. He left them in the care of Krisha as she did need the training and she had Sister Ginny there after all.   

Rigel was at the  Redwall gates, the guards spoke quietly to one another as the cloaked beast sighed "Look I gave you my weapon, now please let me in, or least the child" Beside him looking very unsure of who to really trust was a dibbun hare.   

Xander was coming up the road with a couple otters, why was there so many otters interested in his group it was not the new Camp Willow was it? He felt more like some Skipper than badger, he saw the fox and speed up ahead of the two otters, yeah 2 more otters to add to what...5 or 6 already in his group"Excuse sir...who are you, what do you need?"   

Oz sighs and then arches an eyebrow as a guard taps his arm and whispers to him. "Who?" He frowns "Ok I will check's fine..then come with me if your concern" He heads on to the gate carefully "Hello sir fox.."   

Rigel backs up a little at the site of the badger "Whoa there....oh great another....I am not a threat, someone beast is but not me" The dibbun hare now whimpers, who to go to who to go to, the poor dibbun is scared of the fox but also the badgers and shivers. "The dibun's family was taken...well the mother anyways the father was killed, the dibbun run into me and I layed him behind a log, I think the weasels I saw just thought I was another vermin like them, well I am a vermin....but....long story short I told them the dibbun ran another way, they believed me and thats all, I brought the dibbun here as seems a better place for a dibbun than with a fox after all...." He frowns "Please...just let me walk away...arrow free be nice by the way"   

Xander studies the fox and keeps a paw on his blade, "Name...and these weasels where are they and there was other hares?"
Oz stays close, along with a couple mouse guards and lets Xander handle this for now.   

Rigel keeps his paws out"Rigel...and yes, one hare was killed fighting them and the female was taken captive, the young one managed to escape it seems. The weasels took the female hare north but I felt it best to get the dibbun to safety and not leave it by a log where it could of gotten hurt or wandered off and who knows. Yes I am a fox. but I am not seeking trouble if anything I rather trouble kindly leave."
Xander listens and nods, he keeps very alert and smiles at the hare " about you go on inside with my Uncle Oz"He points to Oz and nods to the otters to go on inside, he has this covered.   

Oz smiles and waits for the dibbun to come to him, he is still alert himself as it pays to be carefull.   

The dibbun rushes over to Oz while Rigel stays where he is"So, now what sir badger?"He glaces at the guards on the wall, his luck he will get a free ticket to the dark forest now..great just what he doesn't need.   

Xander walks over slowly "I am Xander Winters...leader of The Mossflower Defenders. I am sorry we seem a bit on edge but as it seems you have seen we have slavers in the area, and some beasts are even being killed. If you did truly help the dibbun, thank you."   

Oz makes sure the dibbun gets inside and makes his way back outside...with a guard following along muttering hoiw they rather be inside.
Rigel relaxes, slightly and slowly offers a paw "Your welcome. I would like to help more if..if allowed Xander, or is a fox allowed in your merry little group?"   

Xander thinks and then takes the paw and shakes it "I don't see why not Rigel...what are your skills?"   

Rigel answers "Archer, I am also good at camouflage when needed. So my guess I am the only vermin species and your trusting me...thats a surprise usually badgers rather stab than speak to a vermin"   

Xander says, "I tend to try and see if one is a threat or not, not all vermin are evil...some more evil than others and a lot are just..well around and wont cause an issue as you leave them alone they tend to leave you alone and some slide more towards good which seems you are. And an archer would be welcomed and we do have a stoat as an ally, he in fact was leader at one point and passed it on to me but he gives advise and helps recruit. As for members there are..otters " too many but hey.."i have a hare, hamster, mouse maid in the group as for friends I do have some vermin species as friends and a lot of vermin in Ferravale respect me but that may mostly be cause of whom my Uncle was who..lived in Ferravale"

Oz walks closer "You are welcome inside if you like we only ask to honor our rules and try to egt along"   

Rigel nods "I am guessing your uncle is back at the abbey"   

Xander frowns and says, "Unlce Zee died last winter season.....this is my Uncle Oz the dibbun caretaker here at the abbey or Papa Oz as the dibbuns seem to like to call him and even a few older beasts still call him Papa Oz"   

Oz nods and stays nearby   

Rigel nods "I am sorry for that and yes I would like to join this Mossflower Defenders."   

Xander smiles "Then...welcome to the group. Lets get inside Rigel and have something to eat and drink and the guards will be less tense if we head inside also..besides I need to let Benar know something, he...he most likely wont like it"   

Oz asks, "Wont like what, what has happen now Xander?"   

Rigel follows them inside and listens "Anything I can help with....sir"   

Xander says, "First you don't really need to call me sir, its Xander...and"He sighs as he speaks after getting inside "The architect of Ferravale..Texo is missing most likely captured, the vermin or who ever did it burned his hpuse damaged some blue prints others they managed to take and the fact it was at the same time as a rain storm didn't help and no one noticed right away he was missing at the celebration for the new bell tower, lets just say the celebration was cut short"
Oz nods "I will let Benar know later or you can Xander. Beasts are going missing and random beasts grabbed off the roads, this is not good and will only cause more worry"
Rigel asks, "I am guessing Benar is someone important here at the abbey?"   

Xander answers "The abbot and yes I paln to let him know, as said he wont like the news or the fact there is a dibbun with missing parents...this also has happen couple times where a dibbun might get away and not the parents"   

Oz says, "The dibbuns will be fine here at the abbey, if it comes to it they can live here and their parents too if given the chance " He hopes the parents stay alive "The dibbuns will be very well cared for here and safe, I will make sure of that"   

Rigel says, "I am sure you will, I also would not let a dibbun come to harm"   

Xander says, "Very few would let a dibbun be harmed "He sits down on the steps "Our base is south of Ferrvale and the Defenders can have one meal a day in the Ferravale tavern at no costs and there is no costs in the abbey either Rigel"He looks tried "Well I have recruited a couple more otters, an over excited vole who is a scout now and Rigel here, so far so good and Ferravale even found a couple new beasts to be guards there"
Oz sits down "As I told Misu earlier I fear things getting worse before better"   

Rigel nods as he listens to them both and looks around "The beaasts here do not seem...too worried about me as they were"   

Xander says, "They know your trustable now or else you would of not been allowed inside and a dibbun trusted you, dibbuns know who to trust and not trust when it counts, "

Oz says, "yes dibbuns do seem to know when one is trustworthy, and this one in a moment of unsureness"
Rigel says, "They were unsure of me at first but hey they just had their parents taken away and one ...killed. I ...did bury the dead hare, said a few kind words before I got the dibbun here and yes keep myself alert."   

Xander nods "I will let the other Defenders know your in the group now Rigel as well as leaders here and Ferravale as well"   

Oz nods "Thank you Rigel"   

Xander sighs as he sits quietly "I wonder if I should get some extra help or not"   

Rigel heads further inside to find a place to sleep, he needs it right now.

Oz walks over "From where Xander? I would be unsure whom to ask besides Camp Willow, if they are able, there is the guisom but they are sometimes hard to find, the sparrows I am sure will help if , I hope it doesn't happen, if fighting gets to the abbey gates or worse inside"   

Xander says, "Then lets hope they do not  get inside. The gates are fairly strong"   

Oz stands "Yes they are lets get inside and have some tea"   

Xander smiles as he stands "Tea would be nice, but can I make it this time?"   

Oz says, "You...make tea?"   

Xander says, "Yes...Uncle Zee taught me, he said it was an important part of my training, never understood it then, it...well sank in later"He hugs Oz and smiles " So..tea or not?"   

Oz returns the hug and nods "Yes, you can make the tea Xander"Come lets go" He will led the way to the kitchen and then back to cavern Hole to relax a little, drink some tea and just chat before dinner and maybe go to bed early

Last edited by oz (2018-07-08 10:36:25 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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