Redwall MUCK Forum

Redwall MUCK is an interactive, multiplayer text game set in Brian Jacques' Redwall universe.

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#1 2018-07-07 12:09:50 PM

Registered: 2016-11-20
Posts: 1,658

Ya Need to Recruit-Marek's Fate TP

Patch-Spy Rat, Annoying, Tavern Worker

Xander-Leader of The Mossflower Defenders

Karth-Archer in Mossflower Defenders


Starts in entry of Redwall, proceeds to Road and then Into Ferravale...

Patch was inside the abbey and the guards seem to keep a close eye on him as the rat snorted "What not gonna take anything...."He adds quietly "Today...looking for stripy" The two otters look at one another and shrug, as one asks "Who?"

Xander has recovered, for the most part as he sighs "Its ok...the rat is not much of a threat, what is wrong Patch you don't usually come inside unless there is a feast maybe"

Patch crosses his arms "What ever...The past couple days been stressful and no don't ask Stripy..anyways Marek needs ta talk to ya and seems I am a messenger now"

Karth steps over to where the two are chatting, curious as to what is going on now.

Xander tilts his head "Talk about what Patch and I was, against some certain healers wishes..was heading to check on some things at Defenders base anyways"He nods to Karth and disappears briefly to get his blade.

Patch says, "Recruiting more members fer Defenders...duhhhhh. Ormaz been quiet for a while but hey that wont last and we all know that""

Karth says, "Then we recruit I would agree with that. Quiet is not always a good thing"

Xander nods "I agree, let Marek know I planed on seeing whom may be interested in joining up...come on lets go before..."He frowns

Patch asks, "Before what?" He grows nervous"Something else happen?"

Karth mutters something "Just go..ok." He clearly dislikes the rat as he waits and heads out when Patch and Xander does "Is there any news, new issues sir?"

Xander makes his way to the road "None that I know of, no I wanted to leave before Angela noticed me gone and came looking for me, lets just say she is very moody and most likely will be very moody with the novice that helped me out of the infirm, but I have important things to do and I am better" He can left his arm a lot better now, there is soreness still but he should be fine, long as they don't run into like a horde or something.

Patch asks, "The old hag? Yeah I don't like her..move faster in fact" They lucky don't run into any trouble, much anyways just a couple lone weasels that can easily be fought off "Oh yeah that Bell tower thing..bell finally all fitted and tested and all that, what ever ...I for one am not interested in going I mean no one celebrated anything else being built or working"

Karth says, "A bell could be a big deal. A warning system or maybe a way to tell of a bad storm or other news. Unlike other things a bell tower is a big deal and much needed at times like this. A much better way to get needed attention"

Xander frowns "Patch...I would be careful what you say, one day your gonna regret your words."He then is quiet and adds "Well..your regret your words again"

Patch shakes his head"Oh she is not here, she is in the abbey and when did I ever get myself in trouble over words ?"

Karth just listens as they walk along the road, he keeps an eye out for trouble and stays alert. The couple lone vermin seem to leave them alone for now.

Xander says, "Lets see...that monitor for one. I think you upset Uncle Oz once, the abbot once, beats at Ferravale a few you need a list?""

Patch rolls his eyes "The monitor's name was laughable..Sparklefur.."He cackles a little and calms down and snorts " I am still alive arn't I."He is surprised he is as he does know trouble seems to like him, but its not his fault, ok maybe it is sometimes and sometimes its not as he is a spy after all and tries to keep up on news, some is shared and some is not.

Karth says, "I remember the monitor, monitors are dangerous beasts. I don't go near them unless forced to. And we are almost at Ferravale now sir"

Xander nods "Thanks Karth ok lets go to the tavern for now"

Patch glaces around and frowns "Something isn't right, not sure what it is but something isn't right in the air"

Karth mutters "Your breath most likely "He adjusts his longbow as they are now in the village.

Xander glaces over at the sea otter and hides a smile, but he also knows the rat is usually not one to be uneasy"What Patch?"

Patch says, "I don't know. I am gonna stay alert "He points to the Bell Tower, a few finishing touches but the bell works great " Bell Tower, bit different than the abbey's."

Karth nods "Its nice, taller maybe but that's need for a village after all"

Xander nods "Its nice. I bet Blisa is excited"

Patch nods and then blinks "Ok..something has the guards all stired up."And of course he has to find out what is going on, its his job to know things after all"Lets go check it out you two...well don't just stand thar!" He is already heading over to see what has happen.

Last edited by oz (2018-07-07 02:42:47 PM)

I play:
Brother Gorvenalus-Redwall Abbey Recorder,  Private Cole,a runner, of the Long Patrol
Oz( Yes named after Papa Oz) young adult and Novice in Redwall.


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